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The original arrangement

of the Upper Courtyard

of the Temple of Hatshepsut
in the light of recent
archaeological results

Abstract: The Temple of Hatshepsut was in use, and frequently

modified, between the 16th century BC and the 12th century AD.
From the beginning of the archaeological work at the site in the
19th century, one of the primary research goals has been
to understand the modifications made to the building since its
initial construction. The present paper provides an overview of the
different arguments and ideas proposed for the original configura-
tion of the Upper Courtyard in light of with evidence from recent
excavations between 2014 and 2016 in different parts of the court.
In 2000, architect Andrzej Kwaśnica argued for an unprecedented
arrangement of the architectural elements of the Upper Courtyard.
However, recent archaeological discoveries suggest that the
issue should be revisited. An examination of the foundations of
the Ptolemaic Portico columns has shown that the six bases may
have been in situ from the reign of Hatshepsut.

Keywords: Egypt, archaeology, architecture, temple, Hatshepsut,

courtyard, foundations, Temple of Hatshepsut, Upper Courtyard,
ancient Egyptian architecture

The Temple of Hatshepsut was the first of a series of

royal temples built in west-bank Thebes during the New
Kingdom. Like many other buildings in Egypt and be-
yond, the structure was reused and modified on several
occasions between its construction in the 16th century
BC and the last registered medieval activity at the site
Sergio Alarcón Robledo
in the 12th century AD. Despite a history of archaeologi-
cal work at the site going back to 1855, many important Department of Near Eastern
lines of research still remain to be pursued. Languages and Civilizations
Harvard University

Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 27/2

Alarcón Robledo 2018: 17–32
PAM 27/2 (2018)
DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.3170
EGYPT The original arrangement of the Upper Courtyard of the Temple of Hatshepsut...

This article is a product of my own work as a member of the Polish–Egyptian Archaeological and
Conservation Mission of the Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari between 2012 and 2016.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology
University of Warsaw for a warm welcome and especially to Dr. Zbigniew E. Szafrański from the PCMA
UW for his archaeological and egyptological counsel on my work, as well as for encouragement to
publish. I would also like to express my gratitude to my team colleagues, whose advice and help have
undoubtedly enriched this research. Finally, I thank Ben Gilding for checking my English. Needless
to say, the ideas presented in this paper are my responsibility and mine alone, as is any language
misunderstanding that may have escaped his review.
A preliminary version of the article entitled “Configuración original del patio de la terraza superior del
Templo Funerario de Hatshepsut en Deir el-Bahari” was published in Spanish in 2016 as part of the
digital proceedings of the 5th Iberian Congress of Egyptology held in March 2015 in Cuenca (Spain).

Sergio Alarcón Robledo EGYPT

Earlier research
The original form of the temple and the expounding of the main contributions to
reasons behind its modifications have the study of the issue and the evidence
been investigated ever since the times upon which they were based, followed by
of Henri Édouard Naville, who was a preliminary anaysis of the archaeologi-
in charge of the fieldwork at the site cal results of seasons 2014 to 2016, which
between 1893 and 1906. The Swiss archae- have suggested new directions for further
ologist and his architect, Somers Clarke, investigation.2
were the first to propose a theoretical It is in the aforementioned works
restitution of the initial temple (Naville of Naville and Clarke that the first ap-
1908: 17–31, Pls CLXIX and CLXXIII). proach to the subject of the original con-
Since then, understanding the initial figuration of the Upper Courtyard can
shape of the temple has been a central be found. The British-sponsored team
topic of research, as it constitutes a pri- published two different plans of the Up-
mary source of knowledge for the recon- per Terrace of the temple (Naville 1906:
struction of the site.1 Furthermore, under- Pl. CXIX; 1908: Pl. CLXXII), understand-
standing the shape and modifications of ing the courtyard as an uncovered space
the temple is a matter of broader interest surrounded by two rows of columns on
as it could, potentially, contribute to on- all its sides. The arrangement of the col-
going research of other New Kingdom umns was in both cases symmetrical and
temples, which are not as well preserved independent of both the niches of the
and which could have been influenced west retaining wall and the doorways to
by the structure that Hatshepsut built adjacent halls to the north and south of
(Karkowski 1983: 140). the courtyard [Fig. 1:a]. The only differ-
Clarifying variations in the shape of ence between the plan published in 1906
the structures of a temple, in which so and the one from 1908 is the north–south
many different teams and archaeologists intercolumnation, which was shortened
have worked, is a difficult and oftentimes in the later version. As a result, the 1906
controversial task. The present article proposal had 14 columns on the western
examines the progress made in the Upper and eastern sides of the courtyard, while
Courtyard, which is a particularly com- the later plan suggested that these rows
plex part of the temple. It begins with an had 16 columns.

1 In 1961, the Polish Archaeological and Conservation Mission of the Temple of Hatshepsut at
Deir el-Bahari initiated the study, conservation and reconstruction of the temple, concen-
trating on the Upper Terrace. The first stage of the reconstruction was concluded in 2000,
when the Coronation Portico and the Upper Courtyard were opened to the public. Since
then, reconstruction and conservation efforts have focused on the complexes adjacent to the
Upper Courtyard. As a result, the so-called Solar Cult Complex was opened in February 2015,
and the Sanctuary of Amun in December 2017. The Polish team is currently focusing on the
study and conservation of the Royal Cult Complex.
2 More on the archaeological fieldwork in Alarcón Robledo 2017 and Iwaszczuk 2017: 100–110.

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EGYPT The original arrangement of the Upper Courtyard of the Temple of Hatshepsut...

Karkowski 1983 A. Kwaśnica, 2000 (2001; Szafrański 2001)

Fig. 1. The original configuration of the Upper Courtyard of the Temple of Hatshepsut according to
different researchers (Drawing S. Alarcón Robledo)

Sergio Alarcón Robledo EGYPT

Discussing the evidence upon which the floor of the courtyard proper. Actu-
the British team based these proposals, ally, a close analysis of the pavement in the
Naville wrote that the Upper Court “was early 1960s resulted in the conclusion that
originally surrounded by a double col- “only in a few spots the pavement has been
onnade, of which nothing now remains left in its original form” (Dąbrowski 1964:
in place except a few bases … , and four 47). Numerous blocks that composed the
columns worked up into the later porch surface of the courtyard were found to
of the entrance to the central speos or be reused decorated blocks, which indi-
Sanctuary on the west side, which have cates that secondary paving activity had
been re-cut to harmonize with the later occurred at some point.
work. But from these and other evidenc- The next relevant contribution to this
es it is possible to recover the original subject came in the early 1960s with a study
design with a considerable degree of of the original configuration of the court-
certainty” (Naville 1906: 1). There is no yard by the architect Leszek Dąbrowski
further explanation of what is meant at the beginning of the Polish work at the
by ‘other evidences’. In a later publica- site. In 1961–1962, Dąbrowski began an in-
tion of 1908, Somers Clarke added that depth study of the courtyard, focusing on
“… we were able to trace the position and four key points: the analysis and restitu-
plan of the columns of the upper colon- tion of the columns; the examination of the
nade by the marks left on the floor by the bases in situ; the study of the architraves;
masons, so we can identify the positions and the comparative research of the space
and forms of the colonnades surrounding with other structures. In his first publica-
this court” (Naville 1908: 25). There is no tion on the topic, Dąbrowski (1964) intro-
further mention of these mason marks in duced a ground-breaking idea: he proposed
the literature, nor is there any published that the space which had previously been
photographic evidence. What Clarke conceived exclusively as a courtyard could
meant is thus unclear and could only be have been a hypostyle hall [Fig. 1:b]. In simi-
corroborated inside the temple by certain larity to the nearby temple of Mentuhopet
chisel marks found and recorded in the II and the Hathor and Anubis Sanctuaries
lower part of some walls of the temple (for of Hatshepsut’s own temple, this hypostyle
marks of this kind, see, e.g., Wysocki 1987: hall would have preceded the main sanctu-
274; Karkowski 2003: 35), but not on the ary (Dąbrowski 1964: 51). He thus suggested
surface of the floor as the British architect a plan in which columns filled the entire
indicated. It is possible that Clarke was space instead of surrounding an open court-
referring to the marks extant on the up- yard (Dąbrowski 1964: Pl. II).
per surface of some of the column bases, The progress of the archaeological
which are attested on some of the bases works at the temple, as well as the close
in the courtyard (Dąbrowski 1964: 50) examination of the results obtained by
and are presented in one of the plates of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, forced
Naville’s publication (Naville 1908: Pl. Dabrowski to reexamine his theory (see
CLXXI-5), but there is no drawing or Winlock 1942). He thus made a second
further evidence of any mason marks on proposal, wherein he admitted the exist-

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EGYPT The original arrangement of the Upper Courtyard of the Temple of Hatshepsut...

ence of an open space at the center of the of columns on its northern, southern
hypostyle hall [Fig. 1:c]. Apart from the and western sides, and two on its east-
symmetry of the outlined structure, the ern side, with the central area covered by
coexistence of two architectural orders a higher roof supported on larger columns
should be noted in this second proposal. (Lipińska 1977: Pl. III). This idea had al-
Dąbrowski suggested that the uncovered ready been suggested by Dąbrowski when
central part of the courtyard was bordered the excavation of the temple of Tuthmo-
by 22 columns of a larger size (Dąbrowski sis III was in its initial stages (Dąbrowski
1970). Should that have been the case, it 1968: 135), but was ultimately discarded
would have been unprecedented, although due to a lack of supporting archaeological
sparking an evolution of the design in the evidence (Karkowski 1983: 147).
adjacent temple of Tuthmosis III, where The architect Zygmunt Wysocki con-
the central part of the hypostyle hall was tinued Dąbrowki’s investigations of the
covered by a higher roof, supported by original configuration of the colonnade
larger columns. The increased roof height of the Upper Courtyard, ultimately re-
opened the possibility of natural light jecting his revolutionary ideas (Wysocki
streaming into the hall through windows 1973: 257; 1980: 59). Upon reexamination
opened between the two roofs. From an of the column bases, shafts and decora-
architectural point of view, this struc- tion, Wysocki concluded that the small
tural solution constituted an important number of fragments of the smaller col-
step forward; one which could have in- umns (Wysocki 1980: 56) and the sup-
fluenced later architecture, as attested by porting points on the architraves could
similar spatial configurations in later New be interpreted only if all of the columns
Kingdom constructions, such as the great originally set in this courtyard were of the
hypostyle hall at Karnak and the halls of same size. The restitution of these resulted
the Ramesseum and the temple at Medi- in a total height of 4.945 m from the top
net Habu (Karkowski 1983: 147, note 22). surface of the base to the underside of the
Given these architectural parallels, this architraves. Regarding the smaller col-
configuration would have been plausible, umns, it is likely that they did not belong
but further research led to its rejection. to this part of the temple, or if they did,
Jadwiga Lipińska suggested a similar they would have been set in a character-
idea for the layout of the temple court- istic place, upon a platform or plinth that
yard without, however, studying it in would increase their height sufficiently
detail. She considered the similar size to reach the architraves (Wysocki 1980:
and proportions of the courtyard and 69; Karkowski 1983: 145). Consequently,
the hypostyle hall of the nearby temple Wysocki proposed a new plan of the
of Tuthmosis III and proposed to take courtyard (Wysocki 1980: Fig. 9) with two
them as reference (Lipińska 1977: 35–36). rows of columns on the northern, south-
Thus, in Lipińska’s proposal, the arrange- ern and eastern sides, and three rows in
ment of the columns in the courtyard of the west [Fig. 1:d].
Hatshepsut’s temple resembled that of Working concurrently with Wysocki,
the neighboring temple with three rows Janusz Karkowski proposed a plan of the

Sergio Alarcón Robledo EGYPT

courtyard with three rows of columns to in a study of the original disposition of

the north, south and west of the court- the architraves throughout the temple
yard, and two rows on the east (Karkow- and conclusions reached in studies of the
ski 1983) [Fig. 1:e]. His ideas were grounded decoration of the column shafts.

State of research in 2011

In the 1990s, the architect Andrzej of the nine proposed by all the earlier
Kwaśnica returned to the issue, carry- researchers (Kwaśnica 2001: 92).
ing out a very detailed analysis of the One piece of evidence on which he
elements that could shed light on the based his conclusions was an architrave
position and changes made to the colon- with a preserved minimal length of 2.75 m
nade in the Upper Courtyard. Starting (Kwaśnica 2001: 92).3 This led Kwaśnica to
from the proposal made by Wysocki, he assert that the distance between the col-
reexamined the in situ location of the umns ought to have been longer somewhere
column bases as well as the decoration in the courtyard, which would not be sur-
of the column shafts. His most impor- prising, considering that it was a common
tant contribution came from an in- solution when enlarging walkways through
depth study of the architraves in terms colonnades. There are two examples of this
of both form and decoration, as well as practice in the courtyard, where the col-
a review of their supporting points upon umns flanking the main axis of the temple
the courtyard walls, made possible by allow for a wider path into the courtyard
the progress in the reconstruction of the and the Amun Sanctuary. Kwaśnica sug-
decoration of these walls, which was al- gested a similar design for the walkway to
most complete at the end of the 1990s the entrance of the Royal Cult Complex
(Kwaśnica 2001: 81–87). located on the southern side of the Upper
The supporting points of the archi- Terrace. The points where the architraves
traves enabled Kwaśnica to calculate the were set upon the south wall indicate that
distance between the rows of columns the arrangement was similar to that of the
as 2.40 m from one column axis to the above-mentioned walkways, breaking the
next. Kwaśnica argued that this length continuity of the architraves rows, and
suited that of the preserved architraves, turning them towards the doorway [Fig. 1:f].
which varied between 2.30 m and 2.50 m. Another noteworthy contribution
Given this interrelationship, he assumed made by Kwaśnica was based on his analy-
this distance to be the general interco- sis of the decoration of the architraves. As
lumnium of the courtyard. He then drew attested in other parts of the temple, the
a theoretical grid over the plan of the reliefs on blocks exposed to direct sunlight
courtyard and suggested 10 columns on were sculpted in sunken relief, whereas
the northern and southern sides instead those in the shade bore inscriptions made in

3 This particular architrave is damaged at one end, preventing us from conclusively determining
its original dimensions (Kwasnica 2001: 92).

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EGYPT The original arrangement of the Upper Courtyard of the Temple of Hatshepsut...

bas-relief. Some of the preserved architrave and west of the courtyard, and three of
fragments are decorated with bas-reliefs, them to the east, the third of which would
but it is possible to appreciate an earlier have been added at a later stage of the
decoration in sunken relief on their sur- construction process [Fig. 1:f]. The asym-
face. Kwaśnica interpreted this as proof metry of the plan, which derives from
that another row of columns was added the elongation of the columns’ distance
on one of the sides of the courtyard once on the pathway to the Royal Cult Com-
it had been built and fully decorated. plex, is particularly remarkable. Thus, the
This new row would have placed a whole northern side of the courtyard would have
line of architraves, previously exposed to originally been composed of 10 columns,
sunlight, in the shade, thus necessitating whereas the southern one would have had
the replacement of sunken relief decora- nine. Kwaśnica was aware of the atypical
tion with bas-reliefs (Kwaśnica 2001: 94). character of this unprecedented configura-
The new plan of the courtyard that tion; he argued it based on the complexity
Kwaśnica proposed—based on a thorough of the temple, the modifications that it
investigation, the main points of which underwent during the original construc-
have been summarized here— consisted of tion,4 and the compositional issues that its
two rows of columns to the north, south, builders had to face (Kwaśnica 2001: 97).

Fig. 2. General view of the Upper Courtyard of the temple, during the excavations of the foundations
of the Ptolemaic Portico (S1/14) (PCMA UW Deir el-Bahari Temple of Hatshepsut Project/
photo D. Wieczorek, 2014)

4 See the detailed study by Zygmunt Wysocki on the construction of the temple of Hatshepsut
and the successive modifications during the process (Wysocki 1986; 1992). He essentially

Sergio Alarcón Robledo EGYPT

Recent archaeological results

One of the main reasons why Wysocki observed between the heights of bases
proposed three rows of columns on the J-1/i-2 and J-2/i-2 [Fig. 3]. The sub-
west side of the courtyard as opposed soil of these bases (trench S1/14)
to the east side [see Fig. 1:d] was the was uncovered in search of evidence
assumption that the bases upon which for the two easternmost bases be-
the Ptolemaic Portico stood [Fig. 2] ing added by the Ptolemaic builders.
had not been moved since the initial Otherwise, the results would confirm that
construction took place and that the they were still in their original positions,
Ptolemaic builders followed the ex- as Wysocki believed.
tant disposition of columns while set- Contrary to Kwaśnica’s ideas, the exca-
ting it up (Wysocki 1980: 69). Agreeing vations revealed that the bases were care-
with Naville’s idea, Kwasnica wrote: fully set on foundation blocks, designed to
“… The Ptolemaic architects had indeed transfer their structural load to the bedrock
used the extant column bases to set up [Fig. 4]. Such foundation blocks had been
their columns, but only the first four attested earlier, for instance, in the excava-
counting from the Sanctuary. They added tion of the substructure of the south wall of
two more on the east, as indicated by the the courtyard (Stefanowicz 1991; Szafrański
level of the tops of these bases, which is 1995). The blocks found underneath bases
in both cases 6 cm above that of the other P-1 and P-2 have the necessary thickness
four resting in situ. The ancient Egyptians allowing the upper surface of the bases to
could not have allowed such a bump to be set at the proper height of the courtyard
appear right in front of the entrance to pavement, which suggests that the setting
the Sanctuary” (Kwaśnica 2001: 89). He of the bases and of the foundations was
also stated that “… no attention was paid most likely part of the same architectural
to leveling the ground under these two undertaking. This is even more apparent
new bases” (Kwaśnica 2001: 90). when we consider that not all the base
In 2013, total station measurements blocks in the courtyard have the same
of the height of these bases revealed thickness. According to Kwaśnica, the two
a maximum difference of 3 cm of the eastern bases of the portico were added in
northern base (P-15), and 4 cm of the Ptolemaic times (Kwaśnica 2001: 89); had
southern one (P-2) with respect to bas- that been the case, the foundations would
es J-1 and i-1. A similar difference was have been placed there at the same time.
divided the building work into two phases. Worth mentioning is his idea that Tuthmosis II
may have been responsible for the first stage of temple construction. Nevertheless, no foun-
dation deposits have been found in confirmation of this theory. In fact, a thorough analysis of
foundation deposits from the site argues in favor of the idea that Hatshepsut was responsible
for the construction of the temple from the very beginning (Spence 2007).
5 The number scheme of the columns follows the one established by Kwaśnica (Szafrański 2001:
191) except for the easternmost ones, now designated as P-1 and P-2, which Kwaśnica had not
numbered, thinking them to be added by the Ptolemaic builders.

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127,718 m. AMSL

127,962 m. AMSL

128,322 m. AMSL

128,350 m. AMSL

J-1 i-1 P- 1

128,338 m. AMSL

127,845 m. AMSL

128,394 m. AMSL

128,542 m. AMSL
128,685 m. AMSL 128,248 m. AMSL

128,236 m. AMSL


127,851 m. AMS (Gebel)

128,299 m. AMSL
128,299 m. AMSL

J-2 i-2 P-2

128,341 m. AMSL
N 128,304 m. AMSL

128,308 m. AMSL

127,791 m. AMSL
0 m. 0,5 m. 1 m. 2 m. (Gebel)
128,220 m. AMSL 127,979 m. AMSL

Fig. 3. Trench S1/14: plan showing the Ptolemaic Portico with the foundations uncovered (PCMA UW Deir el-Bahari Temple of Hatshepsut Project/
The original arrangement of the Upper Courtyard of the Temple of Hatshepsut...

drawing S. Alarcón Robledo)

Sergio Alarcón Robledo EGYPT

The question that arises is whether the courtyard. It seems strange and somehow
bases and the foundation blocks were all unlikely, from an architectural perspective,
set in the times of Hatshepsut or at the that the Ptolemaic builders would have
time when the Ptolemaic builders were excavated the courtyard down to bedrock
preparing to construct the portico. just to give the corner bases an appropriate
A detailed analysis of the foundation foundation, while setting the rest of the
blocks revealed a dipinto on the surface of wall directly on the extant pavement with-
one of those underneath base P-2. These out structural reinforcement of any kind.
chromatic marks, of a rosy tone, are A piece of diorite was found embedded
related to the techniques and progress in the trench section between bases i-2 and
of block production, from quarrying to P-2 [see Fig. 3]. Diorite is a highly tough
different stages of work on their surfac- rock which was often used for working
es at the temple (Wieczorek 2010; 2015). red granite. The most plausible hypothesis
According to Dawid Wieczorek, the dipinto is that this fragment splintered off from
found on the surface of the block proves that a tool used on the surface of the doorjambs
it was brought in and shaped rather roughly or lintel of either the entrance to the Amun
during the construction of the temple in the Sanctuary or the doorway that enters the
times of Hatshepsut. courtyard from the Upper Portico. This
The section cut through the subsoil also suggests that the red granite brought
upon which the Ptolemaic portico is set, to the site was not fully dressed, as was the
which was examined in the space be- case of softer stones. In either case, these
tween the bases of the Ptolemaic portico, stone elements were incorporated into the
revealed that the portico walls were built temple in the times of Hatshepsut, and
directly on the pavement of the preexisting considering that there is no evidence of any

Fig. 4. Trench S1/14: view of the uncovered foundations under column base P-1 (PCMA UW Deir
el-Bahari Temple of Hatshepsut Project/photo D. Wieczorek, 2014)

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EGYPT The original arrangement of the Upper Courtyard of the Temple of Hatshepsut...

Fig. 5. General view of trench S1/15, excavated in 2015 (PCMA UW Deir el-Bahari Temple of Hatshep-
sut Project/photo M. Jawornicki, 2015)


Sergio Alarcón Robledo EGYPT

127,653 m. AMSL

128,033 m. AMSL

128,042 m. AMSL

127,629 m. AMSL 127,682 m. AMSL

127,682 m. AMSL P

128,196 m. AMSL

128,299 m. AMSL

Fig. 6. Plan of trench S1/15, showing cement and plastic present in some parts of the excavated area
i-8 P



128,193 m. AMSL
127,708 m. AMSL

(PCMA UW Deir el-Bahari Temple of Hatshepsut Project/drawing S. Alarcón Robledo)

127,726 m. AMSL

127,727 m. AMSL

127,812 m. AMSL

127,918 m. AMSL
128,226 m. AMSL
128,185 m. AMSL 128,229 m. AMSL

IV - 12
128,287 m. AMSL
127,959 m. AMSL 127,866 m. AMSL

127,675 m. AMSL C

i - 12 127,748 m. AMSL

C C: Cement.
P: Plastic.
128,174 m. AMSL P
N: New Block.

0 m. 0,5 m. 1 m. 2 m.


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EGYPT The original arrangement of the Upper Courtyard of the Temple of Hatshepsut...

red granite or diorite Ptolemaic features in be in situ. The trench corresponded to the
the temple, we can tentatively contextual- southern half of the alleged third row of
ize the archaeological layers underneath columns. Cement and modern plastic
the south wall of the portico as belonging found over a considerable part of the bed-
to the construction period of the temple rock surface in the trench proved that the
in Hatshepsut’s time. place had already been excavated down to
A pottery rim sherd found between bedrock, leaving no evidence of value for
base P-1 and the foundation block under- the issue at hand. A few roughly worked
neath (which bears the said dipinto) was not blocks were found to the north of the ce-
diagnostic, as it sits equally well in the early ment [Figs 5, 6], but the mixed material
New Kingdom and the Ptolemaic period and the inconsistency of the layers among
(S. Marchand and Z.E. Szafrański, personal the blocks made it apparent that they had
communication). been removed from their original setting.
Based on the fact that the bases un- The space between bases i-12 and
derneath the eastern end of the Ptolemaic IV-12 was also excavated in the hope of find-
Portico were properly set on foundations, ing foundations for comparison with those
in 2015 the team excavated trench S1/15, of the Ptolemaic Portico. The bases were
which corresponds to the area where the thick enough to reach bedrock without the
third row of columns ought to have been, need for foundation blocks. Furthermore,
if it had ever existed, working on the as- cement was found under both of them,
sumption that, although the bases were proving that their substructures had been
not in place, their foundations could still modified in modern times [see Figs 5, 6].

The results of recent archaeological time of Hatshepsut. The other blocks do
excavations in the Upper Courtyard have not show any dipinto on the visible faces,
reopened an avenue of research closed for which would verify a common origin, but
the past two decades. The examination of the similar manner of dressing and pres-
the trenches underneath the Ptolemaic ervation make this most likely.
portico revealed the careful arrangement 3) The chisel work on the base blocks,
of the setting of bases P-1 and P-2. The as well as their state of preservation, are
dating of this arrangement is supported similar to those of other bases which were
by the following evidence: set in the times of Hatshepsut.
1) The fact that the thickness of the 4) The fragment of diorite found in the
foundation blocks is perfect for allowing archaeological layers underneath the portico
the bases P-1 and P-2 to reach the level of in between bases i-2 and P-2, and the lack of
the pavement strongly suggests that both any later material evidence within it, attests
the foundations and the base blocks were to the presumably undisturbed nature of
set at the same time. these layers since the times of Hatshepsut.
2) At least one of the foundation The archaeological data, even at this
blocks was dressed most certainly in the preliminary stage of the analysis, sug-

Sergio Alarcón Robledo EGYPT

gests that bases P-1 and P-2 may have re- least four columns making up the northern
mained in situ since the construction of the and southern fronts of the open part of the
temple. If so, then it follows that the courtyard (Wysocki 1980: 63).
existence of at least three rows of col- A further and more in-depth review of
umns on the western side of the courtyard the various arguments analyzed herein is
in its original configuration cannot be necessary to render them compatible with
excluded. This is incompatible, however, the more recent achaeological evidence. This
with the three rows of columns, suggested would provide a more certain account of the
by Kwaśnica, on the eastern side, because development of this part of the temple over
according to the studies of the decoration of time ever since its first construction during
the column shaft there ought to have been at the reign of Hatshepsut.

Sergio Alarcón Robledo ORCID 0000-0003-2687-8084 How to cite this article:

Department of Near Eastern Languages Alarcón Robledo, S. (2018).
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