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Acta A s t r o n a u t i c a Vol. 30, pp. 2 8 9 - 3 1 0 , 1993 0094-5765/93 $6.00 + 0.

Printed in Great Britain Pergamon Press Ltd

Exploration of Pluto
Robert I_ Staehle, Douglas S. Abraham, John B. Carraway, Paul J. Esposito, Christopher
G. Salvo, Richard J. Terrile, Richard A. Wallace and Stacy S. Weinstein
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91109
USA, and

Elaine Hansen, Colorado Space Grant Consortium, University of Colorado, Boulder,

Colorado 80309 USA

Pluto is the last known planet in our Solar System awaiting spacecraft reconnaissance.
In its eccentric orbit taking it 50 AU from the Sun, Pluto presently has a thin atmosphere containing
m e t h a n e , which is projected to "collapse" back to the icy planet's surface in about three decades,
following Pluto's 1989 perihelion pass at 30 AU. Based on ground and Earth-orbit-based observing
capabilities limited by Pluto's small size and extreme distance, present top-priority scientific questions
for the first mission concern Pluto and Charon's surface geology, morphology and composition, and
Pluto's neutral atmosphere composition.

Budgetary realities preclude a large, many-instrument flyby spacecraft, while distance and launch energy
requirements preclude any but the smallest orbiter using presently available launch vehicles and pro-
pulsion techniques. A NASA-sponsored Pluto Mission Development activity began this year. Two alter-
native cost-constrained mission implementations are described, based on which a primary implementa-
tion will be chosen. The Pluto Fast Flyby (PFF) mission utilizes an 83 kg (dry) spacecraft launched in
1998 aboard a Titan IV(SRMU)/Centaurfor an - 7 year direct trajectory to Pluto. Instruments dascribed
are an integrated CCD-imaging/ultraviolet spectrometer, with a possible integrated infrared spectrometer.
The larger Pluto-350 spacecraft, -316 kg, carries a broader instrument set, greater redundancy, and
requires >11 year flight time launching in 2001 aboard a Delta or Atlas, toward Earth and Jupiter
swingbys to provide the energy to reach Pluto. Launch by Proton is under consideration.

Both mission implementations store data during the brief encounter, to be played back over several
months. Cost is the primary design driver of both alternatives, with major tradeoffs between spacecraft
development, launch services, radioisotope thermoelectric generator procurement and launch approval,
and mission operations. Significant benefits are apparent from incorporating 'microspacecraft"
technologies from Earth orbiters.

Introduction criteria. Two alternative spacecraft have been

defined for different mission implementations.
The objective of the present Pluto Mission Launch vehicle selection, mission operations and
Development activity is to be satisfied by a science instrumentation are likely to be rather
scientific understanding of Pluto and its environs different depending on whether a 100 kg-class
at a level comparable to that of the other outer spacecraft is chosen instead of a 300 kg-class.
planets, enabled by data returned from recon- The smaller, dubbed the Pluto Very Small (PVS)
naissance spacecraft. The present implementa- spacecraft, flies what we have termed the Pluto
tion options are driven by 1) the need for limited Fast Flyby (PFF) trajecto~ from Earth to Pluto
expenditures to meet today's fiscal constraints, off a Titan-IV/Centaur with two solid propellant
2) the need to meet key scientific measurement upper stages. If the Solid Rocket Motor Upgrade
objectives to make best use of our first oppor- (SRMU) is available, flight time is - 7 years;
tunity to visit Pluto and Charon with spacecraft, otherwise flight time is - 8 years. The larger,
and 3) the need for a high probability of success referred to as Pluto Flyby 350 (PF350), carries a
in obtaining the highest priority measurements. broader instrument set and greater redundancy.
Work to date, which began in 1992 In a tradeoff of launch vehicle cost on one hand
January, has focused on two end-to-end flyby vs. flight time, spacecraft size and cost on the
mission concepts, with initial examination of an other hand,the Pluto-350 baseline uses Earth and
orbiter mission. Developmental design has been Jupiter swingbys to achieve a flyby 11 + years
undertaken with cost foremost in mind, followed after launch, but cannot best be launched until
by schedule and performance as secondary 2001, aboard a Delta or Atlas.

Copyright o 1992 by the International Astronautical Federation. All r!ghts reserved.

290 4.¢rd IAF Congre:~,s

A Pluto Orbiter mission was examined with a its orbital period is 248 years, only a short portion
35 kg baseline spacecraft and 16+ year flight of Pluto's year has been sampled. An excellent
time. It was to follow a similar Earth-to-Jupiter summary of present-day knowledge and uncer-
path as the PF350, with a liquid propel-lant stage tainties about Pluto is contained in the review
to execute a deep space maneuver between paper by S. A. Stern, 1 from which much of what
launch and Earth flyby. The same solid rocket follows is drawn. Pluto is known to have a thin
motors which are to propel the PFF mis-sion on atmosphere and a relatively large moon, Charon,
their way to Pluto were instead to be used to slow orbiting at a distance of about 20,000 kin.
the Orbiter down just before reaching Pluto, after Methane is a constituent of the surface and
which a small onboard propulsion subsystem atmosphere but little else is known about other
would insert the space-craft into orbit. components. Interest in Pluto has increased
Unfortunately, with reasonably projected tech- since the 1989 Voyager 2 encounter with
nology availability between now and the 2001 Neptune's moon Triton. Triton is a near twin
launch, it was not possible to provide a 35 kg of Pluto in size and albedo and has revealed an
spacecraft with useful science capability or extremely complex geology, active surface
sufficient reliability. For the 100+ kg required to eruptions, polar ice caps, seasonal volatile
support a useful payload and return its data, flight changes and limb hazes. Only a spacecraft
times exceed 18-20 years, making reliability diffi- encounter can provide this kind of information.
cult to achieve and dramatically reducing the Pluto is now just past perihelion--as it moves
mission's perceived value. Work on the Pluto away from the Sun its atmosphere is condensing.
Orbiter has been discontinued in favor of the It is essential that Pluto be explored before the
more viable flyby options. 2020's when its atmosphere will be frozen onto its
This paper serves as a status report about surface for the next two centuries.
half-way into the first year of work toward the first Key questions about Pluto and Charon
mission to Pluto. Some details and option concern the origin of this "dual-planet" system
choices will have changed between prepa-ration and its relationship to the rest of the Solar
in June and presentation in September, as the System. While reasonable theoretical limits have
mission development activity is moving at a fast been proposed, it is impossible to resolve the
pace. The actual mission implementation method mass and density of either body separately-only
selected will be somewhat of a blend between the the aggregate is known. The radii of the two
PFF and PF350 options described here. Neither bodies are reasonably well estimated based on
represents precisely the spacecraft which is the mutual occultation events measured during
expected to fly, but comparison of the two serves the 1980s. From the combined system mass we
to illustrate many of the difficult choices which are can infer that Pluto has a substantial rocky
required to mount an ambitious, and by any component. A very tenuous atmosphere contain-
accounting, costly, mission. ing methane has been detected around Pluto
To provide a sense of size and assist with using a stellar occultation, while water ice is
engineering layout of spacecraft components, indicated on Charon and methane ice on Pluto.
heat sources, the antenna and various sensors, a At surface temperatures of perhaps 40K, methane
full-size mockup of the present PFF spacecraft ice relaxes over geologic time scales for larger
baseline has been built by students at the topographic features, while water ice behaves
Califomia Institute of Technology and is expected more like terrestrial rock. Thus, there is 'the
to be on display in Washington at the time of this speculative but interesting possibility that Pluto's
conference. These and other students are inte- surface may harbor only the record of more
gral members of the Pluto Team, working with recent impacts, while Charon's harbors a long-
engineers and scientists at JPL University of term integrated flux. One awaits a spacecraft
Colorado, Science Applications International mission to learn if this indeed is the case. "~
Corp., NASA Headquarters, and elsewhere. Ground-based measurements have
shown that Pluto's surface reflectance varies, with
Science Overview some longitudinal variations and asymmetrical
polar caps. 2 Charon is also thought to have at
Since the discovery of Pluto in 1930 least subtle surface markings. With at least a
by Clyde Tombaugh, very little has been learned transient atmosphere, there is a mechanism on
about its nature. Pluto's inclined and eccentric Pluto for material transport, such as by frost
orbit of the Sun carries it between 30 and 50 AU submimation. On both bodies, radiation effects
so Pluto exhibits a wide seasonal range. Since may cause surface chemistry changes resulting in
43rd 1AF Congress 291

color and brightness variations beyond what nature of the atmosphere. Our present thrust is
would be caused by impacts alone. No doubt to test the hypothesis that these top-priority
there is much to learn, just as with every other objectives can be met within the cost, size, and
first planetary encounter! mission time constraints of a very small space-
According to Alan Stern, 'Any viable theory craft mission. To do so will require new devel-
for Pluto's origin must provide a self-consistent opments in instrumentation, described in the
explanation for the major attributes of the Pluto- •Pluto Very Small Implementation Option" section.
Charon system. These include: (3 the existence With modest coverage of the Category la objec-
of the binary's exceptionally low, --6:1 tives, the PVS option could provide comparable
planet:satellite mass ratio; (i0 the synchronisity of or better scientific coverage of Pluto and Charon
Pluto's rotation period with Charon's orbit period than was provided by Voyager at Triton.
(6.39 days); (ii~ Pluto's inclined, elliptical, Alternatively, a more comprehensive
Neptune-rasonant orbit; (iv) the high axial 'strawman" payload, also defined by the Outer
obliquity of Pluto's spin axis and Charon's Planets Science Working Group, is being utilized
apparent alignment with it; (v) Pluto's small mass to drive the PF350 design. With up to five
(--10 -4 of Uranus and Neptune); (v0 Pluto's high instruments and a 30 kg mass allocation, new
rock content-the highest among all the outer instrument development will be required for this
planets and their major satellites; and (vi~ the implementation, but perhaps less aggressive than
dichotomous surface compositions of Pluto and required for the PVS option in the case of any
Charon. "1 Using Hubble, Extreme Ultraviolet single instrument. With more instruments and
Explorer, and other satellite and ground-based greater complexity, overall spacecraft and
data, some more information about Pluto and instrument costs will be higher for the PF350
Charon will be deduced before the first spacecraft option, and arrival at Pluto would be much later,
arrivas, but any successful mission will revolu- but science coverage would be much more com-
tionize our knowledge of the planet and its prehensive than provided by Voyager at Triton.
The science goals and measurement Launch Vehicle & Trajectory Analysis
objectives for a first reconnaissance mission to
Pluto were formulated and prioritized by NASA's Synopsis
Outer Planets Science Working Group (OPSWG),
as noted in Table 1. The three category "la" To arrive at Pluto early, only direct trajectories
science objectives were identified as the highest have low flight times and avoid the need to await
priority required for this first mission, with the 'lb" proper alignment of Jupiter. The PFF baseline
and '1c" category objectives considered desirable takes advantage of these benefits. Such
but non-essential. missions require a large launch vehicle (Titan- or
Proton-class) and extra stages with a small
Table 1. Pluto Core Measurement Objectives (no spacecraft. Once spacecraft mass is too high for
ranking intended within categories). an attractive direct flight time, as in the PF350
baseline, then smaller launch vehicles (Delta- and
Neutral Atmosphere la Atlas-class) may be used along with differing
Geology & Morphology la Jupiter gravity assist trajectories, with the
Surface Composition Mapping la disadvantages of constrained launch date, late
arrival, and long trip time.
Ionosphere lb
Bolometric Bond Albedo lb Interplanetary Traiectory Options 3
Surface Temperature Mapping lb
A wide range of trajectory types to Pluto are
Energetic Particles lc available for missions using low-mass spacecraft
Bulk Parameters (R, M, p) lc in the late 1990's through the early 2000's. The
Magnetic Field lc goal is to select the trajectory which will minimize
Additional Satellites lc flight time, launch energy (C3), and post-launch
&V while providing desirable launch and back-up
The goal of an initial reconnaissance of the opportunities, especially if two spacecraft on
Pluto-Charon system is to understand the separate launches are to be considered. A key
physical and geological processes on the surface, consideration is launch energy, since that, along
the surface composition and the composition and with the spacecraft mass, dictates the set of
292 43rd IAF Congress

launch vehicles which can be used for a given back-up trajectories exist which actually have
flig~ time. greater mission performance. The problem is the
Only ballistic (high-thrust) trajectories were actual value of launch energy. Fast flight times
considered in this analysis; these transfers require large launch energies; few launch vehicles
include: direct (DIR), Jupiter Gravity Assist (JGA), can inject mass to C3s much over 110 km2/sec 2,
2- and 3-year Earth Jupiter Gravity Assists so upper stages are required. 4 Alternatively, in
(2,3-&VEJGAs), and combinations of Venus Earth order to have a fast flight time without
Jupiter Gravity Assists (VEJGAs). While augmenting the launch vehicle, gravity assist
solar-electric and nuclear-electric (low-thrust) trajectories must be used.
systems are estimated to be able to provide
better performance than chemical propulsion,
they have not been included in this analysis since CM
schedule and cost uncertainties make these 400 1
technologies unlikely candidates for these cost 350'
classes. 300 '
Figure 1 shows launch opportunity vs. C 3 250'
for the various trajectory types discussed below. $
,- 200
The shading indicates approximate post-launch
t-- 150 2004
&V requirements for flight times of approximately
loo Launch
7 - 15 years.
0 , '. ! : : : : : : : I I ~ t ~ ~ ~ '. ! ! !

150 -I EE.Z 5 7 9 1t !3 15
Flight Time to Pluto, yrs
400 I rl Post-Launch&v,
km/sec Figure 2. Launch Energy vs. Flight Time for
WIll JGA JGA Direct Trajectories to Pluto.
III = 0-1
1001-11 m 1-2 Direct with Jupiter Gravity Assist
III • 2-3
III • >3 Jupiter is the only outer planet with the
proper orbital phasing and mass to provide a
e~ I I I DIRECT beneficial gravity assist to Pluto in the timeframe
60 JJ I,aunch any 3+A,VEJ of interest. By launching to Jupiter enroute to
111year) )v" T Pluto instead of going to Pluto directly, the launch
energy is reduced to the 100 - 120 km2/sec 2
range. Relative motion of Jupiter and Pluto yields
only three JGA launch years per Jupiter-Pluto
synodic period (roughly 12.5 years); the next set
occurs in 2003 - 2005. As shown in Figure 1, of
. . . . HI EVV • v v J ~ v | ~vlli!t,~ these opportunities, the 2004 launch is the best
since flight time, post-launch &V, and launch
energy are minimized for a conservative Jupiter
1998 2000 2002 2004 flyby constraint (see below).
Launch Date Jupiter Flyby Distance Constraint. Jupiter
has a severe radiation environment. The potential
Figure 1. Pluto Flyby Trajectory Types for accumulating significant electron and proton
radiation doses can be quite high inside 14 Rj
Direct and could cause lasting damage to the space-
craft and its instruments. There is also danger
Conceptually, the simplest trajectory goes of single-event upsets due to high energy par-
direct from Earth to Pluto. Since no gravity ticles which may ultimately cause no permanent
assists are used, there is a yearly launch oppor- damage to the parts but may cause errant com-
tunity. Figure 2 is a plot of C 3 vs. flight time for puter commands or data loss. Missions have
direct trajectodes to Pluto launching in 1998 and flown as close as 5 Rj; however, the degree to
2004. As shown, the difference in launch energy which the spacecraft were prepared (or 'tad-
between the two opportunities is small, so hard') determined to a large extent how well they
43rd IAF Congress 293

fared. Spacecraft can be made rad-hard by AVEJGA is derived from ~V, Earth, Jupiter G_ravity
using radiation shielding or by purchasing parts Assist. While this strategy adds 2 or 3 years
which can take higher doses. • to the flight time, the launch energies are
The constraint on Jupiter flyby distance, 25-30 km2/sec 2 with minimum post-launch AVs >
therefore, includes three key considerations: 1 km/sec for the 2-year AVEJGA, and 47-52
shielding mass, cost of tad-hard parts, and flight km2/sec 2 with typical minimum post-launch AVs
time. Figure 3 shows how, for a given trajectory > 500 m/sec for the 3-year &VEJGA. This reduc-
and launch opportunity, the flight time to Pluto is tion in launch energy, despite the additional
determined by the allowed Jupiter flyby radius. propellant mass for the post-launch AVs, enables
There is a &V cost for constraining the trajectory consideration of lower-cost launch vehicles such
to a particular flyby radius and making up the as the Delta II or the Atlas IIAS.
flight time with propulsive bums; however, the Another bener~ of the AVEJGAs is the auto-
severity of this AV penalty is such that it matic availability of backup launch opportunities.
precludes significant reductions in flight time. Since the Earth gravity assist can occur pre- or
post-periapse, there are two types of AVEJGAs,
~35' referred to as "+" or "-" AVEJGAs. For instance,
rr a 2+AVEJGA will launch approximately 45 clays
before the 2-AVEJGA in order to optimize the

25" total energy for a post-perihelion Earth gravity

rr assist (the 2- uses the pre-perihelion gravity
>, 20"
2004 J G A ~ assist). While there are small performance dif-
J , , ~ , " 2001 3+AVEJGA ferences between a ' + ' and a '-" AVEJGA, these
" 15 trajectories offer 2 launch opportunities per year
z for as many years as there is a beneficial
"~- 10"
J /,-"-Pluto Flyby 350 Baseline Jupiter-Pluto phasing.
. . . . , , , = , , , , , Venus Gravity Assists
8 10 12 14 16 18 20
The next major reduction in launch energy
Flight Time to Pluto, yrs
can be provided by a Venus gravity assist. In
Figure 3. Flight Time to Pluto vs. Jupiter Flyby general, there are many trajectory types which
Constraint. can utilize one or more Venus swingbys resulting
in C3s as low as 13 km2/sec 2. The best oppor-
Analyses have begun to investigate the tunity identified to date in the timeframe of interest
Jupiter radiation trade-space better, for now, is a WEJ trajectory in 2000.
however, in order to keep a low-mass, low-cost There are three main drawbacks to the
spacecraft, a Jupiter flyby constraint of 15 Rj has WEJ. First, there is a deterministic post-launch
been used. If further analysis shows that a 10 or AV requirement of > 2 km/sec for the lower flight
5 Rj flyby is feasible within the cost and mass times. Second, these trajectories require perihelia
constraints, significant flight time reductions could of 0.7 AU or less. Since solar flux scales as the
be realized. inverse of distance squared, the thermal environ-
ment for the spacecraft at Venus is twice as
2- and 3-Year AVEJGAs severe as the environment at 1 AU. Third, the
Venus-Earth synodic period is roughly 1.5 years,
Launch energies for the JGAs are still quite which places Earth far from where it should be.
high, requiring the use of more capable and more Therefore, launch can only occur every other
expensive launch vehicles. It can be beneficial to synodic period, or once every three years, in
add an Earth gravity assist to the JGA in order to order to go on to Jupiter. In order to match the
lower the C3 at the expense of post-launch AV Jupiter-Pluto synodic period, this only leaves one
and flight time. The key is to launch on a 2- o r of these particular WEJ opportunities and no
3-year Earth-return trajectory. At apoapse of the backups of this type per decade.
Earth-Earth leg, a AV is performed which lowers Finally, triple-Venus-Earth swingby oppor-
periapse, re-targeting the Earth flyby in order to tunities have been identified which do not require
effect a gravity assist swingby instead of a a Jupiter swingby. The advantage of this type of
resonant Earth flyby. The spacecraft then travels trajectory is that more launch opportunities are
on to Jupiter and finally to Pluto. The acronym available than with a Jupiter gravity assist since
294 43rd IAF Congress
the Venus-Pluto synodic period is much less than create a mission "trade-space.' The following
the Jupiter-Pluto synodic period. While the C3s paragraphs explain the assumptions behind the
for these opportunities can be less than 20 performance figures and the process-of-
krn2/sec2, the VVVEGA does require quite a large elimination for choosing the two baseline
post-launch &V for flight times less than 15 years, missions. Major disadvantages of each baseline
making it a less attractive mission. are cited.

Solid Rocket Motor Staqinq Performance Assumptions

The use of solid rocket motors (SRMs) as Figure 4 is a plot of net dry spacecraft
additional upper stages is a method of aug- mass vs. flight time to Pluto for a range of
meriting the overall launch vehicle performance trajectory types and launch vehicles. Only the
for a particular launch energy. Past missions performance for the best launch year of each
with high launch energies, such as Voyager, trajectory type is considered; Figure 1 can be
Pioneer 10 and 11, and Ulysses, have used SRM used to determine the availability and relative
upper stages for injection from the TCan/Centaur, performance of backup missions to the primary
Atlas/Centaur, and the Space Shuttle/IUS, respec- for each trajectory type.
tively. A Thiokol Star 48B gave the 360 kg Net dry spacecraft mass. Net dry spacecraft
Ulysses spacecraft an additional 4200 m/sec. mass is defined as the mass of the spacecraft
Staged SRMs have been used many times and without propellant or tankage. This method is
are a necessity when considering trajectories used to provide a fair comparison between
with C3s much higher than 100 km2/sec2. missions. Since the considered trajectory types
are varied, the post-launch &V requirements can
Pluto Flyby Mission Performance vary substantially between missions. Propellant
requirements can quickly exceed tank capabil-
Based on information involving trajectory ities, especially for low-mass spacecraft.
requirements, launch opportunities, and launch Therefore, plots of dry spacecraft mass alone
vehicle performance estimates, it is possible to may not accurately represent the fact that the


J(.'A [] 15 Rj i
L a u n : h _... ~h=Prr t
400 V.,,,, ;= c70" O 10 R j J

so, d t s%
Ro',~ket r,.,~ I
I Direct
c/ ~ Direct
F luto ~ast ~"" ]_ "---- s
a~" 2 0 0
Fi~jDy e~ selin "~j,~. ~ 1 ~~ J

1O0 ~ . ~ f ~ r/Direct Direct

j Proton. dlas IIA 3
S _.S--- -
. . . . .

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Flight Time (yrs)
Figure 4. Pluto Fast Flyby Trade-space: NL't Spacecraft Mass vs, Flight Time
43rd IAF Congress 295

required tank mass varies disproportionately with availability of the Proton is better understood.
increasing propellant requirements, potentially This leaves direct trajectories off the Titan
leaving an unacceptable payload mass. As in the IV/Centaur or JGA trajectories off the Atlas IIAS
case of the SRMs, there are a finite number of for the following discussion.
tanks available for these missions, so actual tank While the launch cost of the Atlas IIAS is
mass was used instead of scaling equations; greatly reduced from that of the Titan IV/Centaur,
therefore, the curves are "bumpy" as one tank is the flight time to comply with the 15 Rj flyby
switched for another and the ratio of tank to total constraint is about 10.5 years. In addition, launch
dry mass changes. could not be until 2003-2005. For this reason, the
Other performance assumptions include: baseline mission is a direct transfer on the T~an
Propulsion. The spacecraft were assumed IV(SRMU)lCentaur/Star48B/Star 27, with the TRan
to have monopropellant systems except where IV(SRM)lCentauras a fallback if the SRMU pro-
noted. These systems generally allow an engine gram does not continue (with a one year penalty
Isp of 215 sec. in flight time). This implementation allows a
Launch Periods. In order to add more seven-year flight time to Pluto and a launch
contingency for implementations involving SRMs, opportunity any year.
those launch periods were selected to be 21 days The main disadvantages of this baseline
long; otherwise, the launch periods were 11 days. mission are the launch vehicle cost and the
SRM Sta.qin.q. Where SRM upper stages reduced science return. While launch vehicle
were used, the staging selection was optimized cost has typically not been included in NASA's
for the launch vehicle capability. No more than cost classifications, it is still part of the over-
two stages were used, since the performance all mission cost, and therefore should be mini-
benefit from a third stage generally did not justify mized to the extent possible. Unfortunately, with
the additional cost and complexity. conventional launch vehicle performance, rapid
Venus Opportunities. Figure 4 does not science return from 30 AU must be traded off
include the Venus opportunities described above against the breadth and depth of science
due to high post-launch AV requirements, the returned. The great reduction in flight time,
difficult spacecraft thermal environment, and the as well as the opportunity to launch any year,
associated flight times when compared to the are two of the prime arguments in favoring this
other missions. implementation.
Jupiter Flyby. Finally, performance of PF350 Baseline Selection. The PF350
trajectories requiring Jupiter flybys are shown as design philosophy entails use of a relatively
if the spacecraft were not forced to fly outside of inexpensive launch vehicle offering more payload
15 Rj; however, markers are placed on the curves mass, thus accepting longer flight time to Pluto.
in Figures 4 and 5 to show the 5, 10, and 15 Rj The PF350 spacecraft is fully redundant in a
limits as a function of flight time. manner similar to Voyager and is likely to cost
much more than the PVS spacecraft. Figure 5 is
Selection of Baseline Missions the PF350 equivalent of Figure 4, with the
addition of 2 + and 3+AVEJGA trajectories.
Dry masses of the two alternative mission Six potential mission possibilities exist. One
concepts are 83 kg and 316 kg; however, the net of these uses the Proton, and may be considered
dry spacecraft masses are 78 kg for the PVS and in future work. Two opportunities use the Titan
297 kg for the PF350. Using these net masses, it IV/Centaur and are eliminated as a result of the
is possible to narrow down the mission high launch vehicle cost. (In this case, the
possibilities for each spacecraft. combination of higher spacecraft cost, high
VSS Baseline Selection. The goal of the launch vehicle cost, and longer, more expensive
VSS mission is to provide rapid science return operations was considered prohibitive. A PF350
from Pluto and minimize costs. Therefore, spacecraft on a direct trajectory using the same
multiple gravity assist trajectories are at a launch vehicle as the VSS could have a flight time
disadvantage, while direct or JGA missions using to Pluto of less than 12.5 years.) Three mission
SRM upper stages offer flight times under 10 opportunities remain; the 2+AVEJGA on an Atlas
years. Figure 4 shows five mission opportunities IIAS can be eliminated since flight times less than
with flight time under 10 years for a 78 kg net 15 years violate the 15 Rj constraint. Therefore,
spacecraft mass. Two of these use the Proton, the two concepts left are 3+AVEJGA trajectories
and will be analyzed once performance and using either a Delta II (7925) or an Atlas IIAS

AA 30-T
296 43rd 1AF Congress

2+AVI~JGA / 3+.~MEJG
Traje :tory Atlas

400 ~ , JGA


300 Vehlc

/, Delta II (7925)

Rock et Dell (7925)

c~ 200 Mote

/ gtl~, AS / [] 15 R j
/ S / O IORj
O 5 Rj

0 *Due to the high post-launch AV. a bipropellant system was used.

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Flight Time (yrs)

Figure 5. Pluto Flyby 350 Trade-space: Net Spacecraft Mass vs. Flight Time

launch vehicle. As shown in Figure 5, the 15 Rj characteristics are fairly constant from year to
limit for both cases occurs at a 13.5-year flight year.
time. The choice is between launch vehicles, and
since the Delta II costs roughly half of the Atlas Pluto Very Small Implementation Option
IIAS, the PF350 baseline mission is the
3+&VEJGA off the Delta II (7925). Overview
The main disadvantage of this baseline is
the long flight time. Spacecraft reliability issues Numerous 'very small" spacecraft have
will be a major concern of this mission. Further carried out successful Earth orbital missions.
analysis may determine that the spacecraft can Sputnik 1, at 83 kg, happens to have been the
go closer to Jupiter, thus reducing the flight time same dry mass as our present Pluto Very Small
substantially. baseline spacecraft concept. The first space
While the 3+&VEJGA has a backup missions were small by necessity--that was all we
3-AVEJGA about 45 days later, another dis- could launch. A recent resurgence of "microsats,"
advantage of this mission is the fact that the 'lightsats," and small spacecraft by other names
launch opportunities in the following years (2002 has been brought about by advances in elec-
3+&VEJGA, 2003-2005 JGA) all have different tronics technology, development of small laun-
post-launch ~,V requirements and, in the case of chers, wider availability of "piggyback" slots for
the JGAs, drastically different launch energies. small secondary payloads, and a variety of other
It is likely that the Delta II (7925) could not reasons. Many of these very small spacecraft
accommodate these later year backups, and the have also been produced on very small budgets,
spacecraft would have to be modified to at least such as those designed, built and operated by
carry the propellant loading for the worst year or members of the amateur radio community (e,g.,
accept a longer flight time on the backup AMSAT,s Microsats, Webersat, and the University
missions. While this scenario is common to other of Surrey's UOSAT series) and used to test new
outer planet missions (i. e., Cassini), it can be technologies in communications and instrumen-
avoided with a direct trajectory whose tation.
43rd IAF Congress 297

Spacecraft on the order of 100 kg and respect to Pluto) is 18.2 km/sec. The V,, of
smaller have been flown on deep space missions Voyager at Triton was similar; however, the actual
(e.g., Pioneers 6-9 and Hiten), and been Triton flyby speed was 24 km/sec due to the
proposed for asteroid and other missions, s'8 A influence of Neptune's mass. The low mass of
series of - 1 4 kg RTG-powered probes was the Pluto/Charon system will cause only a minute
proposed to search gravitationally for evidence of flyby velocity increase.
a tenth planet. 7 Pluto's extreme distance makes
time of flight one of the primary impediments to a
mission there. However, with Pioneer 10 still
operating after twenty years, and the Voyagers
going strong after fifteen, it is clear that the outer
Solar System is a relatively benign environment
for well-built craft. One benefit is that thermal
stresses and cycling experienced in the inner
Solar System and with planetary orbiters are
largely absent. Whatever our experience, long
missions do introduce relia-bility concerns, and
with the primary objective not reached until the
end of the mission, long dura-tion can kill the
political and financial support necessary to fly.
After many failed proposals for Pluto
missions taking twelve, fifteen and more years,
the prospect of a flyby in under ten years without
new propulsion technology was very attractive, s
The PFF mission implementation concept was
developed to determine just how small a space- Figure 6. Pluto Fast Flyby Trajectory
craft could be used for a scientifically attractive
initial reconnaissance of Pluto while maintaining Science and Instrumentation
reasonable expected reliability. The initial 35 kg
target was soon exceeded based on the In order to achieve the top priority science
demands of imaging, telecommunications over a goals (Category la in Table 1) within the con-
reasonable data link, and all the consequent straints of low mass, power and cost, a fully
demands on other subsystems. However, the integrated science payload must be developed.
"penalty' of increasing flight time from - 5 to --7 The science payload mass allocation for the PVS
years was considered a worthwhile price to pay spacecraft is in the range of 5 to 10 kg with a
for an attractive mission with an - 8 5 kg dry mass power allocation of about 5 W. The drivers
spacecraft. Another ground rule which drove behind these low mass and power allocations are
mass higher was use of components which are that they enable developing missions which fit the
reasonably likely to be flight qualified by 1994, Discovery mission spacecraft cost profile and
and which do not, with some exceptions, require allow fast flight times to Pluto. We are examining
large developmental expenditures charged to the possibility of combining the functions of 3
Pluto Mission Development. conventional instruments, a CCD Camera, Ultra-
violet Spectrometer (UVS), and Infrared Spec-
Pluto Fast Flyby Mission trometer ORS), into one fully integrated payload.
Figure 6 shows the PFF direct trajectory This payload will share optics, mechanisms,
departing in 1998 February with a seven-year electronics and packaging where possible and
flight time to Pluto. Maximum launch energy over has the objective of meeting the Category l a
the 21-day launch period is 305 km2/sec 2, science goals. Some other goals, such as a
equivalent to a total AV out of low Earth orbit of search for additional satellites, and resolving
12.9 km/sec. After the Centaur burn, which separately the mass and density Pluto and
delivers about 5.9 km/sec, the SRMs are spun up Charon, can be achieved with the same instru-
and fired. ment set by adding to the observation sequence.
Pluto arrival will be designed carefully Initial work has begun on the Camera optical
according to science desires and spacecraft design. Its main measurement goal is to obtain
capabilities (see below). The arrival V,, (or the better than 1 km resolution imaging of the
relative approach velocity of the spacecraft with illuminated surfaces of Pluto and Charon to study
298 43rd IAF Congress
their geology and morphology. The defining thrusts in integrated instrument designs and
parameters are the required resolution and pixel micro-devices into a coordinated effort to directly
size. By setting the diffraction limited resolution respond to current spacecraft needs. This
for 600 nm at 10 prad to F~ on a 7.5 pm pixel, the approach more closely corresponds to successful
camera design can be derived. A lightweight 750 efforts made in the early years of NASA to invent
mm focal length Ritchey-Chretien design is technology around specific needs, but also
proposed with a 73 mm aperture. By using a carries its own set of risks.
1000x1000 charge coupled device (CCD), the
camera would have a field of view of 10 mrad or Conceptual Fliqht System
about half a degree. The resolution of 10 prad
was selected to match the pointing stability of the The flight system consists of the spacecraft,
spacecraft. During the close flyby it is expected the solid rocket motor (SRM) stages, and all
that target motion will cause significant smear for structural adapters above the separation plane of
exposures longer than about 0.1 sec. This smear the Centaur. The SRM stages consist of a
will be compensated by either target tracking with Thiokol Star 48B and a Star 27. Included with the
the spacecraft or by electronically shifting pixels Star 48B is a chemical rocket spin-up system
in the CCD. A filter wheel with a minimum of 6 similar to that used on PAM-S. The Star 27 has
positions will also be included. Imaging data will attached to it a nutation control system similar to
be digitized to 8 bits, noiselessly compressed that used on PAM-D, yo-yos for daspinning the
(about 3:1 compression) and stored in the solid empty Star 27 case and the spacecraft, and a
state memory. Storage for about 100 images is sequencer to initiate SRM ignitions, separations,
required. The camera will have a read-out time of spin/despin, etc. Figure 7 shows the flight
about 2 seconds allowing fast framing during the system in the T'~an IV shroud.
rapid encounter. This requirement is important
because the entire time the spacecraft is in range
to achieve < 1 km resolution on Pluto is only on
the order of 1 hour. /
The UVS is included to measure the solar ,/

occultation for atmospheric data. Several / / '+ ;~

concepts are being considered. These include a
i ,
stand-alone UVS with separate optics, sharing the
Camera telescope, and using a pickoff mirror (/ '\
adjacent to the CCD focal plane to send a UV .
\ \
signal into a separate UVS focal plane, and
others. Final choice of a design will be made on t ~t
the basis of meeting the Pluto science goals.
Additional measurement capability in the
infrared region is required in order to understand t
surface composition and global distribution of
volatiles. This can be done by spectre-
photometric mapping of Pluto in the 1 to 2.5 pm
!,t - -
wavelength region. The all-reflecting Camera
telescope can be used over a wide range of
wavelengths. We are examining the possibility of
also incorporating an Infrared Spectrometer into
the camera focal plane which could be used
simultaneously or sequentially with visible

Clearly the mass and power constraints of the Figure 7. PVS Flight System Launch
PFF mission are severe, but the science benefits Configuration
of arriving at Pluto early enough to measure the
thin atmosphere are high. If we are to surmount The spacecraft was initially described as a
the technical challenges of developing integrated largely single-string system to form a simple basis
payloads to meet these specific science for comparison of design options. Activity is now
objectives, we must focus recent technology focused to determine the most cost- and mass-
43rd IAF Congress 299

The spacecraft was initially described as a Table 2. Spacecraft Mass Summary

largely single-string system to form a simple basis
for comparison of design options. Activity is now Telecommunications 14.7
focused to determine the most cost- and mass- Electrical Power 18.9
effective implementation of fault tolerance. This Attitude Control 1.6
effort includes consideration of both block Command and Data Handling 4.0
redundant subsystems on a single spacecraft and Structure 10.0
redundancy through two single-string spacecraft Propulsion 12.2
on one or two launch vehicles. Component-level Thermal Control 2.4
redundancy within "boxes" is being considered in Science Instruments 5.0
some areas, such as solid state memory, where
partial capability is acceptable instead of full Total Mass (kg) 68.8
block redundancy. This description focusses on
the original single-string baseline, but the reader Contingency (21.4%) 14.7
must recognize that this configuration would Monopropellant (400 m/s) 16.5
never be proposed to fly as-is because of poor
reliability. Total Wet Spacecraft (kg) 100.0
Figures 8 shows the PVS spacecraft. The
high gain antenna (HGA) shown is about 1.5 m in Many features of this conceptual design
diameter. Overall spacecraft dimensions are --1.6 contribute to lower cost. The overall spacecraft
m maximum width and - 1 . 3 m height. The bus concept has been kept simple. There are no
has a 0.5 m maximum diameter. Dry spacecraft articulations or deployments. A cold gas thruster
mass is 83.5 kg including 14.6 kg contingency for attitude control scheme was chosen over the
mass growth during detailed design. The space- complexity of reaction wheels, stable instrument
craft is loaded with 16.5 kg of hydrazine, resulting platforms, or a controllable secondary mirror in
in a total wet spacecraft mass of 100 kg. Addi- the Camera. The spacecraft also uses compo-
tional mass margin exists in the form of increased nents that will be qualified by 1994, with some
flight time with increased system mass. Table 2 exceptions. The radioisotope thermoelectric
presents a subsystem mass summary for the generator (RTG) is derived from a standard
spacecraft. general purpose heat source (GPHS)

• ~ ~.~.......~.7~- DIPt-EXER
/ /I r - SCtCNCr
co.,o,,. /1% / mY /

~ / ~-PR[]PELLAN;

Figure 8. PVS Spacecraft Cruise/Encounter Configuration:

a) +Z Isometric View, b) -Z Isometric View
300 43rd IAF Congress
device as used in the Galileo and Ulysses RTGs. switch transients, etc. Lithium primary batteries
The propulsion subsystem is entirely off-the-sheff, with 4 A-hr capacities are switched onto the
and the HGA could be modified residual Viking power busses to support longer duration peak
hardware. Also contributing to lower cost is the loads during propulsive maneuvers and encoun-
minimal performance of the spacecraft. The low ter. Excess RTG power is shunted to a radiator.
data rate, modest data storage, small &V, and Power consumption of 38 Watts during the
minimal power level are all the result of an effort downlink/cruise mode includes 30% contingency
to keep the cost down and capability to the mini- and is summarized in Table 3. Losses for voltage
mum required to accomplish mission objectives. conversion and regulation are included. Power
The flight system is designed to execute the consumption of 47 W during encounter (includes
following mission scenario. The Centaur spins 4 W for science) and 77 W during propulsive
the flight system up to - 1 0 rpm prior to sepa- maneuvers is accommodated using primary
ration. Additional spin-up to --60 rpm, SRM lithium batteries to augment the RTG. Total
burns and separations, nutation control, and yo- battery energy usage is less than 120 Watt-hours.
yo spin-down are sequenced by the propulsion The battery may be eliminated in an updated
'stack" sequencer on the Star 27. After release design.
from the Star 27, the spacecraft acquires an
inertial star reference, turns the HGA to Earth Table 3. Spacecraft Power Summary
point and establishes communications. After
performing an injection error correction maneuver, Telecommunications 12.0 Watts
the spacecraft cruises with the HGA Earth-pointed Electrical Power 7.0
and uses one 8 hour Deep Space Net (DSN) Attitude Control 3.2
pass per week. At distant encounter optical Command and Data Handling 5.0
navigation images are taken by the Camera and Structure 0.0
returned to the ground for processing. Nearly all Propulsion 0.5
encounter science data is stored in solid-state Thermal Control 0.5
memory for post-encounter playback at 40 b/s. Science Instruments (replacemnt Htrs) 1.0
During post-encounter cruise the spacecraft uses
one 8 hour DSN pass per day to downlink 200 Total Power 29.2 Watts
Mbits of science data in less than 6 months.
The Telecommunications Subsystem uses Contingency (30.0%) 8.8 Watts
X-band uplink and Ka-band downlink with only
the HGA. A safe mode in the Attitude Control Total Power 38.0 Watts
Subsystem commands Earth pointing of the HGA
in the event of an attitude anomaly. No low gain The Attitude Control Subsystem uses a
antenna could provide backup capability at wide field of view miniature star camera for its
Pluto's distance from Earth. The current best primary inertial sensor. Star matching is done
estimate for the telecommunications equipment using the processor in the Command and Data
mass and power using components that will be Subsystem. Three solid state rate sensors are
qualified by 1994 exceeds the allocations set by used to maintain attitude reference of the 3-axis
the system engineer to maintain mass and power stabilized spacecraft between star updates. A
budgets. Members of the design team are Sun sensor is included as an emergency back-up
currently evaluating the feasibility and cost to reference for locating the cone angle to Earth.
this program for development of lighter, less Control is via cold gas thruster couples about all
power-hungry components, and such develop- three spacecraft axes. Pointing knowledge is 1.5
ment will be one focus of 1993 work. mrad, and stability is 10 I~rad over one second.
The Electrical Power Subsystem is based Fast slews of 90 degrees require 2.7 minutes,
on a '3-brick" RTG where each brick is derived zero rate to zero rate, plus settling time.
from the standard GPHS. The RTG generates The Command and Data Subsystem uses a
42 W at the beginning of the mission and 38 W 1.5 Mips reduced instruction set computer (RISC)
8 years after launch, at 10 Vdc. Power is on a single board with radiation hardened parts
upconverted to 28 V and distributed on two (to 25 krad). VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration)
busses at 10 and 28 V. Capacitor banks are ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) and
used on each bus to accommodate short dura- surface mount packaging technology are used for
tion spike loads such as ACS thruster pulses, reduced mass, and power strobing is used to
43rd IAF Congress 301

minimize power. Input/output is via direct lines, Assembly, Test & Inteqration
serial interfaces, a high rate science bus (5 Mb/s),
and an engineering bus. The 200+ Mb solid The PFF spacecraft is to be assembled as a
state memory uses high density packaging and series of higher-fidelity hardware and software
includes an error detection and correction builds. This year there is a full-size, low fidelity
capability. A data compression chip Iosslessly mockup of the spacecraft, accompanied by con-
compresses the science data before storing it in ceptual designs for each of the subsystems and
memory. Further software-driven compression is their operation. Next year, key subsystems will
being investigated for selected imaging data. be created in 'breadboard" form, utilizing existing,
The main structure of the spacecraft is an but often non-qualified hardware and software
aluminum hexagonal bus. The propellant tank is components, and even some non-functional com-
held within this structure by three brackets on its ponents. Many early problems will be worked out
equatorial plane. Truss structures are used for at this level where components are inexpensive,
the adapter to the injection stages and to mount different techniques may be easily tded, and
the antenna to the bus. There are no articulated reliability is not a concern. Delays introduced
or deployed mechanisms. by problems discovered and worked out at this
The Propulsion Subsystem is a blowdown stage tend to be far less expensive than delays
monopropellant hydrazine system using only off- discovered later. Not only is less redesign
the-shelf components. The tank has a maximum required, but the very small early team, with fewer
capacity of 23 kg of propellant, but in this than ten full-time equivalent personnel, runs up
baseline it is loaded with only 16.5 kg. This costs at a slower rate to the extent that anyone is
is sufficient to provide 400 m/sec AV for tra- •waiting around.' Cost impacts of delays later in
jectory correction maneuvers. The remaining tank a project development are much greater with a
volume contains nitrogen pressurant which is larger size team, members of which can often find
regulated down to 5 psi for use in the cold gas themselves waiting for a late deliverable from
reaction control thrusters. The large tank size another part of the team.
ensures that the pressurant load is sufficient to The science payload and downlink telecom-
maintain acceptable monopropellant feed pres- munications are the first subsystems slated to
sure as hydrazine and nitrogen are expended. enter the breadboard phase. Breadboard-level
The Thermal Control Subsystem utilizes design, to meet the rudiments of flight-level
excess heat from the RTG to keep the propellant functionality in the conceptual design, has begun
tank and spacecraft bus warm. Radioisotope and the first breadboard hardware will be
heater units (RHU) are used to heat the thrusters. assembled within the next few months. More
The HGA and RTG shadow the bus from the sun than one breadboard version of a subsystem may
in nominal Earth-point attitude so no low-gain be tried where the benefits and risks of different
antenna is required to maintain a proper thermal implementations are uncertain.
control attitude. Multi-layer insulation (MLI), Breadboard subsystems may be
small heaters, and louvers regulate component assembled, tested individually in different
temperatures during power fluctuations and as laboratories, and in some cases brought together
insolation diminishes. to test key interfaces, such as with the onboard
Some mass reductions may be possible by computer and memory. PFF work will be closely
trading capabilities such as data rate for amplifier coordinated, and in some cases co-located at JPL
power or antenna mass. Such reductions may or with the prototype Asteroid Investigation with
may not affect cost. Further reductions could be Microspacecraft (AIM) and Caltech SURFSAT
made through the aggressive use of microspace- developments.
craft technology (advanced electronics pack- The next step is a "brassboard" spacecraft,
ging, a composite propellant tank), but this having functional replicas of most subsystems
would certainly increase cost. Competing with built separately and then integrated into a
efforts to reduce mass is a desire to install partially-functional spacecraft, with supporting
fault tolerance through redundant components. A computers and other laboratory equipment con-
second design iteration is currently underway that nected. Some subsystems will not be at all
will trade on the possible mass reductions and functional; for example, the RTG will be replaced
produce a fault tolerant spacecraft concept. The by a simple mechanical replica and power sup-
result will no doubt be a heavier spacecraft with plied from convertors running off wall current.
higher reliability. Other subsystems will be closer to flight
302 43rd 1AF Congress

functionality and configuration, such as the com- to schools. Both operations nodes will be set up
puter and solid state memory, which might differ to allow student participation and visibility into
from flight versions only in lack of screened space flight operations. Lessons learned at CU
electronic parts and completeness of loaded using students to operate SME (Solar Meso-
software. In some cases, flight-qualified or sphere Explorer) will be applied toward achieving
-qualifiable components might take their places low cost, efficient operations for the Pluto
in the brassboard, as in the case of some struc- mission. 9
tural members, the Sun sensor and star cameras Mission and spacecraft design features
bought from vendors. Software will be developed are key to enabling small team operations and
and tested concurrently with hardware, using a relatively simple ground data system. Pluto
processors and other components identical to Mission Development management is strongly
those planned for flight. Software development committed to mission operations engineering
support workstations will become ground test participation in the spacecraft, instrument, and
workstations, and finally flight control workstations mission design process. Current design features
as development progresses, with their operating that are important toward enabling low cost
software being developed and upgraded through operations include:
phases similar to that of the hardware. • a spacecraft design that permits long
The spacecraft brassboard will be utilized periods of unattended operations during
to work out nearly all the necessary subsystem cruise. This enables routine cruise
interface details and problems while there is still operations to be built around a single
time to modify custom flight hardware and soft- weekly DSN tracking and data collection
ware. This, and the key subsystem inter- pass.
compatibility tests at the breadboard level, is • a spacecraft engineering data return
intended to minimize more expensive redesign strategy that exploits on-board data
and rework after flight hardware is in the final processing and analysis to minimize the
production pipeline. amount of engineering data that must be
Two flight qualified spacecraft are presently downlinked and analyzed.
planned, built alongside one another. The first to • spacecraft command and control capabil-
be completed will be subjected to system-level ities that allow cruise commands to be
flight qualification testing, and refurbished for uplinked without elaborate simulation and
the second launch. The other spacecraft will be constraint checking.
launched first. • an encounter/flyby command sequence that
is pre-planned and tested during cruise and
Mission Operations and Trackinq is only "tweaked" immediately before closest
approach to allow for trajectory and arrival
Personnel at JPL and the University time uncertainties.
of Colorado (CU) at Boulder have developed a • a large on-board memory that permits
cooperative concept for low cost mission oper- capture and storage of all the science data
ations. JPL will provide DSN tracking and collected during flyby and allows its
navigation and CU will develop a single, simple subsequent return over a limited downlink
mission operations data system design that will (40 bps) via routine daily DSN passes for
have versions located in operations nodes at both up to a year following encounter.
Boulder and at JPL Routine operations are
proposed to be done out of Boulder with planned Pluto 350 Implementation Option
JPL support for critical events and as required for
spacecraft anomaly analysis. Downlink is to one The Pluto 350 spacecraft design, adopted
or more 34 m DSN stations. Only Goldstone from an earlier Discovery-class proposal, 1° has
supports Ka-bancl downlink at present. Because a net spacecraft dry mass of 316 kg with a
the antenna figure is not sufficiently stable, mission cost < $400M. While larger than the PVS
no Ka-band capability is planned for the 70 m spacecraft, the science payload is still ambitious
stations, though they are expected to be used for for this class of spacecraft. In the implementation
the X-band uplink. described here, five instruments are carried,
Operations at CU will have an educational going beyond the Category la measurement
dimension. Students, supervised by experienced objectives. Instruments include a narrow-angle
professionals, will staff operational positions. camera sharing fore-optics with an infrared (IR)
Science and engineering data will be accessible imaging spectrometer, an ultraviolet (UV)
43rd IAF Congress 303

spectrometer, a radio science subsystem with an Radio Science: The radio science experiment
uitrastable oscillator (USO), and an ion-neutral takes place during entry and exit of Pluto's Earth
mass spectrometer. It is not yet clear that all occultation zone, and uses a Mars Observer USO
these instruments can be built and accommo- as its principle component. To conserve mass,
dated within spacecraft resources and cost the radio science experiment integrates
constraints. Characteristics of these instru- capabilities within the spacecraft transponder.
ments are provided below in Table 4. Additional elements necessary for the radio
science subsystem include an A/D converter,
Table 4. Pluto 350 Science Payload filter, and multiplier.
(Characterized 5/15/92 by J. Ayon
& R. Terrile and members of the Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS):
NASA OPSWG.) INMS measurements take place within 4 Pluto
radii of the planet. Navigational capability for
Mass Power Data Rate such a close flyby is under investigation. This
INSTRUMENTS (kg) (watts) (kbps) instrument is based on the one flown on Pioneer
Venus Orbiter (PVO). The instrument envelope is
Narrow-Angle Camera 12 5 TBD cylindrical, approximately 15 cm in diameter by 26
with IR Imaging Spec. 10 5 TBD cm in length. It is mounted on the bus to point
into the ram (velocity) direction during the
UV Spectrometer 3 2 1.0 •atmospheric" transit at Pluto. The instrument
will measure from 1 to 46 amu with a discrimi-
Radio Tracking & Occult. 3.6 5 0.4 nation of ~ 1 amu. Measured species include
hydrogen, methane, nitrogen, carbon monoxide,
Ion-Neutral Mass Spec. 3 10 1.0 and argon. Measurement would be sequenced
between ion and neutral modes. Improvements
SUBTOTAL 31.6 over the PVO design include lightweight materials
Payload Allocation 30.0 and custom VLSI electronics to reduce mass and
Contingency 6.0 power requirements.

Each instrument and its measurement UV Spectrometer (UVS): Several options for
objectives are described below. the spectrometer design are being considered.
To achieve the goals of this solar occultation
Narrow Angle Camera (NAC): The PF350 experiment, one option is to mount the UVS
imaging camera utilizes a Ritchey-Cretien design boresighted with the high-gain antenna so the
with light-weight optical components and an UVS aperture would look through a hole in the
8-position filter wheel. A primary aperture antenna. This instrument would have a simple
diameter of 12.2 cm combined with a focal length fore-optic design (pinhole) allowing it to stay
of 750 mm yields an f6.1 system centered about within mass allocations. As mentioned earlier,
900 nm wavelength. The focal plane incorporates options for adding UV capability to the NAC
a Loral 1028x1028 CCD with 7.Spm pitch. This are also being considered. Observations in
optical configuration results in an IFOV of 10 prad the IO00A to 2000A regime with a ~./A,1. of 1000
for a final FOV of -0.6? In addition to the visual are the goal.
imaging capabilities, an IR capability is being The Pluto 350 implementation uses an
examined for incorporation. The IR spectrometer Earth and subsequent Jupiter gravity-assist
would most likely use HgCdTe detectors passively trajectory, as shown in Figure 9. Encounter V,,
cooled to around 100 K. The wavelength region is 12.8 km/sec. The 13.6 year flight time requires
of interest would be 1.0 - 2.5 pm with a Z/&Z of strict attention to fault tolerant design, and
200. The beam for the IR spectrometer would be therefore a 'Class-A' dual-string functional
picked off with a dichroic mirror prior to the visual reliability philosophy has been adopted.
focal plane and routed to the spectrometer. Like the PVS spacecraft, the Pluto 350
Possible options for the spectrometer design design uses the Viking orbiter 1.47-m high-gain
include integration of an aspheric holographic antenna. The current spacecraft concept is
grating and a 2-D detector array with a flat focal shown in Figure 10. The 316 kg net dry mass of
plane. Another option under study for the NAC is the spacecraft includes 60 kg of contingency.
the addition of a UV capability as described for there is 111 kg of hydrazine monopropellant.
the PFF instrument. Spacecraft structure is based on a 5-bay bus
304 43rd IAF Congress
(hexagon with one side removed) with mono- Instrument and telecommunications
coque tank support and launch vehicle adapter pointing are achieved by pointing the 3-axis
interface. Thermal control utilizes 15 layer stabilized spacecraft at the target of interest;
thermal blankets on the spacecraft fiat surfaces instruments are body-fixed with no articulated
and 10 layers on the RTG support structure. Bus platforms. Thruster clusters are also body-
radius is 0.67 m and height 1.9 m. mounted. The attitude control system utilizes two
off-the-shelf star trackers (one for redundancy)
Figure 9. Pluto 350 Heliocentric 3+&VEJGA and the Magellan inertial reference unit (SKIRU
Trajectory ,I).
Data rates at Pluto range from 193 to
Launch 2001/11/15 516 bits per second with X-band downlink to a
Asteroid Huruhata Flyby 2002/1 2/O4 70-meter Deep Space Net station. Near
(V,, = 10.3 km/s) encounter data is stored for later return. The
Propulsive Maneuver 2003/05/23 Command & Data system is based on a 2 Gbit
(AV = 540 m/s) solid state memory with 3-D packaging of 4-Mbit
Earth Flyby 2005/01/01 RAM chips for data storage. Power is supplied
Jupiter Flyby (15.5 Rj) 2006/05/10 by a modular RTG supplying 248 W at launch
Pluto/Charon Encounter 2015/O 6/27 and 169 W fifteen years later.

Option Comparison and Tradeoff$

A comparison of different Pluto exploration

options is shown in Table 5. Options compared
are the Pluto Fast Flyby using either one or two
launches, the Pluto-350 with one or two launches,
and the Pluto Orbiter using a single launch.
Comparisons are made for the baseline options
as of 1992 April 27. In all probability, the selected
~r baseline will utilize a spacecraft somewhere
between the PVS and PF350 in size, with a
greater science yield than the PFF option
described here, in order to cover all Category l a
objectives. Because of the long flight time, the
Orbiter is not expected to receive further
Figure 10. Pluto 350 Spacecraft: Cruise & consideration without a plausible low-cost scheme
Encounter Configuration. to shorten flight time.


Some clear options are emerging for how

to perform the first reconnaissance of Pluto,
Charon, and environs. The first option,
considered feasible until little more than a year
ago, was a large, Cassini-class, many-instrument
flyby arriving in 2015 or later. It conceptually
$UH S ~ S ~ carried a "small" sub-probe whose arrival would
be phased with the parent to image the side of
ULTRAV~t.LT W Pluto not illuminated during the parent flyby. In
the present fiscal climate, likely to prevail for
many years, cost has replaced performance at
the top of the list of guiding principles in project
development. Because of accounting changes at
NASA and the Department of Energy, total end-
( t o r 4) to-end mission cost is becoming more important
than with prior programs, where typically cost of
spacecraft and instrument development and
43rd IAF Congress 305

Table 5. Pluto Exploration Baseline Option Comparison

Fiigt= Oplion
AIIribule Fast Flyby 2 Fast Flybys Pluto '350" 2 Plulo "360"s Orbilar

Science Yield 112 sudace <: l k m most sudace <_. tkm I / 2 surface < I km most sullace < 1 km all sLqface < tkm
much @ high res.
almosprm(ic struct. stmospheric slruct atmosphmic SlmCt. stmospi~ertc siruat, almospl;erlo vmiat~lily
curso~/ sat. & ring cursory sat. & ring belier sat. & ring > better SaL & ring lull sat. & rir~
sodace composition > sudace composition temporal phenomena
field & particles > F&P lim~ed field or pa=llcle
olhar? ,~her? mapping (?)

spacecralt lowest -- x 1.2 highest -- x 1.2 moderate
launch veldcio highest - x 1.76 (?) lowest - x 1.75 (?) highest
mission Ops lowest -- x 1.25 (?) mNxlarate - x 1.25 (?) highest {?)
RTG lowest - x 1.5 (?) highest - x 1.5 (?) low - moderate

Launch 1998 Februmy 1999 Februa~/ 200t November 2002 January 2001 November
Launch Flexibility any year any Iollowu~j year 20Ot + t (clilflcull) - 45 d > L # 1 2001 + t (dilflcull)

Data return < 2006 <__2006 2013 -2016 2013 - 2016 2019 - 2021

Flight Time (y¢)

Launch-to.Encounlar 7 7 13.5 13.5 18-20

Mission Risk high low.moderato moderate lowest highest

Technical Risk modarale moderate lowest lowest highest

Technology Date 1994 1994 1897 1997 1994-97

Dry Mass (kg) 75-100 766100 300-350 300-350 90-120

procurement, through 30 days after launch, was •improvements," tradeoff analyses and the like.
the primary measure. Now 'cost" attributable to a Given time, we can always make the product
particular mission includes spacecraft devel- better, at a cost. Our question is what is 'good
opment and procurement with mission operations enough,' and then how do we proceed rapidly
system development as before, plus launch, RTG, with implementation with a minimum of deviations.
and mission operations costs. Cancellation of programs like the A-12 and P-7
aircraft, and some space projects, has shown that
Time high-capability programs can be endangered for
a variety of reasons. Sometimes insisting on
For any major mission expenditure, value the most performance gets a program nowhere
received is still interpreted to a large extent based beyond paper. On the other hand, simply
on the importance of the scientific questions sending a tracking beacon by Pluto will interest
addressed, and the quality and quantity of data no one, so we must reach a balance of value,
yielded which enables addressing these ques- cost, and speed of implementation.
tions. Time is a major component of value, and Flight time is another important criterion
of cost as well. Answers to key scientific for comparison, as it directly impacts mission
questions sooner are more valuable than later, operations cost, probability of mission success,
and to some extent data quantity and quality may and the 'patience" of mission sponsors (tax-
be tradeable for time. Such trades are very payers, the media, Congress, NASA and the
difficult to quantify. Pluto's pending atmospheric Administration). When there is a specific target
collapse puts its own imprint on the timing level of mission reliability, then increasing
question. flight time increases spacecraft development and
The longer we spend preparing for a testing costs to certify parts and subsystems for
mission, the greater the cost will be, as people's longer operating lifetimes.
efforts get devoted to "what-if" studies,
306 43rd IAF Congress
The PFF baseline launch date of 1998 objectives will be covered as a consequence ol
February is shown. The earliest launch date con- the measurements made to satisfy the higher
sidered technically attainable is 1997, with the priorities, or with minimal operational con-
pdmary limitations being lead time to develop and sequences, 3) what geographic and temporal
procure the RTG, and availability of funding coverage will be provided as a consequence of
based on other priorities. With launch periods flyby speed, geometry, and the number of
every year, a second spacecraft can follow the encounters (one spacecraft vs. two), and 4) how
first by approximately one year, with arrival 'fine- can the value of early, less comprehensive data
tuned" some odd multiple of half Pluto's pre- be compared with the promise of more data as
sumed rotational period after the first encounter much as a decade or more later?.
to reveal the sides of Pluto and Charon in shadow
dudng the first encounter. Risk
PF350 is best launched 2001 November.
A major problem could postpone launch about Mission Risk is a qualitative character-
one year, with different propellant loading and ization of the probability that a given mission
trajectory design required. Any problem which (which may comprise one or more spacecraft) will
could be corrected within about six weeks could not satisfy the primary mission objectives. This
be launched during the '3-minus" ~VEJGA risk can be divided into categories of launch risk,
opportunity. Alternatively, the "3-minus' governed by the probability of failure of the
opportunity could be utilized to launch a second launch vehicle and its upper stages, and space-
spacecraft, with arrival at Pluto phased as noted craft risk, governed by the probability of a
above. crippling spacecraft failure before some or all of
Selection of a mission 'technology date' the Pluto encounter data is transmitted to Earth.
is made by indicating a time before which certain Launching two spacecraft separately is the
components or techniques must be certified or simplest, though not necessarily the least costly
demonstrated for space flight. This deliberately way to reduce mission risk. The Titan family of
limits or opens up the designers' choices of launch vehicles has historical success rate
materials, parts, subsystems and vendor equip- around 90%, while the Delta and Atlas operate
ment. Earlier dates generally mean less closer to 95%. Neither number considers the risk
performance is expected to be available for a of failure of any stages atop the standard launch
given mass, power, or cost. Later dates vehicle, nor the spacecraft propulsion system.
introduce risks that promised performance will Qualitative comparisons have been made
be unavailable from ongoing technology devel- based on dual spacecraft carried on a single
opment efforts, with costly and time-consuming launch vehicle, but the flight time penalty is
redesign a possible consequence. Project man- considered too great. Such an arrangement is
agers have some ability to accelerate devel- possible for either flyby mission. Typically a
opment or certification of key items through either 2-spacecraft launch, while subjecting both
project funds, or persuasive cooperation with spacecraft to launch risk, also increases post-
technology development efforts having other launch risk because the spacecraft take longer to
sources of funds. By the same token, technology reach their destination, allowing more time for
development managers look for advocacy and failures to occur.
endorsement from high-visibility projects to Technical Risk is a qualitative char-
elevate the priority of their own efforts. acterization of the probability that the tech-
Communication between the two groups is nologies required to successfully build and
increasing, as it can beneficial to all involved operate the spacecraft described will be
if the risks are understood and accounted for. unavailable by the Technology Date considered
as the cutoff for incorporating flight certified
Scientific Yield components and subsystems into the final space-
craft design. There is some softness in this risk,
Once the Category la measurement especially in that delays in flight certification may
objectives are covered, the metrics for be acceptable if sufficient progress is shown
comparison of different mission implementation toward that goal. Workarounds may also involve
options will be: 1) to what extent will the acceptance of degraded performance (e.g., utilize
depth of the data minimize remaining ambiguities a smaller solid state memory within the mass
of surface geology and composition, and atmos- allocation), or by allowing mass growth of the
pheric composition, 2) what lower-priority equipment required to perform a particular
43rd IAF Congress 307

function. Such mass growth would utilize Strict practices have assured a high quality
contingency and lengthen flight time; sufficient of parts and workmanship on planetary missions
contingency may be unavailable by the time the over the last two decades. 12 However, these
final design needs to be frozen. same strict practices have also bred a culture of
costly design, parts selection, and testing. Work
Programmatic Issues is in progress to assess which practices actually
add value to a spacecraft in terms of its reliability,
Reliability & Product Assurance and which may do more to add 'management
comfort" without much actual reliability improve-
An analysis of the Viking Orbiter, Voyager, ment. In some cases, system level testing of the
Magellan and Galileo missions examined their final product may be able to take the place of one
flig~ histories for failures which, had they or more lower levels of testing, at the risk of high
occurred on a spacecraft without redundant sub- rework costs in the event failures are found. 13
systems, would have terminated the mission. 11 Also, it may be possible to better allocate
To date there have been seven such failures (see reliability and product assurance resources
Tables 6a and b, from the reference), all of which (dollars, staff talent, test time, spacecraft mass)
appear to be random, in that no single mission- where the risks are the greatest. JPL procedures
terminating type of failure has been repeated in are presently under review with the expectation
another redundant 'string' or on the other space- that they will be substantially streamlined.
craft. If this were to hold true for spacecraft sent Reliability is important to any space
to Pluto, then doubling the number of spacecraft mission, but the long durations of Pluto missions
(from one to two) could be expected to double makes them especially sensitive. Small space-
the probability of at least one spacecraft craft, like the PFF concept, involve very direct
successfully completing the mission. tradeoffs between mission risk (which can be
Analysis shows that such failures have lowered by adding redundancy at the expense of
occurred at a rate which decreases with time. In mass of the additional components and expected
contrast, serious failures occur at a higher rate scientific yield (which can be increased by adding
on the ground during test and checkout before instrument mass and capability, which comes in
launch. Once a spacecraft makes it through the place of redundancy if mass is fixed). At 63 kg,
rigors of ground handling and launch, then the Pioneers 6, 7 and 8 are still operating. Pioneer 6
probability of failure during any fixed length of was launched in 1965.
time decreases as the mission proceeds at least
for the mission durations observed to date.

Table 6a. Planetary Mission Inflight Failure History.~,

Operating hours and number of failures.

# of Relevant
Launch Relevant Flight Flight Relevant
Mission Date # of S/C S/C Hours Hours Failures"

Viking 1975 2 4 18,000 72,000 0

Voyager 8/77 2 4 125,000 500,000 3
Magellan 4/89 1 2 26,000 52,000 4
Galileo 10/89 1 2 22,000 44,000 0
4 Missions 1975-1989 8 12 191,000 668,000 7

* One year = 8,766 hours

Relevant failure = failure which would have resulted in loss of mission

on a single-string spacecraft.
308 43rd IAF Congress
Table 6b. Failure Analysis for Relevant (EIS) be prepared for any Federal project with the
Failures Noted in Table 6a potential to significantly impact the environment.
NASA's guidelines for implementing NEPA
regulations require that an E1S be prepared for
Houre the 'development and operation of nuclear
Into systems, including reactors and thermal devices
Mission Failure Flight~
used for propulsion and/or power generation. '14
1 Magellan Gyro 3,624 The EIS provides the public and the cognizant
2 Voyager Receiver 5,496 NASA decision maker with information on the
3 Magellan Computer Memory 11,112 purpose and need for the proposed action,
4 Magellan Data Storage 12,480 reasonable alternatives to the proposed action,
5 Magellan Transmitter 20,000
6 Voyager FDS Memory 35,800 and the environmental impacts associated with
7 Voyager Transmitter 88,400 the proposed action and the reasonable alter-
natives to it. To adequately discuss potential
* One year = 8,766 hours environmental impacts, however, a baseline
design has to be developed to a degree that
allows both a meaningful characterization of
With the limited number of missions in potential environmental hazards and a compari-
any reliability database, the constantly changing son with reasonable alternatives. The analyses
selection of components and design practices and implementation options discussed earlier in
over time, and the design differences between this paper constitute the first step in developing
any Pluto spacecraft and its predecessors, there this baseline design. The baseline to be con-
appears to be no way to accurately predict sidered in the EIS is not to be confused with the
quantitative mission reliability. At the same time, preliminary, multiple "baselines" described else-
depending on one's assumptions, there are many where in this paper. More design maturity is
seemingly credible ways to massage what little required for the EIS. Once this baseline design
data exists and come up with any sort of quan- has been developed and studies have been con-
titative reliability number one might want. No ducted to identify and assess reasonable alter-
such number will be a rigorous reflection of natives and potential environmental impacts,
reality. It will be possible to compare relative NASA will produce and publish a draft EIS for
reliability of slightly different design options, public comment. Based on this comment, NASA
but not to assure achievement of some absolute will then issue a revised EIS that will serve
reliability level. Therefore, mission risk will as the basis upon which the cognizant NASA
have to be mitigated within available resources decision maker will decide whether to proceed
using some combination of 'best practices" and with the proposed action or select one of the
•engineering judgement,' at the end of which the alternatives to the proposed action. The decision
project manager will have to lay his or her will be formalized in a public Record of Decision
reputation on the line and give approval to (ROD).
launch. In addition to the NEPA compliance
process, Presidential Directive PD/NSC-25
Radioisotope Safety established the launch approval process in 1977.
According to this directive, the Executive Office
Pluto's vast distance from the Sun renders of the President must approve launches of space-
solar power impractical, making the RTG seem at craft utilizing nuclear power sources. To obtain
this time the logical power source. Because this approval, the launching agency must first
missions baselining the use of RTGs may have specify spacecraft and launch accident hazard
the potential, in the event of a severe launch environments that might jeopardize the nuclear
accident, to impact the well-being of some portion power source's integrity. Based on the
of the environment and its inhabitants, such specification of these environments and the
missions must satisfy two independent regulatory results of its RTG safety testing program,
processes geared toward maximizing safety: the the Department of Energy (DOE) must then
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) perform a series of safety analyses. The NASA
compliance process and the launch approval Administrator will use these safety analyses as
process. the basis for deciding whether or not to request
NEPA requires that an environmental launch approval-a request which, if made, is then
assessment or environmental impact statement submitted to the director of the Office of Science
43rd IAF Congress 309

and Technology Policy (OSTP). In the meantime, have become more compelling since Voyager's
NASA must confer with the Department of success. What measurements we have been
Defense (DOD) and DOE to form an Interagency able to make from Earth render Pluto and Charon
Nuclear Safety Review Panel (INSRP). This panel an enigmatic pair, and there is no doubt that
independently reviews DOE's safety analyses as important pieces to the puzzle of our own Solar
they are developed and reports its findings to System's formation will be revealed with a
OSTP in the form of a Safety Evaluation Report successful initial reconnaissance.
(SER). After receiving a request for launch The key questions of implementation are:
approval, OSTP reviews the findings of the SER 1) what kind of science-driven measurements
and DOE's safety analyses and makes a recom- make sense, 2) how attractive can we make the
mendation on whether or not to grant launch price of the mission, and 3) how long should we
approval. Either the director of OSTP or, if he or wait to learn what Pluto chooses to reveal to us?
she feels it advisable, the President makes the Other key questions involve acceptable levels of
final decision on whether or not to grant reliability, utilization of newer technologies for
launch approval. smaller spacecraft than we have grown
The Pluto Team is currently exploring ways accustomed to using for recent planetary
to maximize safety and minimize cost by applying missions, and how best to make do with a
past launch approval analyses to the early modest total data return limited by distance and
detection and correction of spacecraft and launch onboard memory capacity.
vehicle design issues pertinent to RTG safety. I n Work in progress is aimed at selecting the
so doing, the team hopes to develop a cost- most rapid and lowest cost possible mission
effective spacecraft and launch vehicle baseline execution which will be considered scientifically
well within the safety bounds associated with past worthwhile. The Pluto Very Small and ~ltJtn 350
missions. options represent perhaps two ends of a very
cost-constrained spectrum, with considerable
Accelerated Procurement generic differences. While total costs are likely
to be similar, there are high-visibility tradeoffs
Federal procurement laws and regulations over spacecraft and launch vehicle costs, science
are often cited as a serious impediment to rapid capability, and which decade we get our data
mission implementation. Pluto mission devel- back in. There is also the significant danger that
opment cannot succeed within prescribed cost if implementation is delayed, costs will rise,
constraints in a business-as-usual mode for interest will wane, and there will be less to learn
procurement, or for many of the other processes about a diminishing plutonian atmosphere.
required to bring a mission to successful fruition. Drawing from the work to date, the
From the preparation of the first proposal to baseline in preparation is driven by the goal
NASA Headquarters, the Pluto Team has included of soonest possible arrival at Pluto, with the
a procurement specialist working together with following conditions: 1) new start line item in
trajectory, hardware, mission operations NASA's budget for FY1996, 2) investigation of
designers and other project personnel to help launch aboard Proton, and 3) satisfaction of the
resolve procurement-related problems before they Category la science objectives, including imaging
become serious enough to cause delays. The nearly all of Pluto and Charon at 1 km/pixel or
Pluto Team has begun to incorporate lessons of better resolution.
some of the SDIO-sponsored missions and the
Miniature Seeker Technology Integration (MSTI) Acknowledqements
mission into its planning. Rapid response can be
achieved totally within the letter and spirit of the In addition to the authors, the Pluto Team
law. Given the proper motivation of personnel, consists of individuals affiliated with JPL, NASA,
delays brought about by internal procedures can Caitech, the Colorado Space Grant Consortium,
be minimized. Science Applications International Corp.,
Southwest Research Institute, University of
Summary and Continuing Direction California at Los Angeles, and Occidental College,
as follows: John Appleby, Roy Appleby, Wayne Arens,
Pluto's distance makes any mission there a Juan Ayon, John Barrera, John Beckman, Walt Boyd, Doug
challenge. Once considered incredibly remote, Caldwell, Dick Caputo, Thomas Chrien, Dave Collins, "robe
Pluto is now clearly within reach. As the last Corezzini, Bruce Crow, Elizabeth Duxbury, Charles Elachi,
Todd Fernandez, Hershal Fitzhugh, Jeff Foust, Chuck
known unexplored planet, arguments for a visit
310 43rd IAF Congress

Gonz.aias, Anthony Gonz=dez, Joe Goudy, Edc Hackmann, Small Satellites, Logan, Utah, August 26,
John Hall, Steven Heise, Paul Henry, Marry Herman, Darrell 1991.
Jan, Matt Johnson, Steve Johnson, Anil Kantak, Welt Keryluk,
Glen Kissel, Murray Koerner, Jong Lee, Martin Lin, Andre
Makovsky, Warren Martin, Dave McGee, Jesse McReynolds, 7. Robert L. Staehle, "Small Planetary Missions
Ralph Miles, Jr., Bob Miyake, Bill Moore, Ephimia Morphew, for the Space Shuttle,' Amer. Astronautical
Brian Muirhead, Fran Mulvehill, Bill Nasmith, Melissa Nieto, Soc0 Annual Mtg., Paper 79-288, Los
Candlda Nunez, Jerry Olivieri, Dennis Pollet, Hoppy Price, Angeles, 1979 October 29.
K.ristlna Puluzny, Tom Rivellini, Phil Rosenthal, David Rubin,
Hiro SaJto, Many Scarborough, Ernest Scheuer, John Schlue,
Mike Shirbacheh, Mike Stancatl, Alan Stem, Doug Stetson, 8. John C. Beckman/JPL, private communica-
Leon Strand, Randy Teats, John Wright and Richard Zltole. tion to Robert Staehle and Stacy Weinstein,
Other assistance has been received from Corinne Buoni, 1991 November 15.
Moustafa Chahine, Jim Doane, Larry Dumas, Bob Easter, Stu
Karridge, Lonne Lane, Bob Mitchell, Carl Pilcher, Dave
Skinner, Richard Vorder Bruegge, Paul Wiener, and many 9. Elaine Hansen, 'Lowering the Costs of
others. The authors are grateful for their assistance and Satellite Operations: Lessons Learned from
apologize for omissions. the Solar Mesosphere Explorer (SME)
Mission," Paper AIAA-88-0549, AIAA 26th
Work described here was carded out at the Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, Nevada,
California Institute of Technology's Jet Propulsion January 11-14, 1988.
Laboratory under contract to the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, sponsored 10. David H. Collins, "Pluto Flyby Study,'
by the Solar System Exploration Division. Presentation to the Discovery Program
Science Working Group, (internal document)
References Washington, DC, 16 May 1990.

1. S. A. Stern, "The Pluto-Charon system,' in (3. 11. Ralph F. Miles, Jr., 'Pluto Mission Reliability
Burbidge, D. Layzer, and J. G. Phillips, eds., Report: Phase I," Jet Propulsion Laboratory
The Annual Review of Astronomy and IOM 311.2-441 (internal document), April 10,
Astrophysics (1992), Annual Reviews, Inc., 1992.
Palo Alto, 1992 in press.
12. Anonymous, Flight Equipment Classifica-
2. E. F. Young & R. P. Binzell, "Comparative tions and Product Assurance Requirements,"
Mapping of Pluto's Sub-Charon Hemisphere: Jet Propulsion Laboratory document D-1489,
Three Least-squares Models Based on Rev. B, (internal document) January 1990.
Mutual Event Light Curves," AGU/Montreal,
and Icarus, 1992, in preparation. 13. Daniel S. (3oldin, Address to the 1 lth
Aerospace Testing Serr~a_r, prepared text,
3. S. S. Weinstein, 'Pluto Flyby Mission Design October 10, 1988.
Concepts for Very Small and Moderate
Spacecraft," AIAA paper 92-4372, to be 14. United States (3overnment, Code of
presented at the AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Federal Regulations. Title 14, Aeronautics
Meeting, Hilton Head, S.C., August 10-12, and Space. Subpart 1216.3-Proceclures for
1992. Implementing the National Environmental
Policy Act. Washington, D.C.U.S. (3ovem-
4. Todd J. Bayer, et al., Expendable Launch ment Printing Office, 1990.
Vehicles Summary for JPL Mission Planning,
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Document D-6936,
Rev. A (internal document), February 1991.

5. Ross M. Jones and Christopher (3. Salvo,

"Microspacecraft Technology for Planetary
Science Missions,' Congress of the Inter-
national Astronautical Federation paper
IAF-91-051, 1991.

6. Ross M. Jones, "Small Spacecraft Activities

at JPL' Utah State University Conference on

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