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AI study - Accelerating availability of clinically-relevant parameter estimates from Thromboelastogram point-

of-care device

Domain Key items

SOURCE OF DATA Source of data (e.g., cohort, case-control, RCTs

randomized trial participants, or registry data) Design of the Study of Tranexamic Acid during Air Medical
Prehospital Transport (STAAMP) Trial – Level I trauma
centres, trauma patients with hypotension and
tachycardia, USA.
Participant eligibility and recruitment method (e.g.,
consecutive participants, location, number of
Taking the Blood Bank to the Field: The Design and
centers, setting, inclusion and exclusion criteria)
PARTICIPANTS Rationale of the Prehospital Air Medical Plasma (PAMPer)

Participant description Trauma patients

Details of treatments received, if relevant Tranexamic acid, prehospital plasma transfusion
Study dates Trials used - PAMPer 2016. STAAMP 2014
OUTCOME(S) TO 1. Dynamic Model Construction:
 Dynamic model was built using
thromboelastogram (TEG) data.

 Patient-specific parameters include initial

platelet count (P(0)), platelet activation rate
(k1), thrombus growth rate (k2), and lysis
rate (k3).

2. Data Collection:

 Patient data from STAAMP and PAMPer

clinical trials were gathered.

 873 RapidTEGs were analyzed, with 116

indicating maximum amplitude (MA) below
normal and 466 indicating lysis percent
Definition and method for measurement of outcome above normal.

3. Virtual Library Creation:

 A virtual library of over 160,000 simulated

RapidTEGs was generated using the dynamic

4. Comparison and Trajectory Analysis:

 Patient TEG responses were compared

against the virtual library to identify
trajectories with the least sum-of-squared
error up to specified evaluation times.

 Logistic regression was performed using 10

nearest-neighbor trajectories to predict
specific TEG outcomes.

Was the same outcome definition (and method for

measurement) used in all patients?

Type of outcome (e.g., single or combined

Was the outcome assessed without knowledge of
the candidate predictors (i.e., blinded)?
Were candidate predictors part of the outcome (e.g.,
in panel
Time or consensus
of outcome diagnosis)?
occurrence or summary of duration
of follow-up
Number and type of predictors (e.g., demographics,
patient history, physical examination, additional
testing, disease
Definition characteristics)
and method for measurement of
PREDICTORS candidate
Timing predictorsmeasurement (e.g., at patient
of predictor
(OR INDEX TESTS) presentation,
Were predictorsat diagnosis, at treatment
assessed blinded initiation)
for outcome, and
for each other (if relevant)?
Handling of predictors in the modelling (e.g.,
continuous, linear, non-linear transformations or
Number of participants and number of
SAMPLE SIZE outcomes/events
Number of outcomes/events in relation to the
Number of
of candidate predictors
participants with any(Events
missingPer Variable)
MISSING DATA (include predictors
Number and outcomes)
of participants with missing data for each
Handling of missing data (e.g., complete-case
Modellingimputation, or other
method (e.g., methods)
logistic, survival, neural
network, orassumptions
Modelling machine learning techniques)
Method for selection of predictors for inclusion in
MODEL multivariable modelling (e.g., all candidate
DEVELOPMENT predictors,
Method forpre-selection based on unadjusted
selection of predictors during
multivariable modelling (e.g., full model approach,
Shrinkage or forward selection)
of predictor and
weights or criteria used
coefficients (e.g., no shrinkage, uniform shrinkage,
(calibration plot, calibration slope,
MODEL Hosmer-Lemeshow test) and Discrimination
PERFORMANCE (C-statistic,
measureslog-rank) measures
(e.g., sensitivity, with
predictive values, net reclassification improvement)
and whether
Method useda-priori cut model
for testing points performance:
were used
development dataset only (random split of data,
MODEL resampling methods e.g. bootstrap or cross-
EVALUATION validation, none) or separate external validation (e.g.
In case of poor validation, whether model was
adjusted or updated (e.g., intercept recalibrated,
predictor effectsmultivariable
Final and other adjusted, or new predictors
models added)
(e.g., basic,
extended, simplified) presented, including predictor
weights or regression coefficients, intercept,
baseline survival, model performance measures
RESULTS Any alternative presentation of the final prediction
models, e.g., sum score, nomogram, score chart,
Comparisonfor specific
of the risk subgroups
distribution with
of predictors
(including missing data) for development and
validation datasets
Interpretation of presented models (confirmatory,
INTERPRETATION i.e., model useful for practice versus exploratory, i.e.,
AND DISCUSSION more research needed)
Comparison with other studies, discussion of
generalizability, strengths and limitations.

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