Cold Mountain 4

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How ethical and moral situations are shown in the cold mountain.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am humbled to to stand here today ahead of the task that awaits us. It has been
very encouraging, and I am filled with great happiness to address you at this particular moment. My
happiness makes me forget even basic greetings. How are you all doing?Today, I am tasked to address a
very phenomenal issue that our students have been facing in this institution. As the head of the Language
and Literature department, I would like to show you how the school has provided moral and ethical
education to our students as part of their education which we also expect them to implement wherever they
are.We analyzed a certain video known as the Cold Mountain and we are glad that we were able to learn
significant aspects of moral choices that we should acquire in order to live in harmony with each other.One
of the notable character in the video is Sara.She was caught in a very difficult situation.The Yankee soldiers
took her baby and one of the soldiers tried to rape her.She had to really fight hard as much as she could do
in order to free herself and to save her baby.By fighting for the baby , she teaches us a very important
lesson.In whatever situation you are found in ,try as much as possible to save someone.This moral value is
very crucial for our students and they also learn the aspect of being good to each other.
The video also adresses duty and loyalty as a significant moral that our students should acquire.This is
showcased throughout the character Inman,who is a confederate soldier and deserts the army to return to
his love Ada.The decision made by Inman raises eyebrows and moral questions whether loyalty to a
country versus loyalty in personal relationships the one that seems better. This teaches our students how
love is a key aspect to consider in relationships.It equips our students with the knowledge to understand
how love is very important.Italso prepares our students how to live in relationships once they will be
married and this is a crucial theme in family relationships .Inman was caught in a tough decision to chose
either duty or loyalty for her love but he found personal relationship so strong that he decided to desert his
job and go to is loved on
Furthermore, the students are being encouraged to avoid revenge in their lifetime.This comes when Inman
Encountered many morally ambiguous situations where he had to decide whether to let go of his anger or to
revenge.This explored the ethical dimensions of perhaps pursuing justice and integrity or perpetuating a
cycle of violence.The best decision here to choose is to pursue justice and integrity as you are all aware of.
Rather than getting into violence then we better go for seeking justice.In life, never revenge. Parents, these
simple moral values really help in adult hood.If our believed children implement these significant values
being instilled in them,then the next generation will be very peaceful than the current one.Doing good to
others is the best gift that you can offer to someone.Hillary Clinton in her speech said that do all the good
you can, for all the people you can ,in all the ways you can ,as long as you can and these are the values that
we are instilling in these students.
In addition to all the morals discussed, we are also teaching our students how to find a balance between
self-preservation and helping others.In cold mountain, very many characters had to face the ethical
dilemma of finding their own survival and helping others in a war-torn environment.Should self-interest be
our first priority? We as adults always go for the easiest way, we tend to care for ourselves than other
people.Inman was fond of helping others in whatever situation they were in and those are the morals we
want our students to have.We would like to see an institution where students help each other and engage in
group discussions and in future , we would like to see them make sustainable projects such as construction
of dams in vulnerable communities.With that , we would have measured the value of caring that we have
instilled in them.Is that good parents ?
Last but not least, is the value of responsibility. This is a good moral that we always try as much as we can
to make it part and parcel of our students in their daily lives. It will not only help them here in school but
also life after school when they are adults. Responsibility makes us recognized members of society and we
need to take responsibility in each and everything that we are doing. Ada’s responsibility to Rubi in the
cold mountain really communicates a lot about how responsibility plays a pivotal erole in our daily
lives.Ruby relied on Ada for survival and guidance.Ada had initially struggled with feelings of
indebtedness and often questioned herself whether she was doing enough to pay Rubi.This sparked
reactions about gratitude, the moral obligation we care for others and reciprocity.Ada took care of Rubi and
she took that as her responsibility.At home, sometimes we tend to leave our children with the young ones
and we expect them to take care of them.Some good children takes care of them while others neglect
them.As a parent ,how do you feel when some of your children are not taken care of? Those are the morals
we are instilling in our students. We want them to be responsible just as Ada was. It costs as nothing to be
responsible and with responsibilities comes duty.

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