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Educational Psychology

Course Content Areas:

Topic 1- Cognitive Development

1. Piaget’s Cognitive Theory of Development
a. Cognitive Stages
b. Challenges to Piaget’s Ideas BAYANI JULIE ANN DAYLO
2. Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory BULAONG MARIA LOURDES
a. Sociocultural Origins of Cognitive
Development CASTIL
c. Social Interaction IMPERIAL RUFA RONDINA
d. Language as a Mental Tool
e. Zone of Proximal Development
f. Bruner’s Notion of Scaffolding
g. Rogoff’s Notions of Cognitive
Apprenticeships and Guided Participation.

3. Information-Processing Approaches to JUDITH FORTUNA LOPEZ

Cognitive Development LAZAGA GRACE FLORES
a. Information Stores and Processes.
b. Mechanism of Cognitive Development
AccorditoInformation-Processing Research

Topic 2. Social, Emotional and Moral Development LICONG HAZEL ESCOLAR

1. Dimensions of the Developing Self.. OMAN ROSIE JANE D
2. Erikson’s Theory of Identity Developmentj
Erickson’s Psychosocial States in the Classroom.

3. Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development ORTEGA RAQUEL C

4. Gilligan’s Theory of Feminine Moral PACA RAIFAH HADJI DAUD
Reasoning and Eisenberg’s Theory of Prosocial
Moral Reasoning.
5. Emotional Development, Competence and
Selma’s Perspective-Taking Stages
6. Understanding Relations with Others

Topic 3. Behavioral Views of Learning SAGUDAQUIL MIIRA CABAHUG

1. Classical and Operant Conditioning TIGULLO GRACE NEE YANONG
2. Classroom Applications of Behaviorists USMAN - MAUNA JAMILAH HADJI CA
2.1. Antecedent-behavior –consequence
2.2. Reinforcement
2. 3. The Premack Principle
2.4. Reinforcement schedule
2.5. Extinction and punishment
2.6. Shaping, chaining, cueing, prompting and
modeling new behaviors.
3. Social Learning Theory

Topic 4. Cognitive Explanation of Learning

1. Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory
2. The Information –Processing Approach
3. Constructivism
4. Bloom’s Taxonomy YARA ANTONIO JAPSON
Topic 5. Humanist Approaches to Learning
1. Maslow’ and the Hierarchy of Needs
2. Roger’s Non-Directive Teaching and ‘ freedom to learn’

Presentations/Teaching Opportunities and Related Written Assignments:

1. Presentation guide-(Report)

A 20-30minutepresentationonaneducationaltopic(topicmustbeapproved).
Presentation maybe presented using PowerPoint presentation or any other
visual materials. To maximize the participation of all the students you are
encourage to provide activities related to your topics. You are also advised to
apply effective teaching strategies to facilitate effective learning. Although
this activity is assigned per group, you are evaluated individually.

2. Response-to-Intervention(RTI)
Chapter 1- Background of the problem, statistical data, relevance of the
problem that merits the said intervention.
Chapter 2- Methodology. Discuss the steps and materials you used as
part of your designed intervention. Do not forget to attach all
the materials and output you gathered in your Appendix.
Chapter 3- Results and Discussion. You may discuss your initial
assessment the progress preceding such.

Analytical Rubric- Presentation 1(Report)

Presentation “D”or“F”Work “B” or “C” Work “A” Work

Content Inaccurate or Information was Information was
minimal information; accurate but missed accurate and
Little to no details on some important complete; Major
original concepts; Difficult to points were
studies;Relied differentiate between emphasized and
more on opinions main points and application to
supporting details education was
highlighted .

Presentation Read off paper or Good eye contact Good eye contact
Style slides; Minimal eye and organization of and engagement;
contact; Little to no presentation; Minimal Well organized-
emphasis on main emphasis on major major points were
points points so all emphasized; Brief
information seemed active learning
equally important techniques helped
students learn
Power Point Relied solely or Some use of Information presented
Presentation almost solely on the organizational in very clear and
and use of words with strategies such as well organized
Handout little organizational bullets,but limited use fashion.
structure. Not of tools such as Effective use of
enough information Smart Art,graphs or Smart Art, graphs,
or too much tables. tables, etc. to
information on slides visually organize
the information.
Amount of
provided was
substantial but not
Time Did not follow the Generally on target All activities were
Management time plan with time but some completed within the
activities took more allotted time
Less time than

Analytical Rubric – Response-to-


Lesson Plans 85 and Below “85-94 95 and Above

Content Vague, Did not Lacking of relevant Evidences to support that
include relevant data necessary to the actual study was
data necessary to prove the relevance conducted is evident.
prove the relevance or effectiveness of
or effectiveness of the intervention
the intervention conducted.

Reading Assignments/Final Exam Review Sheet

1. Amanda is disliked by her peers and as a result, she doesn’t really have any
friends.Jessica also doesn’t have any friends but it’s not because they don’t like
her, it’s more a case of they don’t really pay much attention to her. Which
student is most likely to experience negative consequences?Explain.

2. Explain the Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological model.

3. What is learned helplessness?

4. Describe observational learning theory. What are mirror neurons? How can
this theory be applied to the classroom setting?

5. What activities are important to do on the first day of school? How can these
activities facilitate learning?

6. What do you need to consider when planning the physical layout of your classroom?

7. What can you do as a teacher to reduce bullying?

8. What is meta-cognition? How can teachers help students increase metacognition?

9. What differentiates cooperative learning activitiesfrom standard groupwork?Describe

at least 2 examples of cooperative learning strategies you can use in the

10. What role should technology play in the classroom?

11. How can you use modeling in your classroom to promote learning?

12. How can students become good self-regulators?

13. How is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs relevant to the classroom?

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