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BPMN Exercise 2

Name : Retno Titisari

NPM : 2206008836

Problem 1
Describe the following BPMN chart

The BPMN chart illustrates the workflow of Expense Report process within company through
email submission. This process involves two concurrent activities trigged upon receiving email.
1. The initial activity involves checking whether the email sender possess an account in the
system. If yes, the system proceeds the review the application for pre-approval by verifying
the expense amount is $200 or below. If the criterion is met, the process advances to initial
payment, transferring the approved amount to the Employee’s Account, and subsequently
concludes the process. However, if the expense amount exceeds $200, a Supervisor Review
becomes necessary. The Supervisor determines whether to authorize the payment. If
authorized, the money is transferred to the employee's account, concluding the process. In
case of rejection, a notification is dispatched to the employee, marking the end of the process.
In instances where the sender doesn’t have an account, an account creation step precedes the
pre-approval process.
2. The second concurrent process details the automatic notification of the expense status to the
applicant via email. If seven days have passed since the submission date, an automated
notification is sent, indicating that the approval is in progress, and the process is terminated.

If the request is not finished within 30 days, then the process is stopped and the employee
receives an email cancelation notice and require to re-submit the expense report.

Problem 2

The Customer Service Representative sends a mortgage offer to the customer and waits for a
reply. If the customer calls or writes back declining the mortgage, the case details are updated
and the work is then archived prior to cancelation. If the customer sends back the completed
offer documents and attaches all prerequisite documents then the case is moved to the
administration for completion. If all of the prerequisite documents are not provided, a message in
generated to the customer requesting outstanding documents. If no answer is received after 2
weeks, the case details are updated prior to archive and cancelation.
Problem 3
Transfer the following verbal description into a BPMN:
A. Upon receiving a marketing campaign request from the Marketing & Sales department,
the marketing manager will need to define the marketing plan.
B. After defining the marketing plan, the department will need to do the following tasks at
the same time: define the goals of the campaign, set a budget (based on the available
budget), and determine the target audience.
C. Then, the department will need to plan the measures of doing this campaign.
D. Next, the department has the option to introduce the products on trade fares, publish the
products on the Internet, or introduce the products in the Online Marketplace.
E. Once the department has decided on one of the measures to perform the campaign, the
marketing activities of this campaign have to be evaluated.
F. And finally, the process ends when the marketing activities are successfully evaluated.

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