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Name :- chaursiya Rupanjali Ramashankar

Subject :- The Augustan period

Roll no :- 207

Class :- M.A -01

Paper no :- 03

Topic:- Robinson Crusoe as Adventures novel by Daniel Defoe



Daniel Defoe was born in 1659 . Daniel Defoe was an English trader, writer, journalist,

pamphleteer, and spy. then the famous his novel ‘Robinson Crusoe’ . Daniel Defoe born toward

of the summer of 1660 died on April 24 , 1731 . his original surname foe , Defoe altered it in

1703 . Defoe was an author of famous novel ‘ Robinson Crusoe’ a simply the story of a man

shipwrecked alone on an island . whenever , Samuel Richardson Defoe is considered the

founder of the English novel . Daniel Defoe before his time stories were usually written as long

as long poem or dramas.

“One day , about noon , going towards my Bout , I was exceedingly surprised with the Print of a man’s

naked foot on the shore Which was very plain to be seen on the sand”

by Robinson Crusoe

Daniel Defoe was one of the first to write stories about believable character in realistic situation

using simple prose . he achieved literary immorality when in April 1719 he published ‘

Robinson Crusoe’ , a travelogue . which was based partly on the memoirs of voyagers and

castaway . as a journalist Defoe must have heard his story and possibly interviewed him .

Full title of the novel

Robinson Crusoe is a novel written by Daniel Defoe . this novel first published on 25 , April , 1719 . the

first edition credited the work’s fictional protagonist Robinson Crusoe as it’s author and the many

readers to believe . he was a real person and the book a travelogue of the true incidents the original

title is;“ The life and strange surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe , of York , mariner : who liyed

eight and twentyYears all alone in an uninhabited island an the coast ofAmerica , near the mouth of

the great river of orooneque:Having been cast on shore by shipwreck wherein all theMen perished but

himself with an account how he has atlast as strangely delivered by pyrites…….” The novel is it’s simple

narrative style and then Robinson Crusoe was well known as the literary world and then credited as

marking . the beginning of realistic way of fiction as a literary genre and before the end of novel 1719

the book had alredy ran through four edition.

Historical Background

By the time of Robinson Crusoe European nations had acquird empires in south America , Asia and

Africa . Daniel Defoe was display interested in the voyages . so , he wrote about voyages. Daniel Defoe
tells tale of a marooned individual in order in critize society . by using the island location , similar to

that of tempt , Defoe also depict Crusoe’s island as a microcosm of European society . Crusoe’s

European values and education are evident : he colonizes the island by building houses . his successful

development on the island parallels that of the British empire around the 18th century .

voyages by robinson crusoe

The first voyage, set in 1652, takes the adventurous twenty-year old Robinson from his home in York

to Great Yarmouth, and then to London.

The second voyage takes him on a trading voyage from London to Guinea on the west coast of Africa.

The Third voyageThe third voyage is similar in intent, but Robinson is captured by Moorish pirates and

held as a slave in Sallee (Rabat). Escaping from the Moors in 1654, Crusoe and Xury head southwards

along the African coast until they are picked up by a Portuguese trader who takes them to Brazil where

Cruose is able to set up a plantation thanks to the money paid him by the honest Portguese for his

boat and other goods. After four years, in 1659 Crusoe is persuaded by the plantation owners to lead

a trading voyage back to Guinea to buy slaves, but two storms throw his boat off course and he is

finally wrecked on his imaginary island south-east of Trinidad. There he spends 28 years until rescued

by another trader who takes him back to England (his sixth voyage)in 1688.

The seventh voyage, in 1689, takes Crusoe to Lisbon, with the aim of travelling back to Brazil to see to

his plantation,but his old friend the Portuguese captain conducts all his transactions for him by mail,

so Crusoe is able to cash in his considerable resources without crossing the Atlantic. He then returns

to London.
The eighth voyage,Finally, in 1694, Crusoe is encouraged to accompany a nephew on another trading

voyage, this time to the East Indies. En route, they call in at his old island and the novel ends with a

report of how well the Spaniards he left behind on "his island" have fared in the intervening years.

How crusoe reaches to island The novel, famously, is about how the title character, Robinson Crusoe,

becomes marooned on an island off the north-east coast of South America. As a young man, Crusoe

had gone to sea in the hope of making his fortune. Crusoe is on a ship bound for Africa, where he plans

to buy slaves for his plantations in South America, when the ship is wrecked on an island and Crusoe

is the only survivor.Alone on a desert island, Crusoe manages to survive thanks to his pluck and

pragmatism. He keeps himself sane by keeping a diary, manages to build himself a shelter, and finda a

way of salvaging useful goods from the wrecked ship, including guns.

Twelve years pass in this way, until one momentous day, Crusoe finds a single human footprint in the

sand! But he has to wait another ten years before he discovers the key to the mystery: natives from

the nearby islands, who practise cannibalism, have visited the island, and when they next return,

Crusoe attacks them, using his musket salvaged from the shipwreck all those years ago.

How crusoe Met Friday

He takes one of the natives captive, and names him Man Friday, because – according to Crusoe’s

(probably inaccurate) calendar, that’s the day of the week on which they first meet.

Crusoe teaches Man Friday English and converts him to Christianity. When Crusoe learns that Man

Friday's fellow natives are keeping white prisoners on their neighbouring island, he vows to rescue
them. Together, the two of them build a boat. When more natives attack the island with captives,

Crusoe and Friday rescue the captives and kill the natives. The two captives they've freed are none

other than Friday's own father and a Spanish man.Crusoe sends them both off to the other island inthe

newly made boat, telling them to free theother prisoners. Meanwhile, a ship arrives at theisland: a

mutiny has taken place on board, andthe crew throw the captain and his loyalsupporters onto the


Before the ship can leave, Crusoe has teamed up with the captain and his men, and between them

they retake the ship from the mutineers, who settle on the island while Crusoe takes the ship home to


The Ambivalence of mastery

Crusoe’s success in muster of his situation then controlling his environment show all the condition of

mastery in light beginning of a novel . Crusoe state on the island and inhospitable environment but if

makes it his home than the master of crusoe and another the theme of mastery is the more complex

and positive of Friday . in his ideas of mastery comes to apply for the unfair relationship between

Crusoe and Friday . Crusoe also trained by Friday . Crusoe the ‘master, then Friday ‘yes’ and he lets him

‘know that was to be name’ . Daniel Defoe is also kind the link of the colonial mind of human being .


The Novel shows that how a person Survive on a desert island. Robinson Crusoe is the real life story

ofScottish sailor, 'Alexander also shows Master Slave Relationship is the mainconcept of the

Novel 'Robinson Crusoe'.here We can find some characters in thisnovel who indicates that the master

slave relation ship, like Xury and Friday.We can find today also this type of relation.Today Capitalism,
Privatalisation, Power position, Patriotic relation is the superior, who is ruled by technology like

Internet.the book ends with the promise of narrating more of his escapades in the future.



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