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Mechanical Clamp Design

Simplified method

Baher Elsheikh
April 2022

Photos from: Baher Elsheikh

Classification: General Business Use
Overview of Mechanical Clamp Design
• A mechanical clamp consists of split fittings mechanically joined together to seal off or reinforce a component
• The annular space between the mechanical clamp and the repaired component can be left either empty or filled, or lined with
epoxy, sealant, fibre, refractory materials, or other compounds.
• A clamp can be non-structural (designed to contain leaks) or structural (designed to reinforce and hold together a damaged

Design of the mechanical clamp involves

1- Main Shell Thickness

2- End Flat Plate Thickness
3- Lug Thickness
4- Number and size of bolts 2

• Non structural clamp
• Non gasketed (metal-to-metal) 3
• Sealant injection will be applied
• Stable uniform operating conditions

Mechanical Clamp Design Baher Elsheikh

Classification: General Business Use

Main Shell Thickness Input Data

• Line Design Pressure, Pd
Apply ASME BPVC sec. VIII div.1 UG-27 – EQ.1 • Line Design Temperature, Td
• Line Operating Pressure, Po
• Line Operating Temperature, To

PR • Clamp design pressure, P

t= .
+ CA …… Eq.1 .
SfE – 0.6 P • Line size, OD

Main Shell • Clamp Inside diam., ID

P: Clamp design pressure = max of line design pressure Pd • Clamp Length, Lt
and sealant injection pressure Pi
• Pipe material
Pi can be assumed 1.1 X Po • Clamp material
• Clamp material allowable stress at Td, S
Sf: Clamp material allowable stress at Td, ASME sec. II part D
• Service media
• Corrosion Allowance, CA
R: Clamp shell internal radius
• Number of bolts, n
• Bolt size, db
• Bolt material
• Bolt material allowable stress, Sb

Mechanical Clamp Design Baher Elsheikh

Classification: General Business Use

End Flat Plate Thickness Input Data

• Line Design Pressure, Pd
Apply ASME BPVC sec. VIII div.1 UG-34 – EQ.1 • Line Design Temperature, Td
• Line Operating Pressure, Po
• Line Operating Temperature, To
• Line size, OD
𝑡 = 𝑑 𝐶𝑃/𝑆𝑓𝐸 …… Eq.2 .
• Clamp Inside diam., ID
• Clamp Length, Lt
C: Unstayed head factor= 0.33 • Pipe material
• Clamp material
Sf: Clamp material allowable stress at Td, ASME sec. II part D
• Clamp material allowable stress at Td, Sf
d: Clamp shell internal diameter • Service media
• Corrosion Allowance, CA
• Number of bolts, n
• Bolt size, D
End Plate • Bolt material
• Bolt material allowable stress, Sb

Mechanical Clamp Design Baher Elsheikh

Classification: General Business Use
Lug Thickness
Apply ASME BPVC sec. VIII div.1 appendix Y – Eq Y-9 …… Eq.3 .

𝑰 𝐿𝑡 𝑇3
𝒁= Z: section modulus , I: Area moment of inertia , ymax= T/2 𝐼= T
𝒚𝒎𝒂𝒙 12
𝑳𝒕 𝑻𝟑/𝟏𝟐 𝑳𝒕 𝑻𝟐
𝒁= 𝒁=
𝑻/𝟐 𝟔 Lt
𝐼𝑥 =
𝑴 σ𝒎𝒂𝒙 12
= M: Bending moment , σmax: Maximum stress@ ymax
𝑰 𝒚𝒎𝒂𝒙
M= 𝛔𝒎𝒂𝒙 𝑻= 𝟔 𝑴/𝑳𝒕σ𝒎𝒂𝒙 𝑻 = 𝟐. 𝟒𝟓 𝑴/𝑳𝒕σ𝒎𝒂𝒙

Non-Circular Flange
Circular Flange (code Appendix Y case)
L = length at the lug (both sides) excluding the
L = circumferential length at the B.C.D excluding bolt holes
the bolt holes
L= (Lt – nD) x 2 n: no. of bolts, D: bolt hole
L= 𝜋C-nD C:B.C.D , n:no. of bolts, D: bolt hole *for special shapes, L to be equal to overall
length of the lug
𝛔𝒎𝒂𝒙 : allowable stress
𝛔𝒎𝒂𝒙 : allowable stress
𝑻 = 𝟐. 𝟒𝟓 …… Eq.3 . 𝑻 = 𝟐. 𝟒𝟓 …… Eq.4 .
𝜋𝑪 − 𝒏𝑫 𝑺𝒇 𝟐 𝑳𝒕 − 𝒏𝑫 𝑺𝒇
Mechanical Clamp Design Baher Elsheikh
Classification: General Business Use
Min Required Bolt Loads
Hydrostatic Force acting area A = ID X L

Hydrostatic Force F = A x P

P= max of line design pressure Pd and sealant injection pressure Pi

Required Bolt load Wm shall be not less than F + factor of safety (FS) … (FS can be taken 10%)

Allowable bolt load Wma= Ab X Sb X n

“M", Applied moment to be substituted in Eq.3 and Eq.4

M = F X Moment arm

Use ASME BPVC sec. VIII div.1 appendix 2-6 for reference
n: No. of Bolts hd for loose type flange = (C-B) / 2 [B Flange ID and C: BCD]
ID: Clamp internal diameter
L: clamp length Moment arm = (C – ID) / 2
Pi: Sealant injection pressure pressure
Pd: Line design pressure
𝑪 − 𝑰𝑫
Eq. 4 can presented as 𝑻 = 𝟐. 𝟒𝟓 …… Eq.5 .
Ab: bolt Root area (use ASME PCC 1 – Table H-1M) 𝟐 𝑳𝒕 − 𝒏𝑫 𝑺𝒇
Wm:min required bolt load
Wma: Available bolt load for selected bolt size and numbers

Mechanical Clamp Design Baher Elsheikh

Classification: General Business Use
Simplified Design Flowchart
Select Clamp Material, Bolt Determine the sealant injection Calculate thickness of clamp main
material and get allowable Estimate Clamp pressure (Pi), shell use ASME Sec. VIII div.1 UG-
stresses at both ambient dimensions, bolt size 27
and design temperature [approx.: Pi=1.1X Operating pressure]
and numbers (Use max. of Pd and Pi)
from Sec. II part D

Calculate end plate thk, t

use ASME Sec. VIII div.1 UG-34
Calculate total Hydrostatic Force,

Calculate required bolt load


No Is required bolt Calculate available bolt load and

load < Available
Increase Bolt Size / number compare to F
bolt load

Calculate the Lug thickness

Clamp Design

Mechanical Clamp Design Baher Elsheikh

Classification: General Business Use

General Notes
• Use clamp material matching the line material
• Check the line under the effect of external pressure applied by the sealant injection
• Check the actual dimensions at site before fabrication
• MSDS for the sealant component shall be checked and to confirm the adequacy to the operating media and service
• Use corrosion allowance in the design similar to the protected line
• Check the line supports if further adjustment or supports might be required for the weight of the clamp
• Check the actual thickness of the leak line before applying the clamp to identify the required dimensions
• In case the leak is resulted from crack, special cautions and consideration is mandatory be fore applying a clamp, ASME
PCC 2 - Article 306 for guidance
• At high temperature application, B7 bolts will have very low allowable stress and B16 or B8 bolts will be required
• The maximum permissible bolt stress (Sbmax) must be selected to eliminate damage to the bolt or assembly flange. It is
typically in the range of 40% to 70% of ambient bolt yield stress
• The minimum permissible bolt stress (Sbmin) must be selected to provide a lower limit such that bolting inaccuracies do not
become a significant portion of the specified assembly bolt stress, Sbsel. The value is typically in the range of 140 MPa to
245 MPa (20 ksi to 35 ksi)
• For more complex clamp or structural clamp FEA might be applied for accurate results
Note Low strength bolts limitation
Sy for B7 Bolts : 720 Mpa ……….. (140 Mpa= 20%)
Sy fro B8 Cl.1 Bolts: 205 Mpa ……. (140 Mpa= 68%)
Mechanical Clamp Design Baher Elsheikh
Classification: General Business Use
References and Recommended Readings

ASME BPVC Sec VIII Div.1; –Appendix 2 & Appendix Y

ASME PCC1 –2019; Guidelines for Pressure Boundary Bolted Flange Joint Assembly

ASME PCC2 –2018; Repair of Pressure Equipment and Piping

Introduction to the design and behavior of Bolted Joints , John H. Bickford

Mechanical Clamp Design Baher Elsheikh

Classification: General Business Use

Thank You
Link to download this material is in the description of the YouTube video

Baher Elsheikh

Baher Elsheikh @

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