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Daylighting Evaluation in Faculty of Art and Design Education Auditorium, Universitas

Pendidikan Indonesia

by Beta Paramita, Rifa Nurfathin

Luminous comfort is an important thing to consider in design. Several studies show that luminous
comfort is most affected by satisfaction daylighting. This research was conducted using direct survey
methods via measuring and simulating the natural lighting using Dialux 12 evo software. The
simulation results show that daylighting in the auditorium does not meet the lumination standards.
Therefore, recommendations are included so that the daylighting is up to standard. This article
concludes that the addition of windowed area can affect luminous comfort.

1. Introduction
Luminous comfort is an important thing to consider in design. The results confirmed that
luminous comfort is a function of both behavior patterns and daylighting conditions (Xue et al., 2014,
51). Daylighting can affect human productivity and health by, for example, helping to produce vitamin
D, reducing cholesterol, reducing cancer risk, improving blood circulation, and many other benefits.
(Mediastika, 2013, 2; Atthaillah et al., 2017, 47). In general, the degree of luminous comfort is most
affected by satisfaction with daylighting. (Xue et al., 2014, 51; Chandra, 2013, 171).
In other hand, architects sometimes lacking the proper tools or awareness about performative
consequences regarding daylighting (Heinzelmann, 2018, 1; Galasiu & Reinhart, 2008, 4). Despite
advances in technology, many practitioners still use previous work experience. (VanZee L, 2014, 1;
Cannon-Brookes et al.,1997) Therefore, luminous comfort is not well achieved.
Auditorium FPSD is an auditorium located in Faculty Education of Art and Design, Indonesia
University of Education. The auditorium is used as a place to hold meetings, performances, and so
on, with a large number of participants.
This paper compare the luminous comfort in the FPSD Auditorium with the luminous
standards based on the SNI. This research was conducted using direct survey methods via
measuring and simulating the natural lighting using Dialux software. Calculation of the daylighting in
auditorium is necessary to find out the comfort of the buildings in connection to their lighting and
provide recommendations for future design.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Theory
Luminous comfort is influenced by daylighting. Daylighting should not be excessive or
deficient. Windows are one of the things that must be considered in optimizing daylighting. (Paramita
et al., 2021, 115; (E. et al., 2014, 2). Windows that are too large can cause excessive natural lighting
that can make the room temperature rise and cause heat in the room. Conversely, windows that are
too small get lack of daylighting can cause dampness and odor in the room. Therefore, there are
daylighting standards available for each room based on the activities carried out in the room.

2.2. Standard
Based on SNI 03-2396-2001, natural lighting can be said to be good if during the day
between 08.00 to 16.00 local time there is a lot of light entering the room and the distribution of light in
the room is quite even and does not cause annoying contrasts.
The list in SNI 03-6575-2001, does not include lighting level standards in the auditorium room.
However, the lighting standard for classrooms is 250 lux. The minimum lighting level is set based on
the activities and functions of the space so that it can be applied to spaces that have the same
activities even though they have different shapes. (Ratnawisesa, 2012, 47-48; Talarosa, 2004, 1).
Therefore, for this research, a standard of 250 lux was used for the auditorium.

2.3. Research Location

The research was conducted at the Faculty of Art and Design Education Auditorium,
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, located in Gd. A FPSD UPI, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Isola,
Sukasari, Indonesia.This location was chosen due to the availability of the person in charge to find out
more about the lighting in the auditorium.

Figure 1. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, yellow outlines implies the auditorium located.
Source: Google Earth 2023

2.4. Type of Research

In order to obtain the necessary information and to strengthen the research, this research
has been carried out through field observations to collect data and simulations using Dialux evo 12
software and literature studies.

2.5. Process of Research

Before starting the lighting simulation, a 3D model of the room was first made using autocad
based on the size of the room that had been measured during direct observation. After that, the 3D
model was imported into dialux software, which was used to identify natural lighting and artificial
lighting, and then simulated. From the simulation, the value was compared with daylighting standards
to determine the daylighting quality.

3. Results and Discussion

The FPSD Auditorium is box-shaped with a stage and circular seating. Concrete and wood
materials are most commonly used in the auditorium. Located on the 5th floor with a height of 12m
from the ground. The height of the auditorium room is 4m with a ceiling height of 3.67m from the floor
and a ceiling thickness of 0.3m. The room plan can be seen in Figure 2
Figure 2. Faculty of Art and Design Education Auditorium

Light enters through the openings. In this auditorium, windows serve as openings. Through
these openings, light enters. The larger the window, the greater the quantity of light that enters, and
vice versa.
In this auditorium, there are 3 kinds of window sizes. There is a window that is larger than the
other windows (hereafter referred to as window A) located respectively in the north and south of the
auditorium (Figure 3). Then there is a window that is smaller than the other windows (hereafter
referred to as window B) located in the west of the auditorium (Figure 4). Finally, there are windows
that are medium in size compared to the others located in the north and south of the auditorium
(Figure 5).

Figure 3. (Left) Dimensions of window A, obtained via Dialux

(Right) 3D model of window A
Figure 4. (Left) Dimensions of window B, obtained via Dialux
(Right) 3D model of window B

Figure 5. (Left) Dimensions of window C, obtained via Dialux

(Right) 3D model of window C

Next, a simulation was carried out in Dialux software with the selection of June 21, 2023 when
the average sky. The date was chosen because on that date the sun was at its peak with frequent sky
conditions. Then, 12.00 WIB was chosen when the sun was at its highest angle. The angle of
incidence of sunlight affects the temperature on the earth's surface (Khusnudhani, 2018, 17). The
simulation results shown in Figure 6 are obtained.
The simulation results obtained in the auditorium room are 76.7lx. Daylighting in the
auditorium room has not met the applicable standard of 250lx.
In view of the data that has been provided, a number of options can be applied in order to
achieved the standard including change the material of window glass, adapt the shape and size of
windows according to the standards and their requirements as well as adding more elements such as
a window.
After making changes and adding more windows, 4 window B di barat dan 2 window C
masing-masing di utara dan selatan (Figure 7), a Dialux software simulation was carried out again
and the results of daylighting in the Faculty of Art and Design Education Auditorium were better than
before (Figure 8). Hasil yang didapatkan yaitu sebesar 243lx. Angka tersebut mendekati angka
standar untuk auditorium yaitu sebesar 250lx. Then, the simulation results show improvements in the
quality of natural lighting which can be seen in Figure 9.
Figure 6. Simulation results using Dialux evo 12.0 software

Figure 7. Plan after adding windows to the auditorium

Figure 8. Simulation results after changes


From the data and analysis results regarding the daylighting in the Faculty of Art and Design
Education Auditorium, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, it can be concluded that the dimensions,
materials, shapes, and elements of the windows affect the amount of sunlight exposure in the room. It
can be concluded that daylighting affects the living quality of the space. Too much sun exposure
makes the room temperature too hot, so there are standards regarding the optimal amount of lux in
the room.
the Faculty of Art and Design Education Auditorium, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia do not
meet the daylighting standards based on the amount of lux in the auditorium. Therefore, windows
should be added to meet the standard.




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SNI. (n.d.). SNI 03-2396-2001 Tata cara perancangan sistem pencahayaan alami pada bangunan


SNI. (n.d.). SNI 03-6575-2001 Tata cara perancangan sistem pencahayaan buatan pada bangunan


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