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Alaina Fhaye D. Calimag ( STEM 11 – St.

Raphael )


OBJECTIVE: To be able to identify the gender of the frog, to dissect and examine its anatomy, and to be
able to identify its internal organs.


-Labgown -Alcohol

-Pins -Dissecting Pan

-Scalpel -Cotton Balls / Tissue

-Scissors -Newspaper

PROCEDURE: Fasten the animal, ventral side up in a dissection pan using a pin thrust obliquely through
each limb. Lift the skin with the forceps and use scissors to cut through it (but not through the underlying
muscles) along the mid-ventral line from the posterior end of the trunk to the tip of the jaw. Cut the skin
outward, at right angles to the first cut in the ventral region of the arms and also at the posterior end of the
trunk. Pin back the skin flaps. Now open the abdominal cavity by making your cut millimeters to the left
or right of the linea alba. Cut through the sternum. Pin back the muscle layers as you did with the skin so
that the viscera or internal organs can be seen.
GENDER: This toad is a male rather than a female because upon observing its internal organs, instead of
an ovary we found a testis which a male toad should have.

OBSERVATION: We actually dissected a toad rather than a frog, as we observed that its legs were
shorter than those of a frog, which typically has longer legs than a toad. Additionally, we identified that
the toad's skin was dry and covered in warts, as opposed to the smooth, slimy skin typically seen in frogs.

CONCLUSION: After examining the anatomy of the frog and identifying its internal organs, we
determined that the positioning of the organs in the frog is similar to that in the human body, with the
exception that the frog's organs are comparatively smaller in size.

REFELECTION: Through this lab activity, I have developed the ability to recognize and label the
various parts of a toad, as well as identify the differences between a frog and a toad, and the
characteristics that distinguish male and female frogs. During the frog dissection, we encountered some
difficulty as the frog's breathing caused its body to move, making it challenging for us to make incisions
without accidentally damaging an organ. However, despite this challenge, we were ultimately successful
in dissecting the frog and examining its internal organs. Although I felt somewhat guilty about disposing
of the frog's body after the procedure, I recognize that this experience provided me with valuable
knowledge and skills.

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