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2023/24 Academic Year Biology Worksheet Two for Grade 9

Answer the following questions accordingly.

 Write the types of bacteria based on their shape.
1. Identify the difference among mutualism, parasitism and saprophytes fungi.

2. Write the difference between chemosynthetic and photosynthetic bacteria.

3. Write some characteristics of kingdom of animalia.

4. What is the difference between vascular and non-vascular plants?

5. Write some characteristics of bryophytes.

6. List out some phyla of algae.

7. Write common characteristics of vertebrate animals.

8. Write some examples of phylum colenterata.

9. Describe the following invertebrate animals.

a) Porifera

b) Platyhelmentes

c) Nematode

d) Annelida

e) Mollusca

f) Echinodermata

g) Arthropoda

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Biology Worksheet Two for Grade 9

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