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Home science is called multidisciplinary subject

Home Science is a multidisciplinary subject that combines sciences, social sciences, and
technology. It is also known as Home Economics. Home Economics was founded for the
purpose of helping individuals and families relate to change, its uniqueness lies in the holistic
view of daily living of individuals and families. Income and Employment, Health and
population, Nutrition, Education, Housing, Social Welfare, and Extension Activities always
remain key developmental indicators and priorities to any government, these indicators
correspond to the curriculum and knowledge domain of Home Science.
Following are the conventional knowledge domain of Home Science and new ones are adding
on as reflected in career opportunities.
1. Foods and Nutrition: Nutrition profiling of populations, Nutrition and Therapeutic Diets,
Using traditional and underutilized foods and plants, Nutrition guidance and counselling,
understanding Malnutrition and related lifestyle problems, Novel food items, Food processing
and catering.
2. Family Resource Management: Home Management, Decreasing production cost,
Resource management, Empowering consumers, Developing Ergonomically suitable
implements. Optimization and conservation of Resources, Consumers Awareness,
Entrepreneurial using skill in Art and Craft and farm waste, Management and marketing skills.
3. Clothing and Textiles: Knowledge and skills of designing and apparel manufacture, Textile
Chemistry, Technology , Designing Skills, Preparing and Marketing of Handicrafts, Purchase,
Care and Maintenance of Textiles, Optimizing the use of agro based resources, Utilizing minor
fibres and natural dyes, Consumer Education.
4. Human Development: Gender Sensitization, Empowerments of females, Knowledge/ Life
Skill Empowerment of Girls/ Women/ Families/ Communities, Use of Assessment and
Capacity Building Skills, Parenting Strategies, Guidance and Counselling Services, Improving
the Quality of Life of Children, Adolescents and Elderly, Developing Support Systems,
Geriatric Care Management, Mental Health.
5. Extension and Communication: Participatory Rural Appraisal to study communities,
Changing Societal Scenario, Variations within communities/ Agro- Climatic zones, Skills in
preparing media and developing models/ methods for dissemination of knowledge regarding
agriculture and allied activities, Interaction/ collaborations with agencies and functionaries,
Gender sensitive Individuals/ Organizations/ Communities, Gender Analysis.

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