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To define what stress is, we can begin by firstly dividing stress into two parts, namely,
Eustress and Distress.


Eustress Distress

Definition of stress:
Stress refers to a complex physiological and emotional reaction that develops if a person feels
he/she fails or may fail to meet demands. This is instinctive response that assists a body and
spirit react to difficulties usually called stressors. Sometimes stress is caused by outside
events and sometimes it may arise even with no particular stimuli.

Hans Selye developed the term eustress, which denotes good or positive stress. Eustress
differs from distress in terms of its association with negative experiences and possible
adverse consequences for an individual’s health and wellness. Eustress is derived from
situations or experiences which are challenging, yet manageable by an individual’s capacity
to respond, adapt, and grow stronger. It contributes significantly toward one’s growth,
maturity and success. Eustress is a good type of stress. It is whereby people view difficulties
and pressures as encouraging and possible for them to deal with thus causing positive
reactions which support high quality of life and personal development.
Real-Life Examples in individuals lives:-
 Work-related Eustress:
Picture somebody assigned an exciting task that relates to his/her skill, interest and
passion. Although such things as pressure in order to do their best can become some
reasons of stress, these are positive things for professional growth. A person feels
more motivated and inspired to work and give in their best.
 Personal Relationships:
For example, a couple preparing for an upcoming wedding. The preparations and
arrangements can certainly cause stress but in case of this life event the stress will be
called eustress as it is exciting to prepare for such a event.
 Fitness Goals:
Eustress may result from having high and difficult fitness targets and goals like
preparing for a marathon. Positive perception of physical demands and challenge
enhance personal growth.
My Personal Experience:
 Academic Challenge as Eustress:
For a student like myself, a eustressful experience came with undertaking a research
project that revolved around my field of study. The challenge was not easy; however,
being able to go all-in and do what I love was worth it. Stress was seen as a
motivating force that enabled me to give the best, and satisfaction after finishing all
the assignments.
Positive Impact on Well-Being:
 Increased Motivation:
Eustress is also a good source of positive motivation that forces people on working
hard and focusing on certain issues with all attention. They become motivated, which
in turn provides them with a sense of purpose and satisfaction.
 Enhanced Performance:
Most notably, eustress usually goes hand in hand with better results. People often end
up excelling in their undertakings when they see the challenges positively so that they
can tackle them with energy and creativity.
 Sense of Achievement:
Positive aspects of facing up on eustressful challenges encompasses feelings of
achievement and capability which eventually improve one’s belief in themselves.

Coping Strategies:
 Mindful Perspective:
Adopting a mindful perspective whereby challenges are viewed as avenues for
development and learning, enables the redefinition of stressors in terms of positivity.
 Goal Setting:
By breaking down big challenges into small, attainable items, one may transform
possible distresses into eustress and feel positive about progress that they are making.
 Self-Care Practices:
Adequate exercise, enough sleep and relaxation are among the most useful self-care
practices that boost resilience and promote a good experience with stress.

Sources of stressors for me:

 Academic Adjustments:
Coping with a new academic setting, varied instructional techniques, and the rigour of
coursework may prove difficult at first, but these challenges have created new
opportunities for my development and improvement.
 Social Integration:
Personal growth is involved in building new social relationships, making friendships,
finding comfort within a new town, which is quite tough for me but exciting at the
same time.
 Navigating Cultural Differences:
for me, moving to a new city has resulted in stress due to cultural adjustment such as
lifestyles, manner of communication or behaviour. But I appreciate this new aspect of
Differences types of Stressors:
 Cataclysmic Events:
1) Definition: Stress can be induced by cataclysmic events which are great, sometimes
abrupt with potential impact on lives. Any of these events could be positive or negative,
but under the category of eustress, we shall only consider the positive cataclysmic events.
2) Examples of Eustressful Cataclysmic Events:
i) Getting married
ii) The arrival of the child.
iii) Achieving a significant career milestone
iv) Winning of a prestigious award or competition.
3) Impact on Eustress: Despite this, however, the stress in respect of the importance of these
occurrences in people’s lives and the changes that take place in their environments tends
to be positive. This kind of eustress is regarded a means towards self-fulfillment,
happiness and achievement.

 Daily Hassles:
1. Definition: Hassle means daily hassles which are the small, everyday stresses.
Individually, these may appear small, but together they could impact greatly.
2. Examples of Eustressful Daily Hassles:
a. Balancing work and personal responsibilities
b. Meeting daily deadlines and commitments
c. Juggling multiple tasks and priorities
d. Participating in frequent or rigorous exercises.
3. Impact on Eustress: However, if these daily problems are viewed as manageable and
within the ability to cope, eustress may result. They create chances for skills
enhancement, planning, and achievement feeling.

 Ambient Stressors:
1. Definition: These ambient stressors are referred to as environmental factors or chronic
conditions, which may establish a certain level of everyday pressure for the person.
This type of stress may be recurring or chronic in nature.
2. Examples of Eustressful Ambient Stressors:
a. A busy city with many opportunities for life and culture.
b. Working in the dynamically changing and quickly developing industry
c. Juggling an active yet fulfilling life.
d. Setting ambitious personal or professional objectives.
3. Impact on Eustress: Ambient stressors related to eustress have a positive and
constructive influence on an individual. Dynamic environment and ever changing
challenges are believed to be stimulating for individual growth and development.

Distress is an extremely painful experience or an adverse condition. This is a type of negative
and bad stress occurring in people’s perception, there are more expectations than
strength. Stress may take different forms that impact either the body or the mind. It usually
occurs along with adverse emotions. Distress can be described as an acute form of misery
caused by situations where people think they are not able to handle challenges. It is an
undesirable kind of stress, with physiological and psychological effects on an individual.
Real life examples of distress:
 Work-related Distress:
Considering someone struggling in a high profile career that requires working for
days without breaks and always having something due. There is a continuous pressure
in achieving the targets as well as handling work-related challenges which may cause
distress. Such can result into anxiety, sleep deprivation, and overall poor mental
 Relationship Distress:
Imagine somebody facing a hard breakup or relationship problems. Such distress can
result from emotional strain, a sense of loneliness, or uncertainties about the future. It
can affect their mood, self-esteem, and ability to focus during normal activities.
 Financial Distress:
Distress in a person with debts, joblessness, or an unforeseen expense. Such anxiety
about the rent, utilities, and potential inability for the family to afford necessities
causes a great deal of psychological damage and may also contribute to serious
illnesses and poor physique.
My Personal Experience:
 Academic challenges as Distress:
The first semester I was a student in a new city brought upon me some academic
stress. Transition to a new environment, high expectations, and difficulty adjusting to
another education system led to massive stresses. My sleep was disturbed, inability to
concentrate as well as feeling uncomfortable or distressed at all times.
Coping Strategies:
 Seeking Support:
Such an outlet is important because it helps in emotional expression and
understanding through connecting with friends, families and even support services.
 Time Management:
Establishing proper time management skills will ensure that the student is not
overwhelmed by an excessive load of both academic requirements and extracurricular
 Self-Care Practices:
It is advisable for nurses to include engaging in healthy activities like exercises,
various relaxation techniques and indulging into a hobby among their daily schedule
helps improve one’s general health and reduce stress levels.
Sources of Stressors for me:
 Academic Challenges:
A student may face many difficulties when transitioning to a new academic
environment, adopting diverse forms of instruction, and managing coursework.
 Social Adjustment:
There are a lot of challenges involved with building new social connections, making
friends, and having a feeling of belonging in a new city.
 Financial Pressures:
A student may face financial stressors brought about by managing living expenses,
tuition fees, and budgeting while in a new city.
Different types of Stressors:
 Cataclysmic Events
1) Definition: Cataclysmic events are major, frequently unanticipated, and potentially
traumatic circumstances that can lead to stress. These events are generally negative in
nature and can have a profound impact on an existent's life.
2) Examples of Distressful Cataclysmic Events:
a) Natural disasters(e.g., earthquakes, hurricanes)
b) particular trauma or loss(e.g., death of a loved one, severe injury)
c) Major accidents or heads(e.g., auto accidents, fiscal collapse)
3) Impact on Distress Cataclysmic: these events frequently overwhelm an existent's
managing mechanisms, leading to significant torture. The emotional and cerebral risk can
be profound, and the goods may persist for an extended period.

 Daily Hassles
1) Definition: Daily hassles relate to the minor, routine stressors that people encounter in
their everyday lives. While collectively these stressors may be small, their accretive
impact can be significant over time.
2) Examples of Distressful Daily Hassles:
a) Business traffic and exchanging challenges
b) Work- related deadlines and pressure
c) Family conflicts or dissensions
d) fiscal worries and budgeting difficulties
3) Impact on Distress Daily hassles: when patient and inviting, can contribute to habitual
stress. The ongoing nature of these stressors can lead to passions of frustration, perversity,
and a sense of being unfit to escape from stress.

 Ambient Stressors
1) Definition: Ambient stressors are environmental factors or habitual conditions that
produce a nonstop background position of stress in an existent's life. These stressors may
be ongoing and pervasive, impacting colorful aspects of diurnal living.
2) Examples of Distressful Ambient Stressors:
a) Living in a high- crime neighborhood
b) Being in a poisonous work terrain
c) managing with ongoing health issues
d) Dealing with systemic issues similar as demarcation or inequality
3) Impact on Distress Ambient stressors: contribute to a patient sense of apprehension and
pressure. They can lead to a state of habitual torture, negatively affecting both internal
and physical health over time.
Thus, feting stress, its origins, and managing chops for minimizing the dangerous effect of
similar situations as taking a fresh course in a new city would insure that individualities ’
health doesn't deteriorate.

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