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○ Objectively, a researcher is looking at bases in which

Introduction to Nursing Research the work is founded.

○ He must never produce results out of nowhere; the
What is Research? results after being determined should be verified and
● Is a systematic inquiry that uses disciplined methods to ○ These results must never be based on biases nor out of
answer questions or solve problems respect for any personality or organization.
● The ultimate goals of research are to develop, refine and ○ It is very important for the researcher to clarify
expand a body of knowledge (Polit &Beck, 2004) indicators and boundaries within which the study is
● “Is the continuing discovery and exploration of the unknown” confined because these are factors that could affect its
(Sanchez, 2002) objectivity.
● Is diligent, systematic inquiry or investigation to validate and 3. Feasible
refine existing knowledge and generate new knowledge ○ In the nursing profession, any problem, extraordinary
(Burns & Grove, 1997) in nature (phenomenon), that directly or indirectly
● Is a systematic investigation of new facts leading to the affects the profession, is a feasible problem of study.
discovery of new ideas (Parel, Caldito, & Ferrer, 1973) ○ In settings like the community, school, workplace and
● Is a systematic, critical and self-critical inquiry which aims to the hospital or clinic, unusual phenomena happen and
contribute toward the advancement of knowledge and turn into potential problems.
wisdom (Coleman & Briggs, 2002) 4. Empirical
● The careful, unbiased investigation of a problem, as far as ○ There should be adequate evidence discussing the
possible, upon demonstrate facts and involving refined different variables used in the study.
distinctions, interpretations, and usually some generalizations ○ The researcher must have evidence for the details
(Charters & Good, 1945) appearing in his/her paper.
● Refined technique of thinking, employing specialized tools, ○ Referencing of facts and information that the
instruments, and procedures in order to obtain a more researcher has gathered in his/her paper must not be
adequate solution to a problem that would be possible under forgotten.
ordinary means (Alcantara & Espina, 1995) ○ All sources should be properly cited. Through proper
citation, the researcher is stating that the knowledge
Nursing Research being shared came from other experts.
○ Plagiarism constitutes claiming an idea another
● Is a systematic search for and validation of knowledge person’s intellectual property-as one’s own.
about different issues important to the nursing profession 5. Clear
(Polit & Hungler, 1999) ○ The choice of variables used in the study should be
explained by the researcher.
Characteristics of Nursing Research ○ This can be done by enriching the review of literature
or by discussing the different theories on which the
● The above mentioned definitions of research according to the selection of variables were based.
experts can lead us to the common characteristics of nursing ○ There must be sufficient indicators for each variable.
research: ○ These indicators must be gathered from different
1. Systematic published and unpublished materials.
○ There is a system that must be followed in conducting ○ When located, these materials must be properly
research, as there is a system for making each chapter. referenced in the manuscript.
○ There is a big (macro) system and under this are little
(micro) systems. Types of Nursing Research
○ In thesis writing, what is referred to as ‘’the system’’ is
the process of formulating the chapters and the ● Basic or Pure research
elements of each. ● Applied research
○ The macro system is the composition of chapters so
that they are organized in a logical and scientific Purposes of Nursing Research
○ The micro system is the formulation of the detailed ● Provides scientific basis for the practices or methodologies
contents of each chapter used in nursing care management
○ The contents are further divided into element ● Is undertaken for the continuous development of and
○ The making of each element likewise follows a further productivity in health care
systematic procedure ● Develops tools for assessing the effectiveness of nursing
2. Objective interventions
○ Research is an objective process of analyzing ● Provides solutions to problems concerning health
phenomena of importance to any of the different maintenance, health delivery and health care
professional and academic fields of disciplines ● Develops and evaluates alternative approaches to nursing
(Nieswiadomy, 2004). education that enable the student to gain broader knowledge
and specialized skills for safe care
● Advances the professional and personal qualifications of a
nursing practitioner Thesis Writing
Goals in Conducting Nursing Research Research Title

1. To produce evidence-based nursing practice Generally, the title:

2. To establish credibility in the nursing profession 1. Should summarize the main idea of the paper.
3. To observe accountability in nursing practice 2. Should be a concise statement about the main topic.
4. To promote cost effectiveness through documentation of 3. Must include the major variable/s.
nursing care 4. Should show the relationships among the main variables
under study.
Roles of Nurses in Research 5. Must be self-explanatory.
Also, the researcher must be reminded that:
● By Nieświadomy & Bailey (2018) 6. In formulating the title, the researcher should avoid using
1. Principal investigator words that serve no useful purposes and can mislead
2. Member of a research team indexers. The words methods, results, investigations should
3. Identifier of researchable problems not appear in the title.
4. Evaluator of research findings 7. In many cases, the specific questions that the research intends
5. User of research findings to answer, when rewritten in a statement form, can serve as
6. Patient/client advocate during the study the title.
7. Subject/respondent/participant 8. Likewise, the general problem can serve as the thesis title.
9. The title must have 10 to 15 words.
Four (4) Competencies in Nursing Research
Sources of Research Problem
● Core Competency 1: ● Problems may exist in any setting where healthcare is
ー Gather data using different methodologies given-in hospitals or clinics, in schools, in the workplace or
○ Indicators: in the community. They can be commonly found in places
一 Identify researchable problems regarding where there is/are:
patient care and community health 1. A feeling of discomfort in the healthcare provider or the
一 Identify appropriate methods of research for a clients;
particular patient or community 2. Perceived difficulty in the management and leadership
一 Combine qualitative and quantitative nursing system;
designs through simple explanations of the 3. Gap between the theory and practice;
phenomenon observed 4. Daily experience of human beings that require further
一 Analyze the data gathered inquiry into, especially if improvements are desired; and
● Core Competency 2: 5. A procedure requiring technologically advanced
ー Recommend actions for Implementation equipment which needs to function properly.
○ Indicators: ● Likewise, a discerned problem is said to be researchable
一 Recommend practical solutions that are when it meets the following criteria:
appropriate to the problem 1. Solutions are available but not yet tested and unknown to
● Core Competency 3: the practitioner.
ー Disseminate results of research findings 2. No solutions are available to fill the gap or the problem
○ Indicators: assessed.
一 Communicate results of findings to colleagues, 3. When answers, solutions as well as possible results that
patients, family and other have been given are seemingly not tested or are factually
一 Endeavor to publish research contradictory.
一 Submit research findings to own agencies and 4. A phenomenon exists and requires explanation.
others as appropriate 5. There are several possible and plausible explanations for
● Core Competency 4: the existence of an undesirable condition.
ー Apply research findings in nursing practice ● The experience of an individual, nurse, doctor or any other
○ Indicators: health practitioner is the richest source of research problems.
一 Utilize research findings in the provision of ● E.g. A nurse who has a parent suffering from renal failure can
nursing care to individual, groups, and lead him/ her to study about that subject. A student nurse in
communities the hospital, community, or in school who is experiencing
一 Make use of evidence-based nursing to difficulty in adjusting to schedules, complying with tedious
ameliorate nursing practice requirements, or dealing with an instructor who adheres to
traditional teaching methods may be led to conduct a study
which can be useful to his/her present situation. A student
who belongs to a family with diabetes can conduct research
on the common causes and effects of diabetes mellitus.
● Any experience a person has, especially that which affects 5. Ethical Considerations – avoidance of research
his/her personal life, and efficiency with which he/she problems that pose unethical demands on the part of
discharge of his/her duties is a feasible problem to research the study participants
on. B. Internal Criteria
● Any medical pattern or trend is another source of a problem. 1. Experience, training and professional qualifications
A student assigned to a pediatric ward who encounters the – knowledge and expertise as a result of experience
same case again and again may be motivated to conduct a constitute the researcher’s tools for coping with the
study on the case. For example, in a week of apprenticeship demands of research.
in the pediatric ward, a student nurse notices that each day, 2. Motivation, interest, intellectual curiosity and
three children of almost the same age are brought to the perceptiveness of the researcher – the personal
hospital because of diarrhea. This observation can generate a motive behind doing research, as cited by scientists, is
possible research problem. pure curiosity, along with the genuine interest and the
● The increase in hospital admission and death rate of residents anticipated satisfaction or enjoyment in completing
in a community due to a dengue outbreak can be a focus of research tasks.
research studies. So is the issue of newborn screening in 3. Time factor – studies must be pursued in the given
metro manila hospitals. time frame.
● Literature reviews and previous researches can also be rich 4. Costs and returns – research is an expensive
sources of problems for research. These readings can lead a undertaking. The amount of funding needed, of course,
student to a topic and its scope and clues for further studies. depends on the size of the example, the place where
The repetition of a prior research study in a different setting research is to be conducted and the treatment of data,
and time is called REPLICATION. Implementing a change as well as the research design.
in variables – adding more significant variables or removing 5. Hazzard, penalties and handicaps – depends upon
less significant ones, changing the respondents, and revising his/her physical and intellectual capacity and moral
and improving its scope and delimitation – can make a study judgement.
invaluable even if the research problem is not original. While ● The identified problem must of course be significant to
a replication study is allowed, conducting research on a novel nursing. The degree course, or major of the student must be
case or problem is of greater merit. the primary consideration in the final selection of the
● A research problem can also be sourced from the interests of problem. A study conducted by a nursing student must, of
a researcher. A researcher may become more zealous and course, be relevant to him and to the nursing course.
determined in finishing a study if it involves a topic which is ● A student must choose a research problem that he can
of interest to him/her. For example, students who devote manage, i.e., he/she must know whether he/she has the
much time in computers can conduct a study of the role of necessary skills to pursue the study. Undergraduate students
computers in improving the quality of healthcare services in must avoid problems that are too complicated for them to
hospitals. Similarly, they can look into how the efficiency of handle, in the same way that graduate students must choose
computerized laboratory examinations affect the quality of topics that suit their level. There are problems that require the
healthcare services and rate of recovery of patients. technical expertise of a nurse, doctor or any other healthcare
practitioner. Students must, therefore, focus on problems that
Considerations in Formulating a Research Problem are simpler yet beneficial to nursing practice. The feasibility
of a research study is a very important consideration. The
● Barrientos-tan (1997) cited the following criteria for choosing time needed to conduct the study must be measured and its
a problem for research: setting defined and located. Their searcher must have ready
A. External Criteria access to the subjects he/she intends to study. The entire cost
1. Novelty – the practical value of the problem due to its of the study must be estimated – travel expenses when
newness to the field of inquiry meeting with respondents, purchase of instruments to be
2. Availability of Subjects – the existence of people used, expenses incurred in encoding the results, etc.
with the capability and willingness to participate in the ● External support is also an essential element to look at in
study; the sample of the study participants must be determining whether a search is feasible or not. Is the
representative enough to ensure reliability and validity instructor or adviser available for inquiry when conflicts arise
of results. in the conduct of research? Are professionals in the field
3. Administrative Support – sponsorship by a accommodating–do they lend a hand when asked for
professional organization or academic institution, to technical assistance in finishing the paper?
cover the cost of the study; permission of those ● The newness and freshness of the topic must also be assessed.
concerned for the participation in the study of staff A view of literature and studies ensures that there are no
members, children, the aged, and the mentally solutions yet to the proposed problem, thus the need to pursue
retarded. the study.
4. Facilities and Equipment – the availability and ● It is rudimentary that you understand the significance of
adequacy of special equipment and facilities (e.g., essential questions in your research endeavor. In the
computers, telephones, etc.) for use in undertaking the assignment, you are provided with links to help you better
research. understand what Essential Questions are, as well as examples
of essential questions using the TIRE format, Topic, Issue,
Research Question and Essential Questions.
5. What is the overall purpose of the problem? It is very
Chapter 4: The Introduction significant to note that the researcher must be totally aware of
the purpose of the research problem. He/show must ask how
● The first chapter of nursing research is entitled “The it will help his/her colleagues or in this case, fellow students,
Problem” or “The Problem and Its Background.” Its purpose or the entire nursing field.
is to introduce the problem, clarify important variables,
identify delimitations, and present the significance of the Chapter 5: Statement of the Problem
study to the nursing field. It has the following essential
elements: ● After the investigator has clarified the rationale, identified the
1. Introduction degree of seriousness of the problem, and the
2. Statement of the problem PRELIMINARY literature review and overall objective, the
3. Scope and delimitation formulation of the heart of the thesis- the statement of the
4. Significance of the study general and the specific problems-must be done.
5. Notes in Chapter 1 ● The opening paragraph of this section which contains the
ー Note: The researcher has to introduce the different general problem of the thesis. The following are examples of
elements of Chapter 1 by giving a brief description of each a general problem:
element, for the reader to know what to expect of the 1. This study is about the relationship between the level of
chapter performance of clinical instructors and the efficiency of
● The introduction is very important in establishing the nursing students in the operating ward of the Bataan
cognitive setting of the research and involves (a) General Hospital.
RATIONALIZING why there is a need to research on the 2. This study focuses on the effects Thai massage on the
problem, (b) clarifying the important terminologies for the recovery of nurses from back pain in selected hospitals in
reader to easily understand what the research is about and (c) Region 3.
establishing the degree of seriousness of the problem which 3. This study aims to determine the knowledge in proper
prompt a researcher to look for solutions breastfeeding practices of primigravidas in Balanga City,
● The following questions aid the researcher in formulating the Bataan.
introduction: ● The general problem is followed by an enumeration of the
1. What is the rationale of the problem? This question is specific problems. The specific problems are usually stated as
answered by sharing with the beneficiaries the reasons why questions the researcher seeks to answer.
the researcher has been persuaded to look for solutions to the ● The specific problems must meet the following criteria:
problem. A narration of the researcher’s experience that led 1. They must be in question form.
him to conduct the study is commonly done. 2. They must define the population and the sample of the
ー Examples: Personal experience, an article read, a scene study, the respondents.
witnessed, a news heard, a theory that needs to be 3. They must identify the variables being studied.
clarified, etc. 4. They must be empirically testable
ー The proponent should describe the existing and prevailing ● There are two general types of questions in nursing research.
problem situation based on this experience. The scope may These are the non-researchable and researchable questions.
be local, national or international. ● Non-researchable questions are questions of value. These are
2. What is the setting of the problem? The setting forms part of questions answerable by yes or no.
the delimitation of the study, as it defines the geographic Examples:
boundaries of the study and implies certain demographic 1. Should all mothers breastfeed their babies?
characteristics. This describes to the reader the place where 2. Should all clinical instructors be watchful over their
the research was conducted, as the setting has a significant nursing students?
bearing on the variables being studied. 3. Should nursing colleges force their graduates to enroll in
3. What is the basic literature foundation of the study? This is review classes before taking the nursing licensure
different from the review of the related theories, conceptual examinations?
literature and research literature. This part purports to provide 4. Are all clinical instructors (Cis) master’s degree holders?
the researcher clarity of the terms or variables used in the 5. Do family members help their diabetic patients recover?
study. The terms and variables must first be clear to the 6. Do patients rest well in Intensive Care Units (ICUs)?
researcher so that he/she can make his/her reader understand ● Researchable questions — are questions of value, opinion,
them. A backgrounder assists the investigator in determining or policy raised to accumulate data. Formulating a clear,
boundaries of the study. This part is derived from different significant question prepares the researcher for subsequent
literature sources. The use of various references is highly decision making over research design, data collection and
recommended in this part of chapter 1 data analysis. The basic form of a research question involves
4. How serious is the chosen research problem? Why is there a the use of question words such as who, what, where, when,
need to look for a solution to the problem? In this aspect, the why, and how.
investigator is tasked to see the intensity and magnitude of
the problem. When the gravity of the problem has been seen
already, the investigator may take action to work on the
problem. Mostly, the researcher in this element looks for
statistical or quantitative evidence to assess the weight of the
● Situation-relating questions (“What will happen if…?”)
Types of Research Questions
These questions usually yield hypothesis-testing or
experimental study designs in which the researcher
● Factor-isolating Questions (“What is this?”). They are
manipulates the variables to see what will happen.
sometimes called factornaming questions. They isolate,
A. What are the effects of traditional methods of teaching
categorize, describe or name factors and situations.
RLE to the RLE performance of nursing students?
A. What is the demographic profile of head nurses in terms
B. How do the pain management procedures applied in the
emergency room by the nursing students affect the level of
1. age;
2. gender; and
C. What is the difference between the degrees of assistance
3. length of employment as head nurse?
discharged by male and female nursing students in the
B. How will their subordinates describe the managerial skills
operating room of the Bataan General Hospital?
of head nurses in the following dimensions?
● Situations-producing questions. (“How can I make it
1. conceptual;
happen?”) These questions establish explicit goals for nursing
2. human; and
actions, develop plans or prescriptions to achieve goals, and
3. technical?
specify the conditions under which these goals will be
C. What are the common causes of the dengue fever outbreak
in Capunitan, Orion, Bataan?
A. How can nursing services be organized to promote job
1. environmental;
2. social activities; and
B. What program must be proposed to hinder the growth of
3. psychological aspects?
nosocomial bacteria in selected hospitals in Bataan?
D. How do the deans and faculty of the college of nursing
C. What measures must be implemented to raise the passing
assess the administrator’s practices regarding:
rate of the nursing licensure examinations?
1. recruitment and selection of faculty;
D. What policy must be formulated to manage outpatients
2. retention of faculty;
3. supervision of faculty;
E. What part of the present curriculum should be enhanced or
4. evaluation of faculty performance; and
5. faculty development?
(by: Salvador,2005)
E. How competent is the nursing coordinator’s competence in Chapter 6: Scope and Delimitation and
curriculum delivery as assessed by: Significance of the Study
1. level 3 and 4 students;
2. Clinical instructions; and Scope and Delimitation
3. Nursing coordinators?
(by: Lazaro,2005) ● The scope of the Study is determined by the major variables
● Factor-relating questions (“What is happening here?”). Their of the study while the sub-variables and their characteristics,
goal is to determine the relationship among factors that have attributes and indicators serve as the delimitation. It is also
been identified. beneficial to mention the locale or setting of the research and
A. What is the relationship of the performance of clinical when the data would be gathered.
instructions to the RLE performance of their nursing ● A variable is any factor or property that a researcher
students in APCAS? measures, controls and/or manipulates. It may be a
B. How is the knowledge in herbal medicines of the residents CONCEPT or a CONSTRUCT. A concept can be defined by
of Jacoba Ville, Tuyo, Balanga City associated with their a dictionary and commonly used by an educator (e.g. age,
patronage or consumption of generic drugs? civil status, academic degree, weight, height, etc.). A
C. How does their environment affect the recovery of researcher may come up with a new variable by combining
pediatric patients in Bataan General Hospital? two concepts. However, he must expertly defend or
D. What are the significant differences in the assessment of rationalize the combination, after which a construct may be
deans and faculty of the administration's practices formulated. A construct usually combines two concepts. Its
regarding? definition is usually not found in dictionaries (e.g. level of
1. recruitment and selection of faculty; performance, level of awareness, nature of environment, rate
2. retention of faculty; of recovery, educational attainment, sociological factors)
3. supervision of faculty; ● Kinds of Variables
4. evaluation of faculty performance; and A. Variable according to the numbered categories
5. faculty development? 1. Categorical variables – represent unordered categories,
E. What are the significant differences in the assessment of groups, or classes e.g. multiple intelligence, learning
the nursing coordinator’s competencies in curriculum styles, civil status, leadership styles
delivery by Level 3 and students, clinical instructors, and 2. Dichotomous variables – represent only two categories
nursing coordinators in selected colleges of nursing in the e.g. left and right, male and female, personal and
City of Manila? online
3. Polychotomous variable – have more than two
categories e.g. educational attainment, economic class,
religion, political affiliation, severity of the disease, country, the government, the community, or to the institution,
Likert scale the agency concerned, the curriculum planners and developer,
4. Continuous variable – take on any range of values e.g. and to the researchers (actual and future).
height, weight, speed, glucose level, temperature ● This section describes the contribution of the study to the
B. Variables used in an experiment existing body of knowledge. This could be in the form of new
1. Independent variables – the cause variable, the reasons knowledge in the field, a check on the major findings of other
for the changes in the dependent variables. studies, a check on the validity of finding in a different
2. Dependent variables – variables that are affected by population, a check on trends over time and a check on other
the cause findings using different methodologies.
C. Variables according to the nature ● The researcher has to identify his direct beneficiaries, or the
1. Concrete variables – variables that can be perceived person, group of persons, and organizations that will benefit
through the senses e.g. height, skin color, taste, sound from the results of the study. In the identification of the
2. Abstract variables – variables of quality e.g. beneficiaries, the researcher is advised to be specific in
knowledge level, perception level, level of awareness, mentioning them. The specific benefits must also be
recovery rate enumerated and explained if there is a need to do so. It is also
D. Variables according to the number being studied important that in enumerating the beneficiaries of the result
1. Univariate variable – one variable being studied of the study, they have to be arranged according to the degree
2. Bivariate variable – two variables being studied of significance to them.
3. Polyvariate variable – more than two variables being Reference: Cristobal, A. & Cristobal, M.C., (2009). Guide in research
studied writing: Preparing the nursing thesis proposal. C & E Publishing, Inc.
● Example of Scope and Delimitation of the Study
A. The study is focuses on the levels of performance of
operating room nurses in selected government and private
hospitals in Cabanatuan City. Performance of staff nurses
is divided into three areas, namely: (1) patient care
management, which includes assessment, planning,
intervention, evaluation, and endorsement; (2) unit
management; and professional and service commitment.
This study will be undertaken during the first semester of
schoolyear 2020 – 2021.
B. This study is focused on the level of satisfaction of
patients receiving prenatal services in three selected
barangays in Cordova, Cebu namely; Poblacion, Catarman
and Alegria, who will undergo prenatal check-ups from
December 2020 to February 2021. The level of satisfaction
of patients is measured in three areas which include
Personnel, Prenatal Services and Resources. The study
will be undertaken during the during the first semester and
will continue until the second semester of schoolyear 2020
– 2021
● Delimitation versus Limitation
ー Delimitations aim to narrow the scope of a study. For
example, the scope may focus on specific variables,
specific participants, specific sites, or narrowed to one
type of research design (e.g., ethnography or experimental
ー Limitations, however, aim to identify potential
weaknesses of the study. For example, all statistical
procedures and research strategies, such as surveys or
grounded theory studies have limitations. In introductory
discussions about these strategies, authors typically
mention both their strengths and their weaknesses.

Significance of the Study

● Research is a very noble undertaking if it promises to make

significant contributions to the welfare of a person or a group
of persons, the community, or to an academic field or
discipline, and in our case, the nursing profession (or health
care providers in general). The significance of the study must
also discuss the importance of the study to society, the

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