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1. Choose the correct answer A–D.

His house was located on the A so they went fishing regularly.

A coast B deep sea C countryside D seaside
In Devon, in the south-west of England, you can find _____ full of apple trees for
making English cider.
A meadows
B orchards
C plains
D bushes
In springtime, you can see all sorts of birds collecting sticks and mud, and _____ in
the trees.
A rolling
B thriving
C nesting
D breeding
In the winter months, many birds will leave Britain. They will _____ to warmer
climates and return later in the year.
A migrate
B domesticate
C release
D establish
Foxes are a common _____ found in the UK. They often hunt birds and smaller
animals like rats and mice.
A prey
B predator
C reptile
D tern
When eggs _____, the mother will always be there to feed her babies.
A lay
B tweet
C set
D hatch
When you reach the _____, you will have a beautiful view of the countryside.
A stream
B current
C summit
D soil
The _____ landscape in the UK means that you can see a lot of different types of
A rolling
B diverse
C ploughed
D leafy
His family had owned this _____ of land for centuries and he was delighted to give it
to his son.
A patch
B foothill
C coastline
D desert

My brother is so _____. He'd say black was white if it meant he could disagree with me.
A attentive
B argumentative
C competitive
D perceptive

My friend is always falling over. She's so _____.
A genial
B daring
C cautious
D clumsy

Tom is lovely. He's just so kind and _____. You can't not like him.
A enterprising
B short-tempered
C good-natured
D conscientious

I really like hanging out with Bob. He's so _____ nothing bothers him.
A bird-brained
B single-minded
C strong-willed
D laid-back

I love Sarah, but she is _____ shy and quiet. It's so hard to have a conversation with her.
A perfectly
B highly
C painfully
D bitterly

My brother is such a _____. He never cleans up after himself.
A flake
B slob
C loner
D free spirit

I don't come from a very _____ family. We never hug and I've never seen my parents
A affectionate
B gentle
C kind-hearted
D sensitive
You can't say anything to my mother without her taking offence. She is _____.
A hyperactive
B hypersensitive
C humble
D honest

She's kind, funny and beautiful but she just keeps talking about all of her faults. She's
so _____.
A self-conscious
B self-centred
C self-obsessed
D self-critical

He's very detail-focused and can help with every aspect of the project. He's really _____.
A moody
B thorough
C witty
D tactful

The celebrity sued the newspaper. She claimed the facts were totally _____.
A inaccurate
B accurate
C inaccurately
D accurately

They always listened to him because he was a _____ source.
A disreputable
B reliable
C well-reviewed
D made-up

The photographer managed to capture the _____ moment of the two politicians
shaking hands for the first time in decades.
A memorable
B gripping
C catching
D reliable

His actions were _____. He listened in on the phone conversation and printed it in
his newspaper.
A fictional
B average
C deliberate
D appealing

It was a _____ newspaper, but this one time, they printed the lies that led to the
A fake
B misleading
C newsworthy
D reputable
It was a clearly _____ story and it was obvious that none of it was true.
A high-quality
B made-up
C out-of-focus
D accurate

To increase their viewing numbers, they printed the article and _____ their readers
on purpose.
A misinformed
B distorted
C blurred
D bombarded

The story was _____ and people were talking about it for years to come.
A forgettable
B unknowing
C knowing
D unforgettable

2 Choose the correct answers A–C.

Maria is very _____ at art. She can draw and paint extremely well.
A strict
B self-disciplined
C gifted

At the end of my university course, I have to write a _____ of 10,000 words. I've
never written such a long essay before!
A dissertation
B degree
C diploma

After I've finished my degree in Medicine, I'd love to work in the _____ of medical
A field
B area
C course

I need to study harder for my next History exam as I only just _____ through this
one. Two marks less and I would've failed!
A passed
B scraped
C fell

I'm not sure yet which subject I'm going to major _____. I've got to decide soon.
A at
B in
C on

I've been off school for 10 days, so I've fallen _____ the rest of the class, but I'm sure
I'll soon catch up.
A after
B off
C behind

The professor _____ the lecture extremely fast, so it was hard to take notes.
A attended
B gave
C spoke

All he does is study and he's even asked the teacher for some extra work – what a
A dyslexic
B bully
C swot

It's time to _____ and do your homework now. You've got to calm down!
A settle down
B give up
C go on

This summer I'd like to _____ on a course to learn all about filming and how to edit
A pass
B deepen
C enrol

I'd like to work in the _____ of engineering as a career.
A area
B field
C course

We'll never know the answer; it will _____ a mystery.
A remain
B solve
C recover

When I was off school ill, I fell _____ in my studies.

A back
B off
C behind

I have a really _____ memory of my fifth birthday party. I can remember everything
about it.
A vague
B distant
C vivid

Our Maths teacher is _____. He doesn't mind if we talk in class as long as we do our
A lenient
B self-disciplined
C strict

Choose the correct option, A, B, C or D.

Dad says it's important to set _____ standards for yourself.
A fine
B tall
C high
D big

My sister has a _____ imagination and draws incredible pictures.
A vivid
B detailed
C sharp
D strong

The last film I saw was rubbish. I was _____ disappointed.
A totally
B absolutely
C bitterly
D completely

Most of my online friends are best described as _____ acquaintances.
A occasional
B casual
C nearby
D relaxed
I eat well and try to lead a _____ lifestyle.
A strong
B fit
C wise
D healthy

Complete each pair of sentences with the correct words A–C.

That book up there on the shelf is just out of my _____. Could you pass it to me?
School's not far away, it's within easy _____.
A access
B distance
C reach

The nightlife is great, but it creates a lot of noise _____.
_____ is a serious environmental problem in big cities.
A parking
B pollution
C contamination

There's a _____ atmosphere in the town centre.
All the fishing boats on the island are painted _____ colours.
A vibrant
B bustling
C picturesque

I use the train for my _____ commute to work.
It's a _____ newspaper, so there's a new edition every morning.
A short
B regular
C daily

There's a children's play area in our local _____ that we often go to.
Let's leave the car in the new underground car _____ while we have lunch.
A zone
B parking
C park

I'm saving up for my holiday, so I A on a limited budget at the moment.
A am B have C put

When you're ready to pay, _____ your PIN in the machine.

A type
B enter
C give

Some shops _____ a bad reputation, but actually they're pretty good.
A give
B do
C have

You've worked really hard. You should _____ yourself to something nice. It doesn't
have to be expensive!
A pay
B give
C treat

There's a great market here on Sunday mornings. It's a brilliant place to _____
A find
B look
C go

It's important to _____ local producers, so I tend to avoid shopping in supermarkets
and chain stores.
A support
B spend
C buy

Kelly is _____ to run out of money if she doesn't start earning a salary soon.
A unlikely
B certain
C required

If you have signed a contract, the company is _____ to pay you as promised.
A obliged
B permitted
C unlikely

The price of seafood is _____to rise as fish shortages increase.
A required
B permitted
C sure

The bank is _____ to lend you any more money until you pay your debts.
A meant
B unable
C forbidden

We _____ selling everything we advertised on eBay.
A managed to
B succeeded in
C were able to

It's no good, I can't put B writing this report any longer. I'll start now.

A up B off C on

I don't have to send in the job application form until the end of the month, but I'm
going to work _____ completing it this week.
A towards
B to
C for

Stop messing about. It's time you _____ down to writing your CV and looking for a
part-time job.
A sat
B put
C got

Before I write my dissertation, I'm going to _____ out each chapter, so I can plan my
A carry
B burn
C map
Max was exhausted, but he managed to keep _____ the task until he'd finished and
could present it to his boss.
A out
B at
C towards

Remember to take breaks while you're studying for your exams or you'll _____ out!
A burn
B carry
C set

If you want to succeed, you should _____ out your objectives and think about how to
achieve each one. It will motivate you!
A set
B put
C keep

You can't rely on Jack, he never _____ out half of what he says he'll do. He gives up
when things get tough.
A works
B puts
C carries

Polly always _____ tasks, even if they are boring.
A keeps at
B reaches
C improves

I don't think I could do a job where I had to do the same thing _____, day out. I need
to have lots of variety or I'd get bored.
A every day
B time in
C day in

When you're a journalist, it's important to be able to work to a/an _____ because
stories have to be ready very quickly.
A output
B deadline
C potential
If you carry on working at this rate, you'll burn _____! You need to rest sometimes or
your health will suffer.
A out
B off
C up

Jim is really passionate about his work. He puts his _____ into it.
A arms
B head
C heart

Daisy's teacher expressed concern about her always putting _____ her homework
until the last minute.
A in
B off
C on

If you aren't _____ and arrive late at the office, the boss will give you a formal
A overworked
B single-minded
C punctual
Once I've finished my science degree, I'll be entering the _____ market. It's a scary
A job
B work
C career

The company has taken on a huge IT project. We will have to _____ achieving all the
objectives bit by bit.
A work towards
B set out
C map out

Candidates for this job must be _____ about current scientific research in tropical
A conscientious
B purposeful
C knowledgeable
These days, we are _____ with information on the Internet twenty-four hours a day.
A washed
B bombarded
C given

The image in the photo was _____ because it was out of focus.
A blurred
B posed
C sharp

We are waiting for officials to _____ a statement about the events.
A do
B say
C make

A lot of fake news is released for commercial _____.
A profit
B money
C gain

The picture is too big. Would you mind _____ it slightly?
A cropping
B airbrushing
C retouching
Nobel prizes are _____ at ceremonies in Oslo and Stockholm.
A gained
B received
C awarded

Stella has an aptitude _____ languages and can speak four fluently.
A in
B for
C with

A half and a quarter are both _____.
A fractions
B equations
C calculations

Tim Berners-Lee _____ the term 'world wide web', or 'www'.
A coined
B made
C invented

Scientists from different countries often collaborate _____ each other on projects.
A after
B by
C with

Unfortunately, her achievements were not _____ until after her death.
A made
B recognised
C won

Isaac's parents are scientists and he was named _____ Isaac Newton.
A at
B for
C after

Be careful when you do experiments with _____ because you can get badly burnt.
A acids
B bases
C elements

He thinks he's become an expert _____ coding, but actually, he isn't very good at it.
A at
B in
C with

He wants to study chemistry and _____ a valuable contribution to science.
A do
B have
C make

I like to imagine that animals feel great happiness when they are released into the


A captivity

B habitat

C wild

In the past, farmers had to dig their _____ by hand, but now they use tractors to

plough them.

A fields

B plains

C meadows

_____ is the worst thing that can happen to any plant or animal species on the


A Extinction

B Breeding

C Migration

Brightly coloured flowers filled the _____ and we saw deer eating the grass.

A ditch

B meadow
C stream

The fence around the field broke during the storm and now the cows are _____ the


A at

B in

C on

_____ plastics have created huge 'garbage patches' in the Pacific Ocean.

A Only-time

B Single-use

C Once-used

Global warming has caused _____ to fish populations, which are dying in great


A endangered species

B climate change

C irreparable damage

A _____ chain shows what each living thing eats, and how energy is passed from

creature to creature.

A species
B diet

C food

In _____ areas, there are many homes as well as services such as schools and


A ploughed

B built-up

C thriving


Unless the energy we use is clean and _____, we will continue to pollute the planet

and damage life.

A renewable

B biodegradable

C recycled

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