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Bidirectional Flow Measurement, IPFIX, and Security Analysis

Article · January 2006

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2 authors, including:

Brian Trammell
ETH Zurich


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Bidirectional Flow Measurement, IPFIX, and Security Analysis

Elisa Boschi Brian Trammell

Hitachi Europe SAS CERT Network Situational Awareness Group
Sophia Antipolis Laboratory Carnegie Mellon University
Valbonne, France Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Abstract 2 Bidirectional Flow Measurement

This paper describes the addition of bidirectional flow Bidirectional flow (or biflow) measurement refers to the
export to the IPFIX protocol, and the impact of this ef- association of information about both directions of an in-
fort on security-related flow analysis. Along the way, it ternet traffic flow in the collected data. This association
examines the application of bidirectional flow measure- provides additional data that can be useful for common
ment to common security analysis tasks and the positive analysis tasks. Trivial examples of biflow applications
impact the adoption of IPFIX as a common interchange include initial round trip time estimation, the detection
format could, and will, have on the community using of connection establishment or other transactions for the
flow measurement for security purposes. purposes of incident detection and response, and the sep-
aration of unanswered traffic for scan detection purposes.
The network measurement and network security re-
search literature do not have much to say about biflow
1 Introduction
measurement. This is largely explained by the fact that
most research studies collecting omnidirectional packet
Bidirectional flow (biflow) collection and analysis are data for the purposes of discovering new aspects of the
broadly applicable to security-related network measure- structure of the Internet, the protocols that define it, or
ment and flow analysis tasks. The IETF’s IPFIX working the endpoint implementations that comprise it, generally
group has defined a new protocol [5] for flow information use full or sampled packet trace or payload data with-
export, based on Cisco’s NetFlow V9, which provides a out reducing those packets into flows. When the packet
flexible representation for a wide variety of flow data; data is available and of a manageable size, this reduction
however, the original standard has no native support for is unnecessary. A bidirectional data model often lurks at
biflow measurement. Therefore, adding biflow support the core of these efforts, as in [10] and [18]. Indeed, bidi-
to IPFIX would seem to be a next logical step. rectional flow state is essential for any network measure-
This paper describes the addition of biflow export to ment system that models the flow state of end systems,
IPFIX, an effort that began at FloCon 2005. The atten- as the Argus [13] flow meter and the ubiquitous Bro [12]
dees of that workshop identified biflow export as a signif- and Snort [15] network intrusion detection systems do.
icant missing feature in the IPFIX flow export protocol. That said, the concept of bidirectional flow data is not
The effort that followed is an excellent example of co- a new one. The RTFM [3] flow metering protocol sup-
operation between the standards community and the user ported bidirectional counters, as does Argus, which sup-
communities involved in security-oriented network flow ports its own metering protocol. Biflow measurement
analysis. does place one restriction on the design of a metering
In section 2, we review the motivation behind biflow system: either meters must be placed such that each me-
measurement and examine its uses. We describe the IP- ter observes packets in both directions of the flow and
FIX protocol and its applicability to security-oriented associates the halves of each biflow at observation time,
network flow analysis in section 3. We then bring the two or the collectors of unidirectional flow data from the me-
together, and demonstrate how biflow export has been ters must centralize the data for matching purposes. The
added to IPFIX in section 4. We conclude with remarks latter design requires O(n2 ) comparisons to match n si-
on this effort and its future in section 5. multaneously active observed connections. Clearly, the
earlier in the measurement process that the biflow asso- makes IPFIX an open, interoperable flow information ex-
ciation can be made, the lower the total resource require- port protocol. Each information element in this model is
ments across the system. Any meter deployed at a single identified within the protocol by a well-known number.
network perimeter or an Internet access point in the ab- The information model contains information elements
sence of asymmetric routing is well-positioned for biflow for most common flow export tasks: the five-tuple, other
measurement. IP and TCP header fields, fields describing packet treat-
Unidirectional flow (or uniflow) data is the still the ment, a variety of counters, and timestamps with preci-
type with which the security community is most famil- sion from seconds down to nanoseconds. The protocol
iar, owing to the ubiquity of the unidirectional Cisco Net- also allows the definition of “private” information ele-
Flow [4], its widespread existing deployment as a billing ments, to allow the extension of this information model
solution by many network service providers and enter- for purposes private to a single vendor or enterprise with-
prises, and the ecosystem of tools and techniques that out going through the full process required to create a
have grown around it [6, 7]. However, when the meter- new public information element.
ing system architecture supports it, biflow measurement
is beneficial to the general task of flow analysis for re- 3.2 Applying IPFIX to Security Analysis
search and operational security purposes.
Adoption of IPFIX for exporting and representing flow
data will provide many benefits to the security-oriented
3 IPFIX: A Standard Flow Export Proto- flow analysis community.
col First of all, as the emerging standard for flow ex-
port, IPFIX provides the advantages of a standard solu-
The IPFIX protocol is the upcoming IETF standard for tion. IPFIX-compliant meters, collectors, and interme-
IP flow information export. It specifies how IP traffic diate processes will interoperate easily. Broad support
flow information can be transmitted over the network for the standard will lead to widespread implementations
from routers, measurement probes or other devices to a from a variety of vendors, which will subsequently lead
collector by providing a common representation of flow to broad deployment in the field. IPFIX can then be used
data and a standard means of communicating them. In as a common input interface for analysis tasks, which
this section we highlight the benefits such a standard for- will consequently reduce the need for ad-hoc solutions.
mat will bring to the security community and give an Moreover, IPFIX’s templated data format provides
overview of the protocol itself. significant flexibility. Tools can interoperate on com-
mon information while keeping their own internal data
models and private information in each record. The tem-
3.1 Protocol Description plate mechanism also allows easy addition of informa-
IPFIX is a unidirectional, template-based data transport tion to record formats, adding to the flexibility of tools
protocol that provides flexible flow selection; a flow can to adapt to new requirements while mainitaining forward
be defined by an arbitrary number of packet fields (as and backward compatibility.
opposed for instance to the five-tuple in NetFlow Ver-
sion 5 [4]), which compose the flow key. The properties 4 Bidirectional Flow Export using IPFIX
used to select flows, and therefore the flow key, can vary
depending on the target application. The broad applications of biflow data to various security-
Flow information is exported using flow data records related network measurement efforts, and the usefulness
and template records. Templates contain {type, length} of a standard interchange format to support implemen-
pairs specifying which {value} fields are present in data tation efficiency and cross-domain information sharing
records conforming to the template, giving great flex- have proved to be strong motivations for an IPFIX exten-
ibility as to what data is transmitted. Since templates sion supporting biflow export.
are sent very infrequently compared to data records, this The most recent result of this ongoing effort is an
mechanism is much more efficient than formats that add Internet-Draft, “Bidirectional Flow Export using IP-
descriptive information to each data record (e.g., XML). FIX” [16], which has been accepted as a work item for
Different data record formats may be transmitted simply the IPFIX Working Group and is slated to become and
by sending new templates specifying the {type, length} Informational RFC 1 .
pairs for the new data format. As defined in this draft and used throughout this doc-
IPFIX defines a set of information elements for de- ument, a biflow is a flow composed of a number of pack-
scribing flows, which provide the necessary {type} in- ets sent in both directions between two endpoints, where
formation for templates. This information model [14] a flow is simply a collection of packets sharing common

packet header fields and other characteristics (cf., the IP- mation Element”. This reverse PEN serves as a “reverse
FIX definition of “IP Traffic Flow” [5]). direction flag”in the template; each information element
There are compelling reasons to export biflows as sin- number within this PEN space is assigned to the reverse
gle entities within IPFIX. The usefulness of bidirectional counterpart of the corresponding IANA-assigned public
association in flow data has already been established; in information element number.
addition, exporting biflows as single entities can result in
improved export efficiency by eliminating duplicate flow
5 Conclusions and Future Work
key data from the IPFIX message stream.
Biflow export with the IPFIX protocol, as proposed in IPFIX defines a message format, information model, and
the draft, will use a single flow record to represent each wire protocol for the collection of network flow data. All
biflow. Single-record export does introduce some addi- of the Internet-Drafts defining the protocol are near the
tional semantic considerations. When handling uniflows, end of the standards process and should be completed by
the semantics of “source” and “destination” information the end of 2006. IPFIX implementations will begin to
elements are clearly defined by the semantics of the un- supplant the various NetFlow versions in use to become
derlying packet header data. When grouping a biflow the standard for flow export over the coming years; the
into a single data record, the definitions of “source” and security-oriented flow analysis community can leverage
“destination” become less clear. this new standard to provide a basis for interoperable im-
We resolve this difficulty by defining the source and plementations of the entire flow collection and analysis
destination addresses of the flow as the source and desti- process, and to facilitate the sharing of data among tool
nation addresses of the packet initiating the flow, respec- chains and across administrative domain boundaries.
tively. The biflow is then defined to have two directions. As biflow measurement is beneficial for many com-
The “forward” direction contains packets sent from the mon flow analysis tasks, and the IPFIX protocol as it
flow source to the flow destination, and the “reverse” di- stood in 2005 had no native support for representing bi-
rection contains packets sent the other way. Each biflow flows, the authors undertook an effort to add biflow ex-
then has two sets of non-key fields, one for each of these port to the protocol, in order to facilitate biflow collec-
directions. tion all the way back down the collection stack to the
Choosing direction by biflow initiator can be roughly flow metering process. This effort has been successful;
approximated by a metering process by simply assum- it is expected the addition of biflow export support to IP-
ing the first packet seen in a given biflow is the packet FIX will be published as an Informational RFC in early
initiating the flow. Some metering technologies may im- 2007 [9]. This will represent an approximately eighteen-
prove upon this method using some knowledge of the month lifecycle from conception at FloCon 2005, at the
transport or application protocols (e.g., TCP flags, DNS suggestion of the assembled workshop, to completion.
question/answer counts) to better approximate the flow- This provides an excellent example of how the IETF
initiating packet. standards community and various protocol user commu-
Creating a “reverse” information element counterpart nities – in this case, the security-oriented flow analysis
to each presently defined “forward” information element community represented at FloCon – can interact and co-
will cover most or all of the information model, since operate in order to further the application of standards
only certain identifiers and metering and export process and the goals of the communities in question. Standards
properties (cf. the IPFIX Information Model [14]) are are good for this community: by adopting a common
not subject to reversal. Single-record biflow export will interchange format, flow meters and collectors can in-
require a great number of new reverse information el- teroperate, easing the deployment of flow measurement
ements. The IPFIX Information Model has more than both within and across organizational boundaries. Like-
adequate number space for official information element wise, this community has been good for the standards
expansion. However, the additional reverse information process: without the effort described here, one fewer po-
elements are not so much a discrete list of new infor- tential user community would be well-served by the IP-
mation elements as a new dimension in the information FIX standard. The authors look forward to being part of
model. the continued relationship between these two communi-
This new reverse information element number space ties.
can be created by leveraging the vendor-specific infor- As such, the authors are also involved in another
mation element feature of the IPFIX protocol. This fea- enhancement to IPFIX that we hope will benefit the
ture allows an entity other than IANA to define informa- security-oriented flow analysis community. The IP-
tion elements by scoping them to an IANA-assigned Pri- FIX protocol, as noted, is designed for the export of
vate Enterprise Number (PEN) [8]. This draft proposes flow information from metering processes, through any
defining a special PEN to signify “IPFIX Reverse Infor- number of optional intermediate processes, toward a fi-

nal collecting process for storage, reporting and analy- [8] I NTERNET A SSIGNED N UMBERS AUTHORITY. IANA Pri-
sis. This one-way data flow, required by IPFIX’s na- vate Enterprise Number registry.
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tion Export (ipfix) Charter.
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However, as also noted, at the core of the IPFIX pro- Internet Measurement Conference 2004 (Taormina, Sicily, Italy,
October 2004), Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 187 –
tocol lies a simple, efficient, flexible message format on 200.
which a common document format could easily be based.
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6 Acknowledgments formation Model for IP Flow Information Export, June 2006.
INTERNET-DRAFT draft-ietf-ipfix-info-12 (work in progress).
Special thanks to the attendees of FloCon for bringing [15] ROESCH , M. Snort: Lightweight Intrusion Detection for Net-
the biflow issue to the attention of the IETF IPFIX work- works. In Proceedings of LISA ’99: 13th Systems Administra-
ing group, and to the members of the IETF IPFIX work- tion Conference (Seattle, Washington, USA, November 1999),
ing group for attending to it. Thanks also to Lutz Mark, USENIX Organization, pp. 229 – 238.
Juergen Quittek, Andrew Johnson, Paul Aitken, Benoit [16] T RAMMELL , B., AND B OSCHI , E. Bidirectional Flow Export
using IPFIX, June 2006. INTERNET-DRAFT draft-trammell-
Claise, and Carsten Schmoll for their contributions and
ipfix-biflow-02 (work in progress).
comments to the biflow export draft itself.
[17] T RAMMELL , B., B OSCHI , E., M ARK , L., AND Z SEBY, T. An
IPFIX-based File Format, June 2006. INTERNET-DRAFT draft-
References trammell-ipfix-file-01 (work in progress).
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[3] B ROWNLEE , N., M ILLS , C., AND RUTH , G. Traffic Flow Mea- is described in RFC 2026 [2]
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