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unit- 1 Fandamendat of semiconductor devices + ae ROeeaeee> a~oowae eee aes Ge Beeni conductors ave two type @ Onbineic semiconduefer | - pore semiconductor @ Cxbyindc gemicenduator 5 impurr € Baral conductor Ce impunity Can be rivavent ov pentovorent Friveren + iempurite (3) - ALB, Sb (xo typed pee eae ie Pentavarent impure ty (#5) ~ Py BLy Ass In, Ga p-type) formation of PeN “unctisr cliocke + Ones OOO OOS ORE OOO rs when hart port ok a ft emgstu te doped with trivay impurit and hak poxt witty » 2 » , LS peotevaren + tenpesri 4 > 2 » we get p-n Junction dicde. > wher ereedvent eave N-vegien , create de. 7 tor) and aeembining coith hoves Create ve _— oa preys: sig potential Bosrri ex = hoes eree tron = t+ i+ 6 -or a + + 410 | = - rit + +1/O@H)- -7 Vv — L: p a depr action loyed. Aye Neary the (jenetion te deptated of \ —— « 4 + x charges rs caned clepratior) faye” ” = 5 Frew oF erectro and hoes ac ros Toe function henee cated Pofentiot] paryey. (& Si diade = o.F vj > > > tohed na external Gente & Connected to diode ie Ys Said 4o be unbiased diode. “C8 creche OPP cathode t-Ve) Sgenbet oF CPpHN uncon dio de. towrning character ste oF diodse Ca J aon oen i” @) Ep eoacl Bicred diode. - Poten tay ditees eNO prevents tre Cardinestss CUGCCECEGEEULEUUGGGUGDY 4s POT oF udu SSSI STIuGuG > When The sve termina of Source Connected to p-side and = -ve abermina| hs connected to geside ten this type oF diede Ng caid te be” forward biased oem > when Forward bias és equal co the barrie potential Jarge 0+ oF erecdyont and Wows Cross the (furetion . They — Cambine and Large, Current Lows trough diodes. 4 Confineeus Current ts Set up in diode. Sat exno| pa > Ranvier p-d (3) Reversed piased diode 5- ONO oenerenner > es chepre tion, hoger —- > whey dtu dre. devminal of externa | four OC be te de connected to the np-side and -ve “termina The p-side then the diody is Sarid be * Reversed| biate dhode” ~ Ree erecdyons meves away fem eretion ; Ht Inexe ases the width o cle p tation Layer and borvier poten tio . “There ds no crevent fiewe stow weve ot biased diocle . ? tohen Revessed bias fs increasing at wig Nowe , Reverse current Ineveases — Suddenuy. This fe Caued brea clo) of dicde pal Corvospending wortage is brea dows versoge Appricatic oF p-N Diode ty wane nw ~ wr 4. Rectifiers > gt & used +o Convert Ac Stipa into pursectin ne nage (a) Hout wave eck FFT (b) fu wave cvecti FYE Heup wove veetitiecy gy i's Wwerking bared 6) prineipat hat th p-8 junetion diode dicde conducts wher forward piace. ond de not Conduets when crevessed pined. + py ae al xe (foreword Bion ) t fun Ressitire b p, . + «oe | BPolay Junedion Franiston ty IO nS Or BIT is having that two “JuncArons mo 3 tevenina named ak emitter , bur and Conector . £ f P| w [p KO B £—_{n p [w c N N id c B > Whe divechior) of the arvowhead wir sve pre asent dhu emittey ~curren t divectror) in a Jeans ho. . 2 Ne Cuyvy ent ac rosk emitter hexmin of h% Coued ab emitters auerent Tp, and the Curva ent qtrou Bue it Ip and meres ce Ceaeedor 4 He. current ™ 4a ~ Texmina| Rizey Poping emitter > medvate > Heavy = Bare —= norrow > Meds ate Ss Couechoy 5 towye => ught SS Bettg Neder mn Mode _£B junction) C8 qunetioy ~30) Active regio a = 1 \ > FB —> RB — Cenpri rire) X® Seturattion reson)» fB — FB 1 switeh S@) ecut- cer veto RB = Re 1) ere = = Apprication i 9 Jn IT when dhe awit is acting at — in Active Node sther) MH Cay be work ah of = cAroptiiee - > 5 wher transition Mode then Th act gt ao Awitely nodule. Contigavar tion of BIT Ow Uar* neo GD Cornmon BOt OQ Common Emi Hes @ Com mor) Cone sor te in Saderration, ond Cut-off SSSI DIGS | — Commer) Base | ———_— @ “=n oat a | Tg Ip tle —bwe 8 out put c havacher tes Cut OF F region Jo Te output character ttic » Te = XT DP ar de Te Com enor Emitter Conpiquy atioN,, ee ON ree at 4c ,, , & BN] ‘Ve ip WAG € i) Te 4g Fat Oy el Yee ce Ven ee BE Junction — FB Ce Junction - fp ste : & inpet_chavocherstie 7 eulqut_chavactersth* i €q1 09 4, he teve 9 BaduratioN orsgpen) Com ™or) Co Wee dev 5 “a~“~, anne Be Janedion =KB Be janelion = pg Input characters tier! —E_—evvvss ox! put_chavaclerstes , os “hs 1 1 j 7 bs ne Vp no er Tp * joas Tye ow \ . : Yew. MOSFET (Meloy oxicte Soniicercluctey gterd nee, fier vetrect sromsist ov) - Mela] antide demic onduetor dwancietor . “Waneisdor 8 a Semi Cor deview whieh fe toldery used for -Ampticy™) in Switching -ervetvontc > mosrer 78 4 alevier fied etteed Laueqory ‘ So Mochet ie a8 ecminal devtee Shad tat ~ Cy Drain ~ Gy Gain ~ ~ CN fowree . > 5 Paste advantage of FET 5 a) Crepes nv fon” * ~ GO) ft is ae tunipolan devioe dhaf- is , the operation ce pencle on ony one “ype or change Can viens. ie howe. [ weet: Cus fy tsa vata condo] aevive > qe con} al Tht Deeairy Curvy on’. Go) gr ts having Aig be put impendance ie 4 su2 1o' to 10 a. b Cy) ow vorlage Jou Current operant, is post Ie. so BIT. CY) Foor votse or Compared Cw very Bway in bize Ther) Con oceurpies Smoy pore 10 Te. “Types of MOCEET ¢ OOO om—em—-—d a OO @nhanvement Devotion) v v aaa? n-ch anal p-chonne| H-channe| p-channe} EEO OOO Sp enhancement fo_Duraten assen- No channel channel F (7% o) > Core) 7° D D “ g 6 4 4 ip) g e s ‘ > fo enhancement Wipe. channel ty pot preas ont by left Consider 0% Sore? anal meee +o vequive a Suppty For ther Grretion oF channe in it. : > my dkeeut i fk Sew’ and Meeds do provid a veverse supply for teste “Hee chean gy : Tos a “ps Se ~ is p . D LS Ths x a + v | pee ie i Bb ew 7 S ¢ fF A Ve many > Voy is Max ‘ out Yys=o0 T=Miq > Tp 20 R: Hee eA Th, = mon Ves 5 Max 20 F Gr the off state and open civeurt gous bet” Drain and athe Source , qe and soured and ato bet? qa and prain’ at ay Hee Tas Tyre anon. 7 We Can plot ver choracteretica bef? Drain and fouree tevinina| op MesreT fev’ various qe to Source Seer vsiog he 8) Mocket . Operations Am ptirive (op- amp) RD sd ORO SS > Op-Amp ts a device whewe no. of differentia} stages . “Aen pti tives sre Connected’ in Seviet and ove vo vere °° make high - , Az high 2 op— Amp has very loco inpedt impedance im thee ovdey’ of < soo (ie input imp erdanese < tvo.a) > op- Amp fs atso havin high input syeaictance. + in ovdey oF Men Cmeqe oho) VVUVVVVVVMVVVVVVUVUVEUV VBE EEK Ye ee eee > | op Aenp ay heving apptication in sherms Marthematica| eperatiary Ke = Summation ) Sus aot ior) 5 obeqwartion a ¢. > Jt ano havin stypica| appticatiory used fox oseitafor s fitter dhe circuit to provide baile amplification — changes and for fostyumantaho — Girrenit. fovesting. Mee Peemina| aN I, y aM) ve nen - ad : investin: 2 —reymina | Vee Ny = MM Oye Vi ve “then [e=e] Brocx Clogrorr) J T/p : ‘ idpte [ever op = | enipier| “toe Dual’ 7p Such as path pel 4 Pusat A/p Baranced orp unbojanced 9 9 emi ter camo dir Ferentia} ren flower citrereo¥i an ee Conatan4 tte “Anptitrre ~Anptifive Cures en} Soute , arf ‘ Mawe cise Loop inveating Aon- inv ~"] Charactersties - oes deed pyactica nh cetttancee | ine open clreuy > RY = Rp = Max R = ° Ro = Min > Vy > % een bo = © pw = Mor, WO Ww NVewlua} Ground Careers Z Cvar) orn oes er™* ~Necorci do Vac we ave astume he vortaye ad ren. invertio inp tevminaf is equal te Wet vorlage ocvost loverrding inp} tenniraf it Cyevs) , > The Viral Ground Coneepl con ona Be. oyplicabre doy ive feeclbotn. | a) Joverti Aropii Five = By KEL, iti,ai, =e Here tase oo. Current in op- timp is 8 > Uti, +0 " Poe > Vin-v Vo-v Coo. ? a aa =O From He civersit Ve 0 > Min 4 Ste V, = overor| cat pf vertage. a> Re | Aer = overal vertage re oe Close Loop i t in + i3 =O where, Cia o)>. fi. =0 >O-v Va-V art “R 7 i Re vivtua] Gyround Coneept: ES ya. Win y VorVin Lg i Re > Vin 2 Wo _ Vie Ri Re RE See en Mn Re ‘

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