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PHINMA-University of Pangasinan

College of Engineering and Architecture

Electrical Engineering Department

Webinar Report 4:
EE-sights: Cinematic Review Caravan for Electrical
Engineering and Technology Enthusiast
Presented to the Electrical Engineering Department for the subject

ELE 111: Seminar/Colloquia For EE

Submitted to:

Engr. JC A.Penullar

Submitted by:

Iron M. Frias

February 3, 2024

It was February 3, 2024 when the EE - SIGHT event was held. This event
was organized by the IIEE council student chapters. The program included three
guest speakers, beginning with Engr. Laurenz Junelle M. Oyardo, an engineer at
Ecosolar Industries Corp. Followed by Engr. Botany KC. Anne S. Briones, the Vice
President of Internal Affairs of IIEE Metro Central - Metro Manila Region. And
lastly, Engr. Zebastian Troy G. Dogma, an instructor in the Electrical Engineering
Department of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela. All individuals contribute
essential expertise in their respective fields and investigate the impact of electricity
on numerous aspects of electrical engineering and technology. This webinar
presented a wide spectrum of professionals from many fields. The topic provides a
thorough review of the fundamentals of artificial neural networks, the meralco net
metering program, and a comprehensive investigation of electrical engineering
research conducted outside of academia. It seeks to provide a comprehensive
understanding of essential principles. The research thoroughly investigates the
specific parts of each issue raised by the speaker, building on a basic understanding
of electrical and safety rules. It comprehensively covers all of the principles relevant
to their particular themes. The study emphasizes the need of a pragmatic approach
by using computational methodologies, providing valuable insights for the efficient
application of broad knowledge in any area of electrical engineering.

Fundamentals of Artificial Neural Network

 Definition
 History
 Structure of ANN
 Comparison
 Types

Application Meralco Net Metering Program

 Meralco Introduction
 Background on Net Metering
 Applying for Net Metering
 Meralco and Your Solar Installation
 Net Metering Activities and Advocacies

Comprehensive Analysis of Research in Electrical Engineering Beyond Academia.

 The Wall
Gap, Inquiry, Solution and Accomplishment
Evaluate, Innovative, Opportunity, Benefit


The webinar began with a warm welcome from the event host. The
EElevate webinar, which focused on the role of electric power in the present
technological landscape, was a huge success, offering attendees with useful
insights and several learning opportunities. The webinar's two lively and
captivating hosts mix interactive exercises with prizes. This makes it possible
for everyone to join and take benefit of the webinar without being overtaken
by the educational material. As the event started in the morning, a few minor
issues surfaced. It was found that the gathering could only have a maximum of
100 attendees. They consequently sent out a new invitation for the Zoom
meeting that had no upper limit on capacity.

In the introductory speech, we were warmly welcomed

by Engr. Arwin De Jesus, the recently appointed head of the IIEE-Student
Affairs Committee. He said that the introduction of additional rules and
regulations will make our currency more valuable. It is anticipated that every
attendee will find the webinar enjoyable and will have a great experience.
The first speaker that was introduced to us was Engineer Laurenz
Junelle M. Oyardo, REE. Where he gave a talk about artificial intelligence. He
gave a captivating visual presentation on the subject, showcasing his great
preparation and presentation abilities. For the next speaker, we were impressed
by her excellent, Engineer Botany KC. Anne S. Briones. She received her
degree from Mariano Marcos University in Ilocos Norte as magna cum laude.
She gave a thorough graphic presentation on Meralco metering that improved
our understanding of the fundamental concepts of metering. The third
speaker was Engr. Zebastian Troy G. Dogma. He emphasizes the importance
of the thesis and research. In addition, his remarkable qualifications stun us.
He and his colleagues conducted a comprehensive study on solar photovoltaic
technology. He articulates his acquisition of knowledge and delivery of
information with great proficiency. He carried out an extensive investigation
on solar photovoltaic technology together with his colleagues. He speaks
clearly and efficiently about the way he learned things as well as how
he presented information was understandable.
At the end of the day, the program was concluded with a final remarks
by Ms. Jhammeca C. San Miguel, the IIEE-CSC's National Executive
Secretary. Their PowerPoint and presentation on well-building are generally
well-done and successfully convey the subjects they discover. I observe that
each of them is quite well educated and skilled in their particular fields.


Engineer Laurenz M. Oyardo Junnelle was the first one who speak. He
gave an overview of artificial neural networks. At last, I gained knowledge
on what an artificial neural network, or ANN, is. According to him, deep
learning algorithms are based on this machine learning technique.
Deep comprehension and a strong will to learn are prerequisites for
mastering algorithms. He said that multi-layered artificial neural networks
(ANNs) are used in the machine learning discipline of deep learning. In several
domains, deep learning frequently performs better than humans. Artificial neural
networks (ANNs) are used in a variety of fields, including financial forecasting,
medical diagnosis, natural language processing, image and audio identification,
and more. He also emphasized that artificial neural networks (ANNs) may be
trained to learn from data. A common learning technique called
backpropagation modifies network weights in response to variations in output.
He concludes that powerful machine learning and artificial intelligence
frameworks are Artificial Brain Networks (ANNs). They are influenced by the
intricate connections found in biological brain networks. In closing, he made the
statement "Sic Parvis Magna," which translates to "greatness from small
Engr. Anne S. Briones is the next speaker, she works in the
Philippine Meralco Utility. Her research into the background of net metering,
the application procedure, the integration of solar energy with Meralco,
and other net metering-related activities taught me things. I am aware that
Meralco only conducts business inside the boundaries of Metro Manila. She
did, however, show us a map of Meralco's nationwide energy distribution
network throughout the entire discussion. There are Meralco utilities in both
Mindanao and Luzon. They are big, comprehensive companies. She is
carrying out the exploitation of a renewable energy source in compliance with
RA 9513, the Renewable Energy Act of 2008, which encourages the creation,
application, and marketing of renewable energy. She encourages us to use
renewable energy in our homes. Utility metering and residential buildings can
be connected through the use of solar panels in a hybrid system. She also
brought up solar panels, which were the subject of the solar photovoltaics
conference I had previously attended. My comprehension of solar energy has
improved, and I can now follow the information she presented. She also gave
us the application guidelines needed to install a solar system in every home.
Her presentation was adequate all around. I learned new things regarding
metering in urban areas.

Lastly, Engineer. Zebastian Troy G. Dogma discussed the thorough

review procedure for academic research in the field of electrical engineering. He
broadened our understanding as students of the significance and possibility that
our thesis or research has going forward by expanding the idea or concept of
research methodology. He highlights that you have a rare chance to help
yourself by developing a prototype or doing research, and you will be grateful
for this opportunity in the future because of your current situation, you are
actively trying to understand and expand your horizons. This person's
inspirational ideas and words of encouragement have left a lasting impression
on me, and I will never forget their profound lessons. Right now, it's critical that
I build a strong foundation of knowledge and ideas and develop my skills at the
right upcoming possibilities. He also highlighted that research is conducted
outside of traditional classroom settings. A true enthusiasm for research tends to
require a different skill set than someone who does it just to finish their
undergraduate degree.

1. Fundamentals of Artificial Neural Network

o Universal Approximation Theorem
o Activation Functions
o Backpropagation Algorithm
o Deep Learning
o Regularization Techniques

2. Meralco Net Metering Program

o Program Overview
o Eligibility
o Benefits
o Metering billing
o Solar photovoltaic
o Installation and Maintenance

3. Comprehensive analysis of research in electrical

engineering beyond academia

o Industry Collaboration
o Technological Innovation
o Educational Initiatives
o Emerging Trends
o Standardation And regulation
Noteworthy Experiences:
I embarked on a quest for knowledge by taking part in the seminar, delving
into the complex field of artificial neural networks (ANNs) and their vital role in
deep learning algorithms.
With the assistance of Engr. Laurenz Junnelle M. Oyardo's simple and
clear explanations, I was able to comprehend the basic principles of Artificial
Neural Networks (ANNs) and how they are revolutionizing a variety of industries,
including image recognition and financial forecasting. During Engr. During
Engr. Anne S. Briones's presentation on Meralco's Net Metering Program, I
learned a lot about how to reduce the amount of energy our home uses by using
renewable energy sources, particularly solar energy. Her emphasis on
sustainability and her explanation of how to install solar systems left a lasting
impression on my understanding of urban energy management. Engr. Zebastian
Troy G. Dogma urged us to embrace research as a lifetime activity in his talk on
research methods, which surpassed the boundaries of academia. His insightful
remarks resonated with me and inspired me to carefully consider and purposefully
pursue my future goals. I have recently gained knowledge, motivated by a strong
desire to continue learning and a commitment to making meaningful contributions
to society, as I near graduation.
"What will you do next?" is the thought-provoking question that
Engr. Dogma posed as he wrapped up his presentation. This question serves as
a guide for me, pointing me in the direction of a future driven by an insatiable
search for perfection and meaning. Hence, I am thanking all of the insightful
presenters, as I start the next part of my journey with newfound insight,
motivation, and a determination to make a real difference.

Pictures/ Evidences or Proof of Webinar/ Virtual OJT Attendance

Figure 1: Proof of Payment

Figure 2: Overall
Figure 3: Evaluation

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