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Promoting Youth volunteerism in Pakistan

The spirit oI volunteerism is an expression oI an enlightened selI-interest to serve others. It

comes Irom the compassion Ior humanity, having a magnanimous heart to be oI help to
others. ThereIore, it is not so much oI an intellectual or academic exercise oI mind but oI
heart and soul. However, a Iormal deIinition oI volunteerism may vary over time, between
individuals, among nations and even within cultures. Despite its many expressions, there are
Iew key core elements that can be attributed to voluntary activity in its many Iorms. First, it is
not undertaken Ior Iinancial gain. Second, it is carried out Ireely and without compulsion.
Third, it beneIits both volunteers and the persons or the party Ior whom their action is meant.
Volunteerism is a part oI Pakistani culture. Most oI the problems oI the communities are
solved through voluntary services. Public goods such as-roads, Mosques water taps, and
wells used to be built on a voluntary basis. In Iact, relieI works at the time oI disasters (Ilood,
earthquake, Iamine, epidemic etc.) are mostly done on a voluntary basis guided mainly by
religious, social, and cultural Iactors.. The nature oI volunteering is inIluenced by the
economic, social and political make-up oI the country and its stage oI development. In many
parts oI the developing world mutual aid or selI-help constitutes the main system oI social
and economic support. These voluntary groups are oIten organized around a particular
disease or illness. Philanthropy: Philanthropy or service to others primarily was meant Ior
external parties but not Ior the members oI his or her own groups. This type oI volunteering
takes place typically within voluntary or community organisations.
There has been a long tradition oI voluntary activity and charitable service in the Pakistan
that has been shaped by religious, political and economic developments Iorming a substantial
element oI national economic and social liIe. As being a universal part oI the all the
communities around the world, volunteerism`s expression, deIinition and understanding
transIorms with varying cultures, religions and geographies. What may be seen as
volunteering in one country may be dismissed as low paid and labour intensive work in
Volunteering makes a signiIicant contribution to a range oI social and economic outcomes
within Pakistan. Research carried out in 1998 estimated the monetary value oI the time given
by volunteers who worked Ior 49 sample voluntary organisations in the borough. This project
will revolve around carrying out awareness sessions in selected universities and colleges
about the role and importance oI voluntary activity in progress and development oI a society.
The primary objective oI the this programme is to promote and market volunteering to
increase the number oI volunteers in Pakistan and empower people to participate at the local

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