Etc 3 Sem Electronics Measurement and Instrumentation Winter 2021

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ag Sem. ExT 2021(W) a The BLECTRONICS Mr AsiREMENT & INSTRUMENTATION Full Marks. g Time- 3 Iss Answer any five Questions including Q No.1& 2 : Figures in the right hand margin indicates ma"kS ' Answer All questions 2x10 5 Wnt iiss Pattern? b. Define the accuracy and sensitivity ©. Write down the application of digital tachometer. 4. , state the dfference between transducer and sensor. y Define the static and dynamic characteristics. f. State the advantages and disadvantages of MI instruments. AE What is 0502 b. Define Q factor. Draw the diagram of De-Sauty bridge. JX Whats signal generator and classy it? 6x5 2. Answer Any Six Questions wa is errors of an instrument and explain various types of errors? b. Explain the basic principle of operation of AC voltmeter with its application A JmAmeter movement with an internal resistance of 1000 is to be converted into a O- 100mA. Calculate the value of shunt resistance required with proper circuit diagram. 4. Which bridge is used for measurement of unknown inductance? Explain the working of that bridge. ©. Define transducer and explain the working of load cell. £ Drawthe diagram of ramp type digital voltmeter and explain its operation. & Explain the working of wave analyser. Describe the construction and operation of PMMC instruments with its advantages and disadvantages. A With neat diagram explain the construction and working of LVDT. 10 Y Draw the block diagram of CRO and describe the function of each blockéndwrite down 10 10 the application of CRO. 6 Describe the bridge used to measure the unknown resistance and write Its anglications. 10 7 Write the short note on: 0 1) Ther 2} Analog multimeter 1

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