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Context and Rationale: reflection

The capacity to comprehend and manipulate numbers efficiently is essential for thriving in the As an educator and researcher, my journey in the application of the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract
modern world. Numeracy literacy is one of the components tested in the Minimum Competency (CPA) approach to teaching multiplication word problems to grade IV pupils has been a revelatory
Assessment, which is based on the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) as an experience. The CPA method's effectiveness in enhancing students' comprehension and mastery of
appropriate practice for international-level assessment (Iswara et al., 2022). According to the PISA multiplication concepts is strikingly evident. Initially, introducing concrete representations like
assessment results, Filipino students received poor results, with over 50% receiving scores below the physical objects or manipulatives allows pupils to tangibly grasp the concept of multiplication.
lowest proficiency level. These Filipino students have lagged in their learning of mathematics. The Through hands-on experiences with physical objects, pupils grasp the fundamental concept of
intellectual and cognitive growth of learners is significantly influenced by mathematics, a multiplication as repeated addition. Transitioning to visual representations like arrays and diagrams
fundamental topic. Being proficient in mathematics, especially in word problems, is not only a cements their understanding, enabling them to visualize relationships between numbers. This gradual
necessary academic skill but also a useful and practical life skill. shift towards abstraction empowers them to solve complex word problems confidently and
On the other hand, based on the results of the Trends International Mathematics and Sciences Study independently. This research found that pupils who engage with the CPA approach showcase not just
(TIMSS), only 19% of Filipino students met the low benchmark, which means they had some basic improved problem-solving abilities but also heightened mathematical fluency and a deeper
mathematical knowledge, while 81% still needed to reach this level (Zamora, 2022). One of the comprehension of multiplication concepts. Overall, this method has proven to be instrumental in
schools under the umbrella of Talomo B District is not spared from this situation. I observed that fostering a solid foundation in multiplication, equipping students with vital skills for tackling real-
most elementary pupils in the Grade 4 level have difficulty with problem-solving comprehension world mathematical challenges with precision and confidence.
involving multiplication of whole numbers, and they lack interest in mathematics, as shown in their CONCRETE-PICTORIAL-ABSTRACT (CPA) APPROACH:
pre-test results every year. The traditional way of teaching mathematics is not that effective because
it is more abstract, and they are not using concrete materials or objects, unlike the CPA approach.
Recommendation Improving mastery in solving word problems
The objective of elementary school math classes is to promote creativity, encourage pupils to think Having seen the transformative impact firsthand, I strongly recommend the use of the Concrete- involving multiplication of whole numbers
methodically and rationally, and improve students' capacity to generate new knowledge. However, the Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) approach for grade IV pupils for the mastery of word problems involving
facts on the ground show that the goal of learning mathematics is still not achieved. Based on my the multiplication of whole numbers. Begin by introducing tangible objects to concretely understand
observations, pupils are less motivated to study and pay less attention to the teacher's explanation, multiplication. Transitioning to visual representations like arrays fosters clearer conceptualization. abstract
and their class engagement is insufficient; for example, when I ask a question, only a few pupils Finally, moving to abstract concepts solidifies their understanding. This method not only enhances This action research explores the use of the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) approach in enhancing
attempt to respond. The learning technique used during learning activities does not correspond to problem-solving but also boosts confidence and enthusiasm in math. As an educator, I wholeheartedly the mastery of Grade 4 learners in solving word problems involving the multiplication of whole
the stages of student cognitive growth, and the strategies in learning activities are still confined to advocate for utilizing CPA—it's a proven strategy that equips students with a robust foundation, numbers. The study includes four students from a school in the Talomo B District, who displayed a
delivering knowledge and are not yet ideal for grasping ideas since the material is delivered mostly in ensuring they confidently navigate and conquer multiplication challenges while enjoying the learning lack of interest and low academic achievement in math. The primary objective of this research is to
abstract form. Based on the problems of learning mathematics, learning needs to be improved. One of process. evaluate how the utilization of the CPA approach impacts the students' ability to comprehend and
the solutions that I suggest is to apply an approach that can influence students to be active and solve multiplication-based word problems. The study follows an action research approach, gathering
comfortable in understanding the stages of development in Mathematics is the use of the Concrete data through pre-tests, formative assessments, and summative assessments. The results showed
Pictorial Abstract (CPA) approach. The CPA approach, with its focus on visual and concrete
references positive trends suggesting that the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) approach holds potential for
representations, aligns well with the cognitive development of students at this stage and helps to Agustin, G. F. (2023). Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) approach in mathematics problem solving. International Advanced enhancing Grade 4 learners' mastery of multiplication word problems. The approach demonstrated
improve the mastery of word problems involving the multiplication of whole numbers. Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, 10(7). effectiveness in fostering a deeper understanding of multiplication concepts through a gradual
As an educator, I see problem-solving as both a significant priority across grade levels and a huge Arslan, C., Yavuz, G., & Deringol-Karatas, Y. (2014). Attitudes of Elementary School Students towards Solving progression from concrete experiences to abstract representations.
Mathematics Problems. Istanbul University Hasan Ali Yucel. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 152, 557-562.
shortfall among pupils in grade IV. The amount of relevance and complexity associated with problem-
CPA approach explained | Learn the concrete, pictorial, abstract method. (2023, July 20). Maths – No Problem! Maths
solving captivated my interest in this issue. It is essential to teach pupils skills such as the use of Mastery for Primary School Education.
visual representations so that they can use them while solving word problems. As a result, the Iswara, H. S., Ahmadi, F., & Da Ary, D. (2022). Numeracy Literacy Skills of Elementary School Students through
researcher is interested in using visual representation techniques, notably the CPA approach, to Ethnomathematics-Based Problem Solving. Interdisciplinary Social Studies, 2(2), 1604–1616.
investigate how they influence the performance of grade IV mathematics students. Main, P. (2023). Concrete Pictorial Abstract Approaches In The Classroom. Structural Learning.
Putri, H. E., Suwangsih, E., Rahayu, P., Nikawanti, G., Enzelina, E., & Wahyudy, M. A. (2020). Influence of Concrete-Pictorial-
Abstract (CPA) approach on the enhancement of primary school students’ mathematical reasoning ability.
Mimbar Sekolah Dasar, 7(1), 119–132.
Salimi, M., Suhartono, S., Hidayah, R., & Fajari, L. E. W. (2020). Improving mathematics learning of geometry through the
jessie jem gardose
concrete-pictorial-abstract (CPA) approach: collaborative action research. Journal of Physics, 1663(1), 012046.
Yulia, E. N. R., & Putri, H. E. (2021). Application of the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) approach to improve
elementary students’ spatial sense. Indonesian Journal of Primary Education, 5(1), 50–62. dona soledad dolor elementary school
PROBLEMS INVOLVING PROBABILITY. EPRA International Journal of Environmental, Economics, Commerce and Educational
Management, 26–30.
presented during the 2nd talomo b district research congress
january 6, 2024
Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy
I employ the concrete pictorial abstract (CPA) approach as the teaching strategy, especially in the
mastery of solving word problems involving the multiplication of whole numbers. This method will
use real-world objects and end with abstract concepts. This approach emphasizes conceptual
Action Research Question Results and Discussion
understanding and helps students develop mathematical thinking by using a combination of real
objects, block models, pictorial models, and bar models. The CPA approach employs hierarchical phases This study intends to answer this action research question: How can I improve the mastery of Grade IV A. Baseline Data Observation
that allow students to reconstruct their information; these stages are concrete (learning through learners in solving word problems involving multiplication of whole numbers using the CPA Approach?
real things), - Pictorial (learning through image representation), - abstract (learning through In Figure 1: The diagnostic score suggests that all four students had a limited grasp of the subject
abstract notation or symbols). matter prior to the implementation of the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) approach. This
Furthermore, some experts believe that using the CPA approach can improve mathematics learning,
Action Research Methods emphasizes the necessity of targeted efforts and teaching techniques to fill knowledge gaps and
citing the findings of Yulianto, Putri, and Rahayu's study, which found that using the CPA approach can A.Participants, Other Sources of Data and Information improve students' proficiency in handling word problems using whole number multiplication.The
improve the ability of mathematical connections and learning outcomes in class V elementary schools. results of the following assessments will provide valuable insights into the impact of these activities
Other research has found that adopting CPA learning models can improve the process of grasping The participants of this action research are the four (4) Grade 4 learners of a school under the on the students’ learning progression and overall improvement.
mathematical ideas and increase mathematics learning in the classroom (Salimi et al., 2020). umbrella of Talomo B District. Formative test results, summative test results on the competency of
Moreover, visual representations have been shown to improve pupils ability to address many sorts of solving problems involving multiplication of whole numbers, and first-quarter grades were the
math-related issues since they build meaning within a problem and aid in selecting problem-solving primary types of data collected from students. Considering one of the least taught abilities in the
approaches. (Garderen, 2006). Visual representation helps students interpret and solve word first quarter is solving problems related to whole numbers, I conducted a remedial meeting for the
problems using spatial relationships (Chu et al., 2017). The Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) method entire section for two weeks, 25 minutes each day, and focused the intervention's results on the
is a more precise approach to visual representation that merits attention from teachers and education identified pupils. The pre-test results of the four kids who showed little interest in math were
officials. The CPA technique was chosen because it is compatible with the phases of cognitive obtained. I created a separate e-class record during the intervention process that includes the findings
of their formative assessment. After two weeks, a summative test was given that served as their B. During the Implementation of the Intervention
development of elementary school kids. The CPA approach is a learning method based on Jerome
posttest, determining their progress. This was conducted on the 23rd of October and finished on the In Figure 2: The first formative test results indicate that there is a need to conduct remediation classes
Bruner's learning theory and the cognitive development idea of "enactive-iconic-symbolic" cognitive
15th of November, 2023, with an emphasis on the least learned skill. The first and second summative to improve students' proficiency in handling word problems using whole number multiplication. Low
development (Agustin, 2023).
tests in math were collected, compared, evaluated, and graphed to demonstrate the effectiveness quiz results from Students A, B, C, and D indicate that the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) strategy
In addition, in a study conducted in Indonesia, the CPA approach is considered a good alternative to
ofusing theg Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) Approach. needs to be used when teaching students how to solve word problems involving the multiplication of
increase the students spatial sense on the high, medium, and low Prior Mathematics Ability for
students in the upper grades (Yulia & Putri, 2021). Based on all student reviews and a category of whole numbers.
B.Data Gathering Methods
Prior Mathematical Ability (PMA) high, moderate, and low, there is an influence between the CPA
approach and students' mathematical reasoning abilities, and the achievement and enhancement of During data collection, the researcher performed the following tasks: (1) obtaining permission from C. Post-Data Observation
mathematical reasoning abilities of students who received learning with the CPA approach were better the school principal to conduct the study; (2) conducting the research; (3) data collection; and (4) In Figure 3: The results of the second formative assessment show how effectively remedial classes
than students who received conventional learning. Furthermore, the CPA technique can help elementary data analysis. utilizing the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) approach teach students how to solve word problems
school kids strengthen their mathematical thinking abilities (Putri et al., 2020). The researcher considered the guidelines for performing research. These standards drove his decision requiring whole number multiplication. With scores above the 50% passing threshold on the second
Overall, these data show that the concrete pictorial abstract (CPA) approach has the potential to to pursue his studies. He reminded himself to be cautious while interacting with participants, formative test, all four students achieved scores above the passing mark, indicating the effectiveness of
improve student performance, engagement, and motivation in mathematics classes. Moreover, the CPA highlighting difficulties connected to the current study and keeping the research conclusions the instructional approach and the student’s commitment and engagement in the learning process.
approach fosters a deep and long-term comprehension of arithmetic courses and helps students concealed. The participants in this study were not put in danger during the study. Furthermore, the These results affirm the positive impact of Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) approach learning
understand abstract concepts. Pupils are exposed to a new mathematical topic using actual materials discoveries confidentially were maintained. Therefore, the study's findings were not made public, and activities in enhancing students’ learning outcomes and fostering their interest in the subject.
(for example, fruit, Dienes blocks, etc.). This action research may help to promote a good and engaging the researcher ensured that the intervention did not harm the research participants.
learning environment for pupils.
C.Data Analysis Plan
Data were obtained to examine the effectiveness of the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA)
Approach in increasing students' interest in solving problems involving whole number multiplication
in mathematics. The pre-test, formative test, and summative test results from the participants' first-
quarter grades were used in the study. It was completed before, during, and after the intervention. The
data was examined and summarized in a graph to demonstrate rising tendencies. The rising trends In Figure 4: The summative results demonstrate the positive impact of the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract
reflect students' interest in using the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) Approach to solve issues (CPA) approach on students’ understanding, knowledge, retention, and application of how to solve
involving the multiplication of whole numbers. word problems involving the multiplication of whole numbers. The pre-test provided a baseline
measurement, while the summative test assessed the students’ overall understanding and mastery of
the subject matter after the intervention. These findings highlight the value of formative evaluations
and ongoing student progress tracking.

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