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1. The Home Page appears consisting of overview of the management along with Registration and
Login option.
2. For Registration:
a. Donner Registration
i. A form having basic information fields show up.
ii. Complete the form and submit it.
iii. Registration complete, wait for approval.
b. Member Registration
i. A form having basic information fields show up.
ii. Complete the form and submit it.
iii. Registration complete, wait for approval.
3. For Login:
a. Donner Login:
i. Login form with Email & Password
ii. Login with the credentials
iii. Login Successful:
1. Donner Dashboard: with all of donner’s information shows up
2. Edit option: donner can change his information
3. Logout: donner can destroy his session and logout
b. Member Login:
i. Login form with Email & Password
ii. Login with the credentials
iii. Login Successful:
1. Member Dashboard: with all of member’s information shows up
2. Edit option: member can change his information
3. Logout: member can destroy his session and logout
c. Admin Login:
i. Login form with Email & Password
ii. Login with the credentials
iii. Login Successful:
1. Admin Dashboard: with the number of donner for each blood group
shows up
2. Donner: admin can see the donner list
3. Member: admin can see the member list
4. Member Request: admin can see the new member who registered and
can accept or reject them
5. Blood Request: admin can see the blood request and information about
that request
6. Campaign: admin can post about a campaign
7. Logout: admin can destroy his session and logout

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