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Journal of Small Business Management 2011 49(3), pp.


Diversification and the Entrepreneurial

Motivations of Farmers in Norway* jsbm_327 390..410

by Jostein Vik and Gerard McElwee

A series of significant pressures but also new opportunities face the agricultural
sector in developed economies. Farm diversification is presented as a political solution
and a viable business strategy and highlights the entrepreneurial side of farmers. This
paper is a unique attempt to address the question of motivation for farm diversifi-
cation using Norwegian data. The results demonstrate that social motivations are as
important as economic motivations, that is, there are substantial differences in which
motivations underpin different types of diversification. This suggests, first, that the
literature could gain from engaging more in the variation of motivational drivers
than general trends, and second, that farmers need different forms of support to
develop their entrepreneurial skills. With a data set derived from a large survey
(N = 1607) of Norwegian farm holdings, we use a multinomial logistic regression
model to analyze how six farm diversification categories are differently influenced by
different types of motivations and other background variables.

in nonagricultural functions and ser-

Introduction vices. New technological developments
Throughout developed economies, a characterize agricultural production.
series of major trends affect farm busi- These shifts in production coupled with
nesses and the lives of farmers. There is strong emerging new markets that rep-
a growing demand not only for changes resent both severe pressures and open
in food production techniques but also new opportunities for farmers require

*The authors gratefully acknowledge the perceptive comments of the three anonymous review-
ers, and the insightful support on issues of method from Arild Blekesaune.
Jostein Vik is a senior researcher at the Centre for Rural Research, University Centre
Dragvoll, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway.
Gerard McElwee is a professor of Entrepreneurship, Editor International Journal of Entre-
preneurship and Innovation, Nottingham Trent Business School, Nottingham Trent University,
Burton Street, Nottingham, UK.
Address correspondence to: Gerard McElwee, Nottingham Business School, Nottingham
Trent University, Burton Street, Nottingham, NG1 4BU, UK. Tel: 44 1522 886423; E-mail:


adaptation strategies, increased innova- is a long tradition for pluriactivity (Almås
tion, and entrepreneurship. Increased 2004), and more than 50 percent of Nor-
farm diversification is therefore seen as wegian farmers have diversified from
a necessary development. Farm and their core farm activity. Scarce rescources
rural business support schemes and and a small scale structure in the agricul-
policy in the European Union (EU) as tural sector have always been seen as
well as in Norway highlight a political drivers of Norwegian farm diversifica-
will to increase entrepreneurship and tion, but the levels of income generated
diversification in farm businesses. by farmers’ additional income appears to
Developing the entrepreneurial skills of be rather modest (Kjesbu et al. 2007).
farmers is one of the priorities of the Furthermore, it seems that economic
Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture and rationality alone is not able to explain
Food (Ministry for Agriculture and Food farmers business adaptations well (see,
2007). However, meeting these priorites e.g., Pettersen et al. 2009).
requires knowledge of what constitutes It is against this context that the Nor-
farm-based entrepreneurship. wegian case is an interesting and rel-
The research question in the present evant field for determing how economic
study is therefore centered on the motivations of farmers stand relative to
reasons and motives for starting addi- alternative motivations. Although the
tional activities: What motivates farmers structural and institutional features of the
to diversify and into what kind of activi- Norwegian agricultural sector are
ties? We address this question through unique, there are no reasons to believe
analysis of a Norwegian data set. that the farmers and their underlying
This paper contributes to filling some motives differ that much.
significant research gaps. We highlight The aims of this paper are twofold.
the highly fragmented pattern of entre- First, using empirical material from
preneurial motivation behind different Norway, we aim to explore the multifac-
categories of farm diversification, and we eted nature of, and drivers behind, farm-
study motivations behind diversification based entrepreneurial activity by
in Norwegian agriculture: an underre- analyzing the diversity and magnitude of
searched phenomenon. motivations underpinning entrepreneur-
Norway is a special case. Located in ial activities. The null hypothesis offered
the far north of the Northern hemi- is that diversification takes place because
sphere, with a diverse arrondation and of a need for extra income. Second, we
small-scale farm structure, the conditions elaborate on the relationship between
for agricultural production are difficult. types of additional activity on farms and
Many farms are remote from urban types of motivation. To do this, we
centers that would provide “easy” empirically map out and categorize types
markets. Farms are passed on from gen- of diversification in the Norwegian agri-
eration to generation meaning that there culture sector, in relation to: the activity’s
is still considerable pressure to “carry on location on/off the farm; the activities’
the tradition” (“odelsgutt”). similarities with traditional farm activi-
The Norwegian governement provides ties; and finally whether the farmers
the agricultural sector with a high level engage in different forms of diversifica-
of subsidies; Norwegian agriculture is tion activities. Thereafter, we analyze
significantly more subsidized than any- drivers behind diversification in general
where else (except Japan, Switzerland, and the motivational background for
and Iceland) including the EU, and there entrepreneurship in particular using a
is also a high level of regulation of agri- multinomial logistic regression. We
cultural production and structure. There suggest that this design of the relation-


ship between motivations and entrepre- 2010; van der Ploeg 2000; Vik 2005).
neurial activity in the Norwegian For example, the farm enterprise may
agricultural sector is appropriate. be broadened through nonagricultural
The paper is structured as follows. We business, or by forward or backward
begin by providing a literature review in integration of the value chain by engag-
which we clarify our definition of farm- ing in food processing, direct market-
based entrepreneurship and entrepre- ing, or niche production. The economic
neurial motivation. From this starting base may also be strengthened by
point, the combination of attributes offering services to the surrounding
required by diversifying farmers is con- communities.
sidered. The recognition of business opportu-
Second, we describe our methodology nities and strategic planning are major
and discuss how survey data are used to requirements for farmers. Through this,
evaluate differences in background vari- farmers are able to find ways and strat-
ables and attitudes among farmers egies to create a profitable business.
engaged in different forms of diversified Cooperation and networking skills,
activity. Farmers’ personal attributes are innovative abilities, and risk taking are
examined alongside the external factors important requirements to realize
of farm size, location, and ownership business opportunities. This analysis
structure in an attempt to understand is generally in line with literature
and predict the key issues influencing on entrepreneurship (McElwee 2006).
both the likelihood and potential success Other descriptions of entrepreneurship
of diversification. The unit of analysis in emphasize opportunity recognition and
this paper is the individual farmer and realization (Scott and Venkataraman
his or her motivations, aspirations, and 2000; Stevenson and Jarillo 1990;
skills. Timmons 1999), the acceptance of risk
Third, we provide an analysis that and failure, innovation and the creation
leads us to a model of farmers’ diversifi- of something new (Hisrich and
cation approaches based on farmers Drnovsek 2002), the role of networks
having different levels of involvement in and cooperation (Kuratko and Hodgetts
new business ventures that are more or 1998), and strategic thinking (Dana
less associated with traditional agricul- 2004).
tural activities. From such a model, we Research into farm diversification is
can begin to understand the implications not only recent as evidenced by the
of different activity in relation to the work of Heady (1952) and Johnson
landscape, the local economy, the farm (1967) in the United States, Gasson
holding, the personal characteristics of (1986) in England and Wales, Shuck-
the farmer, and the farm business as a smith and Winter (1990) in Britain, and
sustainable entity. Fuller (1990) in the EU; however,
We then offer some discussions, con- research into “farmers as entrepreneurs”
clusions, and recommendations for poli- has not provoked a good deal of inves-
cymakers and further research. tigation as evidenced by the findings of
a major literature review of this subject
Terms and Literature (McElwee 2006). Among other things,
In a changing economic and the review found that farmers are a par-
social climate, there are different strat- ticularly rich resource for study in the
egies available to farmers in order to area of entrepreneurial capability and
adapt and survive in their economic that the myths surrounding farmers’
environment (Man et al. 2002; McElwee (in)ability to be entrepreneurial require
2006, 2008; McElwee and Bosworth examination.


Conceptualizing the Farmer as terms such as “farmer” or “the farm” are
Entrepreneur used. McElwee (2004) defines farmers as
There are difficulties associated with those occupied on a part- or full-time
defining the entrepreneur; indeed, as basis and engaged in a range of activities
noted by Palich and Bagby (1995, p. 426), that are primarily dependent on the farm
“when tracing the development of this and agriculture in the practice of culti-
concept in the literature, it becomes clear vating the soil, growing crops, and
that no one definition of the entrepreneur raising livestock as the main source of
prevails.” Definitions have emphasized a income. In the Norwegian context,
broad range of activities, the more well where pluriactivity is a core element of
known of which include uncertainty agriculture, it cannot be assumed that the
bearing and the subcontractor who takes farming activities are the main source of
risks (Cantillon 1755), coordination (Say income. Thus, the definition of farmer, in
1803), innovation (Schumpeter 1934), the present work, is a person that is the
and arbitrage (Kirzner 1979). main operator who owns, rents, or
Both Cantillon and Say based their manages a farm with more that 0.5 hec-
conceptions of entrepreneurial rents on tares (ha) of cultivated land.
agriculture, which, of course, was the For the purposes of this paper, we
predominant industry of the time. define entrepreneurial activity as “the
Indeed, Cantillon’s description of an creation and extraction of value from an
entrepreneur as “An agent who contracts environment” (Anderson 1995), which is
with suppliers at known prices in order particularly relevant in this context
to produce goods that could be sold later because in the farming environment,
at uncertain prices,” perfectly described value does not have to be measured in
18th century agricultural practices. economic terms: farmers are motivated
Where enterprise and entrepreneur- by things other than financial reward.
ship are explored in a rural context, However, the extent to which farmers
studies have tended to focus on the are entrepreneurial is contested. In
dynamics and behaviors of individuals, essence, for Carter (1998), farmers have
often focusing on farmers as entrepre- traditionally been entrepreneurial. Fur-
neurs within a rural setting (e.g., Carter thermore, argue Carter and Rosa (1998),
1996, 1999; Kalantaridis and Bika 2006; farmers are primarily business owner–
McElwee 2006, 2008). Carter (1998), managers, and farms therefore can be
Carter and Rosa (1998), McNally (2001), characterized as businesses. Carter draws
and Borsch and Forsman (2001) argue parallels between portfolio entrepreneur-
that the methods used to analyze business ship in nonfarm (business) sectors and
entrepreneurs in other sectors can be farm pluriactivity, suggesting that
applied to rural businesses such as farms. farmers have multiple business interests,
The relationship between the farmer and and these foster employment creation
the farm business is in itself a complex and rural economic development. One
issue, suggesting that the methods used to may hold that this is an empirical ques-
analyze business entrepreneurs in other tion; farmers may be portfolio entrepre-
sectors may not be easily transferred to an neurs to a varying degree. In the
analysis of farms and farmers. empirical analysis, we study whether
motivations and drivers of those farmers
Definitions of Farm engaged in multiple diversification activi-
Entrepreneurship ties differ from those farmers engaged in
The problem of definition is not con- one kind only. It should be made clear,
fined to entrepreneurship as there are though, that there are nuances in the use
also issues of conceptualization when of the term portfolio entrepreneurship as


used in the literature and the way it is away from core activities of the farm
used empirically in our analysis. Empiri- business by providing goods or services
cally, we see farmers that engage in mul- with a basis in a wide understanding of
tiple types of diversification outside farm farm resources (human, physical,
activity as portfolio (farm) entrepreneurs, private, or collective).2 This definition
while the literature tends to reserve the excludes neither on-farm nor off-farm
term for those who engage in setting up diversification, but it does exclude off-
multiple “businesses,” understood as dif- farm work or employment. This we see
ferent legal entities. This is not nessesar- as pluriactivity.
ily the case with the farmers that build Farm diversification has been
up a portfolio of income-generating described as farm-centered income-
activities. generating activities (Evans and Ilbery
The definition of a farmer is a key 1992, p. 86). Diversification as a strat-
issue. Many definitions tend to ignore egy for greater economic viability
both the pluriactivity and the entrepre- includes transforming or expanding
neurial role of the farmer. To the extent farm activities by unconventional uses
that these other activities are both nec- of on-farm resources (Fuller 1990). The
essary for the continued occupation of variation in such uses is substantial
the farm, in the case of pluriactivity, and and ranges from relatively conventional
a role that farmers can play, precisely uses of farm machines and equipment
because they are farmers, is important. in contracting for other farms and
Eikeland and Lie (1999) argue that pluri- others; providing hunting rights, facili-
active farmers are entrepreneurial, but as ties, and services; farm-based tourism
Alsos, Ljunggren, and Pettersen (2003) (Haugen and Vik 2008); green care
acknowledge, “there is still a paucity of (Hassink and van Dijk 2006; Vik and
knowledge about which factors trigger Farstad 2009); and different consultancy
the start-up of entrepreneurial activities services.
among farmers.” Both pluriactivity and farm diversifica-
In the literature, two broad terms have tion have been important elements in
been used to describe generic strategies Norwegian farming (Almås 2004). Some
other than core farm activities: “diversi- recent studies indicate that more than
fication” and “pluriactivity.” Often, the half (59 percent) of all Norwegian
boundaries between the two are some- farmers engage in additional activities
what blurred. Broadly speaking though, based on the farm and its resources (Vik
pluriactivity is seen as farmers engaging 2008).
in the labor market outside the farm, or Chaplin, Davidova, and Gorton (2004)
in off-farm business activities. Diversifi- analyzed and identified nonagricultural
cation is defined as on-farm or farming- farm diversification undertaken across
related activity. A diversification strategy three central European countries. Their
is apparent when farmers combine other research shows that diversification
agricultural or nonagricultural activities levels are relatively low, and new jobs
with their farm business. In this study, provision from diversified enterprises is
we define diversification as a movement limited.

In an earlier study of farm diversification in the North of England, diversification was defined
as “a strategically systemic planned movement away from core activities of the business, as a
consequence of external pressures, in an effort to remain in and grow the business” (McElwee
2004, p. 6). In our study, we do not want to emphasize the strategic element a priori. The
processes of diversification may be more incremental and accidental than strategically planned.


On Motivation obstacles is an increased internal locus of
Understanding how different cognitive control. If, for example, an individual
frames inform and shape attitudes may wants and believes he or she can control
provide insight into why and when two the external environment and make it fit
farmers are confronted with seemingly with his or her goals, then it is likely that
identical situations, one farmer elects to he or she will continue to exert the sus-
pursue an opportunity when the other tained effort that he or she believes is
does not. Palich and Bagby (1995) seek to necessary for the achievement of their
explore the decision-making processes, goals; “individuals who cannot believe in
or more specifically, the categorization their ability to control the environment
processes that precede decision-making, through their actions would be reluctant
of entrepreneurs and nonentrepreneurs to assume the risks that starting a busi-
when confronted with identical informa- ness would entail” (Brockhaus and
tion. The test involved asking a sample of Horwitz 1986, p. 27).
entrepreneurs and nonentrepreneurs to A second key factor identified by
categorize, using a nine-point Likert-type Gatewood, Shaver, and Gartner (1995)
scale, three equivocal scenarios in terms involves the attribution of causality. The
of whether they represented: (1) strength attribution of causality framework, taken
or weakness; (2) opportunity or threat; from cognitive psychology, is comprised
and (3) improve or deteriorate. The find- of four separate constructs: ability, effort,
ings suggest, according to Palich and task difficulty, and luck. Each of these
Bagby (1995, p. 433), that entrepreneurs four components is used by individuals
have a greater propensity to categorize to explain the consequences of actions.
equivocal scenarios positively; “they Gatewood, Shaver, and Gartner (1995)
simply tend to associate business situa- argued that individuals that are predis-
tions with cognitive categories that posed to assign internal and stable expla-
suggest more favourable attributes nations for outcome causes are more
(greater strengths versus weaknesses, likely to engage in behaviors that culmi-
opportunities versus threats, and poten- nate in the formation of new ventures.
tial for future performance improvement However, similarly to Palich and Bagby
versus deterioration).” However, Palich (1995), Gatewood, Shaver, and Gartner
and Bagby (1995) suggest that favorable (1995) suggest that the ability and will-
categorization of equivocal business sce- ingness to pursue entrepreneurial behav-
narios may lead entrepreneurs into iors and new venture start-up are not
making poor decisions based on exces- long-run determinants of success. There
sive optimism. are a number of other factors that exert a
In a similar vein, Gatewood, Shaver, significant influence on the subsequent
and Gartner (1995, p. 372) undertook a success of the entrepreneurial effort, but
longitudinal study in the hope of identi- those factors are not mediated by certain
fying the key cognitive factors that might cognitive tilts as is suggested in self-
influence start-up behaviors and subse- efficacy assessments and the attribution
quent levels of success; “we suggest that of causality (Gatewood, Shaver, and
the cognitive orientation (i.e. way of Gartner 1995). However, unlike Palich
thinking) of potential entrepreneurs will and Bagby (1995), Gatewood, Shaver,
have a significant influence on their will- and Gartner (1995) suggest that cognitive
ingness to persist in entrepreneurial orientation and new venture success are
activity in the face of . . . difficulties.” A mediated by entrepreneurial activities
key factor identified by Gatewood, such as identifying and finding custom-
Shaver, and Gartner (1995) in ensuring ers, locating necessary resources, and
persistence despite setbacks and financial planning. To help entrepre-


neurs become more successful, or at coexisting with a cornucopia of creative
least to reduce the very high attrition rate accomplishments . . . we also find stun-
of new venture start-ups, entrepreneurs ning examples of needlessly constrained
might be encouraged to undertake more thinking.” Ward (2004) argues that entre-
in the way of entrepreneurial activities so preneurial individuals are able to over-
as to reduce an excessive reliance on come creative constraints to produce
cognitive orientation. novel goods or services that are both
Taken together, the work of Palich useful and as a consequence, can be suc-
and Bagby (1995) and Gatewood, cessfully brought to market. Ward’s
Shaver, and Gartner (1995) would (2004) understanding of entrepreneurial
appear to suggest that entrepreneurs opportunity is in contrast to more
have an optimistic cognitive framework common approaches that suggest that
through which equivocal scenarios are opportunities have a more objective
positively assessed, coupled with the dimension which, according to differ-
belief that they are able to influence the ences in cognitive properties, only certain
external environment to the extent that it individuals are predisposed to identify.
aligns with their personal goals. When On the practical level, a wide range of
these dispositional factors are combined, motivational modes are mentioned in the
entrepreneurial intentions are likely to literature. Ollenburg and Buckley (2007)
form and result in the establishment of a identified empirically, through a princi-
new venture. The suggestion, although pal component analysis, five principal
perhaps seemingly obvious given the components: economic, family, social,
theoretical slant taken by both sets of independence, and retirement. Further-
authors, implies the primacy of cognition more, McGehee and Kim (2004) distin-
in the new venture process and, as a guish between the social and the
consequence, the significance of the economic as key motivations in their lit-
entrepreneurial individual in the entre- erature review. However, in addition to
preneurial event. However, in both additional income as a measure of eco-
approaches the assumption that oppor- nomic motivation, they also include, for
tunities have an objective component is example, resource utilization, employ-
present. The cognitive dimension there- ment of family members, interest, and
fore, according to Palich and Bagby other motivational statements.
(1995) and Gatewood, Shaver, and In addressing farmers diversifying
Gartner (1995), offers only a partial into tourism in North Eastern England,
explanation of why some individuals and Sharpley and Vass (2006) also address
not others become entrepreneurs, as the motives of farmers, concluding that
situational determinants cannot be ruled the need for extra income was the prin-
out. cipal reason for diversifying.
Ward (2004) suggests that a cognitive
approach to entrepreneurship research Data and Methods
can be used to explain how entrepreneurs The analysis in this paper is based on
generate novel and successful ideas for data from a postal survey among a rep-
business ventures. Ward (2004, p. 175) resentative sample of Norwegian farms
argues that knowledge plays a paradoxi- (registered operators) in 2008. The
cal role in the generation of new ideas, in survey is a part of a longitudinal study,
that existing knowledge may act as a funded by the Norwegian Centre for
platform from which new ideas are devel- Rural Research, where a wide range of
oped, or may equally act as a barrier to the variables are registered. In addition to
emergence of new ideas by constraining relevant individual background vari-
their development; “throughout history, ables, questions were asked about farm


and farm household demographics, char- instead of using a categorical dependent
acteristics of the farm, core and addi- variable with two values, a variable may
tional economic activities, motivational have several (nominal) values. In this
variables, and social and political atti- case, the dependent variable consists of
tudes and values. those farmers who have diversified (1)
The sample was drawn from “The on-farm and farm-related only; (2) off-
Norwegian Agricultural Producers Regis- farm and farm-related only; (3) on-farm
ter.” A total of 1,607 farmers completed and farm-diverse (tourism) only; (4)
and returned the questionnaire resulting on-farm and farm-diverse only; (5) off-
in a useable response (51 percent). The farm and farm-diverse (and miscella-
data are tested for representativeness in neous types) only; and finally, those with
a wide range of variables, against public more than one of the four kinds of diver-
registers and other data sets, where these sifying activities: (6) portfolio diversifica-
are available (e.g., farm size, milk tion. The initial mapping of variables on
quotas, and income). The data set in additional activities are clearly reliable
general is representative over time of and valid. The categorization we have
Norwegian agriculture and that core vari- done here includes a remapping of
ables in the biannual study, our data are farmers from a scheme where several
a part of are consistent over time (Vik overlapping activities were possible into
2008). Thus, we hold the general reliabil- a set of mutually exclusive categories.
ity of data and the data gathering process This means, for example, that the farm-
to be good. tourist diversifiers who also do on-farm
After an initial categorization of types and farm-related activities are catego-
of diversifying activities (the dependent rized as portfolio diversifiers. This, in
variable), we utilized a method called turn, implies that the empirical categori-
multinomial logistic regression (see, e.g., zation must be used with care. Its validity
Borooah 2002) to analyze those farmers is limited to analyses of the differences
who have diversified their activities between those mutually exclusive cat-
(N = 943). egories. If we want to say something of
In this study, we analyze diversifica- all farm-tourist diversifiers for example,
tion with a particular focus on the varia- another categorization may be more reli-
tion in motivational drivers of able. In seeking to measure the impor-
diversification. There are several avail- tance of factors leading to different types
able methods that could be used to of diversification, four groups of inde-
analyze how motivational (and other) pendent variables are included: personal
variables relate to farm diversification. A background variables, farm and produc-
simple correlation analysis could be used tion characteristics, farmers’ satisfaction
to see the direct correlations between with their social and professional
motivational types and diversification network, and motivational variables, rep-
categories; factor analysis could be used resented by agreement with a set of
to search for underlying patterns or vari- statements.
ables in the data set. However, in order
to analyze the relationship between dif-
ferent motivational factors, controlled for The Analysis
other variables, on several categories of Types of Activity
diversification, simultaneously, a multi- The percentage of 58.7 of Norwegian
nomial logistic regression model is the farms have diversified their farm activity.
most appropriate approach. Multinomial Table 1 lists the areas of additional activ-
logistic regression is an extension of ity of the respondents. The table shows
binary logistic regression whereby the percentage of the farms (the farmer,


Table 1 the partner, or both) that have the differ-
ent types of additional activities.3
Types and Extent of Ranking the activities based on the
Additional Activity in extent of each type of activity reveals
Norwegian Agriculture that the most frequent additional activi-
ties are those where farmers use their
Type of Activities % n resources, mainly farm machinery and
Machine contracting, 31 1,334 equipment, in contracting activities on or
haymaking, snow outside the agricultural sector. The next
clearing, etc. category is the use of farm resources for
Fire wood, bioenergy 26.5 1,223 firewood and bioenergy purposes. In the
production, etc. Norwegian context, the use of what is
Hiring out of hunting 23 1,163 known as the “farm forest” has a long
and/or fishing tradition and is often an extension of the
rights logging of fire wood for use at the farm.
Hiring out of 14 1,149 For many farmers, hiring out hunting
premises and and/or fishing rights provides an addi-
storeroom tional source of income. This is a kind of
Construction work 6.9 1,112 diversification that ranges from tradi-
Lodging or 6.4 1,114 tional and sometime very passive uses of
accommodation resources to more commercial use of the
Green care, relief 5.9 1,104 farm resources appealing to highly
services, etc. market oriented fishing and hunting
Husbandry on other 5.2 1,101 tourism. The same span between passive
farms capitalising on existing resources and
Farm-based saw mill 5.1 1,106 market-oriented creativity is captured in
Consulting and 5.1 1,093 the category “hiring out of premises and
accounting services storeroom.” Farmers make use of
Adventures, tours, 3.5 1,101 another kind of resource when engaging
guiding, etc. in construction work. Then, it is the prac-
(tourism) tical know-how that is utilized. This cat-
Courses and 3.4 1,099 egory may be seen together with
pedagogic services “organized rural service,” which is a cat-
Organized rural 2.9 1,094 egory representing more of an organiza-
service tional form of hiring out labor and
Fishery 2.1 1,094 equipment mainly outside the farm
Serving of food on or 1.8 1,091 sector. Much of this work is also con-
by the farm struction work. There are three catego-
Aquaculture 0.7 1,088 ries in the questionnaire that cover forms
Miscellaneous 12 1,024 of farm tourism: “Lodging or accommo-
dation,” “Adventures, tours, guiding, etc.
(tourism),” and “Serving of food on or by
the farm.” Another rather large (5.9
percent) category is what we have
termed Green care, Relief services, etc.

It should be noted here that there are no formal limits to what kind of diversification a farmer
can undertake without creating a new business unit. The following analysis therefore does not
consider the actual creation of new legal business entities.


This category consists of what is seen as On-farm vs. off-farm activities and farm-
green care, or farming for health, in a related activities vs. farm-diverse activi-
rather strict sense. In addition, or partly ties. Figure 1 maps out the distribution of
overlapping this, farmers use their pre- diversification along these dimensions.
mises to offer training courses and/or As we see, locating the additional
pedagogic services. Even though social activities according to these dimensions
care and pedagogic services may be seen allow us to categorize activities in four
as rather different activities, they are different kinds of activities. We have
often lumped together as social farming made three adjustments to this categori-
(Di Iacovo and O’Connor 2009; Vik and zation because of empirical consider-
Farstad 2009). Some farmers also take on ations. The first is that we divided
work with relieving other farmers with on-farm and farm-diverse activities in
their farm animals—husbandry on other two groups: tourism and social farming.
farms. In the Norwegian context, this This is because the data suggested that
type of activity is a well defined and there are two distinct subgroups that
traditional service in rural areas. A few may be of particular empirical relevance.
farms have their own saw mills and A further modification is that we locate
utilize these as additional source of miscellaneous activities within the off-
income. In many rural regions with sig- farm, farm-diverse activity group. Third,
nificant forestry resources, farm saw some farmers are engaging in different
mills were fairly well distributed kinds of additional activities. Therefore,
geographically. New services such as those that transcend the boundaries of
different kinds of consultancy and our categories in this way are situated
accountancy services are also repre- in-between. Our analysis requires that
sented in the survey. Although fishery is the categories are mutually exclusive. As
traditionally an important additional represented in Figure 1, all farmers are
activity in coastal regions of Norway, few located in one category only.
farmers still have this combination. The The categorization thus provides five
same goes for farming in combination groups of diversification activities that
with aquaculture. It is impossible to are rather different both in terms of the
create an exhaustive list. There is, there- resources needed and the character of
fore, a rather large miscellaneous cat- the activities and six groups of diversify-
egory. Farmers who feature in this ing farmers. The question though is
category have activities ranging from whether these types of activities are
exotic animals to knitwear. driven by different internal and external
The listed additional activities are of factors in general, and whether they have
very different types. It is useful for ana- different motivations in particular. Seen
lytical purposes to categorize the activi- as results of entrepreneurship, the
ties more systematically. In the groups of activities might have rather
entrepreneurship literature it is common heterogeneous drivers. As previously
to distinguish between push and pull stated, the research question is therefore
entrepreneurs (e.g., Amit and Muller centered on reasons for starting addi-
1995). These categorizations build upon tional activities—what motivates Norwe-
certain types of motivational pattterns, gian farmers to diversify?
and are thereby less useful for analyzing
actual correlations between activities and Types of Motivation
motivation. In the following section the In our questionnaire, six different
activities are sorted according to two statements where listed, each statement
dimensions which do not have clear a representing types of motives. The
priori connections to motivation. respondents were asked to mark the


Figure 1
Categorizing Norwegian Farm Diversification

On-farm diversification

On-farm and farm-related (N=227) Tourism (N=22)

• Fire wood, bioenergy production, • Lodging or

etc. accommodation
• Farm based saw mill • Adventures, tours,
• Hiring out of hunting and/or guiding, etc. (tourism)
fishing rights • Serving of food on or by
• Hiring out of premises and the farm
storeroom • Local food
Social farming (N=21)

• Green care, reliefing, etc.

Farm- • Courses and pedagogic Farm-
related services Diverse
activities activities

Off-farm and farm-related (N=192) Off-farm and farm-diverse

(+misc.) (N=49)
• Machine contracting, haymaking,
snow clearing, etc. • Consulting and
• Construction work accounting services
• Organized rural service • Fishery
• Husbandry on other farms • Aquaculture
• Miscellaneous

Off-farm diversification

importance of these statements in their economic rationale is represented by the

own case. The list was constructed on statement “I had available resources on
the basis of types of motivations farm”; also an economic rationale but
described in the literature. However, we related to the wish to take care of, or
have not a priori linked all our types develop, the possibility to keep living at
explicitly to issues of push/pull or the farm is represented by the statement
necessity/opportunity, even though “to create a possibility to keep staying at
some of them clearly are related to these the farm”; a related motivation but tar-
dichotomies: a purely economic motive geted on creating a job opportunity for
for diversifying is represented by the the partner is represented by the state-
statement “I had a need for additional ment “the wish to create employment/
income”; another, more resource-based work for my partner”; a motivation based


on social needs or wishes rather than the The overall picture is that the “need
economic rationale is represented by the for additional income” and “wish to
statement “wish to meet with new utilize the available resources on the
people/work with people.” farm” are reported as the most important
Sometimes entrepreneurial activities motivations for most of the farm entre-
are linked to personal needs or an inner preneurs. However, motivations like
creative urge. This is represented with “had a creative urge,” and to “create a
the statement “an urge to create some- possibility to continue to live on the
thing”; external factors other than eco- farm” are also important motivations for
nomic necessity are also possible drivers many farmers. On the lower extreme, we
for diversification. The view that local find that “local culture/local networks”
culture or local networks are important and social motivations represented by
for establishing additional activities of “wish to meet new people/work with
certain types is represented by the state- people” are ranked as less important.
ment that “local culture/local networks” Nonetheless, to identify and rank
were important for starting additional the motivations only takes us part of
activities, while the view that regional or the way. The above list only shows the
local characteristics (e.g., nature) were general importance of different motives.
important drivers for the diversification We must be aware that even though
is represented by the statement that “need for additional income” is a signifi-
there was a certain “suitability of loca- cant motivator for many, 29 percent of
tion” for this activity. respondents report that this is of no or
Motivations for additional activity little importance. There are then a variety
cannot easily be mapped out, and it is of motives, and this fact led us to seek
not possible to measure moti- patterns in the variation rather than the
vations exactly—as is the case with generalized distribution.
many types of subjective data. By
giving the respondents the ability to Diverse Motivation:
mark the degree of importance of a set Different Activities
of statements designed to represent dif- We then have the background for the
ferent types of motivations for their multinomial logistic regression. The
additional activity, what we get is a set dependent variable is the presented cat-
of indications on what kind of motiva- egories of diversified activities. “On-farm
tions are seen to be important. We do and farm-related activity” is the reference
not measure the exact importance of a category. The independent variables are
given motive. Both the validity and the age, gender, marital status, educational
reliability of this procedure may be level, farm size, main production on the
questioned. Notwithstanding, we do farms, satisfaction with social network,
believe that the battery of questions and satisfaction with agricultural (profes-
the methods used, by and large, reveal sional) network, and finally, motivational
relative emphasis placed upon different types. The data set consists of the 943
types of motives for additional activity diversifying farms. The model is pre-
that is useable in our analysis. Still, this sented in Table 3.
is a large-N statistical analysis, and as A logistic multinomial regression holds
such not it is not possible to explore in many layers of information, and it is dif-
depth the complexities of possibly con- ficult to explain the interpretations fully
flicting and fluctuating motivations (see Menard 2002, p. 41ff, on interpreta-
within a household. The motivational tions of logistic regressions in general).
variation in our data set is presented in We therefore present a somewhat simpli-
Table 2. fied interpretation in this elaboration of


Table 2
Importance of Motivations for Starting Additional Activities
Very important, Important, Of some importance, Of little importance, Not important, Percent
percent percent percent percent percent (N)
Need for additional 19.9 27.8 23.2 11.9 17.1 100 (934)
Had available 18.9 32.4 24.8 7.6 16.3 100 (922)
resources on farm
A wish to create/a 16.1 21.8 25.2 11.2 25.7 100 (929)
creative urge
Make it possible to 14.5 20.5 20.9 15.8 28.4 100 (919)
live on the farm
Suitability of location 9.7 20.7 29.8 15.5 24.3 100 (905)
A wish to create 6.0 10.5 15.3 16.0 52.2 100 (902)
work for partner
Local culture/ 5.2 8.8 22.9 20.2 42.9 100 (919)
Wish to work with/ 4.2 12.6 22.6 23.8 36.8 100 (906)


meet with people
Table 3
Multinomial Logistic Regression Model of Farm Diversification Categories
Activity typesa Off-farm On-farm On-farm Off-farm Portfolio
farm-related farm-diverse— farm-diverse— farm-diverse diversification
Tourism Social farming and misc.

B Sig. s.e. B Sig. s.e. B Sig. s.e. B Sig. s.e. B Sig. s.e.

Intercept 1.626 .164 1.169 .133 .960 2.659 -20.7 .000 2.714 -4.455 .029 2.038 2.988 .002 .959
Age -.017 .180 .013 .030 .303 .029 .023 .440 .030 .015 .474 .021 .000 .978 .010
Genderb -.202 .682 .492 -1.22 .131 .811 -.182 .845 .931 -.817 .198 .635 -.246 .525 .386
Marital statusc -.173 .629 .358 -.217 .807 .890 17.61 - .000 .389 .506 .586 -.085 .776 .300
Education level -.288 .023 .127 -.249 .392 .290 .317 .259 .281 .427 .014 .174 .103 .276 .095
Medium farmsd .552 .098 .334 -.388 .610 .762 1.260 .173 .925 -.085 .860 .482 .475 .068 .261
Large farmse 1.060 .004 .365 .193 .808 .797 1.775 .066 .964 -.885 .191 .676 .869 .004 .299
Main prod. livestockf .283 .359 .309 -.805 .298 .774 -.056 .932 .654 .927 .122 .600 -.227 .377 .258
Main prod. grainf .535 .123 .347 -17.9 .997 4,545.3 -17.9 .996 3,989.9 1.186 .071 .658 -.523 .088 .306
Main prod. other vegetable .371 .480 .526 1.308 .104 .805 .006 .996 1.205 1.336 .100 .811 -.123 .774 .427


Main prod. forestryf .317 .723 .896 -18.3 - .000 -17.5 .998 6,813.4 -17.427 .998 7,230.6 -.045 .939 .588
Main prod. othersf -17.262 .996 3,677.5 -18.1 - .000 -17.4 .998 7,595.5 1.991 .037 .957 .429 .449 .567
Satisf. with social network .005 .937 .066 -.086 .551 .145 .082 .585 .150 -.110 .319 .110 -.029 .589 .053
Satisf. with .053 .427 .067 -.048 .738 .144 .019 .898 .150 .187 .102 .114 -.037 .485 .054
agricultural network
Motiv. good local culture/ .009 .945 .135 .235 .427 .296 .198 .505 .297 -.281 .168 .204 -.063 .547 .106
Motiv. wish to .209 .112 .131 -.588 .048 .297 .080 .786 .297 -.112 .589 .208 -.383 .000 .103
create/Had a “creative
Motiv. had available .212 .088 .124 -.116 .710 .312 .647 .023 .284 .735 .000 .195 .158 .127 .103
resources at the farmg

Table 3
Activity typesa Off-farm On-farm On-farm Off-farm Portfolio
farm-related farm-diverse— farm-diverse— farm-diverse diversification
Tourism Social farming and misc.

B Sig. s.e. B Sig. s.e. B Sig. s.e. B Sig. s.e. B Sig. s.e.

Motiv. suitability of -.159 .193 .122 .370 .214 .298 .197 .484 .282 .247 .259 .219 .080 .425 .100
Motiv. want to work with/ -.280 .049 .142 -.175 .553 .295 -1.23 .000 .308 -.393 .064 .212 -.153 .183 .115
meet peopleg
Motiv. make it possible to -.303 .007 .113 -.204 .447 .268 -.171 .517 .263 -.419 .030 .193 -.230 .016 .096
live at the farmg
Motiv. want to make job .037 .783 .134 .075 .795 .291 -.341 .239 .290 .421 .058 .222 .015 .892 .107
for partnerg

Chi square, significance, and (df) 277.973, sig. 0.000 (100)

Pseudo R2 (Cox and Snell/Nagellk.) 0.322/0.348

Motiv., motivation; Prod., product; Sig., significance; Satisf., satisfaction;

Dependent variable: Diversification activity types. On-farm farm-related is reference.
Male 1/female 0


Married and cohabitant 1/single 0
10 and 25 haa. Farms smaller than 10 ha are reference category
Larger than 25 haa. Farms smaller than 10 ha are reference category
Milk production is reference
Need for extra income is reference and increasing value signifies less importance (see Table 2)
the table. The B-values are standardized to have higher education and they are
measures of change in probability for a likely to have medium or large farms
particular variable to be important for the (smaller than 10 hectares are reference
level of the independent variable. A high category); milk production is the most
number indicates that the variable is sub- important production category (and is the
stantially important. Positive numbers reference category); in terms of motiva-
indicate an increase in probability as a tional differences, they are significantly
result of an increase in the value of the more likely to be motivated by a wish to
independent variables. Negative numbers meet with/work with people and to make
indicate decreased probability as the it possible to live at the farm than they are
value increase. The level of significance by a “need for additional income,” which
and standard errors are reported behind is the reference category.
each variable value. Second, those farmers performing
First, we may state that the model as a on-farm and farm-diverse activities in the
whole explains the backgrounds of addi- form of tourist activities on the farm—and
tional activities to an acceptable degree. no other additional activity—have very
The pseudo R2 is betweeen 0.32 (Cox and few significant differences from those
Snell) and 0.35 (Nagelkerke). These are performing on-farm and farm-related
measures of model fitness but may be activities only. Thus, these farmers are
interpreted as explained variability. As likely to be working on small (or medium)
such it indicates that the model explains farms; their main production is likely to
around 32–35 percent of the total variabil- be milk. The motivational variable that
ity of farmers propensity to be situated in stands out is that these tourist farmers are
one of the diversification categories. more likely to be motivated by a wish to
Given that, we explain belonging to six create something or the so-called creative
different categories on the basis of a few urge, than they are by the need for addi-
explanatory variables characterizing the tional income. However, for this category,
farmer and their farms, this is an accept- we should emphasize that when we
able measure of model fitness. Still, this operationalize the tourist entrepreneurs
means that (all other) variables not as farmers that only diversify into tourism,
covered by our analysis explain substan- and no other diversifying activity, there is
tial parts of the variance. When reaching a reduction from 8.3 percent of the
conclusions, this must be kept in mind. farmers to 1.4 percent. To put it another
We may begin with a few general find- way: most farm-tourist entrepreneurs are
ings: compared with those doing only portfolio diversifiers, and therefore share
on-farm and farm-related additional characteristics with that group.
activities, the other categories of diversi- Third, the other group engaging in
fying farmers do not differ significantly in farm-diverse but on-farm diversification
terms of age, gender, or marital status. We and social farming are likely to be
also see that there are no clear patterns or located on large farms rather than small
significant differences in the satisfaction farms; their main production is most
with social and professional (agricultural) likely to be milk. Again they are signifi-
networks between these categories of cantly less motivated by available
diversifying farmers. However, in other resources on the farm and significantly
instances, there are differences between more likely to be motivated by the wish
the categories. First, the farmers that have to work with/meet people than they are
diversified into only “off-farm and farm- by the need for additional income.
related” activities separates from those Fourth, those engaging in either off-
with “on-farm and farm-related” addi- farm and farm-diverse activities or those
tional activities in that they are less likely performing some kind of activity that


falls into the miscellaneous category are tourist farmers, those engaged in social
distinguished from the on-farm and farm- farming and for the large category of
related diversifying farmers by higher portfolio diversifiers, social- and
levels of education and by slightly larger creativity-based motives are more impor-
farms. When it comes to motivational tant than the motives that seem to fit
drivers, these differ from the reference with an economic rationality.
category in that available resources are We may summarize this analysis with
less likely to be important and that the an obvious statement: the word diverse
wish to make it possible to stay living at is the key to understanding diversifica-
the farm is more important than the need tion. Not only is diversification seen to
for additional income. be a variety of adaptation strategies,
Fifth, when comparing those that diversification in itself is also motivated
have diversified into several categories of in diverse ways. However, our findings
additional activities (the portfolio diver- indicate that, overall, other motives for
sifiers) with those that have only diver- diversification are more essential than
sified into on-farm and farm-related the need for additional income.
activities, we see a significant difference
in that the portfolio entrepreneurs are
likely to be located at larger farms. The Conclusion
motivational drivers that stand out are In this paper, we have mapped out
the creative urge/the wish to create and diversification in Norwegian agriculture
the wish to make it possible to live at the and the diversity of motives for entrepre-
farm, both of which are more likely to be neurial activity. Furthermore, we have
important than the need for additional analyzed how different motivations as
income. well as other drivers influence the direc-
In general, when categorizing diversi- tions of farm diversification. We have
fying farmers according to their types of demonstrated that the issue of entrepre-
additional activity and viewing at the neurial motivation is complex, multifac-
model in terms of independent variables, eted, and dependent on a range of
we see clearly the importance of various variables, both endogenous and exog-
motivational drivers. enous to the farmer and the farm enter-
The issue of motives is multifaceted. prise. There are substantial differences in
We could state that the null hypotheses which types of motivations determine dif-
in terms of motivation for diversification ferent types of diversification. What we
are that farmers diversify to obtain addi- found can be summarized with these
tional income. The findings indicate that points:
this hypothesis is challenged. For all cat-
egories, alternative motives are signifi- • Off-farm and farm-related diversi-
cantly more likely to be of importance fiers are more likely to be moti-
for diversifying the farm activity. vated by a desire to make it
However, the motives are not mutually possible to live at the farm and to
exclusive. In particular, the availability of meet people than they are by a
resources, the suitability of location for a “need for additional income.”
particular kind of additional activity, and • Those that have diversified into
the desire to make it possible to live at only tourism (on-farm and farm-
the farm may very well be congruent diverse) are more motivated by a
with a wish for additional income. wish to create something or the
Together, these motives may be seen as so-called creative urge than they
an economic rationality underlying farm are by the need for additional
diversification. Interestingly though, for income.


• Green care and social farming attracted toward certain new activities
farmers (on-farm and farm- (Amit and Muller 1995). Neither our
diverse) are less motivated by initial categorization nor the findings can
available resources on the farm be properly understood in terms of push
and more motivated by the wish or pull factors, since both push and pull
to work with/meet people than may be both economic and social.
they are by the need for addi- The variation in entrepreneurial activi-
tional income. ties and the variation in entrepreneurial
• For farmers with off-farm and motivations are important and should be
farm-diverse activities or those emphasized in academic analysis as well
performing some kind of activity as rural policies on entrepreneurship
that falls into the miscellaneous diversification. Data suggest that Norwe-
category, available resources are gian agricultural and rural policies need
less likely to be important, and the to ensure that the variety and diversity of
wish to make it possible to stay personal motivations behind, and paths
living at the farm is more impor- toward, entrepreneurial diversification
tant than the need for additional are taken into account when planning
income. business support programs.
• Farmers who engage in several The paper identifies a number of key
categories of additional activities concepts that have been used to under-
(the portfolio diversifiers), which stand the farmer: personal characteristics,
also includes most of the farmers the characteristics of the farm enterprise,
that have farm-based tourism, and farm business activities and pro-
tend to be more motivated by the cesses. We have identified a number of
creative urge/the wish to create phenomena that may have a bearing on
and the wish to make it possible the farmer’s ability—and willingness—to
to live at the farm than the need diversify in different directions. The
for additional income. research has not considered personality
traits or characteristics directly. Develop-
However, those findings should be ing more detailed and more robust con-
read with caution. Motives are not siderations and characterizations of
mutually exclusive. For instance, are farmers is likely to generate greater
availability of resources and the desire insight into our understanding of how
to make it possible to live at the farm they perceive their entrepreneurial world.
congruent with a wish for additional This paper has shown that this sector
income? For farm tourism and those is a complex area. A framework has been
engaged in green care/social farming provided that can be used as a basis for
and for the large category of portfolio further empirical research.
diversifiers, social- and creativity-based Future research should seek to deter-
motives are more important than the mine what skills that farmers need
motives that seem to fit with an eco- according to both farmers themselves and
nomic rationality. those who have a stake in the farm enter-
Thus, the picture of the farm entrepre- prise. Thus, the paper suggests that farm
neur as a strategic actor informed by a entrepreneurship is a special case in the
purely economic rationale is comple- entrepreneurship discipline. The paper
mented by these findings. generates many additional questions
In the literature, push entrepreneurs including: the effects of the changes in
are motivated by dissatisfaction with agricultural policies; the debates sur-
their situation—be it economic or rounding specialization versus diversifi-
social—while pull entrepreneurs are cation; the barriers and opportunities,


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