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Electronic ink: Nick Sheridon; energy-absorbing D30 plastic: Richard Palmer

BitTorrent file sharing : Bram Cohen; mobile phone: Martin Cooper
X-10 home automation system: Pico Electronics; Ethernet: Robert Metcalfe
WWW: Tim Berners-Lee; Linux: Linus Torvalds
DLP® projection: Larry Hornbeck; bagless, cyclonic vacuum cleaner: James Dyson
MEGA 1: Junghans; laser eye surgery: Patricia Bath
Elon Musk: hyerloop; e-book
Pascaline: Blaise Pascal; first radio: Guglielmo Marconi
petroglyths: premechanical age; analog computer: mechanical
transistors: second generation; microprocessor: fourth generation

The IBM supercomputer used by scientist at National Laboratory Los Alamos is Roadrunner
The fifth-generation computers are based on the technique of Artificial Intelligence
The eBay auction website was launched by Pierre Omidyar.
Through smart tricks, a robot can seem more intelligent and capable than it is.
He invented the very popular mechanical computer called Pascaline. Pascal
A machine or device that performs processes, calculations, and operations based on
instructions provided by software or hardware program. Computer
WWW stands for World Wide Web.
The unmanned vehicle that plants trees 10 times faster than what human can is Growbot
The process where we feed the computer the examples of the phenomenon we want them to
understand is called machine Learning
He/she determined in his study that the environmental damage caused by humans is as high
as 11% of global GDP. Trucost

Study about The Roles of Robots in Protecting the environment

Negative Effects on the Environment (Climate change
Deforestation and Habitat Loss
Invasive species

IF BOTH A an B Is in GREEN Both Statement is Correct. If one is On red, that statement is


a. Information technology is the use of any computers, storage, networking and other physical
devices, infrastructure and processes to create, process, store, secure and exchange all forms
of electronic data.
b. Biodiversity is the variety of different forms of life on earth, including the different plants,
animals, micro-organisms, the genes they contain and the ecosystem they form.
a. The study entitled “A Mathematical Theory of Communication” proposed that information can
be digitized as a series of ones and zeroes.
b. The proponent of this study is Claude E. Shannon. Both Correct

a. The development of Phoenician alphabet occurred between 1450 and 1840.

b. The occurrences of Phoenician alphabet and petroglyph were under the same age. (Second
statement is Correct)

a. The Pascaline, invented by Blaise Pascal, was used to tabulate polynomial equations using
the method of finite differences.
b. Slide rule, on the other hand, is a mechanical computer invented by Charles Babbage

a. In 100 BC, the first 1-9 number system was created

b. Number 0 was then invented and added in 875 AD.

a. The first large-scale automatic digital computer in the United States was the Mark 1 created
by Harvard University around 1940.
b. The said computer was 8 ft high, 45 ft long and 2ft wide, weighing 5 tons.

a. First generation digital computers made use of vacuum tubes.

b. Second generation digital computers used transistors.

a. Jack Kilby developed the concept of integrated circuits in 1958.

b. Integrated circuit contains thousands of microprocessors.

a. Scientific revolution influenced the information age.

b. Renaissance changed literature which contributed also to the influences of information age.
a. Three-dimensional TVs became more widely available in 2007.
b. Apple released iPhone in 2010.

a. Increased pollution is just one of the positive impacts brought by technology to the society.
b. Cyber-sickness is manifested by people spending more time on computers, rejecting their
normal offline life.

a. Biodiversity is the variety of different forms of life on earth, including the different plants,
animals, micro-organisms, the genes they contain and the ecosystem they form.
b. The Philippines ranks fourth in the number of plant species and maintains 5% of the world’s

a. In communication terms, the advanced technology is very in-demand most of it very useful.
b. Technology for today can use in teaching and learning.

a. Today, technology does not saturate our lives.

b. Modern technology also best use in education

a. All organisms doesn’t depend on their environments for energy and materials needed to
sustain life: clean air, potable water, nutritious food, and safe places to live
b. Most environmental health problems are linked to poverty.

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