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(FQ) MATHEMATICS JEE (MAINS) 2024 : SESSION 1 MEMORY BASED QUESTION PAPER 29 JANUARY 2024 SHIFT 2 WITH SOLUTIONS ah A) (e3-} ‘SECTION-A Multiple Choice Questions: This section contains 20 ‘mutiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (1), (2), (8) and (4), out of which ONLY ONE is correct. ‘Choose the correct answer: 1, Ina simple pendulum of length 10 m, string is initially kept horizontal and the bob is released. 10% of energy is lost til the bob reaches lowermost position. Then find speed of bob at lowermost position, (1) 6 mis (2) 6V5 mis (3) 7¥5 mis (4) 4V2 mis ‘Answor (2) Sol. W, fort = AK = 0.9mgl Viaxtoxt0 = 65 mis. 2. The intensity at each slit are equal for a YDSE and it is maximum (Inse) at central maxima. If is intensity for =v phase diterence 2 between wo waves (at screen). Then M5 3 @s Answer (1) Sol, 3, An electromagnetic wave has electric feld given by E-@. sip] ao{a0 108-4 x} xand tare in Slunits. The maximum magnetic field is (1) 3.2% 108 (2) 96x 108 (3) 17104 (4) 107 Answer (1) 4, A planet at distance r from sun takes 200 days to ‘complete one revolution around sun. What will be ime Period fora planet at cistance 7 from the sun? (1) 50 days (2) 25 days (3) 100 days (4) 125 days Answer (2) Sol. Ta R? 2002 72 (rye w 3 a (a2 => T=25days 5. ‘The truth table for the combination of logical gates A =D B AlB|Y A[BLY a[oto opofo «) Dpto @ off Teo Tei TAA Taft AB|Y A|BLY o[ofo ofoTo @ tan @ oa Teo Toyo TA TTT Yo Answer (3) Sol. Y =A-B+A-B=B(A+A)=B 6 ‘Auniform wire has length L and radius r tis acted on by a force Fas shown. The elongation is Al. If Fand r are both halved, the new elongation will be al as (2) a (3) 4ar (4) 2ar Answer (4) 7. Two forces F, and F, are applied on two rods P and of same materials such that elongation in rods are ‘same. If ratio oftheir radii is x: y and ratio of length is m:n, then ratio of F, : F, is (vy Od) m 2) (x¥ on YY) im Answer (2) sot a1 Fh, y, Bb va Ya, } xa ym 8, Two charged particles A and B have charge q each hile masses are m: & ms, Both have same velocity v and enter into a transverse magnetic field 8 such that their radi are r: & fe Then the ratio m:: mes el Answer (3) Sol, ¢ - Bq 9. A liquid drop of radius R is divided into 27 identical drops. If surface tension of the drops is T, then find work done inthis process, (1) ann? (2) 3nR°7 (3) 8k (4) dar*r Answer (3) Sol. W= Tx change in area (AS) From volume conservation Aap? = 27a? x4 3 3 R=3r R ak 3 AS = 4nr? 27 ~4nR? = te BE x27 ane? 22 40F?) W =8nR?r 10. Alternating voltage and current in circuit is given as V= (100 sinof) volt Find average power dissipated in crcut (1) 25w (2) Sw (3) 10w (4) 20w Answer (1) 3 W e089 = 100, 100240 We Sol. Payg cos60°=2.5 w 11. Consider a rod moving in a magnetic field as shown: x x ox «x x B60uT —— > 10ms The induced emf across the ends of the rod is (1) amv (2) 6mv (3) OV. (4) tmv ‘Answer (1) Sol. ¢= Biv=3 mV 12, A particle connected with light thread is performing Vertical circular motion. Speed at point & (Lowermost point is of just sufficient, so that tis able to complete its circular motion. Ignoring ait friction, find the ratio of kinetic energy at A to that at B. (A being top-most point) A (1) 455 @ 54 (3) 1:72 (4) 1:5V2 Answer (1) Sol. v, = gL ve = 5aE 40 20 py 10 13. 40 HI 10V In given circuit, an ideal battery is connected with four resistances as shown, Find current / as mentioned in (1) 2A (2) 1A (3) 4A (4) 0.5A Answer 2 4 ‘8 ‘8 SECTION Numerical Value Type Questions: This section contains 10 Numerical based questions. The answer to each question should be rounded-off to the nearest integer. 21. A physical quantity Q depends on other physical quantities a, b and cas If maximum percentage error in measurement of a, band care 3%, 4% and 5% respectively, then find ‘maximum percentage error in measurement of Q. Answer (34) 48 sot, 22 ¢ AQ Q 48.100 = 4(3) +314) +2(5) 1212610 torror SQ — 34% @ 22. Consider the circuit shown RO ANN O3A 200 150 AWN ‘The ammeter reads 0.9 A. Value of Ris Answer (30) Sol. 20.0 & 15.0 in parallel => 20*0.3= 15% = i=04A => ig=0.9-0.3-0.4A =02A = Rx02=20%03 = R=300 23. Consider the circuit shown Vv oS 6 uF A 8 30 Charge on 6 .F when A and B are shorted is. uc. Answer (36) Sol. In steady state, 6.0 and 3 0 are in series. AV = BV = AV ee = $= CV=36uC 24. Distance between twice-magnified virtual image of an object placed in front of mirror is 15 om. Find focal length of spherical mirror in em. Answer (10) Sol. Magnified virtual image of real object => Concave mirror 25. The displacement of a particle changing with time as x= 6 — 12 + 201+ 30. Find velocity (in mis) of particle when its acceleration became zero. (f Is time ins) Answer (12) ox sol. v= % 2 & =20 = 181? 241+ 20 a=W 36-24 at v-tex4—24124.20 as 8-16 120-12 mis, 26, Electric field in @ region is gen by E-(6i+7]-+8R)unts, An area of 30 unis is considered in y-z plane, Calculate the electric flux: through this area, Answer (180) Sol. ¢-EA-(61 7) 188) 307 ~180 27. N moles of non-linear polyatomic gas (degree of freedom 6) is mixed with 2 moles of monoatomic gas. The resultant mixture has molar specific heat equal o thal of a diatomic gas, then Nis Answer (4) iG niRin,2R Sol, —2 2 _§ mam 3 6 2xSR+NXER Ne? 6x6N 5 Nez 6+6N=5N+10 Nea 28. Aparticle starts oscillation from origin on x-axis with period of oscillation (6) sec and amplitude A. If time Bo Ba 2 taken by particle to reach from x= A to x for the first time is « then. Value of 6: is sec. Answer (3) Sol. x= Asin{ ot » 2 (o3 x= Acosat 29, 30, eA ‘SECTION -A Multiple Choice Questions: This section contains 20 muttiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (1), (2), (8) and (4), out of which ONLY ONE is correct. Choose the correct answer 1. Best reducing agent among the given ions is (1) Cet (2) Ga (3) Lu (4) Nae ‘Answer (2) Sol. Gd” : [Xe] 5a°4/? Gd would get converted into Gd as Gd" has: stable electronic configuration 2. Choose the correct reaction. ° ll (1) CH, —CH,—C—NH, a> CH, —CH,—Ni Br @ Oecr wv Br HNO, (3) CH, —CH.—CH,—CH,—NH, E> CH, —CH,—CH,—CH, —OH Hi 1 (4) —-" ‘Answer (4) nO OF cH, — CH, —b wn, Bec, —CH,—NH, O20 cH, Oro CH, —NH, CH, —CH |—CH,—CH —CH, OH OH 3. IUPAC name of compound is (1) Hex-2-en-t-ol (2) Cyclohex- en-1-o1 (3) 3+hydroxy cyclohexene (4) Cyclohex-1-en-3-ol ‘Answer (2) OH U Sol. Cyclohex-2-en-1-ol % 4, Why does oxygen shows anomalous behaviour? (1) Large size, high electronegativity (2) Small size, small electronegativty (8) Small size, high electronegativity absence of vacant d-orbital (4) Large size, high electronegatvity presence of vacant d-orbital Answer (3) ‘Sol. Oxygen shows anomalous behaviour due to smal size, high electronegativity and absence of vacant orbital 5, Malch the following (A) Lyman () IR (8) Balmer i) IR (C) Paschen ii) Visible (0) Prund (iv) uv (1) A-> (oy), Bai C(I), 0 (il) (2) A> (i), B> (ili) Ci), D>) (8) A>(), B> (ip > (ii), Dw) (4) A> (i), B> Gil) Gi, D> (iy) Answer (1) Sol. Lyman > UV Balmer —> Visible Paschen ->IR Prund — IR, 6. IUPAC name of KzMnOs is (1) Potassium tetraoxomanganate(VI) (2) Potassium tetraoxomanganate(II) (3) Potassium tetraoxomanganese(V!) (4) Tetraoxomanganese(V/) potassium ‘Answer (1) Sol. Correct IUPAC name of K2MnOs is Potassium telraoxomanganate(vi) 7. Find out final product (A) NH, OHNOLO=BNE i CUCLROT N=Nor NH, cl (a) (2) cl NH, @LO @ a Answer (3) NH, Nencr ol cucier sot. (O] w-sre? [(O} “> Diazotisation @ 8. Which of the following element has highest 1 lonization energy? ayn (2) ¢ (@) si (4) Al Answer (1) Sol. N has highest 1* lonization energy among C, Si, N and Al For, N = 1402 kJ mot (IE) C= 1086 kJ mol (IE:) Al = 577 kd mol (IEs) Si= 786 kJ mol (IE) 9, Which reagent gives bright red ppt with NP in basic medium? (1) DMG (2) Nessler's reagent (3) KCNS (4) KafFe(CN)s] Answer (1) bac oo? {her 00 9¢) (Bight rea) 10, Match the following List and List List [ [tists (Polymer) (Monomer) (A) | Starch (| b-atucose (8) | Cellilose (i_| Nucleotide (©) | Nucleic acid (i | e-glucose (0) | Protein (iv) [ a-Amino acid (1) A (9B (i; © > (i, D> (Ww) (2) A-> (i); B+ (); © > (i; D> (v) (3) A (i); B+ (); © > (w);D > (@) (4) A> (i); B > (ils © (9; D> (WV) Answer (2) Sol. Starch is polymer of a-D-glucose. Cellulose is polymer of B-D-glucose, Nucleic acid is polymer of nucleotide. Proteins are polymer of a-aminoacids. 11. Which of the following can show geometrical isomerism? CH, (1) (2) Br Br CHBr CHBr (3) (4) Br Br Answer (4) CHBr Sol. The two geometrical isomers of Br H Br Br H are and Br Br 12. Which reagent is used to convert alky! halide into alkyl isocyanide? (1) KCN (2) AgCN (3) KNOz (4) AgNOz ‘Answer (2) Sol. R-X+AgCN->R-N=C+AgX 13. Find the total number of sigma (a) and x bonds in 2-formylhex-4-enoie acid. (1) 20 (3) 18 (2) 22 (4) 24 Answer (2) Sol. The structure of 2-formylhex-4-enoic acid is oH Ikes 4s 6 Hoch. HCH = Ch_cH, t cH bond = bonds ° 14, A gas’ is added to Nessler’s reagent then brown precipitate is formed, gas Xis (1) NH (2) S02 (3) Ce (4) Bre Answer (1) Sol, 2K, Hal, +3KOH «NH, —» Nedstr's veagent _ [OHg, NH, J+ 7K1 + 2H,0 Brown pt ‘Ammonia gas on reaction with Nessier's reagent to form brown ppt. Brown ppt formed is also called iodide of milion’s base (H:N — Hg —O— Hg —!) 15. Match the following | (compounds) W (pKa) (@)| pritrophenot |_| 10 (b) | mitrophenot | (i) | 16 (©) | Ethanol OE (@) | Phenot ww [as 1) (a); (>i; (oi; @) tiv) (2) (a)rlil): (©) fv); (ti; (90) (3) (a)fiv); (boii); (Cli); (9) (4) (@)i) () 4} (40; @) EH) ‘Answer (2) Sol. Acidic strength order: p-ritrophenol > m-nitrophenol > Phenol >> ethanol 46, We have given some hydrocarbons (A) HC = CH (B) HeC = CHa CH, © or -b-4 Hs (0) CHa CH»— CH —H Correct order of acidic strength of above hydrocarbons. (1) A>B>C>D (3) C>D>B>A (2) A>B>D>c (4) A>C>B>D Answer (2) Sol. More the stability of conjugate base of given acids, more will be the acidic strength. (A) HC=C° (more % s character more will be stablity of anion) @ He=cH® CH, lo (©) C-@ (Akal group increases, lacton dans on carbon so sably decreases) ) ¢ Order of stability of conjugate base A>B>D>C So order of acidic strength A>B>D>C 17. In. chromatographic techniques, which of the following follows preferential adsorption? (A) Column chromatography (8) Thin tayer chromatography (C) Paper chromatography (1) Aonly (2) Bonly (3) Conly (4) A and B both ‘Answer (4) Sol. Column chromatography 7) Separation based on Thin layer chromatography} absorption of substance Paper chromatography-> Partition chromatography 18. Consider the following sequence of reactions Be if HO" HO HO’ ae je Fina A, Band C (1) A: DIBAL-H B: NaOH (ail) ©:Zn-Hg/HCl (2) A: LiAIHs B: KOH (alcoholic) C: NHe ~ NHoIKOH (3) A: DIBAL-H B: NaOH (il) C: NHe ~ NHa/KOH (4) A: NaBHs B: KOH (aqueous) ©:Zn-HglHCl Answer (3) Sol. (A) DiBALH — Convert ester to aldehyde (8) dil NaOH — Aldol condensation (C) NHe— NH2/KOH — Wolff Kishner reduction 19, The correct statement about Zn, Cd, Hg are (1) Allare solid metals at room temperature (2) They have high enthalpy of atomization (3) Allare paramagnetic (4) Zn, Cd cannot show variable oxidation state but Hg can show variable oxidation state ‘Answer (4) Sol, Hg can show +1 and +2 0.S. ‘OH +) Naok 20 + CHCl, >) Major Product ae ‘The major product in the above reaction is (1) 2shydroxybenzaldehyde (2) 2hydroxybenzoic acid (3) 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde (4) 3+hydroxybenzaldehyde Answer (1) OH CHO Sol. is the major product in Reimer- Tiemann reaction ‘SECTION -B Numerical Value Type Questions: contains 10 Numerical based questions, The answer to each question should be rounded-off to the nearest integer. This section 24. Oxidation state of Fe (Iron) in complex formed in brown ring test. Answer (1) Sol. Complex formed during brown [Fe(H20}sNO]SO«. NO is present as NO* here. ring test is x+5x041542 Oxidation state of Fe is +1 22. How many of the following compounds have zero dipole moment? Nba, HeO, HF, CO2, SO, BFs, CHs Answer (2) Sol, COs, BF> and Chis have symmetrical stuctures Teatng fo n=O F 4 8 ¢ eoNe WTNH 23. Calculate equilibrium constant for the given following reaction at 500K. N,(g) + 3H(g)——=2NH, (a) Given molarity of NHs(g), No(g) and He(g) at equilibrium is 1.5 x 10-2M, 2«10-2M and 3 « 102 M respectively. ‘Answer (417) INH NIKE (1.51027 (2x10 )x(@xt07)> _ 2.25104 2x10 x27x10° Ke =0.04167x10* Ko =416.7=417 24. 50 ml of 0.5 M oxalic acid is completely Neutralised by 25 ml of NaOH solution. Find out amount of NaOH (in gm) present in 25 ml of given NaOH solution. Sol. Ke e ‘Answer (2) Sol. MiVsNi = MaVeNe (50) (0.5) (2) = (Me) (25) (1) Ma=2 2x25 4 Moles of NaOH = F552 = 1 Mass of NaOH = 1 x40 =2gm 3540-20 25. If standard enthalpy of vaporization of CCl is 30.5, kuimol, find heat absorbed for vaporization of 294 gm of CCl. [Nearest integer} [in ki] Answer (58) Sol. Vaporization of 1 mole CCl: requires 30.5 kJ 294 294 gm is 224 _4.91 moles gmis y= 1.91 Vaporization of 1.91 moles of CCls will require 30.5 * 1.91 kJ = 58.255 kJ 26. Find out molality of 0.8 M H2SOx solution having density of solution equal to 1,02 gmimi (Nearest integer) Answer (1) 1000 Sek m= 0008 -M Gi) _ 1000 (0.8) 800 OOO TH.02)- (0.8708) ~ 1000-784 800 =—— =0.849 941.6 +1 27. Aqueous solution of [AUC on electrolysis by Passing current for 10 minutes, the mass of Au deposited at Cathode is 1.97 gm. Find out current required (in A) (Nearest integer) Answer (5) Sol. Au + 3e- > Au(s) 1.97 gm 1.97 197 Charge = 0.03 x 96500 0.03 96500 “40x60 = 4.825 =5A 28. If halflife of radioactive bromine (Br-82) is 36 hr, find percentage remaining after one day. [nearest 0.03 mole O1mole Current = integer] Answer (63) Ny In2 pine at = !2 24 sot. nf 2 2ina Ne _ pas = Mee > Nit NB 4: age remain = 100 2286299 29, 30, MATHEMATICS SECTION-A Multiple Choice Questions: This section contains 20 muttiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (1), (2), (8) and (4), out of which ONLY ONE is correct. Choose the correct answer : 1. Given set = (1, 2,3, ..., 50} ‘One number is selected randomly from set. Find: probability that number is multiple of 4 or 6 or 7. 24 18 Os Or 8 24 ®) 35 4) 35 ‘Answer (1) Sol. Take P(A) = Probability that number is multiple of 4 P(B) = Probabilly that number is multiple of 6 P(C) = Probability that number is multiple of 7 7 _12 8 PIA)= 5 PIB) 5° PIC) = PIA B) = s (Multiple of 12) (Multiple of 42) 1 (Mutiple of 28) 59 (Mule! ) P(A. Br C) = 0 (Multiple of 84) PIA u Bu C) = P(A) + PIB) + PIC) ~ PIA 8) — P(BN C)- PAC) + PAN BOC) 2 a 50 3 (1) V2-N3 +1 (2) 22 -V3- (3) 2248 (4) W208 “Answer (2) Sol. ||sinx — cos x|ax (cosx - sinx)dx + | (sinx - cosx)ax sinx + c0sx)f #(-sinx cosx)s Geared) 3, A={1,2, 3,4) minimum number of elements added to make it equivalence relation on set A containing (4, 3) and (1, 2) in it, aes @9 (3) 12 (4) 16 Answer (1) Sol. Set A= {1, 2, 3, 4} For reflexive relation We need to have (1, 1), (2, 2), (3,3), (4, 4). For symmettic, (1,3)eA So (3, 1) should be added And (1,2) cA So (2, 1) should be added set has become {(1, 1), (2, 2). (3, 3), (4, 4), (1, 3), 3.1), (1,2), 2 Now (3, 1) ©A (1,2) eA So (3, 2) should be added (for transitive) Then (2, 3) should be added (for symmetric) So set becomes {(1, 1), (2, 2), 3, 3), (4, 4), (1, 3), (3, 1), (1, 2), (2, 4), (3.2), (2, 3)} So minimum 8 elements are added 4, If tna, nb, In c are in AP and In a — In 2b, In 2b — In 3c, In 3¢— In a are in AP then a: b: cis tyne rites (3) 9:9:4 (4) 4:4:9 answer (3) Sel>AP > b? (i) nnn sap was [ab = 8] (ii) From Gi) & (i) 4a=90=4b=k Bois olx ‘5n) 5. ~2itan{%) then fa co) (. Sr 3x 3: (0) (2s0e8, =) 2 (2se08 =) (. Sn Sa 3a 6) (2tands 2) 4) (21ande =) Answer (2) 5x sin St sol zona 6. _Inwhich interval the function (x) Increasing? a) 3) @ {1 3) (4) [3 3 so) _ 28X16) -012x-6) P(x) 6x16)" 6 ee cove, xed 7, (a) lie on the parabola y= 4x and (a, p) also lie ‘on chord with mid-point (1 3) of another parabola x = By, then value of [8 ~ p)(a ~ 28) is, (1) 192 (2) 92 (3) 64 (4) 128 ‘Answer (1) Sol. Chord with point, T= S: 14-4 +s) = xP By; end= (18) ax-d{y3) 9 x-4y-5 = x-4y +4 =0 (un) (4. B) lie on (L1) and also y? = 4x = a-4B+4 =0 p= 4a BP = 4(4p-4) BP —16p+16 =0 = (B87 =64-16 = 48 > B=8243 a=4p—4 = 28416V3 (28+16V3, 8+4V3) and (28-163, 8-4V3) (8-p)(a-28) = (-4y3)\16y3) =-192 8 Unitvector a= xi + yj + 2% makes angles son (eh ae enc we 8 @ Jf 8 a) ) (3) aw termis AM of next two, then 9°7, -3°7, is (1) 2 (2) 2 (@) -2" (a) 28 Answer (2) Sol. a=} 4, ar, ar, ar 2ar = ar? + ar? 2erte Rer-2=0 (r+ 2)(r-1)=0 ret 2 # SS a(t=19)a(t=r"*) me ry afer 2-4] 40, The moan of § observations is 2 and variance is 224 ire mean of frst fur observations is 2, then the variance of frst four observations 3 5 oe aS m3 @ 3 5 2 a) & 2 Os Ms Answer (3) sol. >” 5 24 eae 3) 25 a 770 z 5h observation = 24-24-10 2 = ys -154 25 New variance = ( z) a (2) 184-100 _ 49 ~ 4 4 n 12. 13, 14. 16. 16. 17. 18. 19, 20. ‘SECTION-B Numerical Value Type Questions: This section contains 10 Numerical based questions. The answer to each question should be rounded-off to the nearest integer. 21. ‘The remainder when 64°?" is divided by 9is Answer (1) Sol. 64 1(mod 9) 642 492%? (mod 9) => Remainder = 4 22. Area bounded by 0 < y < min {x? + 2, 2x +2}, xe (0, 3]is A, then 12 Ais ‘Answer (164) xo 42 O

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