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Michael Angelo Punto

Professor Callahan

American Government

4 February 2024

M/W 1pm-2:15pm

Hot Topic 5

A father and his teenage child were arrested after reports of a school

shooting threat in San Diego led to the discovery of assault weapons and several

untraceable guns at the family’s home. The teenager was arrested and booked into

juvenile detention after police were called to investigate a report of a school shooting

threat in Rancho Bernardo High School. The father was charged for possessions of

illegal firearms, manufacturing assault weapons and possession of a destructive device.

The principal praised the student who reported the threat and urged for more students

to say something if they see something to prevent more tragedies from happening.

Fortunately, his tragedy has finally shed the light on the failure and shortcomings of the

system that are responsible for children like Gabriel that need to be reformed. The

death of him has caused a massive outrage that led to voices for changes in the way

that child abuse cases are done.


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