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Case Study on Improved Wash Services for Public Institutions and Households


Innovations have been made to improve the level of WASH services.
These have been mainly to improve water supply delivery by organizing
cluster piped water supply schemes; introducing the innovative latrine
(septic pits) with bathing chamber; and a hand washing device, called
MaxiBasin (device to maximize level of handwashing for behavioral
change). These services have been introduced, and are being operated
in select villages in carefully chosen Unions. This type of sub-project can
be promoted for public institutions and households in densely or semi-
densely populated urban growth areas, especially at the Upazila level.
Therefore, this case study is being presented as a sample for Upazila
Parishads to consider as options for sub-projects for Upazila.

This case study describes three components, namely:
1. Cluster piped water scheme
2. Latrine (septic pits) with bathing chamber
3. MaxiBasin

Case Study on Improved Wash Services for Public Institutions and Households

1. Cluster piped water scheme:

This is a mini piped water supply system which supplies water from ground water by pumping it to
an elevated overhead tank, and then distributing it to public institutions and individual households
(HHs). The scheme is designed and constructed in consultation with citizens and Union Parishad.
An INGO, Max Foundation innovated this idea, which was implemented by a national NGO, Dhaka
Ahsania Mission (DAM). The installation of a deep well to utilize ground water, the pumping system,
overhead tank, and main distribution line are being funded by the Dutch Government through Max
Foundation. Individual water supply connection costs for public institutions (to be connected) will
be paid by the Union Parishad (UP); whereas, individual water supply connections for households
has been paid by individual households, and was co-financed by Dhaka Ahsania Mission, as water
entrepreneur. The entire scheme is being operated by DAM as entrepreneur, and regulated by the
Union Parishad. The scheme has currently connected 62 households, though it is designed to connect
100 households and 10-20 commercial buildings along with two schools with 250 students. Therefore,
capital investment per person comes to around BDT 1400 – 1600; of which the Max Foundation paid
44%; water entrepreneur, i.e., DAM paid 17%; and the community paid 39%. The starting average
tariff per HH is BDT 300 per month. If this scheme is compared with a public hand pump of around 800
feet depth, which comes to around BDT 60000 – BDT 70000 for 15-20 households, then capital costs

Case Study on Improved Wash Services for Public Institutions and Households

for hand pump comes to around BDT 600 – BDT 800. In addition to that, each HH needs to pay an
equivalent cost of average BDT 1600 per HH, per month by calculating the time for water collection
(average 90 minutes per day).

A comparison can be made thus: A HH needs to pay BDT 7,100 for the first year, including connection
charge (BDT 3,500 + monthly BDT 300 as tariff) for 95 lit/capita/day; while for the hand pump, it would
cost the same HH annually water carrying labor worth nearly BDT 20,000 (90 min/day @ BDT 300 a
day labor) for only 9 lit/capita/per day — that too for only drinking water.

Therefore, keeping the present scenario in view, this cluster piped water scheme has become quite
popular, and can be considered for bringing under the Upazila Governance and Development Project

2. Latrine (septic pits) with bathing chamber:

An innovation has been made to
upgrade double pit latrines into
septic pits by introducing three-
five rings, which can significantly
reduce the costs of a septic tank for
high loads, and make it affordable
for households. The septic pits for
public institutions (i.e., schools,
colleges, and government offices)
cost around BDT 12,000. This
kind of bathing chamber has
been introduced mainly to ensure
menstrual hygiene management for
females, which is almost ignored in
most cases. The cost of the bathing
chamber ranges from BDT 3,000
– BDT 10,000 depending upon
materials that are being used by

3. MaxiBasin:
This is a modern type of wash
basin has been introduced by
Max Foundation for individual
households and public institutions
to ensure proper handwashing, and
thus foster improved behavioral
change for better health and
hygiene. It costs around BDT 300-

Case Study on Improved Wash Services for Public Institutions and Households

In case of UGDP, sub-projects may support cluster piped water scheme for both public institutions
and/or group of households; latrines (septic pits) with bathing chambers; and MaxiBasin for
public institutions and community. Individual households will pay for their water connections and
other features; whereas connection costs of public institutions will be paid by respective public
institutions. In that case, the entire sub-project will cost around BDT 10-14 lakhs. However, the
proper cost can be estimated only after finalizing the site as well as intervention types, and number
of people/public institutions to be served.

The present scheme is being implemented in Chiknikandi Bazar of Chiknikandi Union Parishad of
Galachipa Upazila in Patuakhali District.

Case Study on Improved Wash Services for Public Institutions and Households

Some significant achievements in
the scheme area are observable after
almost one year. Now the people
can access to safe water round the
year, and keep their latrine clean;
while washing hands at least five
times daily has become the norm.
Washing clothes, utensils, and
vegetables has become very easy.
People are investing in their latrine to
improve it. They are making a brick
structure with ceramic pan, and using
ceramic handwashing basin. The
women and adolescent girls are now
Use for Latrine
spending almost zero time to collect
water, and can instead invest time
on other creative purposes, such as,
on studying, child care, and income
generation etc. This water supply
also reduces the physical burden of
women and girls.

Though presently 60 households

(300 persons) are benefiting directly
from this cluster piped water scheme;
however, it has provision to expand to
another 40 households (200 persons),
and two public schools (500 students).
This scheme directly helps citizens
to have access to water 24x7 within
their own house premises for drinking MaxiBasin: Used for hand washing
purposes, washing vegetables, and
bathing. Also, water connection to latrine helps to maintain the latrine in effective and clean condition.
In addition to that, latrine (septic pits) with bathing chamber helps all households to maintain better
hygiene and health. Especially since bathing chamber has the facility for sanitary disposal system,
this further helps women to improve their menstrual hygiene management. MaxiBasin brings any time
hand washing liberty as well to wash hands before and after eating, and induces people’s positive
behavioral changes.

Monthly water bills now come to BDT 200. Though after expanding all connections, when the trial
period ends, it will increase to BDT 300 per month per household (around 30% of total amount what
each household collectively pays every month for cell phone talk time in Chiknikandi). This scheme

Case Study on Improved Wash Services for Public Institutions and Households

helps local entrepreneurs to grow under the mentorship of DAM, and has appointed one caretaker to
operate and maintain the scheme. In addition to that, the masons, “business and suppliers” market
have also improved. A total of 5000 people i.e., 1000 families (users, entrepreneurs, masons, sweepers,
suppliers, local NGOs) have benefited from this small sub-project.


The main source of funds for the project was from the Dutch Government through Max Foundation.
The executing partner for this sub-project was Dhaka Ahsania Mission which mobilizes people, ignites
citizens, conducts dialogue with Union Parishad, selects local entrepreneur, trains masons, and
sweepers to execute the project. Forty-five percent of project costs was paid through Max Foundation,
while 55% remaining costs was paid by households and DAM. The total costs came to around BDT
15 lakhs, out of which around BDT 7 lakhs (including for pilot septic pits with bathing chambers and
MaxiBasin) was paid by the Max Foundation. The remaining BDT 3 lakhs was paid by Dhaka Ahsania
Mission, and BDT 5 lakhs was paid by households (including payment for septic pits with bathing
chambers and MaxiBasin).

As mentioned earlier, a national NGO served as executing agency, since this was the first pilot. In
future, it can easily be executed by local entrepreneurs, and/or water companies under the technical
support of DPHE, and overall governance support of Upazila Parishad.

Case Study on Improved Wash Services for Public Institutions and Households

The stakeholders’ matrix is given below.
Name of
Role Source of verification
Citizens Citizens are at the center of this entire project, Citizens’ ideas are reflected
since eventually they will own, operate, maintain, in village meetings, and their
and finance it to sustain the scheme. Therefore, a voice is also recognized
comprehensive citizen dialogue was carried out by the local government
for the project. to support their idea and

Households Service taker and co-financer of cluster piped Provide connection fees, and
water schemes. Decision maker and owner for provide BDT 200 as monthly
latrine, bathing chamber and MaxiBasin. water tariff.

Union Parishad Approval of scheme, and oversight of the Performance of piped

performance of local entrepreneurs. scheme to be reflected in
UDCC and UP’s Meetings
and Minutes.

DPHE In future, similar kinds of schemes can easily be Technical check of the
executed by local entrepreneurs, and/or water scheme by DPHE.
companies with the technical support of DPHE.

Upazila In future, Upazila can take lead in offering In future, Upazila Meetings
technical support (through DPHE) to promote this and Minutes will reflect this
type of initiative, and co-finance the scheme with support.

NGOs Mobilizing and inspiring citizens and households Success of scheme, and
to take ownership of similar initiatives, and availability of efficient local
training local entrepreneurs. entrepreneurs.

Local Provide the service, co-finance, and do business. Registered and operational in
Entrepreneur/s similar type of schemes.

Mason and Play an important role in the construction of all Having proper and adequate
plumbers above-mentioned features. skills to construct the above-
mentioned features.
Sweepers Often sweepers are not recognized as Having proper and adequate
stakeholders, though they play the most crucial skills to clean the chambers.
role in emptying the pits. Therefore, these
sweepers also need to be trained regarding the
septic pits and bathing chambers (for cleaning the
sanitary pads).

Case Study on Improved Wash Services for Public Institutions and Households

In most cases, while carrying and storing, the water gets contaminated before consumption due to lack
of water safety practice. On the other hand, availability of adequate safe water in the household’s yard
can significantly increase hygienic practices like handwashing, cleanliness of food, better menstrual
hygiene management.

Piped water supply is the ultimate means of safe water supply, while tubewells are considered better
than open source water drawn from ponds and canals. Though large-scale piped water supply is
preferred in urban areas; in rural or peri-urban settings, due to the pattern of household distribution,
it increases investment and maintenance costs, thereby creating challenges of investment as well as
sustainability. The chances of contamination will be much lower or zero in a cluster based piped water
system, while it has been found to be quite high in a large-sized scheme in urban area.

Piped water supply is the decisive means of safe water supply. Small scale cluster based piped water
supply needs less investment, and less technical know-how to function. The primary investment for
the well, water tank, and household connection to serve approximately 100 households in a cluster is
low compared to large scale piped water supply, and even comparatively lower capital investment/per
person is required than for a deep well which is more than 800 feet depth.

Chiknikandi Bazar under Galachipa Upazila is the main growth center of the Union. In this area, there is
the Union Parishad complex, one high school, one primary school, one college, and a big marketplace.
Main sources of income for people of this area are fishing, business, and daily labor. Several people
from a marginalized community also live in this area.

From discussions with the local people, it was disclosed that the existing consumption of water is more
than 90 liters per person per day, and is used for drinking, cooking, flushing the latrine, bathing, and
hand washing. For most purposes pond water is used. The community people are definitely interested
in getting piped water in their households, for which they are ready to pay any logical charge as their
lives will become smoother due to it. Most of the people in that cluster are lower middle class families,
who have some money to spend for comfort and services in their daily life. In addition to that, there
were no facilities for menstrual hygiene management or proper handwashing. However, the citizens
expressed their demand and aspirations of the same. Therefore, this sub-project consisting of cluster
piped water supply scheme, septic pits, bathing chamber, and MaxiBasin was bundled and offered to

Service for hard core poor: It is difficult to address the hard core poor portion of the community from
the business perspective of this water supply scheme. A solution may be provided with the block grant
of Union Parishad by using the full grant, or creating an incentive for them.

Optimum size of best return: A single cluster pipe scheme is not the profitable size for a single
entrepreneur. Max Foundation calculated a profitable and sustainable business size with at least five
schemes, which will take 4.5 years for a comfortable breakeven.

In case of cluster piped water supply, households pay for their own household connections as well
as the monthly water tariff. This shows their full ownership of their connections in this scheme. In case

Case Study on Improved Wash Services for Public Institutions and Households

of latrine cum bathing chamber, and MaxiBasin, public institutions also pay 20%-30% of the capital
costs and cover full operation and maintenance costs, which further defines their ownership.

In case of household latrine with bathing chamber and MaxiBasin, since the households buy their own
products that leads to their full ownership.

To sustain the cluster piped water scheme, the role of the Union Parishad and/or Upazila is quite
important to ensure the quality of service that is being delivered by the local entrepreneurs. Thus,
they must regularly monitor the water quality at the end of delivery system. Once the water quality is
ensured and ownership of citizens, households, and local entrepreneurs is reiterated; the scheme will
not only become sustainable, it will be rapidly replicated within and outside the Upazila.

Even two years ago, I used to cross about two kilometers every day from my home to the neighboring
village, just to fetch drinking water for my family members as there was no drinking water source
in the village. I had to spend three to four hours daily on the way, and it was so excruciating that
I often felt back pain, and suffered other health complications. Also, we had to bathe in the dirty
canal water. Though, we are paying BDT 200 per month but we are happy, as the water connection
has made my life easier.
Laxmi Rani Das, (35) Chiknikandi of Golachipa UPZ, Patuakhali

The cluster piped water schemes’ projects in Chiknikandi began in December 2015, and ended by March
2016. However, for the remaining features, the implementation period continued till November 2016.


1. Cluster Piped Water Scheme: The basic capital cost is stated below.
Depth of production well 970 feet
Capacity of submersible pump 4,000 Liter/hour
Capacity of overhead tank 10,000 Liter
Total length of main pipe network 2100 feet
Total people benefited 5000
BDT 200 (for trial period)
Current water tariff (per month per household)
BDT 300 (for 1st year service period)

Co-financing pattern:
Sl. No. Co-financing paterner BDT Percentage of Total Costs
Ii Community contribution 450000 39%
II Entrepreneur (DAM) investment 200000 17%
III Max Investment innovation fund 500000 44%
Total 1150000 100%

Case Study on Improved Wash Services for Public Institutions and Households

The basic layout and design is highlighted below.

Chiknikandi Bazar of
Chiknikandi Union Parishad
in Galachipa Upazila, Barisal

Case Study on Improved Wash Services for Public Institutions and Households

Latrine (Two Septic Pits) with Bathing Chamber

The basic layout and design is highlighted below.

Case Study on Improved Wash Services for Public Institutions and Households

2. MaxiBasin
The basic layout and design is highlighted below.

Case Study on Improved Wash Services for Public Institutions and Households

Cluster Piped Water Scheme for 970 feet deep well: Cost analysis for 100 HH and 2 Public

Items/ Description BDT

Items Unit Rate BDT Cost BDT

Test boring, final boring, and well development 1 39620 39620

Material of production well 1 73628 73628

Water tank 1 70000 70000

Pipe network (ft) 2100 150 315000

Overhead tank construction 1 150000 150000

Electric connection 1 42000 42000

Survey, map, stationary, legal cost, water quality testing etc. 1 12000 12000

Total BDT 702248

Materials required
• 10000 Litre PVC tank
• 3, 2, 1, ¾ inch dia water grade PVC pipe
• Submersible pump
• uPVC pipe and filters (4-inch to 2-inch production well)
• Brick, cement, sand, brick chips
Labour support required: Skilled mason = 40 mandays; Helpers = 105 mandays
Technical design: Max Foundation Bangladesh
Suppliers of materials: Local hardware shops of Patuakhali District.

Latrine (Septic Pits): For one School or Household

Sl. Items/ Description BDT

Capital Cost

1 Material cost 8535.00

2 Labor cost for construction 2000.00

3 Carrying 1000.00

Total Vat 426.00

Total Capital Cost (approx.) 11961.00

Case Study on Improved Wash Services for Public Institutions and Households

Materials Used
• 30 or 36 or 42 inch RCC ring
• 30 or 36 or 42 inch RCC ring cover
• 6 and 1 or 2 in uPVC pipe
• uPVC Tee
• Gas pipe
• Brick, cement, sand, brick chips
Labor support required: Skilled mason = 6 mandays; Helpers = 12 mandays

Technical design: Max Foundation Bangladesh

Suppliers of materials: Local hardware shops of Patuakhali District.

MaxiBasin: Cost for one MaxiBasin

Sl. Items/ Description BDT

Capital Cost

1 Cost for MaxiBasin made of ferro cement/ concrete 300.00

2 Cost of PVC drum/tank with tap 300.00

3 Cost of Steel stand 650.00

4. Cost for PVC pipe 50.00

5. Carrying cost 50.00

Materials Used
• Brick, cement, sand, brick chips
• Steel mesh
• PVC pipe
Labor support required: Skilled mason = 0.25 mandays; Helpers = 0.25 mandays

Technical design: Max Foundation Bangladesh

Suppliers of materials: Local hardware shops of Patuakhali District.


Cluster Piped Water Scheme: Cost analysis for 100 HH and 2 Public Institutions
Operation and maintenance (O&M) costs
1 Electricity cost per month 2,500.00
2 Operator cum lineman cost per month (for each scheme) 2500.00
3 Daily maintenance cost per month 500.00
Total O&M cost per month 5500.00

Case Study on Improved Wash Services for Public Institutions and Households

Latrine (Septic Pits): For one School or Household

Operation and maintenance costs
1 Desludging cost (3-4 years’ interval) 3000.00

MaxiBasin: Cost for one MaxiBasin

Sl. Items/ Description BDT

Operational and maintenance costs Almost none

Though this sub-project has been designed and implemented in a village of a Union Parishad, similar
sub-projects can be adapted and designed for any rural and/or peri-urban areas under UGDP. The
detailed design and estimated costs of the sub-project will depend upon the locality, availability of
water source, distance of households to be connected, and most importantly the existing drinking
water scenario (during dry season), which will foster demand for such as scheme.

Case Study on Improved Wash Services for Public Institutions and Households

Engr. Imam Mahmud Riad
Country Director
Max Foundation Bangladesh

Kazal Ahidul Islam

Program Manager
Max Foundation Bangladesh

Engr. Md. Irfan

Project Manager
Max Foundation Bangladesh


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