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e-ISSN: 2582-5208

International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:05/May-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
Kalyani Bhambre*1, Manisha Barvey*2, Anuja Milmile*3,
Shravani Mulkala*4
*1,2,3,4Department Of Information Technology Tulsiramji Gaikwad Patil-College Of
Engineering And Technology, Mohgaon, Nagpur, India.
Courier Service Delivery Management System is helpful for little and enormous scale messenger services for up
their services and increasing sales and services by victimization net based mostly portal. Users will book
messenger, fathom arrival of packages, closing and gap timings, client support and feedback system for
finishing add less time. At this time most of the big scale messenger services in developed countries use this
technology. Existing messenger Service corporations in developing nations like Nigeria work on the manual
management methodology that may be a time overwhelming method. Hence, the aim of this work is to style and
implement a National messenger Management System capable of enhancing client deliveries by options like
speed, security, following etc. from specific cities or cities, to regional and national services. The messenger
Service Delivery Management System are divided into 2 users that as the ‘Administrators’ and ‘Customers’. This
work are designed and enforced employing a 3 tier application style approach. The look of the graphical
program are designed with machine-readable text Mark-UP Language (HTML); MySQL is that the information
of selection whereas PHP language are wont to connect the user to the knowledge on the information. The
Methodology are supported SDLC (Systems Development Life Cycle) body of water model. The phases as
designing, Analysis, style and Impementation. The expected output is to be interactive web-based, that may
solve the issues of the manual system of record management.
A courier is a person who makes arrangements for or accompanies a group of travelers on a journey or
tour(William,2009). In ancient history runners and orienting pigeon sand riders on horseback were
accustomed deliver timely messages. Before there have been mechanized traveler services foot messengers
physically ran miles to their destinations. To this day there are marathons directly related to actual historical
traveler routes. Within the Middle Ages, royal courts maintained their own messengers United Nations agency
were paid very little over common laborers. In cities, there as usually bicycle couriers or bike couriers except
for consignments requiring delivery over larger distance networks, this may often embrace lorries, railways
and craft. Many corporations United Nations agency operate below a Just-In-Time or "JIT" inventory technique
typically utilize on-board couriers. On-board couriers square measure people United Nations agency will travel
at a moment's notice anyplace within the world, typically via airlines. Whereas this kind of service is that the
second costliest—general aviation charters square measure much more expensive—companies associate
degree Alyce the value of service to interact an on-board messenger versus the "cost" the corporate can notice
ought to the merchandise not arrive by a such that time (i.e. AN mechanical system stopping, untimely court
filing, lost sales from product or elements missing a delivery point, organ transplants) (Small, 1990).
Package delivery or parcel delivery is the delivery of shipping containers, parcels, or high value mail as single
The service is provided by most communication systems, mail, non-public package delivery services, and fewer
than truckload shipping carriers. Continued growth of business-to-consumer (b2c) e-commerce has increased
demand for low-cost package shipping services. Demand for cheap parcel shipping is very intense for on-line
and catalog retailers. The "cost" the corporate can understand ought to the merchandise not arrive by a
nominative time These merchants, several of whom primarily ship low-priced product, face shoppers proof
against paying immoderate shipping prices (often driven up by fuel surcharges, residential delivery fees, etc.)
for package delivery to their homes.
As a result, package shipping consolidators step in to mix inexpensive "last-mile delivery" strengths of the
United States of America mail service with the technological and operational capabilities usually related to non-
public carriers. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:05/May-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
We went through a lot of different research papers to understand all the previous work done on the project that
we have undertaken. We have understood the following inferences:
 The ordering system paper tackled a similar project but it was not able to finish and confirm the order, as
theylacked the payment
 Menu Service Management paper only was able to generate a real-time menu of the items available but
unable to place Detail About Branches and Their Staff.
 Order Courier Management paper, this paper could only help the user to Add Details about Branches And
Their Staff but is unable to process it to the merchant.
 Server based system – They implemented the project but with the drawback of payment only through cash
on delivery.
 Branch who provide courier service Not for direct to customer it goes through a branch .
 It is a one type of small module which is include in any type of Courier System and also our web application
content is able to use for any other Online Service Management.
 Where they wants to add any distrubuter of their company on their system to register themselves Online
Service Management System.
 Users can search courier by Tracing.
 Users can view the courier details.
 Admin can manage the customer and Courier packet
 We also conducted a survey where we asked the Service Management about the current system, they gave
us an idea if we could device a system keep a digital record of the shoppers and their order history which might
facilitate the merchandiser predict the long run sales of food things.
Methodology is “a set of general principles that guide a practitioner or manager to the choice of the particular
method suited to a specific task or project” (Bennett, 2002). A system development methodology is a very
formal and precise system development process that defines a set of activities, method, best practices,
deliverables and automated tools for system developers and project managers used in developing and
maintaining most or all information systems and software” (Whitten 2001).
Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology (SSAD)
The most common approach to this SDLC is structured methodology based on Waterfall model. It adopts a
formal step-by-step approach to the SDLC phases, in which the activities of one phase must be completed
before moving to the next phase and at the completion of each activity or phase, a document that
mustbeapprovedbythestakeholderswillbeproducedbeforemovingtothenextactivityorphaseoftheSDLC, see figure
1.0 The structured approach looks at a system from a top-down view. The center of the structured approach is
the process model, which depicts the business processes of a system, and the primary model that presents the
processes is thedata- flow diagram (DFD). The DFDs and their associated data dictionary contain information
about the systems components (inputs, outputs, processes, and data storage) that need to be designed and
Language :PHP
Frontend : HTML,CSS Framework : Codeignetor
Database : M Y SQL
PHP is a General-purpose Programming Language geared toward web development. It was originally created
by Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994. The PHP reference implementation is now produced
by the PHP Group. PHP originally stood for Personal Home Page, but it now Stands for The recursive Initialism
PHP. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:05/May-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
HTML, machine-readable text terminology, provides content structure and that means by process that content
as, as an example, headings, paragraphs, or images.
CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a presentation language created to style content’s appearance— for example,
fonts or colors. HTML helps in building a website and CSS for its styling.
JavaScript is a fun and flexible programming language. It’s one of the core technologies of web development and
can be used on both the front-end and the back-end.
As we all know that we have a tendency to do need a information server to store any content of the user record
or account management and simple record following. What higher possibility than SQL itself. a typical language
for storing, manipulating, and retrieving knowledge in databases.

Fig 1: Working Structure of System

Fig 2: Activity Diagram Of The System

The above digram shows the activity flow, once the user logs in permitting that individual user to settle on the
item from the given menu and send them to the ultimate order page and ensure the order, and additionally
displays the given order. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:05/May-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
1) Dashboard

Fig 3: Screengrab of the website

The program module specification describes the specification of what the program would do toenhance good
design guide during the process. As it concerns this particular online courier management system, it describes
different activities involved in the program modules. The classifications of the modules are described below.
There are total of four modules in this system specified according to their functions. They include:
1. Administrators Login Module: This area enables the administrator to login into the admin area either to
add, delete, update or make any adjustments to the database of the system.
2. Customer Delivery Module: The customer Delivery Modules helps the customer to track the progress of
his or her delivery and also to check the delivery status of their parcels.
2) Branch Management
Branch who provide courier service Not for direct to customer it goes through a branch . It is a one type of small
module which is include in any type of Courier System and also our web application content is able to use for
any other Online Service Management. Where they wants to add any distrubuter of their company on their
system to register themselves Online Service Management System. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:05/May-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752

Fig 4: Screengrab of the website

A courier delivers messages, packages, and mail. Couriers are distinguished from ordinary mail services by
features such as speed, security, tracking, signature, specialization and individualization of express services,
and swift delivery times, which are optional for most every day mail services. As a premium service, couriers
are usually more expensive than standard mail services, and their use is typically restricted to packages where
one or more of these features are considered important enough to warrant the cost.
The aim of this research project is to design and implement a Courier Service Packaging and Delivery
Management System that will automate the process of delivery tracking and monitoring for the recipients of the
[1] Aaron (2008). “ Relevance of courier services” Tamaza Publishing Co. Ltd., Zaria-Nigeria.
[2] Carola (2012).“Building the Business Case for e- Delivery,” Retrieved on September 22, 2013, from
[3] Collins English Dictionary - Complete &Unabridged 10th Edition 2009 © William Collins Sons &Co.Ltd.
[4] McGuigan (2013)."Messengers in the County ofArtois, 1295-1329". Canadian Journal of History 25 (2):
[5] Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2013.
[6] 2012-10-09
[8] 2012-03-03.
Retrieved 2012-04-07
[10] Side Hampton(1992). "Bicycle
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[11] Small, CarolaM.(1990)."MessengersintheCountyof Artois, 1295-1329". Canadian Journal of History 25
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[12] Steinglass, Matt (2011). "TNT Express to focus onemergingmarkets".FinancialTimes.Retrieved26May
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