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In this chapter, contain the review literature on the topic of Christian parenting and training of

children. The selected books provide insights into various aspects of parenting from a Christian

perspective. The impact of each book on the field, specific examples, key arguments, and their

reception within the Christian community will be discussed.

Tedd Tripp's "Shepherding a Child's Heart" emphasizes the importance of biblical

principles in parenting. He argues that effective discipline should focus on the heart of the child

rather than simply addressing external behaviors. Tripp provides practical examples and

guidance on how parents can shepherd their children's hearts towards a genuine relationship with

Christ. (Tripp, 1995).

Paul David Tripp's "Parenting" explores 14 gospel-centered principles that can transform

families. Tripp argues that parenting should be rooted in the grace and truth of the gospel,

emphasizing the need for parents to personally rely on God's grace and extend it to their children.

The book provides practical insights and real-life examples to illustrate these principles. (Tripp,


`Stormie Omartian's "The Power of a Praying Parent" emphasizes the importance of

prayer in parenting. Omartian encourages parents to pray consistently and specifically for their

children's spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being. She provides personal anecdotes and

testimonies to illustrate the transformative power of prayer in parenting. (Omartian, 2014).

In "Grace-Based Parenting," Tim Kimmel advocates for a parenting approach that is

rooted in God's grace. Kimmel argues that parents should extend grace to their children, fostering

an environment of love, acceptance, and forgiveness. He emphasizes the importance of modeling

God's grace in our relationships with our children. The book provides practical strategies and

examples to help parents implement grace-based parenting. (Kimmel, 2005).

"The Five Love Languages of Children" by Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell explores

how parents can effectively communicate love to their children. The authors propose that

children have different love languages ways in which they perceive and receive love. By

understanding and speaking their child's love language, parents can nurture a strong parent-child

bond. (Chapman & Campbell, 2012).

Tony Evans' "Raising Kingdom Kids" focuses on raising children with a strong

foundation in faith. Evans stresses the importance of imparting biblical values and principles to

children, equipping them to live out their faith in the world. He offers guidance on nurturing a

child's relationship with God, building character, and modeling godly behavior. This book has

resonated with Christian parents seeking to raise children who are committed to their faith

(Evans, 2015).

"Parenting with Love and Logic" by Charles Fay and Foster Cline presents a parenting

approach that combines empathy and logical consequences. The authors advocate for setting

loving limits and allowing children to experience the natural consequences of their choices. They

provide practical strategies for fostering responsibility, problem-solving skills, and decision-

making abilities in children. (Fay & Cline, 2006).

"The Whole-Brain Child" by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson explores the

connection between brain development and parenting. The authors provide 12 strategies to help

parents nurture their child's developing mind, promoting emotional intelligence, resilience, and
self-regulation. They explain complex neuroscience concepts in a practical and accessible

manner. (Siegel & Bryson, 2012).

Dobson's book on "The New Strong-Willed Child" addresses the challenge of parenting

strong-willed children from a Christian standpoint. He argues that effective discipline strategies

can help shape a child's character and foster obedience. Dobson emphasizes the importance of

building a strong parent-child relationship based on love and respect. This book has received

positive reception from Christian parents, who appreciate Dobson's practical advice and biblical

principles for raising strong-willed children (Dobson, 2004).

"Parenting by the Book: Biblical Wisdom for Raising Your Child" by Rosemond

provides a biblical perspective on parenting, focusing on the role of parents as authoritative

figures. He argues that parents should prioritize discipline and set clear boundaries for their

children, drawing on biblical principles to guide their decision-making. The book's practical

examples and emphasis on traditional values have resonated well within the Christian

community (Rosemond, 2007).

Turansky and Miller in their book titled "The Christian Parenting Handbook: 50 Heart-

Based Strategies for All the Stages of Your Child's Life" advocate for a heart-based approach to

parenting, which involves shaping children's hearts and character rather than solely relying on

external behavior modification. They provide practical strategies to address various challenges

parents face at different stages of their child's life, drawing on biblical principles. This book has

been positively received by Christian parents seeking to incorporate faith into their parenting

practices (Turansky & Miller, 2013).

Swindoll's book on "Parenting: From Surviving to Thriving” provides encouragement

and practical insights for parents, emphasizing the importance of grace, love, and patience in

shaping children's lives. He draws on biblical examples and uses storytelling to illustrate key

points. Swindoll's book has been well-received within the Christian community, highlighting the

need for a balanced and compassionate approach to parenting (Swindoll, 2016).

"The Blessing: Giving the Gift of Unconditional Love and Acceptance" by Trent and

Smalley explore the concept of "the blessing" in parenting, referring to the intentional act of

providing unconditional love, acceptance, and affirmation to one's children. They advocate for

the transformative power of giving and receiving blessings within the family. This book has

resonated with Christian parents seeking to create a nurturing and loving environment for their

children (Trent & Smalley, 1993).

Crouch in his book title "The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology

in Its Proper Place" addresses the impact of technology on family dynamics and offers practical

advice on maintaining healthy boundaries. He argues for the intentional use of technology and

advocates for engaging in meaningful, face-to-face interactions. Christian parents looking to

navigate the challenges of technology in their households have found this book insightful and

informative (Crouch, 2017).

Dobson's book on "Parenting Isn't for Cowards: The 'You Can Do It' Guide for Hassled

Parents from America's Best-Loved Family Advocate" tackles the trials and tribulations of

parenting, providing encouragement and practical guidance to parents overwhelmed by the

challenges of raising children. He addresses issues such as discipline, communication, and

building a strong family foundation. This book has been widely received within the Christian
community, offering reassurance and support to parents facing the demanding roles of

parenthood (Dobson, 2010).

After the researcher have red through other author’s material therefore, since nothing is

writing on this problem in the context of CRC-N, therefore a new study is justified.

Chapman, G., & Campbell, R. (2012). The Five Love Languages of Children. Chicago,

IL: Northfield Publishing.

Crouch, A. (2017). The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its

Proper Place. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.

Dobson, J. C. (1987). Parenting Isn't for Cowards: The 'You Can Do It' Guide for

Hassled Parents from America's Best-Loved Family Advocate. Dallas, TX: Word Publishing.

Dobson, J. C. (2017). The New Strong-Willed Child. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House


Evans, T. (2015). Raising Kingdom Kids: Giving Your Child a Living Faith. Chicago, IL:

Moody Publishers.

Fay, C., & Cline, F. (2006). Parenting with Love and Logic. Colorado Springs, CO:

Pinon Press.

Kimmel, T. (2005). Grace-Based Parenting. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.

Omartian, S. (2014). The Power of a Praying Parent. Eugene, OR: Harvest House.

Rosemond, J. (2007). Parenting by the Book: Biblical Wisdom for Raising Your Child.

New York, NY: Howard Books.

Siegel, D. J., & Bryson, T. P. (2012). The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary

Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind. New York, NY: Bantam Books.

Swindoll, C. R. (2016). Parenting: From Surviving to Thriving. Nashville, TN: W

Publishing Group.

Trent, J., & Smalley, G. (1993). The Blessing: Giving the Gift of Unconditional Love and

Acceptance. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.

Tripp, T. (1995). Shepherding a Child's Heart. Wapwallopen, PA: Shepherd Press.

Tripp, P. D. (2016). Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your

Family. Wheaton, IL: Crossway.

Turansky, S., & Miller, J. B. (2013). The Christian Parenting Handbook: 50 Heart-Based

Strategies for All the Stages of Your Child's Life. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.

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