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Which of the following Pacific Islander countries is ruled by a constitutional

a. Kiribati
b. !Tonga
c. Palau
d. Fiji

2. The 2014 movie quot;The Raid 2: Berandalquot; was mainly filmed in which Asian
a. !Indonesia
b. Brunei
c. Thailand
d. Malaysia

3. Despite being seperated into multiple countries, The Scandinavian countries are
unified by all having the same monarch.
a. !False
b. True

4. The 2016 United States Presidential Election is the first time Hillary Clinton
has run for President.
a. !False
b. True

5. Joko Widodo has appeared in the cover of a TIME magazine.

a. !True
b. False

6. According to the United States Constitution, how old must a person be to be

elected President of the United States?
a. 30
b. 45
c. !35
d. 40

7. Who was the 45th President of the United States?

a. !Donald Trump
b. Barack Obama
c. George Bush
d. Bill Clinton

8. What is centralism?
a. Conforming to one single common political agenda.
b. Remaining politically neutral.
c. The grey area in the spectrum of political left and right.
d. ! Concentration of power and authority in a central organization.

9. Who became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in July 2016?

a. Boris Johnson
b. !Theresa May
c. David Cameron
d. Tony Blair

10. Former president Theodore Roosevelt 19001908 ran for another term under the
Progressive Party in 1912.
a. False
b. !True

11. Which former US president used quot;Let039;s Make America Great Againquot; as
his campaign slogan before Donald Trump039;s campaign?
a. Gerald Ford
b. Richard Nixon
c. Jimmy Carter
d. !Ronald Reagan

12. What are the first names of the first father and son pair that were both Prime
Ministers of Canada?
a. John and Louis
b. Brian and Pierre
c. !Justin and Pierre
d. Brian and Justin

1. What type of dog is 039;Handsome Dan039;, the mascot of Yale University?

a. Pug
b. Yorkshire Terrier
c. Boxer
d. !Bulldog

2. What year was Queen Elizabeth II born?

a. 1929
b. 1923
c. 1930
d. !1926

3. Who is a cofounder of music streaming service Spotify?

a. Felix Miller
b. !Daniel Ek
c. Sean Parker
d. Michael Breidenbruecker

4. quot;Number 16 Bus Shelterquot; was a child039;s name that was approved by the
New Zealand government.
a. False
b. !True

5. How long did it take the motorized window washers of the original World Trade
Center to clean the entire exterior of the building?
a. 2 Months
b. !1 Month
c. 3 Weeks
d. 1 Week

6. What machine element is located in the center of fidget spinners?

a. !Bearings
b. Belts
c. Gears
d. Axles

7. What is the currency of Poland?

a. Krone
b. Ruble
c. !Zoty
d. Euro

8. Terry Gilliam was an animator that worked with which British comedy group?
a. The Goodieslrm;
b. !Monty Python
c. The League of Gentlemenlrm;
d. The Penny Dreadfuls

9. What is the name of NASArsquo;s most famous space telescope?

a. Death Star
b. Big Eye
c. Millenium Falcon
d. !Hubble Space Telescope

1. What does quot;hippopotamusquot; mean and in what langauge?

a. !River Horse Greek
b. Fat Pig Latin
c. Fat Pig Greek
d. River Horse Latin

2. What type of animal is a natterjack?

a. Insect
b. Fish
c. Bird
d. !Toad

3. The Ceratosaurus, a dinosaur known for having a horn on the top of its nose, is
also known to be a decendent of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.
a. !False
b. True

4. Kangaroos keep food in their pouches next to their children.

a. True
b. !False

5. What are rhino039;s horn made of?

a. !Keratin
b. Ivory
c. Skin
d. Bone

6. What scientific family does the Aardwolf belong to?

a. Felidae
b. Eupleridae
c. Canidae
d. !Hyaenidae

7. What is the scientific name of the cheetah?

a. Lynx rufus
b. Panthera onca
c. Felis catus
d. !Acinonyx jubatus

8. Which animal was part of an Russian domestication experiment in 1959?

a. Alligators
b. !Foxes
c. Pigeons
d. Bears

9. The now extinct species quot;Thylacinequot; was native to where?

a. Wallachia, Romania
b. Baluchistan, Pakistan
c. Oregon, United States
d. !Tasmania, Australia

10. A flock of crows is known as a homicide.

a. True
b. !False

11. What type of creature is a Bonobo?

a. Wildcat
b. Lion
c. !Ape
d. Parrot

12. Which of these is a colony of polyps and not a jellyfish?

a. !Portuguese ManofWar
b. Irukandji
c. Sea Wasp
d. Sea Nettle

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