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Trouble in the periodic

As chemists we see the periodic table as an icon but its design continues to evolve and is the
source of much debate
E S

The periodic table has been around

for almost 140 years and has survived
many revolutionary discoveries
including that of subatomic structure
and the development of quantum
mechanics and relativity.
The order of the elements was
originally provided by their
increasing atomic weights (fig 1) but
it was later found that atomic
number provided a better ordering
principle. For example, the elements
tellurium and iodine fell perfectly
into place according to their
chemical behaviour but their
position in the table would have
been inverted if ordered strictly by
their atomic weights.

Order for the elements

Today atomic number provides a
one-dimensional sequence of the
ordered elements. But the periodic
table is a two-dimensional
representation obtained by
‘snipping’ the one-dimensional
sequence at certain points and

placing the following sequences of

elements underneath the previous
strips or sequences.
Where ordering based on atomic
number can be thought of as a
primary classification, the vertical
grouping of elements that are The elements in group 1, for water, although the reactivity
obtained by the snipping and placing example, all have one outer-shell increases as one descends the group
procedure may be thought of electron although they differ in their from lithium to potassium and
providing a secondary classification. inner shell structures. beyond to caesium and rubidium.

Quantum mechanical solution In short Lithium 1s2 2s1 An abundance of designs

The modern explanation why the ● Various approaches Sodium 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 Given these basic facts it is a little
elements fall into vertical columns, decide the shape of the Potassium 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1 surprising to find so many different
showing similar properties, has been periodic table we forms of the periodic table.1 Over
provided by quantum mechanics recognise today It is the outer-shell electrons which 1000 of them have been published in
and describes the shell structure of ● The placement of govern their chemical properties and articles or on websites.
electrons orbiting the nucleus of some elements is that’s why they behave similarly. For Curiously the first two elements,
each kind of atom. disputed instance, all these metals react with hydrogen and helium, present January 2012 | EDUCATION IN CHEMISTRY | 13

zhurnal russkeo fiziko-khimchestvo obshchestvo, 1871, 3, 25

something of an anomaly and there alkaline earth metals fall on the left Fig 1 disconnected block of elements that
has always been some disagreement as a tall block followed by a Mendeleev’s appears as a kind of footnote to the
as to exactly which groups they shallower ten element-wide block short-form table. entire system. These elements
should be assigned to. In the containing the transition metals. Elements ordered involve the filling of f orbitals.
conventional modern periodic table, This is followed on the right edge by according to
known as the medium-long form, another taller block, which is six increasing atomic A place for helium
these elements fall into groups 1 and elements wide and contains a weights Another more regular
18 respectively – the alkali metals mixture of metals, semi-metals and representation, the left-step table
and the noble gases (fig 2). non-metals. (fig 3), was proposed almost 90
The result is a rather awkward In quantum mechanical terms Fig 2 years ago by the Frenchman,
twin-tower shape to add to the these blocks are characterised by the The conventional Charles Janet.
already uneven shape the periodic filling of (from left to right) s medium-long form Recently this form has enjoyed a
table has. The initial unevenness orbitals, d orbitals and p orbitals. of the periodic revival because it also seems to
occurs because the alkali and There is a further oddity in the table display the order of orbital filling
more clearly than the conventional
2 form.2 It also displays the elements
in one continuous sequence without
any gaps or interruptions. There is
an annoying drawback in that the
element helium is removed from its
usual place among the noble gases
and moved to join the alkaline
earths like beryllium, magnesium
and calcium.
This move can be justified on the
basis of the outer-electron structure
of helium, which possesses two such
electrons, as do the members of the
alkaline earth group. From a
chemical point of view, the
placement of helium among these
metals amounts to complete heresy.
While helium is the most unreactive
of all the elements in the periodic

14 | EDUCATION IN CHEMISTRY | January 2012


table, the alkaline earths are quite Fig 3 suggested that the left-step table Historically, the discovery of
reactive. This question of where to A left-step periodic could be modified to avoid the triads using atomic weights rather
place helium is one sign of trouble in table heresy of placing helium among the than atomic numbers was the first
the periodic table. alkaline earths. This new version hint of any quantitative patterns
relocates hydrogen to the top of the among the atomic weights of the
Hydrogen doesn’t fit either halogens, while retaining the overall elements. Now in the proposed
Even the first element, hydrogen, form of the left-step table (fig 4). modified left-step table, the
has been causing trouble for some There is an additional bonus in movement of hydrogen to the
time. It can both lose as well as gain presenting the periodic table in this halogen group produces a new
an electron. As a result it can be manner. Janet’s original left-step perfect atomic number triad among
placed in group 1, as it usually is, or table leads to the loss of a perfect the elements hydrogen, fluorine
with the halogens in group 17 (fig 4). atomic number triad, in moving and chlorine.
It has even been suggested that helium out of the noble gas group,
hydrogen should be grouped at the whereas this new table retains the Trouble in group 3
head of the carbon group since, like helium triad. Another form of trouble lies in
carbon, its atom has a half-filled group 3. Many textbook and wall-
outer shell. Working with triads chart periodic tables show group 3
Some authors avoid the hydrogen- A triad is the name given to a group as consisting of the elements
helium problem altogether by Fig 4 of three elements falling vertically in scandium, yttrium, lanthanum and
removing them from the main body Hydrogen in any group of the periodic table. The actinium. A similar number of tables
and by allowing them to float above group 17 makes for atomic number of the middle show a difference in the last two
the rest of the table. a perfect atomic element is the average of the elements by featuring lutetium and
More recently it has been number triad elements above and below it. lawrencium instead. January 2012 | EDUCATION IN CHEMISTRY | 15

relativistic effects begin to play a
part. As the charge of the nucleus of
an atom increases, the velocity of
the inner electrons also increases. If
velocities are high enough, this may
cause distortions to the orbitals of
an atom and, as a result, modify its
chemical properties.
Initially, when they were first
synthesised, the chemical reactions of
elements 104 and 105 (rutherfordium
and dubnium) could not be examined
as the lifetimes of their isotopes was
extremely short. But after some years
other more stable isotopes were
synthesised and chemical experiments
were conducted.
For example, rutherfordium falls
into group 4 and would therefore be
expected to behave like its fellow
members, zirconium and hafnium.
Experiments carried out in the
1990s showed that the relativistic
effects were significant enough to
make rutherfordium and dubnium
behave anomalously. For example,
RfCl4 was found to have an
anomalously high volatility.

Crumbling periodicity
It began to look as if the concept of

chemical periodicity was finally

beginning to peter out. It appeared as
though relativistic effects were
spoiling a chemical generalisation
that had so far stood the test of time,
the most general of all chemical
Although there are some quite The periodic table number of atomic number triads in generalisations.
convincing chemical and physical has had some the periodic table may provide such Soon even higher elements were
analogies in favour of the greater interesting a criterion. Looking at the second synthesised. Not surprisingly these
similarity among the second set of redesigns... choice of four elements, Sc, Y, Lu, Lr were expected to behave even more
four elements, not everybody has then the last three form a perfect anomalously due to their even higher
been persuaded to make the change.3 triad. However, the last three atomic numbers but as it turned out
What seems to be lacking is a elements among the group Sc, Y, La this is not what happened.
categorical criterion.4 Once again and Ac do not (box 1). When the chemical properties of
the notion of trying to maximise the element 106 (seaborgium) were
Bother with the super-heavies examined the titles of the news
Moving to the super-heavy elements reports included the words ‘Boring
at the other end of the periodic seaborgium’. When element 107
table, we find even more trouble, or (bohrium) was synthesised and later
at least that is how it seemed until a examined chemically, it too showed
few years ago. that chemical periodicity was back
It has been known for some time in business.
that the heavier the atom the more What had begun to seem like a

Box 1
Two possible sets of elements in group 3 of the periodic table and the triads formed
from the last 3 elements from each set.
Y 39 Y 39
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La 57 Lu 71
Dimitri Mendeleev Ac 89 Lr 103
– creator of the
(39+89)/2 = 64 (not 57) (39 +103)/2 = 71 A perfect triad
first periodic table

16 | EDUCATION IN CHEMISTRY | January 2012

threat or trouble for the periodic measure, he used triads in two
table turned out to be a short lived directions.
concern. The classification of the For example, he explained how the
higher atomic number elements is atomic weight of selenium could be
still very much governed by the predicted although it was actually
periodic table regardless of the known and could be used to
presence of relativistic effects. demonstrate the effectiveness of the
method (box 2).
Döbereiner and triads Triads have an excellent pedigree
Going back to bohrium, we can when it comes to the periodic table. It
consider some quantitative data that may be that they can help us again
has been obtained on this element in now in resolving these persistent
order to examine the question of its problems concerning the placement
classification more closely. of certain elements in the periodic
As we have seen, the concept of table.
triads of elements has been around
martyn poliakoff

much longer than periodic table. The debate continues

The concept was initially discovered To conclude, the trouble at the high
by the chemist Döbereiner, a good atomic number end of the periodic
fifty years before Mendeleev table has now subsided at least for the
published the first fully mature time being. The trouble at low atomic
periodic system.5 The world’s from the experimental value. numbers, namely hydrogen and
When atomic number succeeded smallest periodic This small error helps to support helium, is still an open question.
atomic weight, the triads that had table, etched on to the notion that bohrium belongs In the conventional table, hydrogen
only been approximate, became a hair firmly in group 7 irrespective of any and helium are seen to be well
exact. The occurrence of triads relativistic effects. classified, but the table lacks regularity
became explained as the consequence and contains awkward gaps between
of the twinning of period lengths that Two directional triads many elements. In the left-step table
occurs in the periodic table. Apart Crookes’ spiral When Mendeleev made his famous regularity is displayed to the greatest
from the exceptional first very short (1888) predictions of the properties of extent but chemists understandably
period of two elements, the next representing the gallium, germanium and scandium, worry about placing helium among
period of eight repeats then the order of evolution he essentially used triad-like the alkaline earths.
period of eighteen repeats and then of the elements calculations. In fact just for good Whatever one might think about
the period of thirty-two repeats. these debates the fact remains that the
As a result of this pattern, any periodic system which the periodic
three elements that fall vertically in table encapsulates and displays is one
the periodic table will provide a of the most remarkable discoveries in
perfect triad if the second and third all of science. It provides an underlying
of them are members of periods of relationship between all the 118
equal length. elements so far discovered or
synthesised. Substances as diverse as
Predictions for bohrium gold, helium, sulfur, mercury and
What does all this have to do with oxygen are all connected together in a
element 107? two-dimensional array. This same
If we consider the sublimation two-dimensional array has also
enthalpies of TcO3Cl, ReO3Cl and motivated numerous discoveries in
science & society picture library

BhO3Cl, the values are 49, 66 and atomic and molecular physics as of
89 kJ mole-1 respectively. If one had course many more in the field of
tried to predict the value for bohrium chemistry.
from those of the other two on the
basis of the triad principle, the Eric Scerri is a lecturer in chemistry and
prediction would have been philosophy of science at UCLA,
83 kJ mole-1, which is only 6.7% away California, US.

Box 2 RefeRences
1. E Mazurs, Graphic representations of the periodic system
Mendeleev’s use of atomic weight triads in two directions. He published this diagram on several occasions to
during one hundred years. Tuscaloosa, US: Alabama
show how the atomic weight of selenium could be calculated from those of the four surrounding elements. University Press, 1974
S(32) 2. P Stewart, Found. Chem. 2010, 12, 5
(DOI: 10.1007/s10698-008-9062-5)
As (75) Se? Br (80) 3. W B Jensen, J. Chem. Educ., 2008, 85, 1491
(DOI: 10.1021/ed085p1491.2)
Te (127.5) 4. E R Scerri, A very short introduction to the periodic table.
Atomic weights can be averaged to yield approximately atomic weight of selenium: Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2011
5. E R Scerri, The periodic table, its story and its significance.
(32 + 75 + 80 + 127.5)/4 =79 Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2007 January 2012 | EDUCATION IN CHEMISTRY | 17

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