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1. In Rizal’s student memoir, " My Mother," it is shown how he describes his mother, the first
teacher of his, which states, "taught me how to read and say haltingly the humble prayers which
I raise fervently to God", that shows the first education and training always starts in our home,
and teaching the children how to practice the wisdom of God serves as a foundation. According
to Kalivayalilll and Thomas (2019), "Undoubtedly, a child's education starts at home. Parents are
the first teachers of the child; they also mold the child's character. A good balance of education
at school and home facilitates better learning." It will always be seen to the child if he or she
received good parenting because of how it acts in other people and it will be seen in their
personality. Because Rizal has a good teacher at home, he became excellent in his talents and
skills with the help of tutors that his mother designated to him.

2. "In the night, I remembered my home town, my adored mother, and my caring sisters.
Ah, how dear to me was Calamba, my own town, even if it was not as prosperous as
Biñan.", he recalled. In this line, you feel the longing of Rizal to his family and in his town
as he far from home, which is natural for every people who is first time to be separated
to their family they lived for a long year.

3. The education back then has a huge difference compared today, because back then as it
stated in the book, pupils and students where strictly discipline and they are hard for their
students when it comes to learning. While to its facilities of school, back then the house
of the teacher serves as school compared to this generation, school provides all the needs
of their students in learning and instead of actual books they read, they can manage to
study and accessed the books and learning materials everywhere because of the advance
technology and teachers can be reached through online platform. Unlike Jose Rizal’s era,
they need to access it in a library and teacher physically. And bullying was very rampant
back then but in this era. The implementation of Anti Bullying act or R.A. 10627, its aim
of this policy is to ensure that pupils learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment
without fear of being bullied. Bullying is anti-social behavior and affects everyone; it is

4. Claimed as a weakling back then, Rizal stands out because of his discipline and dedication to his
education and he didn’t forget the wisdoms and knowledge that his family and teachers instills
to him.

5. As he came back to his hometown, to the crisis of his country and family faced, he made a
moved with the used of his knowledge and skills in writing and that’s when he published the
Noli Me Tangere to describe the colonization of Spanish here in the Philippines and how the
Spanish treated Filipinos badly. After the death of the Gom – Bur – Za Rizal was motivated to
make the second book of Noli Me Tangere, entitled El Filibusterismo that is a political novel filled
with resentment, sadness, grief, bloodshed, and vengeance intended to stir up the Filipino
people against their oppressive rulers.
6. Moreover, as Rizal’s family faced a big tragedy because his mother was involved in an accusation
about attempting to poison the wife of Rizal’s brother by the Spanish lieutenant who had a
personal grudge against his father. The Spanish lieutenant used the mis accusation to avenge his
self to the Rizal family. Because of that Rizal wrote a memoir to express his enraged to those
people they trusted and how they treated their mother unjustly. Which shows that the law since
then is unjust, and those who are in position to use their authority and power abuses it for their
personal interest.

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