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Data Structures and Algorithms Using Java

������ Course Online Materials

Prof. Debasis Samanta

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
�Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Course Outline
Week# Lecture Topic Lectures Codes Handbook
1 Introduc�on Lecture 1 N/A Module 1
2 Generic Methods Lecture 2 Code 1
Week 1 3 Basics of Generic Classes Lecture 3 Code 2
Module 2
4 Parameterized Geniric Classes Lecture 4 Code 3
5 Bounded Argument in Generic Classes Lecture 5 Code 4
6 Basics of JCF Lecture 6 N/A
7 Collec�ons of JCF Lecture 7 N/A
Week 2 8 Set of JCF Lecture 8 N/A Module 3
9 Map of JCF Lecture 9 N/A
10 Java Legacy Classes Lecture 10 N/A
11 Array Data Structure Lecture 11 N/A
12 Programming with Arrays Lecture 12 Code 5
Week 3 13 ArrayList for Arrays Lecture 13 Code 6 Module 4
14 Arrays for Arrays Lecture 14 Code 7
15 Vector for Arrays Lecture 15 Code 8
16 Linked List Data Structure (Part-I) Lecture 16 N/A
17 Linked List Data Structure (Part-II) Lecture 17 N/A
Week 4 18 Programming for Linked List (Part-I) Lecture 18 Code 9 Module 5
19 Programming for Linked List (Part-II) Lecture 19 Code 10
20 Linked List using JCF Lecture 20 Code 11
21 Stack Data Structures Lecture 21 N/A
22 Programming for Stacks Lecture 22 Code 12 Module 6
Week 5 23 Stack Using JCF Lecture 23 Code 13
24 Queue Data Structures Lecture 24 N/A
25 Programming for Queues Lecture 25 Code 14 Module 7
26 Queue Using JCF Lecture 26 Code 15
27 Understanding Tree Data Structures Lecture 27 N/A
Week 6 28 Opera�ons on Binary Tree Lecture 28 N/A
29 Binary Search Tree Lecture 29 N/A
30 Programming for BST Lecture 30 Code 16
Module 8
31 Height Balanced Binary Search Tree Lecture 31 N/A
32 Heap Trees Lecture 32 N/A
Week 7 33 Programming for Heap Trees Lecture 33 Code 17
34 Huffman Tree Lecture 34 N/A
35 Graph Structures Lecture 35 N/A
Module 9
36 Graph Algorithms Lecture 36 N/A
37 Map Framework in Java Lecture 37 N/A
Week 8 38 Applica�ons of Map (Part-I) Lecture 38 Code 18 Module 10
39 Applica�ons of Map (Part-II) Lecture 39 Code 19
40 Set Collec�on in Java Lecture 40 Code 20
Module 11
41 Opera�ons on Set Collec�ons Lecture 41 Code 21
42 Java IO Streams Lecture 42 N/A
Week 9 43 IO with Byte Streams Lecture 43 Code 22 Module 12
44 IO with Character Streams Lecture 44 Code 23

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45 File IO Lecture 45 Code 24

46 Random Access File Lecture 46 Code 25
47 Linear Searching Algorithms Lecture 47 N/A
Week 10 48 Non-linear Searching Algorithms Lecture 48 N/A Module 13
49 Programming for Searching Lecture 49 Code 26
50 Simple Sor�ng Algorithms Lecture 50 N/A
51 Improved Sor�ng Algorithms Lecture 51 N/A
52 Advanced Sor�ng Algorithms Lecture 52 N/A
Module 14
Week 11 53 Programs for Sor�ng (Part-I) Lecture 53 Code 27
54 Programs for Sor�ng (Part-I) Lecture 54 Code 28
55 Sor�ng Using JCF Lecture 55 Code 29
56 String Class Lecture 56 Code 30
57 Applica�ons of String Class Lecture 57 Code 31
Week 12 58 Class StringBuffer Lecture 58 Code 32 Module 15
59 Miscellaneous U�li�es Lecture 59 Code 33
60 Java Cursor Iterator Lecture 60 Code 34

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