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TOPPERS STUDY CAMP-3 (2023-2024)
DATE : 29.12.23
Answer the following questions:
1.The refractive index of diamond is 2.47 and that of glass is 1.51. How much faster
does light travel in glass than indiamond?
2. A water tank appears to be 6 m deep when viewed from the top. If refractive index
of water is 4/3, what is the actual depth of thetank?
3. (a) Give two circumstances in which a concave mirror can form a magnified image
of an object placed in front of it. Illustrate your answer by drawing labelled ray
diagrams for both.
(b) Which one of these circumstances enables a concave mirror to be used as a
shaving mirror ?
4. Make labelled ray diagrams to illustrate the formation of : (a) a real image by a
converging mirror. (b) a virtual image by a converging mirror. Mark clearly the pole,
focus, centre of curvature and position of object in each case.
5. When an object is placed at a distance of 50 cm from a concave spherical mirror,
the magnification produced is, – 1/ 2 . Where should the object be placed to get a
magnification of, - 1/ 5 ?
6.a) An object is placed just outside the principal focus of concave mirror. Draw a ray
diagram to show how the image is formed, and describe its size, position and nature.
(b) If the object is moved further away from the mirror, what changes are there in the
position and size of the image ?
(c) An object is 24 cm away from a concave mirror and its image is 16 cm from the
mirror. Find the focal length and radius of curvature of the mirror, and the
magnification of the image.
7. The radius of curvature of a convex mirror used as a rear view mirror in a moving
car is 2.0 m. A truck is coming from behind it at a distance of 3.5 m. Calculate (a)
position, and (b) size, of the image relative to the size of the truck. What will be the
nature of the image ?
8. The speed of light in vacuum and in two different glasses is given in the table
below :
(a) Calculate the absolute refractive indexes of flint glass and crown glass. (b)
Calculate the relative refractive index for light going from crown glass to flint glass
9. A convergent lens of power 8D is combined with a divergent lens of
power -10D. Calculate focal length of thecombination.
10. The power of a combination of two lenses X and Y is 5D. If the focal length of lens
X be 15 cm,then
a) calculate the focal length of lensY. b) State the nature of the lensY.
11. Two lenses A and B have focal lengths of +20cm and – 10 cm,respectively.
a) What is the nature of lens A and lensB? b) What is the power of lens A and lensB?
c) What is the power of the combination if lenses A and B are held close together?
12.Calculate the area of cross section of a wire if its length is 1.0m, its resistance is
23 Ω and the resistivity of the material of the wire is1.84 x 10–6Ω m.
13. Two cylindrical wires of the same material have their lengths in the ratio of 4 : 9.
What should be the ratio of their radii so that their resistances are
in the ratio of 4 : 1?
14. Two resistors are connected in series across a 24 V supply and a current of 3 A
flows in the circuit. If one of the resistors has a resistance of 2Ω determine (a) the
value of the other resistor, and (b) the p.d. across the 2Ω resistor. If the circuit is
connected for 50 hours, how much energy isused?

15.For the series-parallel arrangement shown in below

Figure, find (a) the supply current,

(b) the current flowing through each resistor and

(c) the p.d. across each resistor.

16. Which of the following circuits will still be
dangerous even if the fuse blows off and electric iron stops
working during a short circuit ?

17. Three appliances are connected in parallel to the same source which provides a
voltage of 220 V. A fuse connected to the source will blow if the current from the
source exceeds 10 A. If the three appliances are rated at 60 W, 500 W and 1200 W at
220 V, will the fuse blow ?
18. A thick wire is hanging from a wooden table. An anticlockwise magnetic field is to
be produced around the wire by passing current through this wire by using a battery.
Which terminal of the battery should be connected to the : (a) top end of wire ? (b)
bottom end of wire ? Give reason for your choice.
19. The magnetic field associated with a current-carrying straight conductor is in
anticlockwise direction. If the conductor was held along the east-west direction, what
will be the direction of current through it ? Name and state the rule applied to
determine the direction of current ?
20. In the straight wire A, current is flowing in the vertically downward direction
whereas in wire B the current is flowing in the vertically upward direction. What is
the direction of magnetic field : (a) in wire A ? (b) in wire B ? Name the rule which you
have used to get the answer.

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