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August 2023 Volume No.



10 Thinking Green
GUGULETHU M DUBE 12 Embrace Your Beauty

15 Her Strength
SISASENKOSI NCUBE 17 Bridging the Gap
BLESSED TAPIWA 21 The World Cups

Info Session with

23 Mantathe Mlotshwa [PICS]

27 Home

24 Girl Get up

Election fever is upon us and as we grapple with the
excitement of voting for the first time for most of us, we
also delve into our business.
We continue to explre issues affecting us - like how
many young girls will not participate in the election and
the lack of representation of women. In this issue we
explore how thinking green can make our world better
. Let me not kill your excitement with spoilers and leave
you to dive into these issues and more
Happy reading y'all

contributors contact details our partners

Sisasenkosi Ncube
Kudzaishe Chibaya
+263 71 734 9121
Rudo Linda Mudzingwa
Gugulethu Matshazi Dube amplifyinggirls

Phathisa Moyo Mangena AmplifyingGirlsVoicesTV

Blessed Tapiwa
Kimberly Malima
Langelihle T Ndlovu

Intwasa Arts Festival koBulawayo

JMN Nkomo St & Leopold Takawira This magazine has been designed using stock images from;

Bulawayo, Zimbabwe; Artwork from Sahiwl Baghat,, Magazine
+263 29 226 3928 design and Layout by Isaiah Daniels & Co & Prime Creations

4 intwasa


he media coverage of the 2023 harmonized elections has done nothing
to point out the gaps in our aspiring leaders’ ideological viewpoints.
Fair and fine, we have heard about employment, roads, health care,
inflation and pension funds, all of which are important issues, but what
have we heard about gender issues? Why does this even matter?

hile the polls have been swayed this been promised jobs and affordable education
way and that way, up to the depths for decades, and while we do not have that yet,
of Pfungwe, girls and women's rights they at least know we need it and want it. That
have been successfully relegated to the other level of recognition that absents itself when it
category, into the box that houses all things comes to our rights and freedoms is the core
insignificant and underserving of governance business of this warning message. One can go
focus and attention. This is the summary of the ahead and rightly announce that tough times
2023 harmonized elections as far as gender is await us ahead, tough times for girls.
It is easy to turn to the ruling party and point
With millions of campaign funds at the fingers, to judge and accuse, while hurting and
disposal of the many aspiring candidates, it is a hating. All of which is justified by the way. One
bit alarming to note how none of the campaigns would think, however, that any opposition in that
aggressively pushed for girls' rights and race would lean towards the disenfranchised
emancipation, despite the fact they constitute minorities, of which women and girls constitute
a great deal of the pool of voters. Not to say that a heart breaking majority. But, if opposition also
all that matters is getting votes, but the citizens runs with other things that do not speak directly
should get concerned when the candidates do to that injustice, who cares about the rights of
not even care enough to lie to them. We have girls and women?


...only 17% of
people aged
between 18 and
25 registered to
vote. Of that 17%,
most were not
even sure about
who to vote for

For all those who were born after 1999, the mothers’ hands while queuing for mealie meal
infamous ama-2K, a normal Zimbabwe does and USAID cooking oil. The 2Ks remember their
not exist. We do not know of a stable economy sisters who got pregnant because of ten-rand
and a functional government system that takes notes, not because they envied the finer things
care of its people. What we do know however in life, but because they needed to eat, never
is that in 2008 buying ompabanga after school mind the need to obtain clothing and sanitary
was a nightmare. They cost only billions in the wear. What then, does it mean, when our
morning and trillions after school. And for a existence is forgotten?
long time, we thought the school tuck shops
were secretly running anti- sugar campaigns.
But when the MaNdlos and Dubes seemed to According to the pre election opinion survey
be in on it, that is when we knew something was conducted and published by the Public Policy
terribly wrong. Children under the age of ten research institute of Zimbabwe, only 17% of
do not know economic policy and the Oxford people aged between 18 and 25 registered
definition of inflation, but they know what the to vote. Of that 17%, most were not even sure
effects feel and look like. So when Dube started about who to vote for. Further investigation
fondling girls for sweets after school, and when revealed that the interests of the voters were
MaNgwe gave extra barley to her favourites not represented, neither did the contesting
during feeding times, they adapted. That is the parties appeal to said interests.
world ama-2Ks have been brought up in.

The issue of representation and appealing to

the needs of the young is therefore definitely Maybe some airtime should be given to young
personal. We do not have tales of the five-cent people, especially girls to air their grievances.
coin that could buy milk and sweet buns. We Those statistics that say that majority of girls
however remember the heavy wads of cash aged between 15 and 24 are HIV positive reflect
we had to carry. We were there, holding our so many systematic failures and injustices.

6 intwasa

We do know that democracy is our armor, our express their grievances, they reserve the right to
bullet and our sword to fight these. But whose abstain from shambolic democratic processes.
democracy is it? The aim, the whole point of democracy is rule by
the people. It embodies fairness, representation,
For purposes of scope of AGVTDA, this article
upholding rights, inclusion and shared power.
will focus on girls aged between 18 and 21. Of
If we were to take that definition however, it
the total number of eligible voters, most girls
would mean that Zimbabwe is not a democracy.
did not register to vote. Democratic rights be
Because girls' rights aren't fundamental or
damned, until we give them the time of day to

The aim, the whole

point of democracy
is rule by the people.
It embodies fairness,
upholding rights,
inclusion and shared

inalienable, rather, they are considered as elections? How many were voted in? Of the two
the petty disgruntlements of entitled people giants in the race, which one of them prioritized
- women. Girls' rights are reduced to silly, gender equality through equity? Let us assume
weightless and definitely logic deficit tag lines. that a new party won, judging by the gender
aggregation of their candidates in Bulawayo
It is therefore not surprising that as the spirit
(because Bulawayo is an all opposition city), if
of the elections covered the tea pot, when it
that were to be multiplied by ten (number of
boiled and spilt over, the remaining residue
provinces in Zimbabwe), would gender equality
was a mixture of sweaty men and their crowned
be achieved? If the ZANU PF candidates had
princes. Yes, we know that this was not a
won all provinces, would gender equality be
regular election. We are aware of the fact that
achieved? If prof. Madhuku had won, would
there are some Zimbabweans who want a new
gender equality be achieved? Why does this
government in power, but we also know that on
matter anyway?
all sides of the pitch, girls' rights are missing. How
many female candidates were fielded for the

assuming that
more girls had
registered to vote,
they still would have
voted into office
people who do not
represent their
interests as far as
gender issues are

Zimbabwe is supposed to be a democracy. In Assuming that more girls had registered to

democratic nations, public office is assumed vote, they still would have voted into office
through electoral processes. So if the biggest people who do not represent their interests as
of those processes, that is, the harmonized far as gender issues are concerned, regardless
elections, speaks little to nothing about of the winner(s) of the elections.
addressing the gender gap in positions of
What does this mean for our future?
power, influence, decision making and national
interests, how are we going to achieve gender More is yet to be done as far as toxic patriarchy
equality? In what world do we achieve that? and gender parity is concerned. The democratic
system is yet to deliver, and girls remain
As an advocate for girls' rights, as a member
disenfranchised minorities.
of this beautiful project, it is unfair to expect
us to rely on advocacy and civil society to These statistics reflect the gaps in our
address the injustices against girls. Infact, it education system. Perhaps we need to
is somewhat disrespectful as it suggests that conscientize young people more about their
girls' rights are not a matter of National concern democratic responsibilities, which include the
but rather power Paralympics that will not be right to vote. Above that however, we need
funded, addressed, corrected or fought for, not more representation, and the best way to get
deliberately anyway. Come 2024, the day after that is to educate girls from a young age about
elections, when the dust has settled and new democracy as a system and tool to addressing
members of parliament and councillors occupy inequalities. This could help to balance the scale
their offices, who will be leading the discussions and to create a system that forces office bearers
and solution mapping meetings that will be to fulfill their duty to the people. The duty to
drafting gender parity agendas? Women's serve all, without gender bias. Remember, we
quota has been proven ineffective in the past, remember 2008. The violence, the food aid,
acts of parliament (for example, the 'new' age of the hunger, the striking teachers, the lack of
consent) haven't been passed into law, political clothes. We were those children. We will not
parties have come and gone, but the situation be those adults. Girls’ rights, children’s rights,
remains unchanged. The status quo on girls' young people’s freedoms and liberties are not
rights is ugly. up for discussion.

8 intwasa

Green by

hat would it take to save our planet? Alumni and Fundi Trust working hand in hand
That was the first question the with Centre for Talent Development.
facilitator asked at the start of the
Throughout the project we got to be mentored
Youth Art-preneurship project. Recently I took
by great talented minds such as Coach Ronny
part in a project that aimed to raise awareness
J - a life coach based in the USA. Seeing the
on environmental protection through art.
attraction, the project was gaining I realized
Throughout the project I was challenged to
just how many people want to protect the
come up with sustainable solutions on how to
environment but just don’t know how to. This
promote environmental protection as a young
goes to show just how much little knowledge is
female artist.
out there on environmental protection methods.
The participants of the project were a few The poor flow of information on environmental
artists from the city of Bulawayo working in protection shows how relaxed the majority of
collaboration with like-minded youths from the human race is about the degradation of
New Orleans, USA. The project being aided our earth. We can no longer go on as if after
by the Citizen Diplomacy Action Fund for U.S exhausting this planet we will get another one.
There is no planet B.

10 intwasa

So where does art come into play? Through

creative recycling. Taking something old and
dipping it into art making it reusable and

The first focus was on old car tyres. Taking

those old tyres and turning them into luxurious
furniture fit for any living space, be it gardens
or a simple living room .When I watched tutorial
videos online I didn’t think my own two hands
can turn an old tyre into a chair or coffee table.
What seemed impossible became a reality
within a matter of a few hours. With ropes, spray
paint, cloth, glass and passion for environmental
protection I was able to turn old tyres into
beautiful furniture, with the help of my fellow
participants of course. We had made a chair
and coffee table from materials that were once
considered trash.

We can no longer go on
as if after exhausting
this planet we will get
another one. There is
no planet B.

The last bit was a talent show themed on

environmental protection. As the master of
ceremony of the whole event I made sure to
preach more and more on how young female
artists can save our planet through art. How
they can raise awareness on environmental
protection through their music, dance, acts or

I’ve always told myself that my artwork

should always have purpose. Through this
project I found a way to broaden the purpose
of what I write, what I say and what I perform.
I am a young female artist ready to say more
and do more for environmental protection
through my artwork.


Embrace Your
Beauty by

Body shaming is an issue that now happens frequently especially among adolescents in this
modern era. Studies show that body shaming can lead to serious mental challenges such as
mood disorders, anxiety or even depression. This also contributes to how a person behaves
around other people and how they socialize. Body shaming results negatively to an individual
as it destroys a person's self-esteem.

Social media has been a push factor on how want to look like women on social media as it
people especially girls and women view portrays the “perfect” way a girl should look as
themselves and how they “should” look, seen in most reality shows, magazines, music
with magazines and social media platforms videos, movies etc. Girls no longer know how
like Instagram, Twitter and even Facebook they should look. It is often said how you look on
portraying "how women should look". The media the outside is less valuable than how you look on
has also had a negative impact on adolescent the inside but is this true with all the magazines,
girls as they tend to hate how they look and televisions showing women with the “perfect”

12 intwasa

Body positivity is important in the sense that we

have to accept all body types with regards to size,
structure, features and focus on being healthy and

skin tone, “perfect” body type, “perfect” hair Nowadays people view beauty depending on
and “perfect” everything? How do we know the size of the breasts, thighs, curves, butt or on
that it is alright not to look flawless, that being the fair complexion on women which is why some
beautiful is not about how you look? women buy enlarging products and bleaching
creams to enhance their beauty so they can
The age-old adage of “beauty is pain” has never also be considered beautiful. I do believe that
been truer than it is today. Many adolescent girls all body types are beautiful! Society and media
now want to live up to the standard of society dictate how a lady should look to be considered
and media. These unrealistic expectations of as beautiful, this is wrong. It is our nature to
beauty have been going on and on for decades worry which is why we constantly worry. We
resulting in women and girls losing their identity. worry about family, work, school, money but
We now watch movies, follow celebrities, even most importantly about our appearance. Quite
act and dress like them as a source of escapism; obvious, when you worry about how you look or
to be lost in the lives of those celebrities. Some how your thighs and arms are, how your breasts
even go for surgeries only to appear “beautiful”. are too small or too big, how dark your skin
Some take enlarging products whilst some is, how chubby your cheeks are, how big your
take weight lose products to change their tummy is or how thin or long your legs are unlike
appearance. But is beauty defined by your body the people on social media. You DON'T need
type? to pressure yourself or bow down to societal


expectations. You need to accept

your flaws, what you look like; your
imperfections and limitations. You don’t
need bleach creams, enlarging products,
Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok or
anyone around you to compliment and
make you feel good about how you look.

As an individual you need to know that

you're beautiful on the inside and on the
outside despite the pressure surrounding
you. Body positivity is important in the
sense that we have to accept all body
types with regards to size, structure,
features and focus on being healthy and
functional. Practice body gratitude every
time you look at your reflection in the
mirror, tell yourself someone else wishes
to be you because of your beauty. Let the
negativity that surrounds you build you
instead of destroying you. The mind is a
powerful tool, what you think is what you
see. If you think that you're ugly that’s
what you'll see every time you look at
yourself and if you think you're beautiful,
beauty is what you'll see. Think about
your body as a driving vehicle to your
dreams, hopes and aspirations. Change
your message and listen to your body.
Exercise to stay healthy and to feel good
not to lose weight or punish yourself.
Learn to appreciate your body in spite of
your flaws. Do not over think or conclude
negative things about your body. Every
time we want to rely on what the next
person says I look like and not on how
I feel I look. I do not love seeing people
change how they look just to make other
people happy about our appearance.
At the end of the day we end up not
happy with our appearance. Accept your
body type, size, shape, skin tone, height,

Know that you're beautiful just the way

you are.

14 intwasa


efore l indoctrinate let me disinfect say she is not, a heroin herself. She is imbokodo
my words and enlighten the lost. From that has molded her beloved into strong leaders
her childhood to her womanhood, she of tomorrow.
has only been discriminated, being torn apart
Her pure heart defines her character. Her
by gender inequality and all the obstacles that
strength is found in her heart, it is like a treasure
came with it.
safely hidden in the sea. It cannot be seen,
She is hard pressed on every side but touched or found but it is never lost. It is in
not crushed, perplexed but not in despair, the ones that keep her going, the people who
persecuted but not abandoned. She is constantly tell her that she can move the mountains, the
being struck down but not destroyed, taken for people who look at her and know her worth, in
granted but still remains strong. She has been the ones that see royalty inside of her, the ones
dearly tormented and tortured but she keeps who see her for who she really is. Her strength
moving, body shamed but she still remains has taught her to become a protector l mean she
intact and walks with her head held high. She is a warrior in disguise, unknowingly she wears
is told that she is worthless but she knows her shield every day. Her strength becomes her
her worth. They say she is not good enough, love, power and wisdom, it is indeed resilient.
characterless, and shameless but she's still Her strength is also inside her mistakes that has
smiling. She has been finger pointed but she driven her to try and try again. Her strength is
does not shed a tear, for her tears have taught not a quitter, but a motivator.
her how to be stronger. She wears her scars as
She can endure it all because she has been
her best attire and her pain as her best make up.
through it all. She becomes light in the darkness.
The dolls and pots they bought her threatened Her strength has given her the power to rise
to define her fate but those toys simply taught and conquer all the challenges in her life. She
her how to love, care and simply share. Day by defines strength, but will never allow herself
day she is a mother, aunt, sister, wife, healer, and to be manipulated into proving herself. She IS
a grandmother but not only that she is home to strength.
peace and kindness. She is everything that they

"Here's to
strong women,
may we know
them, may we
raise them, may
we be them"

16 intwasa



Girls with disabilities face a multitude of challenges in their daily lives, as

they navigate the intersection of gender and disability. Unfortunately, these
girls often find themselves marginalized by society, facing discrimination,
limited opportunities and social barriers. However, by fostering inclusivity,
raising awareness and providing targeted support, we can help empower
these girls and ensure they have equal access to education, healthcare and
opportunities for personal growth.


Girls with disabilities encounter a host To address the above it is essential to foster
of barriers and biases that hinder their full inclusive education by implementing inclusive
participation in society like having limited access policies that promote equal access to education
to education. Many of them encounter barriers in for all girls regardless of disability. This involves
accessing quality education due to inadequate adapting infrastructure providing assistive
infrastructure, lack of specialized support and technologies, and training teachers to support
negative attitudes towards disability which often diverse learning needs. There is also need to
result in exclusion from mainstream educational conduct awareness campaigns to combat
settings. This denies them the opportunity to stigma and foster a supportive environment
develop their full potential and perpetuates a within schools. Educate teachers and students
cycle of marginalization. about disability rights, inclusion and the unique
capabilities of girls with disability. is essential to foster

inclusive education
by implementing
inclusive policies that
promote equal access
to education for all girls
regardless of disability.

Social stigma and isolation serve as inclusivity, dispel misconceptions and create a
another barrier; Society’s misconception and more accepting and supportive environment.
stereotypes surrounding disability can lead to
social stigma and isolation for them. Negative Access to comprehensive healthcare is vital
attitudes and lack of awareness create barriers for girls with disabilities in Zimbabwe. However,
to forming meaningful relationships and they often face barriers such as limited
participating in social activities resulting in specialized services, inaccessible facilities and a
feeling of loneliness and exclusion. However lack of awareness among health care providers.
raising awareness about the rights, capabilities To enhance healthcare for these girls, we must
and achievements of girls living with disability promote accessibility through advocating
is vital to challenge societal stereotypes and for the creation of disability friendly health
biases. Advocacy campaigns can promote care facilities with appropriate infrastructure
including ramps, accessible bathrooms and

18 intwasa

Despite the challenges

they face, numerous
girls with disabilities
in Zimbabwe have
risen above societal

examination equipment. Additionally, there hiring practices and providing reasonable

is need to ensure that healthcare providers accommodations in the workplace are
receive training on disability-inclusive essential steps towards creating equal
practices and improve outreach programs employment opportunities. Also, highlight the
by developing targeted healthcare outreach capabilities and unique perspectives that girls
initiatives that reach remote areas and provide with disabilities bring to the workforce.
specialized services for them; Collaborate with
Despite the challenges they face, numerous
disability organizations to bridge the gap and
girls with disabilities in Zimbabwe have risen
ensure holistic health care support.
above societal barriers, becoming beacons of
Girls with disability further encounter inspiration for example; Tanyaradzwa’s journey
significant obstacles when it comes to to education. Tanyaradzwa, a girl with a
securing employment and achieving physical disability, faced immense challenges
economic independence. Discrimination, in accessing education. However through the
lack of reasonable accommodations and support of organizations such as Leonard
limited access to skill development programs Cheshire Disability Zimbabwe, she was able to
contribute to disproportionately high attend a school that provided inclusive facilities
unemployment rates among this group. To and specialized support services for children
address the above, offering vocational training with disability. Tanyaradzwa’s determination
programs and internships specifically for has enabled her to pursue her education and
girls with disabilities can enhance their skills inspire other girls facing similar obstacles.
and employability. Encouraging inclusive


These stories of extraordinary

girls with disability in
Zimbabwe serve as powerful
reminders that disability does
not define one’s potential for
achievements and success.

Also, Ruvimbo a girl with mobility impairment

has defied societal expectations and excelled
in the field of sports. Through the support of
organizations like the Zimbabwe Paralympic
Committee, Ruvimbo has participated
in national and international wheelchair
basketball tournaments, showcasing her
athletic abilities and breaking barriers. Her
achievements highlight the importance of
inclusive sports programs that empower girls
with disabilities to showcase their talents and
pursue their passions.

These stories of extraordinary girls with

disability in Zimbabwe serve as powerful
reminders that disability does not define
one’s potential for achievements and success.
Tanyaradzwa, Ruvimbo and many others have
overcome immense challenges, shattered
stereotypes and inspired countless others to
dream big, regardless of their disabilities. Their
accomplishments highlight the importance
of inclusive opportunities, support system
and a society that recognizes and value the
abilities and contributions of all individuals. By
celebrating these girls and their achievements,
we can pave the way for a more inclusive
and empowering future, where every girl
in Zimbabwe with or without disability can
aspire greatness and make a lasting impact on

20 intwasa

The World

remember going for netball trials when I enough the previous years or I was just not
was in Grade 6, had never played before informed? Watching netball on TV was the most
but had watched my cousins representing surreal experience ever. Watching in person is
the school so I thought it was easy until more exciting but what tops that excitement
the ball was passed to me and I had to run was the Zimbabwe National Netball Team
around the whole ground because I was qualifying for this year's World Cup hosted
centre. I think my performance was not that by our neighbouring country, South Africa.
impressive because I became a substitute the My favourite game was the one where they
whole time and I don't reminisce playing during avenged their loss against Barbados and beat
competitions. In secondary school, the patron them 75 - 48 to finish in the 13th position. The
for netball was one of the most feared teachers, head coach Lloyd Makunde still has a lot of work
I mean those teachers who just lash out insults to do with the team though because there is
and are excused so I ended up sticking to room for improvement and who knows maybe
drum majorettes. Nonetheless I never stopped one day we will lift the cup. And of course, all
loving netball, I just watched from the sides and the necessary financial support is needed to get
became the biggest cheer leader. us there

Funny how I did not know that there was a The women's Soccer World Cup ended
Netball World Cup until now. Was it not hyped on Sunday the 20th of August where Spain


Linda Caicedo from Columbia, an 18-year-old who scored a magnificent

goal in the match against Germany

emerged as the world best champions against though they were eliminated in the round of 16.
England just like I had predicted, maybe I should It was the same fate for Nigeria and Morocco.
start betting because I seem to be good at Zambia also tried their best but Spain just had
predicting finals. With soccer, I just reprimanded to show off and eliminate the team in the group
the inner me to not to embarrass myself. There stages with a score of 5 - 0. Banyana Banyana
was no way I could run around the whole pitch kept us on our seats, some of us biting our nails
when I couldn't catch my breath after finishing because we did not know what was going to
100 metre races and being a goalkeeper when I be the final score in their game against Italy
failed to catch the ball during netball trials. I just but they emerged victorious and the 3 - 2 score
focused on perfecting my cheerleading skills sent them into the last 16. The Netherlands did
and learning the praise songs, best decision the most in South Africa's last game, sending
I have ever made. There's nothing as good as Banyana Banyana back home with a score of 2
criticising, cheering and complaining after - 0 but we are proud of all African nations who
losing or winning because it somehow becomes represented us.
your loss or victory even if you were not running
The number of "2ks" who played in this
around the pitch for 90 mins plus and sitting
tournament was impressive, my favourite
comfortable at the shade and drinking cold
being Linda Caicedo from Columbia, an
water or juice, that was me at high school.
18-year-old who scored a magnificent goal
What made this soccer world cup stand out which contributed to Germany's first ever loss
for me was the number of girls and women who in group stages. Young women and girls are
were following up on the games, posting about doing the most out there and it is inspiring
the victories, their favourites and just hyping it and empowering at the same time as they are
up. Four African nations qualified, South Africa proving to other girls that anything is possible
played well and proved to us why they deserved and age is not a barrier in sports, talent is what
to win the Women's Africa cup of nations matters.

22 intwasa

Get Up

o, a Sunday ago whilst I was at
church, I was asked to stand and
pray for the offering. Praying is
something that I do every day
but never did I ever think that
one day I would be standing in
front of a crowd praying for something as
important as the church offering. Little me,
scared as I was, I just walked down the aisle
and held the mic, nervous like never before.
In my mind I was trying to figure out what
kind of words I was going to say. I looked
at the crowd and was welcomed by these
pretty smiles, if you were there to see it you
would have sworn that God had replaced
the congregation with His angels. I battled
with my mind so it could produce the ideal
words that were just going to entice the
angels so they can vouch for me to the Man
Above so my place in Heaven would be a
guaranteed thing.

24 intwasa

For people to believe in everything that you say,

they first have to believe in the person that you
have presented in front of them

Now that I think of this whole scenario I've around punishing students or called out any
realized that it's something that has to do with student for doing what was not allowed but it's
my spiritual life but it so much related to other how she turned the school's pavements into a
areas of my life too. One thing that I had to runaway by her elegant walk. What I want to
learn from this other life coach is that for people point out is that, we noticed her, we noticed
to believe in what you are saying, you have to the way she walked because she carried herself
believe in it yourself. The way that you walk in a way that seemed to be different from
has everything to do with what defines you everyone else in the room. Her majestic walk
and who you are. Are you the kind of person made everyone want to fix their neck ties and
that when you walk into a room, everyone just make sure that their braids were tied perfectly
stops and pays attention to you without even into a neat bun. She commanded it without
having to utter a single word? Are you the kind saying a word.
that demands attention by simply standing
For people to believe in everything that you
at the door and saying nothing? Do you leave
say, they first have to believe in the person that
their jaws dropped?
you have presented in front of them. When I
During my high school years, there was was asked to pray, true that I was nervous
this teacher who always managed to stay in because the whole responsibility of having to
everyone's mouths. She was not the kind to go relay the thanks giving to God was placed on


my shoulders. But you know throughout my 19

years of life I've been taught that confidence
should be worn with pride. If I doubted myself
and my words to God, how was God supposed
to believe anything that I was saying?

That little girl who was asked to stand in

front of a crowd and say Thanksgiving words
to God is not someone that I had not seen
before. I have seen her in so many girls out
there. Girls struggling to let out their talents
because of fear of what the crowd may say,
fear of judgement and fear of moving out of
their comfort zones. In all honesty, confidence
doesn't grow on trees, it takes a lot for a girl to
actually feel worthy of being in front of a crowd
and saying out their mind. A lot of things come
into play, that one moment when they mistake

...confidence doesn't grow

on trees, it takes a lot for a
girl to actually feel worthy
of being in front of a crowd
and saying out their mind.

her for a boy because she had boobs too

small that she almost appeared like she had
a flat chest or that time she was called out for
gaining weight or when she was made fun of
for being too dark. These are the kind of things
we face as girls and they always find a way to
stick inside our heads and each time we finally
think we've gathered up confidence, they
always creep in at the corners of our heads.
But you know what, Girl Get Up! It's time we
shined through the negative comments and
wear our confidence with pride. That's the
one thing that should be defining us, our
willingness to look beyond the messed up
society and the toxicity in the world that just
seeks to weigh us down. Girl Get Up!

26 intwasa

Home by

Home is where family is, where you feel most at ease.

Everyone looks forward to being home and safe.
Everyone looks forward to going home and getting there in time.
Home is where one feels loved, cared for.
Home is where you're welcome to be yourself and let the walls protect

The walls feel like a prison

I put on a facade and think I'm losing myself.
I go out there, into the cold world and somehow, I feel like I could take on
the world.
I go to a land that's not mine and wish I could stay and never come back.
Home isn't like the painting in the gallery where you're perfectly happy
and all.
It's where the heart lays right, but my heart is always racing and never
I lay wide awake at night because
I can't even pin point
Explain it
Or say it out loud.

So, home for me is yet to be found,

because I'm most at ease when I'm far from that house.
The house of terrors and nightmare
Where night time is time to put my guard up.


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