Effects of Metmyoglobin Reducing Activity

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Effects of Metmyoglobin Reducing Activity

and Thermal Stability of NADH-Dependent

Reductase and Lactate Dehydrogenase
on Premature Browning in Ground Beef
Blanchefort A. Djimsa, Anupam Abraham, Gretchen G. Mafi, Deborah L. VanOverbeke, and Ranjith Ramanathan

Abstract: Premature browning is a condition wherein ground beef exhibits a well-done appearance before reaching
the USDA recommended internal cooked meat temperature of 71.1 °C; however, the mechanism is unclear. The
objectives of this study were: (1) to determine the effects of packaging and temperature on metmyoglobin reducing
activity (MRA) of cooked ground beef patties and (2) to assess the effects of temperature and pH on thermal stability of
Food Chemistry

NADH-dependent reductase, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and oxymyoglobin (OxyMb) in-vitro. Beef patties (lean: fat =
85:15) were packaged in high-oxygen modified atmosphere (HiOX-MAP) or vacuum (VP) and cooked to either 65 or
71 °C. Internal meat color and MRA of both raw and cooked patties were determined. Purified NADH-dependent
reductase and LDH were used to determine the effects of pH and temperature on enzyme activity. MRA of cooked
patties was temperature and packaging dependent (P < 0.05). Vacuum packaged patties cooked to 71 °C had greater
(P < 0.05) MRA than HiOX-MAP counterparts. Thermal stability of OxyMb, NADH-dependent reductase, and LDH
were different and pH-dependent. LDH was able to generate NADH at 84 °C; whereas NADH-dependent reductase
was least stable to heat. The results suggest that patties have MRA at cooking temperatures, which can influence cooked
meat color.

Keywords: beef color, metmyoglobin reducing activity, myoglobin, NADH-dependent reductase, premature browning

Practical Application: Cooked ground beef color is not a reliable indicator of safety. The results will help the beef
processors to develop strategies to improve reducing activity of ground beef and to have a predictable internal cooked
meat color.

Introduction occurrence of either OxyMb or MetMb in the interior of patties

Cooked meat color is primarily due to the Maillard reaction and can predispose to premature browning.
myoglobin denaturation (Mottram 1998; King and Whyte 2007). The introduction of case-ready packaging has helped the meat
More specifically, the presence of either ferro- or ferrihemochro- purveyors to modify the gas compositions within the packages to
mogen will impart brown or purplish red cooked meat color, extend beef color. Greater levels of oxygen within high-oxygen
respectively (Warren and others 1996; Lytras and others 1999). (HiOX-MAP) packages allow oxygen to penetrate further into
Most consumers determine the degree of doneness by checking the interior and increase the proportion of OxyMb. Hence, the
the internal color of beef patties (USDA 1998; Ralston and others occurrence of PMB will be greater in HiOX-MAP than the tradi-
2002). This can be a food safety concern as premature brown- tional polyvinyl chloride (PVC) overwrap film or vacuum package
ing (PMB) is a condition wherein ground beef patties will have (Jayasingh and others 2002; Seyfert and others 2004).
internal brown and well-done appearance at temperatures below Metmyoglobin reducing activity (MRA) is the ability of the
the USDA recommended internal cooked meat temperature of postmortem muscle to limit the formation of MetMb by donating
71.1 °C to destroy pathogens (Hague and others 1994; Hunt and an electron to ferric heme to form DeoxyMb (Bekhit and Faust-
others 1999). A previous study estimated that 47% of ground beef man 2005). MRA can occur by both enzymatic and nonenzymatic
sold in the United States is susceptible to PMB (Killinger and pathways. An important cofactor that affect MRA is the source
others 2000). Although the mechanism of PMB is not clear, ear- of reducing equivalents such as NADH. Kim and others (2006)
lier research indicated that the myoglobin form present within reported that NADH can be regenerated by lactate dehydrogenase
the interior of patties before cooking can influence cooked meat (LDH) activity. Similarly, NADH-dependent reductase can reduce
color (Hunt and others 1999). For example, deoxymyoglobin (De- MetMb to DeoxyMb (Hagler and others 1979). Hence, meat sam-
oxyMb) is very stable to heat, whereas oxy- (OxyMb) and met- ples with greater MRA have the potential to influence myoglobin
myoglobin (MetMb) forms are less resistant to heat. Hence, the redox state. However, limited research has determined the effects
of packaging and temperature on MRA of cooked patties. Sim-
ilarly, few studies have assessed the thermal stability of purified
JFDS-2016-1156 Submitted 7/21/2016, Accepted 12/4/2016. Authors are NADH-dependent reductase and LDH. We hypothesize that dif-
with Dept. of Animal Science, Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater, OK 74078, U.S.A. ferences in protein structure will influence the thermal stability of
Direct inquiries to author Ramanathan (E-mail: ranjith.ramanathan@okstate.edu). NADH-dependent reductase and LDH. Therefore, the objectives

C 2017 Institute of Food Technologists


304 Journal of Food Science r Vol. 82, Nr. 2, 2017 doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.13606
Further reproduction without permission is prohibited
Beef reducing activity and cooked color . . .

Table 1–Least squares means for a∗ , chroma, K/S474 ÷ K/S525, and K/S610 ÷ K/S5251 for raw surface color of ground beef patties
packaged HiOX-MAP and VP.2

a∗ chroma K/S474 ÷ K/S525 K/S610 ÷ K/S525

d 03 HiOX-MAP 31.45d 39.69d 0.871c 0.170a
VP 19.09a 24.25a 0.642b 0.372d
SE4 0.34 0.41 0.002 0.004
d2 HiOX-MAP 26.33c 33.78c 0.961d 0.192c
VP 22.24b 26.08b 0.542a 0.341c
SE 0.34 0.41 0.003 0.002
Least squares means within a column with different inline letters are significantly different (P < 0.05).
1 ∗
a , a greater a∗ value indicates more redness; chroma, indicates intensity of red color and was calculated as  (a∗2 + b∗2 ); K/S474 ÷ K/S525, a lower number means greater
amount of DeoxyMb; K/S610 ÷ K/S525, a lower number means greater amount of OxyMb.
HiOX-MAP, high-oxygen modified atmosphere packaging (80% oxygen and 20% carbon dioxide); VP, vacuum packaging.
Day 0: patties were packaged and stored in the dark for 2 h; day 2: patties were packaged and stored in the dark for 48 h.
SE, standard error.

of this study were (1) to determine the effects of packaging and (LID 1050 film, Cryovac sealed air, Duncan, S.C., U.S.A.)

Food Chemistry
temperature on MRA of cooked ground beef patties, and (2) to using a semiautomatic Mondini tray-sealing machine (Model
assess the effects of temperature and pH on thermal stability of CV/VG-5, G. Mondini S.P.A. Cologne, Italy) and certified gas
NADH-dependent reductase, LDH, and OxyMb in vitro. blends (Stillwater Steel & Welding Supply, Stillwater, Okla.,
U.S.A.). Packaged patties were stored in the dark at 0 ±
Materials and Methods 2 °C for 48 h. The remaining 3 patties were used to characterize d
0 (no packaging and storage) raw meat color, cooked color, lipid
Objective 1: Effects of packaging and temperature oxidation, and MRA. Of the 3 patties assigned to each packaging
on cooked patties MRA x temperature combination, 2 patties were designated to either
Patties preparation and packaging. Fresh coarse ground 65 or 71 °C endpoint cooking temperatures. The third patty was
chubs (85% lean, n = 6, 4.5 kg) were obtained from a local pur- utilized to measure pH, lipid oxidation, internal raw meat color,
veyor on the day of preparation and the coarse ground beef was and raw patties MRA. The extra ground beef from each chub was
fine ground using a LEM meat grinder (LEM Big Bite Grinder, utilized to measure proximate composition.
West Chester, Ohio, U.S.A.). From each chub, 9 patties (1 cm
thickness × 10.5 cm dia, 113 g) were prepared using a patty Analysis of pH and proximate composition. The pH of
press (Adjust-A-Burger, Boyd’s Equipment Inc., Amarillo, Tex., ground beef patties was determined by inserting a pH probe at
U.S.A.). Three out of the 9 patties were randomly allotted 2 different locations within a patty. An Accumet combination
to vacuum packaging (VP, Prime Source Vacuum Pouches, glass electrode connected to an Accumet 50 pH meter (Fisher
4 mil; Koch Supplies Inc., Kansas City, Mo., U.S.A.) and 3 Scientific, Fairlawn, N.J., U.S.A.) was used to measure pH. The
to high-oxygen modified atmospheric packaging (HiOX-MAP, readings were averaged for statistical analysis.
80% oxygen and 20% carbon dioxide). The HiOX-MAP pat- Proximate analysis was conducted using an AOAC-approved
ties were placed in Rock-Tenn DuraFreshTM rigid trays with (Official Method 2007.04) near-infrared spectrophotometer
absorbent pads and sealed with a clear, multi-layer barrier film (FOSS Food ScanTM 78800; Dedicated Analytical Solutions,

1.2 Figure 1–Effects of packaging and storage time on

d 0 - VP TBARS values of raw ground beef patties. a–b, least
b squares means with different superscripts are
Lipid oxidation (mg MDA/kg meat)

d 2 - VP different (P < 0.05). d 0, patties were stored for 2 h in
the dark. d 2, patties packaged in high oxygen
d 2 - HiOX-MAP modified atmosphere (HiOX-MAP) or in vacuum (VP)
were stored in the dark for 48 h.


0.4 a


Days of storage and packaging

Vol. 82, Nr. 2, 2017 r Journal of Food Science 305

Beef reducing activity and cooked color . . .

DK-3400 Hillerod, Denmark). The compositional values were of Witte and others (1970) as an indicator of lipid oxidation. On
reported on a percent (%) basis. day 0 and day 2, 5 g of ground beef that contained surface and
Raw surface and internal color measurement. Raw sur- interior was mixed with 25 mL trichloroacetic acid (TCA) solu-
face color was recorded on day 0 (2 h) and day 2 (48 h). Following tion (11% [w/v]; Sigma Aldrich), blended with a Waring table
surface color readings, patties were butterflied, and the internal top blender (Dynamics Corp. of America, New Hartford, Conn.,
color was recorded immediately. A HunterLab MiniScan spec- U.S.A.) for 30 s. The homogenate was filtrated through a What-
trophotometer (2.54-cm diameter aperture, illuminant A, and 10° man (No. 1) filter paper (Fisher Scientific, Bohemia, N.Y., U.S.A.).
standard observer; HunterLab Associates, Reston, Va., U.S.A.) was The filtrate (1 mL) was mixed with 20 mM TBA and incubated
used to record color. For both VP and HiOX-MAP patties, values in a boiling (100 °C) water bath (Isotemp; Fisher Scientific) for
of the Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage (CIE) L∗ , a∗ , and 10 min. The absorbance at 532 nm was measured using a Shimadzu
b∗ , and reflectance from 400 to 700 nm were recorded at 2 random UV-2600 UV-Vis spectrophotometer (Shimadzu Inc., Columbia,
locations within a patty. Values of a∗ and b∗ were used to calculate M.D., U.S.A.). The blank consisted of a mixture of TCA and TBA
chroma (C) = ( [a∗2 + b∗2 ]). Reflectance from 400 to 700 nm solutions (1:1, v/v).
was used to determine K/S values at 474 and 610 nm (AMSA Cooking. Patties were cooked to an internal endpoint temper-
2012) to measure DeoxyMb and OxyMb, respectively. ature of either 65 or 71°C using a George Foreman clam-shell grill
Metmyoglobin reducing activity. MRA was determined on (Salton Inc., Columbia, Mo., U.S.A.). The internal temperature
Food Chemistry

day 0 (2 h) and day 2 (48 h) according to a methodology described of each patty was measured using a handheld probe thermome-
by Sammel and others (2002). Briefly, fresh cut interior surface ter (AccuTuff 340, Atkins, Gainesville, Fla., U.S.A.) inserted into
was immersed in a 0.3% sodium nitrite solution (Sigma Aldrich, the geometric center. The temperature at the upper and lower
St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A.) for 20 min to oxidize OxyMb/DeoxyMb grill surfaces was maintained at 170 to 180 °C. After reaching
to MetMb. After incubation, patties were removed, blotted the desired temperature, patties were placed into vacuum pouches
dry, vacuum packaged (Prime Source Vacuum Pouches, 4 mil; (Prime Source Vacuum Pouches, 4 mil; Koch Supplies Inc.) and
Koch Supplies Inc.), and immediately scanned for pre-incubation held in ice to avoid postcooking temperature rise.
MetMb reflectance values from 400 to 700 nm with a HunterLab After 5 min in ice, patties were bisected parallel to the grilled
Miniscan XE Plus spectrophotometer. Metmyoglobin reduction surfaces and color of the freshly cut interior was measured using a
was accomplished by incubating the samples at 30 °C for 2 h. HunterLab Miniscan XE Plus spectrophotometer. Internal a∗ and
Samples removed from the incubator were rescanned for postincu- b∗ values were used to calculate chroma.
bation reflectance spectra. MRA was estimated as (% reflectance at Modified MRA for cooked ground beef patties. Follow-
630 nm – % reflectance at 580 nm; AMSA 2012). ing the interior color measurements, freshly cut cooked patty
Lipid oxidation. Thiobarbituric acid (TBA) reactive sub- interior was used to measure MRA as described in the previous
stances (TBARS) values were measured according to the procedure section for raw patties. Only modification in the procedure was

30 Figure 2–Effects of packaging and temperature on

internal redness (a∗ ) of ground beef patties. a–c,
least squares means with different superscripts are
different (P < 0.05).

65°C 71°C

a* values


a a



306 Journal of Food Science r Vol. 82, Nr. 2, 2017

Beef reducing activity and cooked color . . .

following vacuum packaging, samples were incubated at 30 °C via increased absorbance at 340 nm recorded for 120 s during
for 4 h. A longer post-incubation time was selected based on the the initial linear phase of the reaction using a Shimadzu UV-
preliminary studies to provide more time for reduction. 2600 UV-Vis spectrophotometer (Shimadzu Inc., Columbia, Md.,
U.S.A.). An increase in absorbance was utilized to calculate LDH
Objective 2: Thermal stability of LDH, NADH-dependent activity and expressed as μM/min/mg. Protein concentration was
reductase, and myoglobin determined by bicinchoninic acid method.
Thermal stability of LDH. LDH from bovine heart muscle Thermal stability of NADH-dependent reductase.
(Sigma-Aldrich) was dialyzed against 50 mM phosphate buffer at NADH-dependent reductase was isolated from bovine longis-
pH 5.6 (represents mean pH of normal meat) or 6.4 (indicates simus lumborum muscle (postmortem age of muscle was 7 d, pH
mean pH of dark-cutting beef) for an hour with a buffer change 5.6) according to Hagler and others (1979) and Faustman and
at 30 min to remove suspended ammonium sulfate. The dialyzed others (1988). Briefly, 200 g muscle devoid of visible fat and
LDH (9.45 mg/mL) was transferred to glass test tubes and incu- connective tissue was homogenized in cold distilled water for
bated in a continuous heat increment (3.5 °C/min) water bath. At 1 min using a Waring blender. The pH of the homogenate
desired endpoint temperatures (65, 71, 77, and 84 °C), test tubes was adjusted to 7.5 with 2 N ammonium hydroxide. The ho-
containing LDH solutions were withdrawn. mogenates were centrifuged at 13700 x g for 20 min and fil-
LDH activity was determined by measuring the generation of trated through a double-layer cheese cloth. The supernatant was

Food Chemistry
NADH as described in the following equation: brought to 40% ammonium sulfate saturation and centrifuged
at 13700 x g for 20 min and filtrated through a double-layer
L − Lactate + NAD+ ↔ Pyruvate + NADH+H+ cheese cloth. The resulting supernatant was made 70% ammo-
nium sulfate saturation and centrifuged at 13700 x g for 20 min.
Briefly, to initiate the reaction, 20 μL LDH (0.2 mM) was The pellet was resuspended in distilled water and dialyzed against
added in a polystyrene disposable cuvette (0.8 mL semi-micro 20 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 6.0) with 3 changes of
BRAND GMBH, Wertheim, Germany) containing 700 μL of 10 volumes each. The solution was centrifuged at 26000 x g for
50 mM citrate buffer (pH 7.4), 50 μL NAD+ (0.2 mM), and 30 min and resulting supernatant was applied to carboxymethyl
50 μL l-lactate (50 mM). The NADH formation was monitored cation exchange column (4 × 5 cm; GE Healthcare BS, Uppsala,

35 Figure 3–Effects of packaging and temperature on

chroma of the internal color of cooked ground beef
c patties. a–c, least squares means with different
superscripts are different (P < 0.05).


65°C 71°C

a a



Packaging type

Vol. 82, Nr. 2, 2017 r Journal of Food Science 307

Beef reducing activity and cooked color . . .

Sweden) previously equilibrated with 20 mM sodium phosphate reduction of equine MetMb solutions (0.15 mM) followed by 10
buffer (pH 6.0). The enzyme moved through the column unim- min oxygenation (Brown and Mebine 1969). Equine myoglobin
peded while the colored heme protein adhered to the matrix. shares 88.2% homology with bovine counterpart and has been
Fractions were collected and those with absorbance at 280 nm previously utilized to study cooked color in vitro (Hunt and others
were pooled and saturated with 70% ammonium sulfate, cen- 1999). Hydrosulfite in myoglobin solutions was removed using
trifuged at 13700 x g for 20 min. The pellet was dialyzed in a PD-10 desalting column (GE Healthcare BS) precalibrated
2 mM sodium phosphate (pH 7.0) to 1 mM EDTA. The solution with citrate buffer at pH 5.6 or 6.4. The desalting column is a
was centrifuged at 26000 x g for 30 min and resulting supernatant chromatographic gel filtration tool containing a Sephadex G-25
was applied to a diethylaminoethyl anion exchange column (4 × medium to purify proteins based on the molecular weight.
5 cm) which had been previously equilibrated with 2 mM sodium OxyMb solutions were heated in a continuous heat increment
phosphate (pH 7.0) to 1 mM EDTA. Elution was carried out by of 3.6 °C/min in a water bath (Isotemp 2223; Fisher Scientific,
a gradient formed from use 2 mM sodium phosphate (pH 7.0) to Marietta, Ohio., U.S.A.). The samples containing tubes were with-
1 mM EDTA and 20 mM sodium phosphate (pH 7.0) to 1 mM drawn at given endpoint temperatures (65, 71, 77, or 84 °C). Heat
EDTA. The isolated NADH-dependent reductase was stored at treated solution were then transferred to Eppendorf tubes and cen-
−80 °C until needed. trifuged at 15000 x g for 5 min. The supernatant was centrifuged
To determine NADH-dependent reductase activity, the isolated for a 2nd time to remove additional turbidity. The resulting su-
Food Chemistry

enzyme was thawed at room temperature. The pH of the NADH- pernatant solutions were transferred into a disposable polystyrene
dependent reductase was adjusted by dialyzing against 50 mM cuvette (0.8 mL semi-micro BRAND GMBH, Germany) and
phosphate buffer either at pH 5.6 or 6.4. Reductase activity was the absorbance at 525 nm was recorded using a Shimadzu UV-
measured according to the methodology of Reddy and Carpenter 2600 UV-Vis spectrophotometer (Shimadzu Inc., Columbia, Md.,
(1991) in a polystyrene cuvette at 37 °C. The reaction mixture U.S.A.). Percentage of myoglobin denaturation was estimated us-
contained 0.15 mM equine metmyoglobin, 5 mM EDTA, 3 mM ing the equation: 
potassium ferrocyanide, 1 mM NADH, and one of the following: Percentage Mb denaturation = (A525 (raw OxyMb)
purified NADH-dependent reductase heated to 37, 45, 50, 55, − A525 (heated OxyMb)) /
65, 71, 77, or 84 °C. The reaction was initiated by adding NADH 
and was monitored by the changes in absorbance at 580 nm, and A525 (raw OxyMb) × 100
indicated by nanomoles of metmyoglobin reduced per min per mg
of protein. Statistical analysis. For the objective 1, the experimental de-
Thermal stability of OxyMb. OxyMb solutions were sign was a completely randomized block design. Each chub served
prepared via sodium hydrosulfite (0.01 mg/mL) mediated as a block. For the objective 2, the experimental design was a

40 Figure 4–Effects of packaging and storage time on

internal MRA of raw ground beef patties. a–b, least
d0 d2
squares means with different superscripts are different (P
< 0.05). %MRA = [%reflectance at
35 b b 630 nm − %reflectance at 580 nm]. A greater number
indicates more MRA.








308 Journal of Food Science r Vol. 82, Nr. 2, 2017

Beef reducing activity and cooked color . . .

completely randomized. Both objectives were replicated 6 times. Effects of packaging and storage time on lipid oxida-
The data were analyzed using the Mixed Procedure of SAS 9.3. tion. There was a significant effect of packaging x time interac-
For the objective 1, least squares means were generated to assess tion observed for lipid oxidation (Figure 1). HiOX-MAP patties
the effects of packaging, temperature, storage time, and their inter- had greater (P < 0.05) TBARS values than VP patties. Storage
actions for raw surface and internal color, lipid oxidation, MRA, time significantly increased TBARS values in HiOX-MAP patties
and cooked color. For the objective 2, least squares means were (P < 0.05) but had no effect on patties packaged in vacuum (P >
generated to assess the effect of temperature, pH, and their inter- 0.05).
action on thermal stability of LDH, NADH-dependent reductase, Effects of packaging and temperature on cooked inter-
and OxyMb. For all analyses, protected F-test was used to separate nal color. There was a significant packaging x temperature inter-
least squares means using the PDIFF option in SAS (P < 0.05). action for cooked internal meat color (a∗ values and chroma). Beef
patties packaged in HiOX-MAP had lower (P < 0.05) a∗ values
Results (indicative of well-done appearance) than VP patties irrespective
Objective 1: Effects of packaging and temperature on MRA of the temperature (Figure 2). There was no difference in internal
cooked meat color (a∗ values) between HiOX-MAP ground beef
of cooked beef patties
patties at 65 and 71 °C (P > 0.05). The intensity of the internal
pH and proximate composition. The average pH of ground
color (chroma; Figure 3) of ground beef patties followed the same
beef was 5.73 ± 0.02. Moisture, protein, and fat content in per-

Food Chemistry
pattern as that of internal a∗ values. Vacuum-packaged ground
centage were 62.87 ± 0.88, 18.61 ± 0.21, and 16.88 ± 0.73,
beef patties retained pinkish red color (P < 0.05) at 65 than at
71 °C as indicated by greater a∗ and chroma values.
Effects of packaging and time on raw surface and inter-
nal color. There was a significant effect of packaging and storage Effects of packaging and temperature on MRA. Packag-
time on surface redness (Table 1; P < 0.05). Ground beef pat- ing affected MRA of both raw and cooked ground beef (Figure 4
ties in HiOX-MAP had greater a∗ values and more intense red and 5; P < 0.05). Ground beef patties packaged in HiOX-MAP
color (chroma; P < 0.05) compared with VP ground beef pat- had lower (P < 0.05) raw and cooked meat MRA compared with
ties at both 2 and 48 h. Vacuum-packaged ground beef patties VP beef patties at the conclusion of 48 h. There was no difference
had a lower K/S474 ÷ K/S525 value (indicating more DeoxyMb; (P > 0.05) in cooked patty MRA for HiOX-MAP between 65 and
P < 0.05) than HiOX-MAP at 2 and 48 h. Patties in HiOX-MAP 71 °C. Cooked patty MRA decreased (P < 0.05) as temperature
had a lower (P < 0.05) K/S610 ÷ K/S525 ratio, indicating more increased for VP patties.
OxyMb on the surface than VP beef patties.
Patties packaged in VP had greater internal redness (P < 0.05) Objective 2: Effects of temperature and pH on thermal
than HiOX-MAP patties. This is probably due to the presence of stability of LDH, NADH-dependent reductase, and OxyMb
DeoxyMb in the interior and also its greater affinity to oxygen Activity of LDH. There was a significant pH × temperature
following exposure to air (time delay between cutting and taking interaction for LDH activity (P < 0.05; Figure 6). Up to 77 °C,
reading was approximately 90 s). LDH activity at pH 6.4 was almost 2-fold greater than that of LDH

20 Figure 5–Effects of packaging and temperature on

HiOx VP internal MRA of cooked ground beef patties. a–c,
c least squares means with different superscripts are
different (P < 0.05). %MRA = [% reflectance at
630 nm − %reflectance at 580 nm]. A greater
16 number indicates more MRA.



65°C 71°C

Vol. 82, Nr. 2, 2017 r Journal of Food Science 309

Beef reducing activity and cooked color . . .

at pH 5.6 (P < 0.05). The activity of LDH at both pHs increased 65 °C than VP steaks cooked at the same temperature. However,
concomitantly as temperature increased until 77 °C, and then it limited studies have determined the role of MRA of cooked patties
dropped at 84 °C. The activity of LDH at 84 °C was similar for in cooked meat color development.
both pHs. Nevertheless, this study indicates that LDH was able to In this study, we determined nitric oxide-induced MRA of pat-
regenerate NADH at 84 °C. ties packaged in HiOX-MAP and VP at different temperatures.
Activity of NADH-dependent reductase. There was a Patties packaged in VP had greater reducing activity than those
pH × temperature interaction for NADH-dependent reductase in HiOX-MAP. A greater reducing activity indicates that MetMb
activity (Figure 7; P < 0.05). A greater temperature decreased reducing system retain some activity at cooking temperatures. Os-
NADH-dependent reductase activity. In general, NADH- born and others (2003) demonstrated heat-induced MetMb for-
dependent reductase demonstrated more resistance to temperature mation is reversible using cooked meat extracts and NADH. They
(P < 0.05) at pH 6.4 than pH 5.6. This was shown by a greater en- proposed that either a modified NADH-dependent reductase or
zyme activity exhibited across the range of temperatures at 6.4 than a new protein system with a ferryl myoglobin component was
at pH 5.6. Maximum activity was recorded at 45 °C compared responsible for the reduction observed under heating conditions.
with other endpoint temperatures. At 65 °C, NADH-dependent Ferryl myoglobin has been known to undergo a 2-electron reduc-
reductase did not show any activity at both pHs. tion by NADH to form OxyMb (Mikkelsen and Skibsted 1995).
OxyMb denaturation. A pH × temperature interaction was Various factors can influence red color in cooked patties (Corn-
Food Chemistry

significant for OxyMb denaturation (Figure 8; P < 0.05). For forth and others 1991). Van Laack and others (1996) reported
both pHs, the increase in temperature resulted in more myoglobin that incomplete denaturation of myoglobin was responsible for
denaturation (P < 0.05). At 84 °C, both pHs showed maximum pink color in ground beef patties cooked to 71 °C. Similarly,
denaturation. Denaturation of OxyMb was lower (P < 0.05) at Osborn and others (2003) observed that heated MetMb was re-
pH 6.4 than pH 5.6 when OxyMb solutions heated at 71 and duced to a red pigment that had a similar spectrum as that of
77 °C. OxyMb. They also demonstrated that reacting reducing or oxi-
dizing agents with heated myoglobin yielded characteristic spectra
Discussion of DeoxyMb or MetMb, respectively. A reducing system capable of
As expected, in this study packaging had a significant effect reducing MetMb extract at cooking temperatures was responsible
on cooked meat color development. HiOX-MAP made patties for the red color (Osborn and others 2003). In support, Bernofsky
very susceptible to PMB compared with PVC and VP. This is and others (1959) noted that 95% of cooked ground beef extract
primarily due to differences in myoglobin forms present within was constituted by OxyMb. This suggests that reduction of meat
the interior of patties before cooking (Hunt and others 1999; John pigments can occur in cooked meats. High temperature has been
and others 2004, 2005; Seyfert and others 2004). In this study, shown to cause MetMb formation (Brooks 1935) due to release
patties packaged in HiOX-MAP had a lower internal meat color of oxygen from the oxygenated pigment and also due to oxida-
compared with VP. Suman and others (2009) indicated that the tion. This study is the 1st to report differences in MRA of cooked
interior of steaks packaged in HiOX-MAP had lower a∗ values at patties in situ.

20 e Figure 6–Effects of pH and temperature on LDH

activity. a–e, least squares means with different
superscripts are different (P < 0.05).
pH5.6 pH6.4

LDH activity (μM/min/mg)


10 c

8 b b
b b


65°C 71°C 77°C 84°C


310 Journal of Food Science r Vol. 82, Nr. 2, 2017

Beef reducing activity and cooked color . . .

Previous studies indicated that factors influencing raw reducing Antioxidants and chelators have been used in meats to coun-
activity of meats seemingly affected cooked reducing activity (Van teract the damaging effects of lipid oxidation products (Shahidi
Laack and others 1996; Osborn and others 2003). Vacuum packag- and others 1987; Suman and others 2011). The addition of ery-
ing has been associated with greater enzymatic MetMb reduction thorbate improved total reducing activity and internal cooked
and limited lipid oxidation (Stewart and others 1965). However, color of ground beef patties than the controls (Suman and others
high oxygen conditions promote lipid oxidation. Lipid oxidation 2005). Similarly, other research demonstrated the effects of tricar-
products can minimize enzyme activity and its ability to regener- boxylic acid cycle substrate such as succinate can improve redness
ate NADH (Ramanathan and others 2014). Thus, modification of of cooked patties (Ramanathan and others 2013). Hence, increased
enzyme involved in MetMb reduction, in part, can be responsible reducing activity can influence redox state of myoglobin within
for the lower MRA of patties in HiOX-MAP and cooked at 65 the patties.
and 71 °C.

e Figure 7–Effects of pH and temperature on

3000 NADH-dependent reductase activity. a–e, least squares
means with different superscripts are different (P <

Food Chemistry
pH5.6 pH6.4 0.05).

Reductase activity in nM/min/mg




500 a
a a
37°C 45°C 50°C 55°C 65°C


e Figure 8–Effects of pH and temperature on

d e oxymyoglobin denaturation. a–e, least squares means
with different superscripts are different (P < 0.05).
Percentage of myoglobin denatured

pH 5.6 pH 6.4




10 a
a a

65°C 71°C 77°C 84°C


Vol. 82, Nr. 2, 2017 r Journal of Food Science 311

Beef reducing activity and cooked color . . .

The thermal stability of NADH-dependent reductase, LDH, greater sensitivity to temperature. Myoglobin has the lowest index
and OxyMb were determined to investigate the reducing activity (15.13). LDH has an intermediary instability index (27.60) which
in cooked meat. NADH-dependent reductase had a lower thermal is much lower than that of NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase es-
stability when compared with LDH and OxyMb. The activity of timated to be 48.02. The latter is classified as an unstable protein.
NADH-dependent reductase was pH and temperature dependent. As expected, high pH has a protective effect on myoglobin denat-
The pH/temperature combination that gave optimal reductase ac- uration. Less denaturation was reported at pH 6.4 than at pH 5.6.
tivity in this study was pH 6.4/45 °C. Irrespective of pH, there was These results confirmed previous findings on the effect of pH on
no NADH-dependent reductase activity at 65 °C. This suggests myoglobin denaturation (Hunt and others 1999).
that NADH-dependent reductase may be destroyed at cooking
temperatures and may not be involved in MetMb reduction. Conclusion
There exist other enzymatic and nonenzymatic reduction sys- Raw ground beef patties with greater reducing activity can
tems such as diaphorase and NAD(P)H-quinone oxidoreduc- have more predictable interior cooked color. Further, reducing
tase that are capable of reducing MetMb (Echevarne and others activity in cooked patties suggests that enzymes involved in MRA
1990; Bekhit and Faustman 2005; Elroy and others 2015). Os- are functional at cooking temperatures, and have the potential
born and others (2003) suggested that partially denatured NADH- to influence MRA. Developing strategies to improve reducing
dependent reductase may be responsible for reducing activity at activity in ground beef can result in predictable internal cooked
Food Chemistry

cooking temperatures. Based on this study and previous find- meat color.
ings (Echevarne and others 1990), it is less likely that denatured
NADH-dependent reductase is responsible for MetMb reduction Authors’ Contributions
at elevated temperatures. However, in a complex system, inter- B. A. Djimsa conducted research, collected data, and drafted the
action among different meat compounds may protect NADH- manuscript; A. Abraham conducted research; G. G. Mafi critically
dependent reductase from a complete denaturation, thus allowing evaluated the manuscript; D. L. VanOverbeke conducted statistical
MetMb reduction. Further research is needed to elucidate the analysis; R. Ramanathan conceived the idea, designed experiment,
mechanism of MRA in cooked patties. and proof read the manuscript.
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