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Chapter 1



People are less likely to feel so alone when they are with others who have had

comparable experiences. People are more willing to speak openly about subjects like

how to deal with a demanding employer, how to enhance work performance, or how to

deal with the pressures of the workplace in small groups.

In today’s society, corporate wellness programs aim to focus on helping those

employees in improving their health, specifically mental health, to lower the risk of

having heart-related diseases, of course mental problems, and other illnesses that will

cause additional payments for the employers. With that, employers start to focus on the

mental health of their employees by providing referrals to seek mental health

professionals while digging down the drivers that influence people’s stability including

in their status and emotions inside and outside their workplace.

According to Pathak (2022) On “A Complete Guide to Corporate Wellness

Programs Section 2: What are Corporate Wellness Programs”, the corporate wellness

program is an employer’s strategy for creating a healthy work environment. He also

stated that in order to enhance the wellbeing of its employees, it should includes

wellness practices into daily life. Comparatively, adopting a holistic strategy to create a

better workplace culture.

A company’s assets, rather than those valuable assets, are the employees. The

first approach to ensuring good employee wellness is to keep them healthy and happy.

Businesses are under constant stress and have longer working hours. To hold

employees accountable and encourage them to perform at their highest level, it only
makes sense for a firm to offer wellness solutions. In the modern world, the emphasis

is no longer primarily on income. The highest rankings are held by work-life balance

policies, job satisfaction, and appreciation.

The Concentrix office at the Tera Tower in Bridgetowne, Quezon City is made up

of 11 state-of-the-art floors for both operations and back office work, a special hub for

recruitment, and some amenities like a central cafeteria, a clinic, shower suites, a

fitness center, and a wellness area for mothers (Vicente, 2016).

Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework

Statement of the Problem


Scope and Limitations of the Study

Significance of the Study

Definition of Terms

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