Storage Devices

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1. Name 3 types of storage media.

1. Optical media
2. Solid state
3. Magnetic tape

2. Explain the working of Hard disks.

Hard disks are made up of many concentric platters. These

platters make up cylinder that spins on a central spindle. A
read/write head moves on an arm across tracks on the platter.

3. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of Hard disk.

Advantages Disadvantages
-The data access speed is really -The protability is not suitable
-Its cost per GB is high
- Its maximum capacity varies up
to 128 GB
4. Compare and contrast the three main types of Optical Storage Media.

CD DVD Blue Ray

-It can store up to -Looks very much -Disks are similar to
700MB of data. like CDS. Data is CDs and DVDs, but
written to DVDs use a scratch-
-The data is written using a shorter protection coating
to the disk using a wavelength of red
laser, which writes laser light, which -Violet laser light is
data to plastic layer allows DVDs to used to store data
beneath layers of store more data. at greater density
aluminum and than a red laser
acrylic. -They can store light used in DVDs.
4.7GB on a single-

5. What is flash media, and how is it different from hard disk drives? Give one example of a
popular flash media device.

Flash media are more energy-efficient than hard disks as they

do not have moving parts. For the same reason, they are also
less likely to fail when they are moved around. This makes
them suitable for use in portable devices. Magnetic tape was
originally designed to record sound, but it is now also used to
store data.
6. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of a magnetic tape.
Advantages Disadvantages
-Its cos per GB is low -Its data access speed is slow
-Its uses is the whole systems
-Its maximum capacity varies
backups and archives up to 185 TB

-Its probability is not suitable

7. Compare and contrast the three main types of storage media: magnetic storage (e.g.,
hard disk drives), optical storage (e.g., CDs and DVDs), and solid-state storage (e.g.,
SSDs). Discuss their characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages, and provide
examples of typical use cases for each type.

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Research images of storage media and paste them into the boxes provided.
Hard Disk Drive Flash Memory

Magnetic Tape CD

DVD Blue Ray Disk

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