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ber 161-167 idstream in film technologies mit order eloped new " ionary i nec James Cameron was credited with singly hang (0 film reali ion gti But because of his legendary temper and deter, e-dead science fict nas one of the most difficult directors to Work for, gen, ive himself and his crew to the brinks of exhaustion, for num! peading comprehension i ‘an audacious visi int his creative visions i aon resurrecting set, Cameron also became kno con set, -_ true that he tie te 2 nied ion for blending film and technology, while effortlessly creating Welicrfe, i could dispute his pass! “+ was “Titanic” ‘ 4 his penchant for aliens and space, it was “Titanic (1997) that cements Cameten sell mat the ages. In fact “Titanic” was a seminal event in cinema terms of size, scope. a : pane a The film made Cameron a legend, despite the production nearly este jal success. ft nd, however, Cameron laid claim to being the one of the most proficent, admired ang him. inthe end, ( above all, successful directors in Hollywood history. a ato, US Cameron was born on Aug 16, 1954 in Kapuskasing, Ontario, Canada. As a youngster, he was Interested in astronomy and science fiction, even penning his own short stories. He developed ay obsession for building rockets and airplanes from junk piles; sills that later translated into building 15 models on set. A voracious reader, Cameron consumed books as a child, making him verbally anj ‘mentally precocious enough to skip a grade in school. But his most significant moment came when hesaw Stanley Kubrick’s "2001: A Space Odyssey” (1968). After high school, he enrolled at Califoris State University Fullerton, where he studied physics for a year, before dropping out and working Despite his sin nto a mundane lie, Cameron remained obsessed with movies roduction, it was a nightmare Cameron hat write his first screenplay, “The Terminator’ ting, Gale Anne Hurd, whi of robot assassin from th (1984), He made friends 25 married and convinced to buy the script f _ film. With @ budget ofa ipt for a buck round $6.5 mill but on the condition that he directs the > making performances Seek composition, expertly edited action The Terminator” mance by heretofore body builder Arnold Scwharzenegge! The vis of the passage? eotd om arouses 11808 sion eon 25 Cameron 162.1tcan be inferreg omy . he care PS Cameron Cameron atttuy Massage that a Mol anes Cameron A. Annoying 4° f0Ward his crewis.. "5 Cameron 8 be Demanding ©. Irritating y{e__ D. Frustrating fe word voracious Wie L915 closest in 3 © Because of hi following? S talent to meaning to which of the following leading actors 0 choose his C. Straight b, a. Eager - Because of his a less D. Smart te PPFOACH to the alm, 8, Carele Ythical materia) + ost agtveauthor mentions al ofthe following as 166 Where did James ¢ jobs performed by James Cameron EXCEPT abandoned his ogy A. Ontario ‘A Director C. Screenwriter B. Los Angeles 8. setmodeler —D. Producer ©. Fullerton sg.whyislames Cameron a significant figure in 2. Hollywood the history of cinema? 167.The word it in line 23 refers to... ‘A. Because of his enthusiasm to blend film A. Positive result and technology B. Anightmare 8 Because of his temper and determina- _C. The production tion D. Arobot assassin Reading 2 for questions 168-174 Dadaism or Dada is a post-World War cultural movement in visual art as well. as literature (mainly poetry), theatre and graphic design. The movement was, among other things, a protest against the ®arbarsm of The War and what Dadaists believed was an oppressive intellectual rigidity in both art ind everyday society; its works were characterized by a deliberate irrationality and the rejection of "Ye previling standards of art. It influenced later movements including Surrealism. Dada probably began in the Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich in 1916 (by some accounts on October 6) and there were active Dadaists in New York such as Marcel Duchamp and the Liberian art student, “eatice Wood, who had left France at the onset of World War |. At around the same time there had “S213 Dadaists movement in Berlin, Hanover, Cologne, and Paris. In 1920, Max Emst, hans Arp and 4.2lscuist Alfred Grunwald set up the Cologne Dada group. The French avant-grade kept abreast Aida activities in Zurich ddue to the regular communications from Tristan Tzara, who exchanged ee and magazines with French writers, critics and artists. But while broad reaching, the hi also unstable: artists went on to other ideas and movements, including Surrealism, alism and other: forms of modernism. brat i of World War Il, many of the European Dadaists storensis had fled or been ‘tings = inthe United states, some died in death camps under Hitler, who personally disliked in ical art that dada represented. The movement became less active as post-World War msm led to new moka The inty Fina Voltaire fellinto disrepair untilit was occupied by a group claiming teed Neo-dadaists at juseum dedicate Hitany ue ‘Of 2002, After their eviction the Cabaret Voltaire became am\ Icated to the and the Dada movement. ments in art and literature. (Adapted from various sources ~ PTT BppK) CC. Intriguing 2 68, What is the main idea of the passabe’ ne p. Challenging he for he reason behind the forming of story of Dadaism as tI 1A, The history 4172. What was tl art ements of yadaism? B. The account of unstable movt el eee ipaencz of surrealism Dadaism m of World War | asa protest The barbarist The radical art of Dadaism 5 Te atonal ofthe Dads aerial ‘ igm of the movement D. The correspondence of Dadaism artists . The radicalism o behind the decline 169. The pronoun who in line 8 refers to 173.What was the case be pine of padaist movement during the dawn of Wor, ‘A. Marcel Duchamp War in Europe? B. Voltaire , . C. Max Ernst A. The artist were fled into modernism D. Beatrice Wood B. Some of the artist disliked the radical art implies that the } 170.The author of the passage Imp C. The artist were pushed into exile by most important feature for Dadaist art was Hitler D. Some of the artist moved into optimism |A. The intellectual rigidity of art fea acean 174,What is NOT mentioned in the passage as Gy Taeabeurcty oferta kinds of arts movements besides Dadaism? D. The reality of art objects A. Realism 171.Which of the following words could best 8. Surrealism substitute the word prevailing in line S? Socialism A. Fascinating D. Modernism 8. Existing Reading 3 for question 175-180 Hydrogen, one of earth's most abundant elements, once was seen petroleum driven, easy to produce, available everywhere and non energy was defeated by a mountain of obstacles, the difficulty of carrying the fuel in large, : Automakers turned to biofuels, as green energy's answer to the i polluting when burned. Hydrogen the fear of explosion by the highly flammable gS, heavy tanksin the vehicl le, and the lack of rk electric or the gas-lecric hybrid refueling netwo' But hydrogen, it turns out, never was com, entrepreneurs claim to have brought hi lighter containers, Rat bulky scuba gear, hydi ete ei Out of the race. Now Israeli scientists and Sipe step closer by putting it in much smallet e cylinders of compressed gas that look lke drogen ther than using metal orc rogen is packed into gl ae 818s filaments which, on hale These 370 glas capillaries are bundled ee s cee niet a glass tube called a capulla! clentist * SY 11.000 such arrays will fuel a car for 400 eight of tanks, currently installed in the few hydrose* eo It can be inferred from the passage that pillar array is. A. Simpler than scuba tank 8. More complex than scuba tank © More intricate than scuba tank . Cheaper than scuba tank {entists make no attempt to improve the standard fuel cell, whis is not much different hen it 0 years ago. A fuel cell makes electricity from chemical rogen and oxygen, producing only water vapor as a byproduct. The fuel cell ® standard car's engine, while the capillary arrays would be comparable to itis unlikely to gain traction without a jould need a distribution system and the of dollars into their own closely guarded \d hydrogen research is the need to break imed for climate change, especially carbon out 13 percent of manmade carbon to the duced from water through electrolysys, or hemical plants. Within few years, perhaps Ince away from oil. (Adapted from various sources - PTT BPPK) 178.The word rein in in line 21 could be best. replaced by... A. Strap C. Limit B. Secure D. guide 179.According to the passage, why was the hydrogen less preferable energy source to petroleum? A. Because it was highly flammable B. Because it boasted zero emissions C. Because it was a waste of nuclear reactors Because it was the abundant elements on earth 180.The following are the reasons why the hydro- en technology unlikely gains a development EXCEPT. A. Itneeds a lot of money to scale up de- velopment It needs a lot of refueling network 'tneeds a steady distribution system needs the support of major car com panies at ini, terdapat 157.0, to attend. Dalam kali: ey arllelism” yang berart be .na “studying, working’, Kata tara, yaitl bentuk kesetaraan, Kare selanjutnya seharusnya juga 5 bentuk gerund “attending” 158.8. he. Seharusnya kita menggunakan “object pronoun’, yaitu “him” karena dia berfungsi sebagai objek (setelah kata kerja), bukan subjek 159.C. the best. Kalimat ini merupakan kalimat yang mengandung “double comparative” dengan aturan the adj. Comparative... the adj. Comparative .... Sehingga “the best” seharusnya diganti “the better”. 160.A. had. Kata “had” lebih tepat jika diganti dengan “have” karena “have yet to.” berarti “belum’, dan tidak ada keterangan waktu dalam kalimat tersebut yang menunjukkan waktu lampau, 161.C. the career of James Cameron. Secara keseluruhan, paragraf tersebut menceritakan tentang perjalanan karir James Cameron, 162.B. demanding. “menuntut”. Pilihan yang lain ‘menunjukkan persamaan makna. “brinks Of exhaustion’, dalam kalimat kedua juga ‘menunjukkan sifat “menuntut” 63.A. eager. Artinya, dia sangat suka membaca, 54.8. Set modeler, Teiah disebutkan dengan cukup gamblang dalam paragraf tersebut bahwa James bekerja sebagai “director, Screenwriter, producer” ¥5.. because of his enthusiasm to blend film and technology. Cukup jlas, "6B. Los Angles. hat di paragrat tiga, 7.G.the production, Cukup jelas, 168, A. the history o! Dass! ! Lihat paragraf terakhit. 169.0. Beatrice Wood. Cukup jelas 170.A. the intellectual rigidity of art. Unat para, graf pertama dalam kalimat kedua 171.8. existing. Artinya adalah standar umum, atau yang saat itu berlaku secara Umum, Ha) ini dapat diraba berdasarkan konteks kalimat, 172.8. the barbarism of World War |. Lihat paragraf pertama dalam kalimat kedva 173.C.the artists were pushed into exile by Hitler, Lihat paragraf keempat. 14.C. socialism. Lihat paragraf ketiga. Yang ada bukanlah “socialism”, melainkan socialist realism. 175.0. to discuss the breakthrough in hydrogen technology. Cukup jelas. Secara umum mem- bahas tentang terobosan teknologihidrogen Pilihan lain kurang tepat. 176.8. hydrogen energy, Cukup jelas. 177A. simpleer than scuba tank. Lihat paragraf kedua dalam kalimat terakhir, 178.A. strap. “rein in” berarti kekangan, sehingga paling mendekati sama dengan “strap”, yaitu ikatan, 179.8, because it was highly flammable. Lihat Paragraf pertama dalam kalimat kedua d- Sebutkan mengenai hambatan-hambatanny 180.8. it needs a lot of refueling network. Lihat Paragraf terakhir, Reading 2 for a une yestion 167-173 fection ofthe lungs that caused by bacteria, viruses, . ee many eration of te alveoli the lungs or by alveott that are fle senses ore micescope sacs the ngs that absorb Oxygen. At times a very seHous ton aneumern cas ae a petson very sicko even cause death, Aithough the disease SSroceur nyoung and heathy people is most dangerous for adults, bales, ancl people W/ Stor aseases or pated meme systems fungi, or parasites. Inthe United States, more than 3 million people develop pneumonia each year, and about 179 of these receive treatment in a hospital. Most people with pneumonia recover, but about ‘5% wl secu to this condition, exeumonia weatments depend on the type of pneumonia and the sex toms leumonia and the severity af symptor Sacteral Preumoria. ate usually Seated with antibiotics, whereas viral pneumonias ave treated ons. Over-the-counter medications are also commant fe treatment for reducins ‘3hs. wadcition, 111s impotant to get pl Imriasotorn ese ee 1S suppressing cou in There are several ways to prevent pneumonia, There are two vaccines that vent pneumococcal disease (the bacterial infection that is the most common .ccal conjugate vaccine (Prevnar) and pneumococcal polysac {Preumovay). Prevnar is generally administered as part of the normal infant im ind is recommended for children less than 2 years of age between tw, Ath certain medical conditions. Pneumovax is provided for adults who are at Geveloping pneumococcal pneumonia, such as the elderly, diabetics, those with chy jung. or kidney disease, alcoholics, smokers, and those without a spleen. The pneumo maynot completely prevent older adults from getting pneumoni: pre pronia): preumococ cedure at of a future pneumonia. 167.What is NOT mentioned in the passage who are at increased risk of developing pneumonia? A. Those without a spleen 8. Those with chronic heart ©. Those without a kidney D. Those with diabetes disease 168 Where in the paragraph which tells about the explanation of pneumococcal disease? A Line 4-6 B. Line 12-14 . Line 16-18 ©. Line 19-21 168. What does the pronoun these in line 14 refer to? A. Pneumonia symptoms 8. Antifungal medications © Fungal pneumonias ©. Over-the-counter medications 70.According to the Passage above, how many People in the United States receive treatment ‘or their pneumonia disease? 150 thousand 500 thousand 2,5 millions 3 millions > with rest and plenty of fluids. Fun Mey 2 t and plenty of fluids. Fungal pneumonias are usually treated with antifungal medica’ 'y prescribed to better manage pret” 9 fever, rectucing aches and pains, a4 lenty of rest and steep and drink iors of are available to CAUSe of prey. ‘charide vaccine Munization pro. ‘0 and four years Increased risk of ronic heart, butit can reduce the severity (Adapted from various sources - PTT BpPK) 171. What is the main idea of the passage above? ‘A. The vaccines of pneumonia B. The symptoms of pneumonia C. The description of pneumonia D. The characteristics of pneumonia 172.What would the paragraph following this Passage likely discuss? A. How the vaccines work in preventing the pneumococcal disease B. How the severity of a future pneumonia affects older adults C._ How the pneumonia vaccines will be developed in the future 1. How the people with certain medical conditions react toward pneumonia 173.The word succumb in line 9 can best be replaced by A. die B. collapse C. suffer D. relapse 161. 162. 163 164. 165. 166. 167, 168, 169, 170, menyimpulkan; erpikit, reply = C. conclude = deduct react = bereaksi, thin membalas. cord the creation of the language: someone needs f a language's C. rect : See paragraph one, to be present at the time of creation...” B. they adapt the words... ihat paragraf kedua kalimat akhir, they adapted their words to create a new, expressive lan- guage” C. explannation of complex language for- mation. Lihat dalam pertengahan paragraf, “all it takes for a pidgin to become a complex language...”. secara keseluruhan paragraf kedua ini membicarakan ter- bentuknya bahasa yang kompleks secara runtut, bagaimana bisa menjadi sebuah bahasa percakapan B. systems. Perhatikan kalimatnya dengan baik, lihat kata-kata sebelumnya, C. a complex grammar system... dalam kalimat terakhir paragraf kedua, “Complex grammar systems which emerge from pid- ins are termed creoles”. C. those without a kidney. lihat paragraf terakhir, “..elderly, diabetics, those with Chronic heart, lung, or kidney disease, alcoholics, smokers, and those without 4 spleen." Bukan yang tidak punya ginjal, melainkan yang punya penyakit ginjal, Cline 16-18, Lihat paragraf terakhir kal ‘mat pertama, D. over-the-counter medicati choy sem ae cman (treatment, termasuk dala” ), suk dalam “medica- tion” (Pengobatan). Lihat subj ee subjek kalimat ions. “These B. 500 thousand. lihat million people develo year, and about 17% of ment "17% ards» Paragraf kedua “3 P Pneumonia each # these receive treat- a. 172. 173. 174, 175. 176. 17. 178, 179, 180, the description of pneumonia, Hy), ditandai dengan teks Yang diavali deny. arti dari istilah pneumonia, kermudian « jabarkan apa gejalanya, karakteristin, bagaimana pengobatan dan pencepat,, nya, dsb, Achow the vaccines work... simak pages terakhir dalam teks. ‘A. die = mati = succumb = tidak dapat by, tahan, collapse = tumbang/jatuh/rubyp, suffer = menderita, relapse = kambuh, C. they were plentiful in the northeast Lihat paragraf kelima kalimat kedua, “ 17 = and 18% ~ century America, they were so abundant”. Abundant = plenty B,to introduce the nature of lobster. Secas umum, teks tersebut membahas beberapi hal alamiah tentang lobster, mulai daria itatnya, jenisnya, ciri-cirinya, populasina dsb. C. they can see better than smell. Yangter jadi justru sebaliknya. Lihat dalam paragr’ ketiga, “They have poor eyesight but...” . they stay in the water column, List Paragraf keempat, “The larvae go throug Several stages in the water column be fore...” A. eggs. Female lobsters carry their ea under their abdoments for up to 2 Ye before releasing them.... (sama se9&* ‘manusia, hamil dulu, baru dilahirkan, kalo lobster yang dilahirkan adalah 3" 8. they were considered a fancy meat U™ kalimat pertama paragraf pertama. U™ Juga paragrat kelima kalimat terakh Paragraf terakhir kalimat pertam® D. damaging = taking a toll = mem". vakan. (perburuan yang berlebina” 2p lobster itu membahayakan). 337 | memperingatkan, flourishing = ™°™ bangbiakkan, affecting = menveds0” i i 180 Reading 3 for question 174 ison alarge, val plate be. the lobster's most natural a on a undreds of pet fact, on! «da lemon wedge. 0 the most heavily harvested eo lobster are caught commercially. But those few species are oy ® ith more than 200,000 tons cratures in the sea, and generate 2 multi-bilion-dollarindust’y, W" ratur ; § (181,436 metrie tons) of annual global atch. Line To many, it may seem that tween a cup of drawn butter ane heir dinner plates are the American and Eu- m their 1s gammarus. These are cold water and ni rn. There are also tropical lobsters iy does varieties called spiny and slipper The lobsters that most people know fo ropean clawed lobsters Homerus americanus species that live on either sides of the northern that are widely consumed, but these are genera ro woe

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