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Names: Oblino, Euna Shielve Date:

Section: BSTM401A Score: / 30
I. Matching Type (10 items x 2 points): Categorize the following events to their respective types. Write the
letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each number.
Colum Column B
G Personality development workshop A. Corporate event
B. Social event
C. Religious event
H STI Head Office summer outing
D. Special event
2. E. Merchandising
E Jollibee’s new product launch event
F. Mega event
3. G. Scholastic event
I ASEAN Summit H. VIP event
I. Meeting
H Yacht party

D Bridal shower

E Bench fashion show

D December Avenue concert

F The Olympics

G 10. Holy Week recollection

II. Short Answers (2 items x 5 points): Respond to the following items in no more than three (3) sentences.
Write your responses on the space provided.
1. Differentiate workshops from masterclasses.

The difference between workshops and master class, is workshops is for beginners who want to
learn new skills. It is a hands on session where participants actively engaged in practical exercises
discussions and activities. Most participants of the workshops often learn by receiving guidance and
feedback from facilitators. While the masterclasses are those people who already have knowledge in the
field but want to deepen their expertise or refine their skills in a specific skills. This session is providing
advanced knowledge and techniques that may not be covered in a workshop.

2. Explain one (1) benefit of MICE by providing a situational example.

One of the benefits of mice is professional development. Through professional
development individuals can be offered by different opportunities to enhance their skills, knowledge,
and expertise with their respective fields. By attending conferences, workshops, and events where you
can actively engage with top experts in your chosen field where you can gain insight into the latest
industry trends, practices, and innovation. These kinds of events are often led by renowned speakers
and experts who share valuable insight and perspective fostering continuous learning and growth. It
also fosters opportunities that allow professionals to connect and engage with peers allowing them to
discuss debates and have interactive sessions during these gatherings. For example there is a software
developer attending a big tech conference. Throughout the conference they are not just sitting and
listening to boring lectures they are interacting with fellow developers about programming and coding,
brainstorming, insider tips, heading a success story,and finding potential collaborators for their next

Base your responses on this rubric:

Crite Performance Indicators Point
ria s
Content Provided pieces of evidence, supporting details, and factual 3
Organization of Expressed the points in a clear and logical arrangement 2

01 Activity 1 *Property of STI

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