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MAFA 500: Research Methods

Semester Year
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Course Description
This course provides an introduction to the scientific study of international relations. It
introduces students to the fundamentals of research design and empirical analyses.
Course Objectives
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
- identify research topics and formulate research questions
- conduct literature review and formulate testable hypotheses
- measure and operationalize their variables of interest
- employ appropriate methods to collect and analyze data
- draw appropriate inferences and communicate their research findings.
Course Material
Kellstedt, Paul M. and Guy D. Whitten. 2018. The Fundamentals of Political Science
Research, 3rd Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Course Assessment
Students will be assessed through weekly assignments (30%), a midterm exam (30%),
and a written (40%).
Course Schedule
Week 1: The Scientific Study of Politics
Week 2: The Art of Theory Building
Week 3: Evaluating Causal Relationships
Week 4: Research Design
Week 5: Measuring Concepts of Interest
Week 6: Getting to Know Your Data
Week 7: Midterm Exam
Week 8: Probability and Statistical Inference
Week 9: Bivariate Hypothesis Testing
Week 10: Two-Variable Regression Models
Week 11: The Basics of Multiple Regressions
Week 12: Categorical Independent Variable and Interactive Hypotheses
Week 13: Dummy Dependent Variables
Week 14: Time Series Data
Week 15: Final Paper and Presentation

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