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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Creating well-prepared individuals, cognitively and behaviorally

while focusing on developing psychomotor skills.
Madinat Al-Oloum International Schools
Learn Today , Lead Tomorrow ‫مدرسة مدينة العلوم العالمية‬
Academic Year 2023 / 2024

Social Studies Revision

2nd trimester 2023/2024
Name: …………………………… Class: 7/___ Date:……………………………….

Egyptian Religion
Question 1: Fill the blank with the correct answer:
1- Building the pyramids required a great deal of organization.
2- A pyramid could take more than 20years to build.
3- To get the blocks of stones into place, workers used sleds, wooden rollers and levers.
5- Osiris is the god of living and dead
6- Amon-Re who protected the rich and poor people.
7- Isis is a goddess
8- Horus who was the sky god
9- The things that gods wanted to control are life , death and workings of nature.
10- The ancient Egyptians buried their dead with food and other possessions?
11- The Egyptians believed that the gods controlled the working of nature to explain
why things occur, such as sunrise and sunset.
12- Ancient Egyptians believed in gods and after life.
13- The Egyptians built tombs to honor their gods and offered them food , gifts and
14- The pharaohs wanted their body and possessions to be safe from robbers.
15- The Egyptians carried stones to the building site from quarries near and far.
16- Then they cut building blocks from the stone. Next, they used sleds, wooden
rollers, and levers to push huge blocks up ramps of the level they were working on.
17- The peasants were forced for a few months at a time under the supervision of
skilled craftsmen.
18- The Egyptians believed that their gods and goddesses controlled the working of
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Creating well-prepared individuals, cognitively and behaviorally
while focusing on developing psychomotor skills.
Madinat Al-Oloum International Schools
Learn Today , Lead Tomorrow ‫مدرسة مدينة العلوم العالمية‬
Academic Year 2023 / 2024

19- The chief god of the ancient Egyptians was Amon-Re.

20- The Egyptians also worshiped certain principle gods, such as the sun god, Re
and falcon god, Horus.
21- Isis was worshiped as the greater mother who protected her children.
22- The ancient Egyptians believed the spirits of the dead made their way to the
afterlife in heavenly boats.

Question 1- Define :
A-Afterlife: a life after death.

B- Mummy: the preserved body of a dead person.

C- Pyramids: huge building with four slopping triangle-shaped sides.


Question 3: Put [T] on the correct sentences and [F] on the wrong ones:

1- Building pyramids was a very dangerous work.( T )

2- Modern archeologists believe that the pyramid workers were only slaves.
( F ) were not only slaves but rather peasants.
3- The Process of mummification was cheap. ( F ) expensive.
4- The Great Pyramid was built in the ancient city of Aswan . ( F ) Giza
5- The Pyramids were built to serve as tombs for Egyptian pharaohs. ( T )
6- The pharaohs of the Third Dynasty built the largest and most famous tombs.( F )
The Fourth Dynasty
7- Religion was an important part of daily life in ancient Egypt. ( T )
8- The sky god, Re was the son of Osiris and Isis. ( F ) Horus
9- Egyptian Gods were often portrayed as humans with animal heads. ( T )
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Creating well-prepared individuals, cognitively and behaviorally
while focusing on developing psychomotor skills.
Madinat Al-Oloum International Schools
Learn Today , Lead Tomorrow ‫مدرسة مدينة العلوم العالمية‬
Academic Year 2023 / 2024

10- They believed that gods controlled things like the rains, floods, sickness, and
death. ( T )
11- Amon-Re protected the rich and the poor. ( T )

Question 4: Answer the following questions:

A- Why did the Egyptians mummify their dead?
Egyptians believed that a person’s spirit would exist in the afterlife and would return to
the mummified body to receive food and offerings.

B- How do we know that the afterlife was important to ancient Egyptians?

Egyptians took great care to preserve bodies and create tombs to ensure a person’s
place and comfort in the afterlife.
C- What did the ancient Egyptians believe about Amon-Re??

The Egyptians believed that Amon-Re was born each morning in the east with
the sunrise and each evening he died in the west with the setting sun.


Ancient Egyptian Culture

Question 1- Define :
D-Hieroglyphs : Pictures and other written symbols that stand for ideas,
things, or sounds.

E- Papyrus: an early form of paper made from a reed plant found in the

marshy areas of the Nile delta, the plant used to make this paper.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Creating well-prepared individuals, cognitively and behaviorally
while focusing on developing psychomotor skills.
Madinat Al-Oloum International Schools
Learn Today , Lead Tomorrow ‫مدرسة مدينة العلوم العالمية‬
Academic Year 2023 / 2024

F- Astronomer: a scientist who studies the stars and other objects in the sky.

Question 2: Fill the blank with the correct answer:

1. The everyday life of the Egyptians was based on painting that covers the temples
and walls of tombs.
2. Egyptian paintings and carvings show royalty and ordinary people involved in all
aspects of life.
3. Slaves could own personal times and inherit from their masters.
4. Egyptians began using hieroglyphs to keep track of the kingdom’s growing wealth.
5. During the flood season, the peasant worked on roads, temples and other buildings.
6. Some hieroglyphs were sounds and some of them stand for ideas and things.
7. Egyptians established a system of writing and learned about astronomy and
8. Women were viewed as living models of Isis, the goddess of motherhood.
9. Historians could not read ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics until 1799 AD. A
soldier found a large stone later called the Rosetta Stone while digging a
fort in the Nile delta.
10. Because of mummification, ancient Egyptians knew a great deal about
the body.
11. Ancient Egyptians learned how to perform surgery on broken bones,
and they also used plants to create medicines.

Question 3: Put [ T] on the correct sentences and [ F ] on the wrong ones:

1. Prisoners captured in wars were made slaves. ( T )_____________________

2. The Egyptian society was strict and harsh. ( F ) _______________Flexible__

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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Creating well-prepared individuals, cognitively and behaviorally
while focusing on developing psychomotor skills.
Madinat Al-Oloum International Schools
Learn Today , Lead Tomorrow ‫مدرسة مدينة العلوم العالمية‬
Academic Year 2023 / 2024

3. The busiest season for the peasants was harvest season when men, women, and
children went into the fields to pick the crops. ( T )____________________
4. Most peasants worked the land of wealthy Egyptians. ( T )____________________
5. Below the upper class was the middle class of peasants. ( F ) ___ merchants and
skilled workers. _____
6. Slaves in Egypt could own personal items and inherit land from their masters,
occasionally they were also made free. ( T )____________________
7. The Rosetta Stone contained 3 languages on it, hieroglyphics, demotic (later Egyptian
writing), and Greek letters. ( T )____________________
8. In 1820, an English scholar named Jean Francois Champollion cracked the code. ( F )
___ French scholar _____
9. Egyptian women didn’t have the same rights as men and held various jobs throughout
the empire. ( F )____had the same rights_____
10. The Egyptian knew also about herbalism to make medicine from plants. ( T )______

Question 4: Answer the following questions:

A- How did the ancient Egyptians enable the women have an important place in

1. They had same of the rights that men had.

2. They could own property.

3. Run business

4. Enter into legal contracts.

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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Creating well-prepared individuals, cognitively and behaviorally
while focusing on developing psychomotor skills.
Madinat Al-Oloum International Schools
Learn Today , Lead Tomorrow ‫مدرسة مدينة العلوم العالمية‬
Academic Year 2023 / 2024

5. Traveled about freely.

6. They performed many roles – from priestess to dancer.

B- How was the ancient Egyptian society organized?

1. At he top ( pharaoh ).

2. Small upper class ( priests , members of the Pharaoh’s court and nobles ).

3. Middle class, made up of merchants and skilled workers .

4. The largest class, the peasants.

5. At the bottom ( slaves ).


|End of Questions

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