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5, adjective 6. adver 7. adjective 5. adjective 9, adver 10. adverb 17.1 Prepositions (Page 37) Practice 1 Exercise 1 Identifying Prepositions Exercise 2 Using Prepositions in Sentences ‘Sample prepositions are given. instead of of behind in front of during ‘opposite ‘on account of side beyond 10. by means of 17.1 Prepositions (Page 38) Practice 2 Exercise 1 Recognizing Prepositions Prepositions are underlined. Sample given, eexoueun ‘She placed the lower pots on the ‘windows = 5. through How did you get out of the trafic ring The stamp show begins vacation ross A housing develop ng the river. 8. hear Let’s pick the strawberries beyond the fence, Exercise 2 Recognizing Compound Prepositions Prepositions are «underlined. Sample sentences are giver 1. im back of The broken lawnmover is behind the barn, 2. In front of Near the ent note. 3. next to The new highway passes below the ‘foothills. 4, In addition to Along with the application, you must include a reference. 5. ahead of A very slow bus was nk fs a large warning, 210 © Answers 17.1 Prepositions Used in Sentences (Page 39) Practice 1 Exercise 1 Identifying Prepositional Phrases Prepositions are underlined. Objects are circled. 10. cuts Geom Exercise 2 Distinguishing Between Prepositions and Adverbs Ii 2. 3 4. preposition 5. preposition 6. adverb 7. adverb 8. preposition 9. preposition 10. adverb 17.1 Prepositions Used in Sentences (Page 40) Practice 2 Exercise 1 Identifying Prepositional Phrases Prepositions are underlined: objects are circled. village 2 by means of at oa al © Prentice-Hall, nc Exercise 2 Distinguishing Between Prepositions and Adverbs Prepositional phrases are underlined. 1. about her army experiences: about—adverb 2 Belore—a Breakfast 8. undemeath the briige: undemeath—adverb 4. “aongaderty ly ihe reek nnear—adverts: Near the old Wbrary Witting Appiation ‘Sample sentences are given. Prepositions are Underin objets of prepositions are tn parentheses, “The gull circled above the (water) 2. We were red afte (game) 3. Isat down beside the (tre) 4. He met me during the halltime (show). 5. The girl you saw is from (Sweden). 18.1 Conjunctions (Page 41) Practice 1 Exercise 1 Identifying Conjunctions Conjunctions are underlined. but. coordinating, ner. nor, correlative or, coordinating Both, and, correlative yet, coordinating Dut. coordinating her, oF, correlative ‘neither nor. correlative ‘not only, but also, correlative ‘and, coordinating Barra Using Conjunctions in Sentences ‘Sample conjunctions are given. but neither, nor and Either, or Both, and yet for 9. oF 10. whether, or 18.1 Conjunctions (Page 42) Practice 2 Exercise 1 Recognizing Coordinating Conjunctions Coortinating conjunctions are in circles: words connected by conjunctions are underlined, Ppp eeDe 1. Andrew Cand) Jane ve far apart 2. Ihave to take my medicine before breaklat before dinner 8. What is the connection between ightning (God) tuner? 4. My fami stoking fora large et) inexpensive house 5. will be tate gett eral top. 6. Wind Gnd) sain lashed the Frida coastine. © Prentice-Hall, inc Ce) Lave 7. would ke to ake cookies, Bad) Lam rman a few ingredients, backs up at this light. 8. ‘The dancer was thin (Gad) strong 10, You have a coe af cotton, woot, (2) polyester. Exercise 2 Recognizing Correlative Conjunctions ‘orrelative conjunctions are in parentheses: words connected by conjunctions are underlined, 1. She wil pay her tuition by cheek by money order. 2. Goth) ann Barbara volunteered to decorated the hall. twat Ged) buy COE) make ne bday ca ap feet She asked ns Ca football baseball was iy favorite sport. 6. Wei) towers ae) candy seems an appropriate gift 2, Theis inated GaiR) Manwet Cand) Pato the dance. 8 Heo) we any attend, Coad) they wi (Gs) rng ve ut 9. We expect them tthe evening tn the early morning hours. 10, That atemoon Robert was ming Coop) diving Exercise 3 Writing Sentences Using Conjunctions ‘Sample sentences are given, 1, Either one or both of us will come. 2. L wonder whether you or I will be there, 3. Not only diel we miss the bus, but we also left the Lickets home, 4. Yesterday. Jane and I volunteered. 5. Neither Hank nor Tony arrived on time. 18.2 Interjections (Page 43) Practice 1 Exercise 1 Using interjections ‘Sample interjections are given, 1 Oh 2 Tsk 3. Uh ‘Answers #211 a Bee 5. Ouch 6. Wow 7 uh 8. Gee 9. Ouch 10. AW Exercise 2 Adding Interjections to Sentences ‘Sample interjections are given. 1 uh 2. Ouch! |. Oh. 4 5. 6. 7. Goodness! 8. Whew! 9. Aw! 10. Ont 18.2 Interjections (Page 44) Practice 2 Exercise 1 Recognizing Interjections ample interjections are given, 1. Geet I'm so glad you're heret 2. Oh, you're never ready on time. 8. Ow! Does that sting. 4. Ub, I don't know what to say. 5. Wow, lean’t believe you said that Writing Application Sample sentences are given. 1. Whew! That was a workout! 2, Shucks, | missed again. 3. Well. don’t you look lovely! 4. Ouch! That dish is hott 5. Oh, [didn't know you called him, too. 19.1 The Basic Sentence (Page 45) Practice 1 Exercise 1 Identifying Subjects and Verbs ‘The subject is underlined once and the verb twice. Shakespeare, wrote jor, delayed salad, wasn cise 2 Recognizing Sentences sentence incomplete incomplete sentence incomplete sentence incomplete incomplete sentence Soenepeeprf Be eneae ne pe 212 © Answers

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