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College of Engineering
Malolos City

Computer Engineering Department

CPE 205



Course/Year/Section: _BSCPE 2B___________
Date: _January 22, 2024____________________
College of Engineering
Malolos City

Assignment No. 1

1. Define Numerical Methods.

2. Research on the History of Numerical Methods
3. What is the difference between Direct and Iterative Methods in solving problems in
numerical methods? Give examples.
4. Cite the applications of numerical methods.
5. What is numerical stability and how it affects the propagation of errors?

1. Define Numerical Methods

Numerical methods encompass mathematical techniques utilized for addressing
problems that lack precise solutions or prove analytically challenging. These
methods employ approximations and iterative processes, finding practical
applications across diverse fields like mathematics and engineering. Techniques e
used to know and understand mathematical procedures.

2. Research on the History of Numerical Methods

Numerical methods date back to the 17th century, when Isaac Newton and
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz invented calculus, providing the framework for
systematic problem-solving procedures. Methods like as interpolation and finite
differences evolved in the 18th century, allowing for the approximate of values and
the solution of differential equations. The introduction of electronic computers in
the twentieth century, spearheaded by figures like Alan Turing and John von
Neumann, propelled numerical methods into practical applications during World
War II. Renowned contributors, such as Richard Hamming, further advanced the
field, and numerical methods are now used in a variety of disciplines, including
engineering and finance.
College of Engineering
Malolos City

3. What is the difference between Direct and Iterative Methods in solving problems
in numerical methods? Give examples.

Direct techniques include computing the solution to a problem in a finite number

of steps, without the need for an initial guess. These methods, often known as
"matrix factorization" or "elimination" procedures, use direct manipulation of the
system's coefficients to determine the solution. Examples of direct method are
Gaussian elimination, LU decomposition, Cholesky decomposition, and QR
factorization are especially useful for solving small to medium-sized systems of
equations. However, their computational complexity may increase significantly for
larger systems. Despite the possible computing cost of larger systems, direct
techniques are frequently preferred due to their stability and predictability.

Iterative approaches use a step-by-step refinement process that begins with an

initial guess and continues iteratively until an acceptable result is achieved. These
methods are widely used for large systems of equations, particularly those using
sparse matrices, when direct solutions would be too computationally intensive or
impracticable. Iterative approaches provide better versatility and are useful in
solving certain types of challenges. Notable examples are Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel,
Successive Overrelaxation (SOR), and the Conjugate Gradient technique. Iterative
approaches may take longer to converge to a solution than direct methods.
Furthermore, factors such as the initial guess and other parameters can affect their
convergence behavior.
College of Engineering
Malolos City

4. Cite the applications of numerical methods

Numerical methods are frequently employed to solve differential equations in

fields like physics, engineering, and various scientific disciplines.

In optimization, numerical techniques play a crucial role in finding optimal

solutions for a given problem.

Linear algebra methods, including matrix factorization, eigenvalue calculations,

and solving linear systems, find extensive use in science and engineering

For determining values of integrals, numerical techniques like the Midpoint rule,
Trapezoidal rule, and Simpson’s rule are commonly used.

For simulation and modeling purposes, numerical techniques are indispensable in

simulating complex systems and representing real-world phenomena.

5. What is numerical stability and how it affects the propagation of errors?

Numerical stability referred to the behavior of a numerical approach in the

presence of small errors or perturbations in the input data. When a method is stable,
it can handle small input fluctuations and still produce accurate results. The
phenomenon known as "error propagation" describes how mistakes build up and
disperse as a numerical algorithm runs through its steps. Small errors in the initial
input or in the intermediate computations can compound in the case of a
numerically unstable algorithm, producing inaccurate or untrustworthy results. The
significant effect on results highlights how crucial numerical stability is to precise
and reliable answers. Employing stable algorithms is essential because unstable
ones can provide conclusions that are meaningless in terms of physics, divergence,
or oscillations. This is especially important in technical and scientific fields where
accuracy is critical.

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