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1.1 COURSE OBJECTIVE ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 4

2.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 APPLICATION MENU ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 RIBBON ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
2.4 QUICK ACCESS TOOLBAR .................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
2.5 NAVIGATING THE DRAWING AREA ...................................................................................................................................................................... 31
ZOOMING ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 32
NAVIGATING WITH THE MOUSE ............................................................................................................................................................... 39
2.6 COMMAND LINE ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 40
2.7 STATUS BAR .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42


3.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 44
3.2 LINE COMMAND ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 45
ABOUT AUTOCAD LINES ........................................................................................................................................................................ 45
DRAWING LINES .................................................................................................................................................................................... 46
PRACTICE EXERCISE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 47
3.3 POLYLINE COMMAND ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 48
ABOUT POLYLINES ................................................................................................................................................................................ 48
DRAWING POLYLINES ............................................................................................................................................................................ 49
PRACTICE EXERCISE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 50
3.4 CIRCLE COMMAND............................................................................................................................................................................................ 51
ABOUT CIRCLES .................................................................................................................................................................................... 51
DRAWING A CIRCLE ............................................................................................................................................................................... 52
PRACTICE EXERCISE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 53
3.5 ARC COMMAND ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 54
ABOUT ARCS ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 54
DRAWING ARCS .................................................................................................................................................................................... 55
PRACTICE EXERCISE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 56
3.6 ERASE COMMAND ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 57
ABOUT THE ERASE COMMAND ................................................................................................................................................................ 57
USING THE ERASE COMMAND................................................................................................................................................................. 58
PRACTICE EXERCISE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 59
3.7 RECTANGLE COMMAND..................................................................................................................................................................................... 60
ABOUT RECTANGLES ............................................................................................................................................................................. 60
DRAWING RECTANGLES ......................................................................................................................................................................... 61
PRACTICE EXERCISE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 62
3.8 POLYGON COMMAND ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 63
ABOUT POLYGONS ................................................................................................................................................................................. 63
DRAWING POLYGONS ............................................................................................................................................................................. 64
PRACTICE EXERCISE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 65

4.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 66
4.2 MOVING OBJECTS ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 67
ABOUT THE MOVE COMMAND ................................................................................................................................................................. 67
USING THE MOVE COMMAND ................................................................................................................................................................. 68
PRACTICE EXERCISE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 69
4.3 COPYING OBJECTS ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 70
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 70
ABOUT THE COPY COMMAND ................................................................................................................................................................. 71
PRACTICE EXERCISE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 72
4.4 ROTATING OBJECTS ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 73
ABOUT ROTATING OBJECTS ................................................................................................................................................................... 73
USING THE ROTATE COMMAND............................................................................................................................................................... 74
PRACTICE EXERCISE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 75
4.5 MIRRORING OBJECTS ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 76
ABOUT MIRRORING OBJECTS .................................................................................................................................................................. 76
USING THE MIRROR COMMAND .............................................................................................................................................................. 77
PRACTICE EXERCISE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 78
4.6 SCALING OBJECTS............................................................................................................................................................................................ 79
USING THE SCALE COMMAND ................................................................................................................................................................. 80
PRACTICE EXERCISE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 81

5.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 83
5.2 EXTEND COMMAND .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 84
ABOUT THE EXTEND COMMAND ............................................................................................................................................................... 84
USING THE EXTEND OBJECTS ................................................................................................................................................................. 85
PRACTICE EXERCISE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 86
5.3 TRIM COMMAND .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 87
ABOUT THE TRIM COMMAND .................................................................................................................................................................. 87
USING THE TRIM COMMAND ................................................................................................................................................................... 88
PRACTICE EXERCISE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 89
5.4 OFFSETTING OBJECTS ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 90
ABOUT THE OFFSET COMMAND .............................................................................................................................................................. 90
USING THE OFFSET COMMAND ............................................................................................................................................................... 91
PRACTICE EXERCISE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 92
5.5 JOINING OBJECTS ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 93
USING THE JOIN COMMAND ................................................................................................................................................................... 94
PRACTICE EXERCISE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 95
5.6 BREAKING OBJECTS ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 96
ABOUT THE BREAK COMMAND................................................................................................................................................................ 96
BREAKING AN OBJECT AT A POINT .......................................................................................................................................................... 97
PRACTICE EXERCISE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 98
BREAK BETWEEN TWO POINTS ............................................................................................................................................................... 99
PRACTICE EXERCISE ............................................................................................................................................................................ 100
5.7 CREATING FILLETS ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 101
ABOUT FILLETS ................................................................................................................................................................................... 101
USING THE FILLET COMMAND............................................................................................................................................................... 102
PRACTICE EXERCISE ............................................................................................................................................................................ 103

6.1 ABOUT BLOCKS .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 104
6.2 CREATING BLOCKS ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 105
USING THE BLOCK C OMMAND .............................................................................................................................................................. 106
PRACTICE EXERCISE ............................................................................................................................................................................ 107
6.3 EDITING A BLOCK ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 111
ABOUT EDITING A BLOCK ..................................................................................................................................................................... 111
HOW TO EDIT A BLOCK ......................................................................................................................................................................... 112
6.4 INSERTING BLOCKS ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 115
ABOUT INSERTING BLOCKS AND DRAWINGS ........................................................................................................................................... 115
USING THE INSERT COMMAND .............................................................................................................................................................. 116
PRACTICE EXERCISE ............................................................................................................................................................................ 117


7.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 122
7.2 OBJECT SNAP ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 123
ABOUT OBJECT SNAP .......................................................................................................................................................................... 123
USING OBJECT SNAP COMMAND .......................................................................................................................................................... 127
OBJECT SNAP SETTINGS...................................................................................................................................................................... 128
7.3 ORTHOMODE .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 130
ABOUT ORTHOMODE ............................................................................................................................................................................ 130
USING ORTHO ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 131


7.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 132
7.2 PRACTICE ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 133
About the authors
"Infratech Civil Solutions" ("Infratech") is a one-stop consulting, training, and drafting solution for AEC
(Architecture, Engineering, and Construction).

Infratech leverages the skills of a collaborative team of registered professionals, content developers, and
information technology experts to offer optimum, customized, and technologically advanced solutions.

Infratech core services include:

Project consulting and sub-consulting services.
▪ eLearning and custom training designed to provide solutions that are tailored and customized to meet the
requirements of each situation.
▪ Post-training support with a package combining technical support, hands-on project guidance, assistance,
and drafting standard implementation.
▪ Continued education and certification services to help professionals stand out among peers.
▪ Assisting qualified organizations with training grants and funding assistance.

The current material was developed using data and assistance provided by various organizations. Infratech would
like to acknowledge: The City of Kamloops, BC, and the City for data provided under its open government license,
the NRCS, The City of Ottawa, the City of Gatineau, Autodesk Inc., The National CAD Standards, and the City of
Charlotte, NC.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by
any means, including photocopying, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written
permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and specific other
non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

For permission requests, write to the author, “Attention: Publication Coordinator,” at the address below.

Infratech Civil

This book explains the process of designing a residential subdivision and other civil engineering infrastructures. Project names, data,
locations, and procedures are either the products of the author’s experience or creativity and used in an experimental or in a
fictitious manner. Infratech has tried to apply expertise accumulated over a decade of professional engineering, surveying, and
drafting. Although the author and publisher have made every effort to ensure that the information in this manual follows best
practice guidelines, the author and publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or
disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.

This manual is not intended as a substitute for local regulatory requirements. The user should consult and ensure that local
guidelines are applied. The information in this book is meant to supplement practical design methodologies. Like any profession
requiring a duty of care and public protection, the practice of engineering, architecture, and construction poses some inherent risks.
The authors and publisher advise trainees to take full responsibility in the use of knowledge acquired using this manual.

Introduction __________________________________
1.1 Course Objective
This course entitled "Level 1: Introduction to AutoCAD for __________________________________
Beginners" is designed for the absolute beginners looking to learn __________________________________
AutoCAD. If you have never opened an AutoCAD file or consider __________________________________
yourself a greenhorn of AutoCAD, this is the right course. We will __________________________________
begin with the very basic concepts, the vocabulary, and the __________________________________
functionalities of AutoCAD. We will learn with hands-on practice files, __________________________________
and we will let you do it. __________________________________
If you are reading or watching this course, you already know that
AutoCAD is a must-have skill in professional environments such as
engineering, architecture, construction, surveying, and many others.
In this course, we work solely in a 2D environment, where most basic
geometric entities and plans are created. __________________________________
We will learn how to create basic shapes and control them. These
shapes are the building blocks of the more complex and advanced
designs we will create later.
When creating a design or drawing in AutoCAD, more often than not, __________________________________
we have several options. In this course, we will try to apply the most __________________________________
effective and accurate methods for a beginner. __________________________________
Okay, so without much further delay, let's start with Level 1:
Introduction to AutoCAD for Beginners.

AUTOCAD INTERFACE __________________________________

2.1 Introduction
1. Application Menu: Provides access to file navigation and management options. It was
referred to as the application menu in other versions of Revit and other office applications.
2. Quick Access Toolbar: Used to display the most frequently used commands.
3. Ribbon: Featured in most desktop applications, it contains commands needed for routine
4. Infocenter: Provides information related to keyword searches, product updates, and
5. Drawing Tabs: Provides the list of opened drawings in tabs format.
6. Drawing Area: It displays views, sheets, schedules, and other elements of the project.
Newly opened views display on top of other opened views in the drawing area.
7. ViewCube and Navigation Tools: Allows to choose and adjust a model's viewpoint.
8. Layout and Model Elements: Allows selecting and switching between different layouts
and model views.
9. Command Line: The command line is the main medium of communication between the
user and AutoCAD, besides the commands available from the ribbon. This is where we
execute and provide dynamic inputs.
10. Status Bar: Located at the bottom, it provides names, family, types, tips, or hints on
selected elements.
2.2 Application Menu
Like any other software, the best way to start learning AutoCAD is to first
familiarize ourselves with the user interface. That's the working
environment where the tools and needed commands are located. Let's open
a file and explore the AutoCAD user interface.
1. In the top left corner, click on the Open command to browse to the __________________________________
Interface file in the practice folder. __________________________________
2. In the new window, make sure you have selected a dwg file format, then __________________________________
select the 02-Interface file and click on Open. __________________________________
3. The drawing opens. We see a proposed Townhouse floor and elevation
plans. This is the project we will work on throughout this training. We

will try to draw it from-start-to-finish. __________________________________

❑ In the Level 1 course, we will learn about the basic AutoCAD __________________________________
command to initiate ourselves to AutoCAD. __________________________________
❑ In the Level 2 course, we will apply the basic commands we learned __________________________________
and add a few more skills to be able to draw a 2D floor plan. The __________________________________
Level 2D skills will be enough to complete a basic AutoCAD project __________________________________
without any 3D requirements. This is the starter to intermediate
level skills most users need to be a productive drafter.
❑ And finally, in the Level 3 course, we will learn the 3D skills we need
to create a full project in AutoCAD and respond to most drafting and
design requirements. In particular, we will learn how to create 3D

elements such as floors, walls, stairs, roofs, etc. A Level 3D user is a __________________________________
skilled user who can design most projects on his/her own and even __________________________________
start mentoring entry-level users. __________________________________
4. Now, let's explore some of the tools and components of the AutoCAD __________________________________
interface. The AutoCAD interface is the toolbox. We need to understand __________________________________
the tools that are at our disposal in order to use them effectively. First __________________________________
up is the Application Menu. It is in the top left corner and is
represented by the Autodesk AutoCAD logo . Once you click on it, __________________________________
you'll notice that you have more options. We are going to explore a few
of them.
5. First, we have the New command at the top. Click the arrow to the right
to expand it for more options. From there, we can either create a new __________________________________

drawing or sheetset. A sheetset is a drawing file specifically created to __________________________________

manage sheets for printing. Before going further, let's note that we will __________________________________
be using the terms Plotting, Printing, and even Publishing __________________________________
interchangeably. They are originally meant for different things, but the
demarcation line between them is becoming finer, the more we move
into the electronic age of things. But that's a discussion for another day.

For now, all three terms mean creating an output file for sharing with __________________________________
others. __________________________________
6. Click on Drawing.
7. A new window opens. Here, be careful of what type of file you choose to
create. Most of the time, we are creating two types of files:
❑ A dwg file, which is a standard AutoCAD file; or
❑ A dwt file, which is an AutoCAD template file. We will ignore the
third type, the dws for now.
8. The dwt is a template file, which means that it contains standards and __________________________________
settings commonly used, such as unit formats and precisions, title blocks
and borders, styles and label settings, and much more. It's always
recommended to start a new drawing from a template to make it much
easier, because you have a lot of parameters already set up in previous
jobs, and you don't need to recreate them.

9. On the other end, you can choose to create a new dwg file if: __________________________________
❑ you only need to create a quick drawing, and you aren’t all that __________________________________
interested in the setup. __________________________________
❑ Or, if you have already specified a default template in AutoCAD. In __________________________________
that case, AutoCAD opens your template by default. We will see later __________________________________
how to create a default template. __________________________________
10. For the time being, let's cancel and return to the application menu.
11. The next line in the Application Menu list is the Open command. Let's
expand it by hovering over it. A scrolling menu shows up with options
such as:
❑ Drawing, to open a pre-existing drawing that has been worked on
already, not from a template.

❑ Drawing from cloud, to open a drawing stored somewhere on the __________________________________

internet. __________________________________
❑ SheetSet, to open a printing setup file. __________________________________
❑ Additional formats such as DGN and IFC files. __________________________________
12. Next, we could Save the current drawing in the default dwg format.
13. Or, we can use Save As to choose a different file format or name. __________________________________
For instance, we can save as under: __________________________________
❑ A standard or mobile-friendly AutoCAD drawing format. __________________________________
❑ A drawing template, the standard dwt format we just mentioned.
❑ A drawing standard file.
❑ Other formats, such as dxf. __________________________________
14. We can even save a layout as a completely separate AutoCAD file. How __________________________________
great is that? If, for example, we want to create a file for only our first- __________________________________
floor layout, we can do that and share it, without the other parts of the

15. We can also export an AutoCAD drawing to different formats such as pdf __________________________________
or dwf. A dwf is essentially the Autodesk pdf equivalent. It's also very __________________________________
convenient as you can open a dwf file on most modern desktops without __________________________________
installing any specific software. __________________________________
16. Next, we can publish. In AutoCAD, publishing is simply printing for the
purpose of sharing electronically. To publish a drawing, we have
multiple options.
17. Among the different forms of publishing, one that we need to mention is
the eTransmit option. This method is highly recommended. It makes __________________________________

sure all files related to the current drawing, such as external reference __________________________________
files, fonts, and plot styles, are embedded in the published package. __________________________________
18. In the Print section, we can perform various printing related tasks. We
will talk more about them in the Output chapter.
19. Next, are the Drawing utilities, where we can set various properties and
parameters for the current drawing. We can make operations such as:
❑ Checking the drawing Properties and Statistics.

❑ Setting the Drawing Units. __________________________________

❑ Auditing and recovering the drawings to fix corrupted files. __________________________________
❑ Displaying the Files Status, for more statistical information. __________________________________
❑ And, performing a purge, a typical AutoCAD operation to get rid of __________________________________
obsolete drawing objects.
20. We can also close the current or all opened drawings and exit AutoCAD.
21. One more thing we can do from the application menu is to access the __________________________________
current drawing's global options.

22. The Options window is where most of the drawing's underground __________________________________
preferences and settings are stored. __________________________________
23. Among the choices, we have the File tab where we can find all the
information for AutoCAD support file locations, including paths for the
program drivers, menus, and other files.
On this tab, we also have user-defined settings such as default templates
and temporary saved files. For instance, we can come in here and
specify where to store our automatic save files.
We can also specify the default template to use when we create a new
drawing. We currently haven't specified one. If we haven't set a default __________________________________

template, AutoCAD will prompt us to choose one every time we try to __________________________________
create a new drawing. Let's change that and specify which template to __________________________________
use by default every time we hit the New drawing button or type Qnew __________________________________
at the command line. __________________________________
24. Once we hit Browse, we are automatically directed to the default folder
containing all AutoCAD templates.
25. In the template folder, you can choose a default template file, acad, map
book, architectural, etc., depending on your project type or project __________________________________

requirements. Your company should normally have a default template __________________________________

setup for the type of projects you work on. If you don’t have a template __________________________________
set up for your organization, the default out-of-the-box AutoCAD __________________________________
templates are a good place to start. You should, however, improve them. __________________________________
Let's choose the basic acad.dwt template, for example. __________________________________
26. A default template is now set and will be used each time we hit the Qnew
command on the ribbon or enter it at the command line.
27. Click cancel and exit this window, because we do not want to change any __________________________________
settings during this training.
28. Now, let's go back to the Application Menu. Don't forget that we got to
the Options window from the Application menu. There are also other
ways to access the Options window, and the Application menu is just
one of them. At the top right, we have two icons.
29. The first, the white icon to the left, allows us to display the recent files,
sorted in chronological order. We can pin files to always display them on
this list. We can also sort files by list, access date, size, or type.
30. To the right, we have an option to display only currently opened files. We __________________________________
see on the list the two files that are currently opened. __________________________________
31. Once again, we have an option to change the display mode to list small or __________________________________
large icons. __________________________________
32. Lastly, from the Application Menu, at the top right, we have the search
commands textbox, where we can perform specific searches.
33. For example, let's say we want to draw a construction line. By just typing
align in this box, we have a whole list of suggestions related to the word __________________________________
line. Look at the list of commands below. We can create lines using all __________________________________
kinds of methods. __________________________________
34. Let's try the word Rectangle. By simply typing that word, we have a
suggestion to run the Rectangle command from the ribbon.
35. If we click on it, we can come to the drawing area and simply click the
start and endpoint and draw a rectangle. So, these are actual commands
we can run. It is not just an information help menu.
36. The search commands box is very useful when we are looking around __________________________________
for commands that we don't know or don't recall. __________________________________
37. Select the polyline that we have just created, and erase with the __________________________________
keyboard Delete key.
38. That concludes the section on the Application Menu. Next up, the __________________________________
2.3 Ribbon
1. Several items constitute the ribbon. First, at the top are the tabs. They __________________________________
are used to group commands with similar functions.
2. For example, the Insert tab has commands that help insert new or
existing data into the drawing, like blocks, survey points, aerial imagery,
or other external references.
3. On the View tab, we can manage the display of the Drawing Area. We __________________________________
can use 2D or 3D displays, a different UCS, visualize from different angles __________________________________
or browse in 3D mode.
4. Additionally, each tab is grouped further into panels. For example, on the
Home tab, we have panels such as:
• Draw, where we have all the drawing commands. These are the basic
AutoCAD commands we will explore in this course.
• Modify to modify existing objects in the drawing.
• Annotation, for labeling drawing items.
5. A panel can be expanded to show more commands by clicking on the __________________________________
downward arrow to the right of its name. __________________________________
6. We can expand and pin a Panel to unfold additional hidden commands.
Unpinning the panel will collapse it to its original state.
7. The Ribbon can be further organized by unloading items. To do that,
right-click anywhere on the ribbon and uncheck the items to unload or
check the items to display.
8. To make the Ribbon more readable, especially when working at a lower
than recommended display resolution, unload unneeded panels.
9. An additional way to manage the ribbon is by collapsing it by using the
Cycle Through button, the upward triangle to the right. __________________________________
10. A first click will collapse and compact the ribbon. If you look closely, you
will see that we still have access to all commands. They are folded.
11. By clicking on the Modify panel, the collapsed commands are expanded. __________________________________
12. Click on the cycle through arrow a second time, and the ribbon will
adjust again.
13. A third click will completely collapse the ribbon and minimize it to tabs __________________________________
only. __________________________________
14. One last click on the Cycle Through arrow and we complete the cycle __________________________________
and return to the original state of the ribbon. __________________________________
15. Instead of going through the four cycles, we can just switch back and
forth between the full display and one of three states of our choice,
between Minimize to Tabs, Minimize to Panel Titles and Minimize to

Panel Buttons. __________________________________

16. That concludes the section on the Ribbon, up next, the Quick Access __________________________________
toolbar. __________________________________
2.4 Quick Access Toolbar
The next item on our perusal of the AutoCAD interface is the Quick Access __________________________________
toolbar, a typical windows application feature. We have it in most office
The Quick Access Toolbar gives us an option to stack a set of frequently __________________________________
used commands that we want to have at our disposal at all times. By default, __________________________________
it shows common commands such as New, Open, Print, Undo, and Redo. __________________________________
1. If we click on the arrow to the right, we can see a list of additional __________________________________
commands that we can add to the quick access toolbar.
2. Let's add a frequently used command like Match Properties and remove __________________________________
one that is not really used that often, like Open from Web & Mobile. __________________________________

3. The new Quick Access Toolbar responds to our request and adjusts

4. One thing that we like to do is to relocate the Quick Access Toolbar __________________________________

below the ribbon, to have more real-estate, and display as many __________________________________
commands as we need. We will see in a second why that is important. __________________________________
5. For the time being, let's keep adding commands to our Quick Access __________________________________
Toolbar. To add a command from the Ribbon, right-click on it and select __________________________________
Add to Quick Access Toolbar. __________________________________
6. Let's add the frequently used ones such as drafting commands (line, __________________________________
polyline, rectangle, circle, and hatch), modification commands such as __________________________________
(move, rotate, trim and extend, copy, mirror, fillet, scale and offset),
layer management commands (turn on and off, layer isolate and un-
isolate, thaw and unthaw, make current and match layer).
7. After adding all these commands, you will notice that not all of them are
displayed. That is because we just don't have the necessary real estate to __________________________________
show them at the top of the Ribbon. We can fix that by choosing to __________________________________
display them Below the Ribbon from the Quick Access Toolbar. __________________________________
8. We will then have all the commands displayed and readily available,
regardless of the ribbon tab we are working with. This will save us time
by not having to switch back and forth between tabs to find our most

used commands. In the long run, this adds up to a gain in productivity. __________________________________
9. At the top, to the right of the quick access toolbar, we have a few tools
mostly related to searching and Autodesk account management. The first __________________________________
textbox is for searching online for help __________________________________
10. . If we type Line, for example, it brings up a few suggestions regarding __________________________________
the word line. __________________________________

11. Next, you can access the Autodesk app store to browse for add-on __________________________________
apps created by third-party developers. These are useful apps you can __________________________________
add to AutoCAD, to perform tasks that are not natively possible with out- __________________________________
of-the-box. AutoCAD is a great application, but no software does __________________________________
everything out-of-the-box. We always need to find some workaround for __________________________________
some specific tasks. Some of these apps are free, while most are paid __________________________________
12. Let's close this window. Next, we have our Autodesk Account portal
entry window. There, we can pretty much do all our Autodesk Account
2.5 Navigating the Drawing Area
The AutoCAD drawing area is the central rectangular area where most of __________________________________
the action takes place. It is the center-stage where we navigate, draw,
visualize, select, and manipulate objects.
In the drawing area, there are some elements that need to be noted. We will
study them in more detail as we progress through the three-course levels,
but let's peruse them briefly.
1. In the top left corner, Viewport and Visual Style control the view __________________________________
directions and styles.

2. The UCS or User Coordinate System is the active coordinate system __________________________________
that establishes the XY or work plane and the vertical direction for __________________________________
drawing and modeling. When working in 2D, like in this basic course, we __________________________________
do not need to worry too much about changing the UCS. __________________________________
3. The ViewCube is where you can see drawing elements from different
view directions by rotating the view.
4. The Navigation Bar contains additional tools like Pan, Orbit, and more. __________________________________
In addition to the ViewCube and the Navigation bar, we also have __________________________________
additional zoom options. They allow us to set the magnitude of the __________________________________
drawing area (model view) or a layout (viewports). Depending on our __________________________________
needs, we can zoom closer (Zoom in) to an object or area or zoom __________________________________
away (Zoom out) from it. __________________________________

To see a full list of zoom options available in AutoCAD we: __________________________________

1. Type the command Zoom or the alias Z at the command line

2. Then press Enter. This brings up the full list of Zoom commands __________________________________
we can choose from. Depending on our need, we can choose: __________________________________

❑ Zoom All to zoom to all objects and visual aids currently in __________________________________
the drawing. __________________________________
❑ Zoom Center to zoom to a center point, and a value of
magnitude. __________________________________
❑ Zoom Dynamic to zoom using a rectangular box.
❑ Zoom Extent to zoom to the maximum extent of all objects, __________________________________
including model calculations such as block reference points.
❑ Zoom Previous to zoom to the previous view. __________________________________

❑ Zoom Scale to use an order of magnitude of the current __________________________________

view (current view times X) __________________________________

❑ Zoom Window to zoom to a specific area defined by __________________________________

rectangular selection. __________________________________
❑ Zoom Object to select an object (a rectangle, for example)
and zoom to its area, with the center of the object as a focus. __________________________________
❑ Finally, Zoom Realtime, the default mode, which allows us
to zoom in Realtime. You will notice that the real-time
option is displayed differently than the others. It is __________________________________
displayed between two quantity signs <> to indicate that it __________________________________
is the currently active command. If we press Enter, this will
be the command that AutoCAD will run.
3. We should mention that we have a couple of options to make our
choice of Zoom option.
❑ We can simply click on the option we want on the command __________________________________
line. For example, if we would like to zoom using the
window option, we can simply click on Window.
❑ Alternatively, we can also type the shortcut indicated in an __________________________________
Uppercase blue letter, usually the first letter of the
command. So, by typing the letter C (not case sensitive) at
the command line, we can run the Zoom Center command. __________________________________
The upper-case shortcut option is not specific to the Zoom __________________________________
command. We have it for most AutoCAD commands with
additional options. So, any time we run a command that
requires additional options, we can narrow down our choice __________________________________
by typing the shortcut to specify the option we want. __________________________________

4. Now, let's press enter and run the active command Zoom __________________________________
Realtime. Notice how the cursor changes to display the __________________________________
magnifying glass. __________________________________
5. We are now in Realtime Zoom mode. If we press and hold down
the left mouse button, we can Zoom Realtime in the drawing by
dragging up to Zoom In or down to Zoom Out. Once we zoom __________________________________
close enough to our area of interest, we can release the mouse __________________________________
button. If we need more screen space to zoom, we can simply
release the mouse button, hold it down again, and start zooming.
Let's zoom to the garage area of the house. __________________________________
6. While in Zoom Realtime mode, we also have additional zoom
options. If we right click, we can Zoom Window. Let's run the
Zoom Window command.
7. Then, we can draw a rectangular area to define an area we would
like to Zoom to, let's say the Family Room.
8. We are now zoomed in the specified area.

9. Another option we have is to Zoom original. __________________________________

10. This option will return us to the initial view before we run the __________________________________
zoom command. __________________________________
11. Finally, we can also Zoom Extents by right-clicking while in the
Zoom Realtime mode.

12. This option will zoom to the full extent of the project. __________________________________
13. So, to switch back and forth between the different views, we simply __________________________________
need to right-click and choose the zoom option. Finally, to exit the __________________________________
Zoom command, simply right-click and select Exit or hit the Escape __________________________________
key on the keyboard. __________________________________
14. This summarizes the zoom options in AutoCAD. __________________________________
The second most used type of navigation operation in AutoCAD, after __________________________________
the Zoom command, is the Pan command. It allows us to shift the __________________________________
drawing view from one area to another, without changing the __________________________________
magnitude of the view. We are basically changing the center of the __________________________________
drawing from one point to a second. The new center can be specified by __________________________________
distance and direction, but most of the time, we are just eyeballing the __________________________________
area we want to be centered in. __________________________________
To pan in AutoCAD, we can: __________________________________

1. Right-click anywhere and run the Pan command. __________________________________

2. Then, press down the mouse button and move the view around as
we need.
3. When we are pleased with the new display, we can right click
again and run the Exit command, or hit the Escape command on
the keyboard, to end the Pan command.
4. We should also note that while in another command, like Polyline, __________________________________
for example, we can run the Pan command. Once we exit the Pan __________________________________
command, we will be returned where we left off the previous __________________________________
command without having to run it again. __________________________________
Navigating with the Mouse
In addition to clicking, the mouse is also an excellent tool for __________________________________
navigating AutoCAD drawings. Let's see a few tasks we can accomplish __________________________________
using the mouse. Before starting, we should note that the options __________________________________
presented here are for a standard mouse with a left click, right click, __________________________________
and a wheel. __________________________________
Among the options offered by the wheel we can:
❑ Zoom in and Zoom out, but moving the wheel forward or __________________________________
backward. The zoom speed can be controlled by using the __________________________________
Zoomfactor command at the command line. __________________________________
❑ Press down and hold the left key to pan around the drawing

❑ Double click on the mouse wheel to Zoom Extent. __________________________________

Learning to master a CAD mouse is one of the best things we can do to __________________________________
be productive as a CAD professional. We have a special blog post you __________________________________
can check HERE for some CAD mouse recommendations. __________________________________
2.6 Command Line
The Command Line is the textbox at the bottom of the drawing area. It is __________________________________
the main intake for any command transmitted using the keyboard. The __________________________________
command line is a legacy item going back to when AutoCAD was running on
Microsoft DOS.
5. Once we input a word at the command line, we get a suggestion for the __________________________________
possible commands related to the word we typed. For example, by __________________________________
typing Line, we get a list of suggestions for commands containing the
word Line.
6. We can choose the command we are interested in by clicking on it on __________________________________
the list. For example, if we were rather looking for the Polyline __________________________________
command, we can click on it and run it. __________________________________

7. The command line can be moved, docked or floated. We can display or __________________________________
hide it using CTRL+9.

8. We can also change its input and search options by customization. __________________________________
We will see more how to use the command as we progress through the __________________________________
three levels of the AutoCAD course. __________________________________
2.7 Status Bar
Just below the Command Line, we have the Status Bar. It has a set of __________________________________
drafting and display tools that provide ease of use and precision drafting. __________________________________
These settings and tools are discussed in more detail in the Basic AutoCAD
course. Nonetheless, let's discuss one of them, the Workspace Switching. __________________________________
So, as it turns out, with AutoCAD, you can just switch between multiple __________________________________
working environments, like basic AutoCAD 2D drafting, 3D Basis, and 3D __________________________________
modeling. This will change the interface to display the appropriate __________________________________
commands for the workspace we choose. __________________________________
Simply click on the Workspace Switching icon and pick the appropriate
work environment. You can also make changes to your workspace by

clicking on Customize, then on Save Current As, to rename the workspace. __________________________________
Another option you should be aware of, as mentioned in the Quick Access __________________________________
Toolbar section, is saving the changes that you are making to the interface. __________________________________
To have AutoCAD memorize these changes, click on Workspace Settings. __________________________________
From there, select the option to Automatically save workspace changes.
This action should not be performed if you are not currently working on
your usual and personal workstation.
Finally, note that all Status Bar display options are available from the button __________________________________

in the right bottom corner. __________________________________


CREATING BASIC OBJECTS __________________________________

3.1 Introduction __________________________________

Basic geometric objects such as arcs, lines, circles, and rectangles form __________________________________
the basis of every drawing. As stated earlier, these basic geometric __________________________________
objects act as founding blocks for complex drawings. So, it is very __________________________________
important to learn the commands that are used to create these basic __________________________________
geometric objects. __________________________________
In general, there is more than one way to complete a specified task in
AutoCAD. Once we have learned all available methods of doing a task in
AutoCAD, we can determine the best method for our working style.
In this chapter, we will not only have an understanding of all the basic __________________________________
geometric objects but also practice the respective commands for __________________________________
creating these objects. As we become proficient with creating basic __________________________________
geometric objects, we can successfully create more complex ones. __________________________________
3.2 Line Command
About AutoCAD Lines __________________________________
In any AutoCAD drawing, the line object is the most basic and common
element, and the Line command is one of the most fundamental
commands that we will explore while learning AutoCAD.
The Line command is used to draw a straight-line segment or series __________________________________
of line segments between any two points, objects or features in the __________________________________
drawing. Each line segment acts as a separate drawing object (see __________________________________
figure) and can be edited independently. __________________________________
Drawing Lines
In order to draw a line, the Line command can be activated in the __________________________________
following two ways: __________________________________
1. The first option is to use the command available from the Ribbon.
From the Ribbon, activate the Home tab ➢ Draw panel, and then
click the Line button. __________________________________

2. Optionally, we can also use the Command line. In the command __________________________________

line, type the alias “L” or “Line” and press the Enter key or the __________________________________

keyboard Spacebar. __________________________________

Practice Exercise
In this exercise, we will draw a rectangle, as shown, using the Line __________________________________
command. Let's follow the step by step procedure to draw the __________________________________
rectangle shown. __________________________________
1. Open the practice file ACAD1-01. Line.
2. Make sure that Object Snap and Orthomode are on. More details
on Object Snap and Orthomode are given in Chapter 5. But for
now, let's make sure they are activated and highlighted like this:
3. Use any of the two methods, previously explained (ribbon or
command line), to run the Line command.
4. For the start, click on Point (1).
5. Drag the mouse towards the right and press on Point (2). Because
of the Orthomode that is activated, we will only be able to move
horizontally or vertically. Click on Point (2) to create the first line
segment 1-2.
6. Now, drag the mouse downward and press anywhere in a straight
line to draw the second line segment 2-3.
7. In a similar manner, draw the remaining two-line segments, 3-4
and 4-1, to complete this practice exercise.
1. It is pertinent to mention that all the line segments drawn in this practice
exercise are independent and can be edited separately. __________________________________
2. Try it yourself. Select any of the four-line segments, press delete button
from your keyboard. The selected line segment will be deleted keeping the
other three-line segments unchanged. __________________________________
3.3 Polyline Command
About Polylines __________________________________
A Polyline is a series of connected line segments, which are formed as
a single object. The Polyline command helps us to create complex
shapes or objects such as multi-line segments, arc segments, or a
combination of the two between any two points, objects or features in
the drawing. All line segments and/or arc segments in a polyline act as
one drawing object.
Drawing Polylines
In order to draw a polyline, the Polyline command can be activated __________________________________
in the following two ways: __________________________________
1. The first option is from the Ribbon. From the Ribbon, activate the
Home tab ➢ Draw panel, and then click the Polyline button.
2. The second option is through the command line. Type the alias PL __________________________________
or the command Polyline and press the Enter key, Spacebar, or __________________________________
the mouse's right-click button. __________________________________
Practice Exercise
In this exercise, we will only practice drawing straight lines using the __________________________________
polyline command. So, again draw a rectangle, as shown, using the __________________________________
polyline command this time, instead of the line command we used __________________________________
previously. __________________________________
To draw the rectangle, let's follow this step by step procedure:

1. Open the ACAD1-01. Line AutoCAD practice file. __________________________________

2. Make sure that Object Snap and Orthomode are on. Details on __________________________________

Object Snap and Orthomode are given in Chapter 5. __________________________________


3. Use any of the two methods, previously explained, to activate the __________________________________

line command. __________________________________

4. For the start, Point (1), click anywhere in the drawing. __________________________________

5. Drag the mouse towards the right and press anywhere in a straight __________________________________
line to draw the first line segment 1-2. __________________________________
6. Now, drag the mouse downward and press anywhere in a straight
line to draw the second line segment 2-3. __________________________________

In a similar manner, draw the remaining two-line segments, 3- __________________________________

4 and 4-1, to complete this practice exercise. __________________________________
1. All the line segments drawn in this practice exercise, using polyline command, and act
as one object. Editing one-line segment will apply changes to all the line segments.
2. Try it yourself. Select any of the four-line segments, press delete button from your
keyboard. We will see that deleting one-line segment deletes__________________________________
all the line segments
indicating that they are acting as one object.
3.4 Circle Command
About Circles __________________________________
A Circle is an AutoCAD object in which all points are at an equal
distance from the center.
The Circle command is used to create circles in the drawing. When __________________________________
the Circle command is activated, various combinations of the center, __________________________________
radius, diameter, etc., can be specified while creating a circle. The __________________________________
most fundamental and basic combination is to select a Center Point __________________________________
(1) and then specify the Radius (R). __________________________________
Drawing a Circle
In order to draw a circle, the Circle command can be activated in the __________________________________
following two ways: __________________________________
1. The first option is from the Ribbon. Activate the Home tab ➢
Draw panel, and then click the Circle button. __________________________________
2. The second option is to use the Command Line. Type in the alias __________________________________
“C” or the full “Circle” command and press the Enter or the __________________________________
Spacebar keys. Alternatively, we can also use the mouse's right- __________________________________
click as an equivalent to the Enter command. __________________________________
Practice Exercise
In this exercise, we will draw a circle, as shown, using the most __________________________________
fundamental and basic combination, which is to select a Center Point __________________________________
(1) and then specify the Radius (R). __________________________________
Let's use a step by step procedure to draw a circle.

1. Open the practice file ACAD1-03. Circle.dwg. __________________________________

2. Use any of the two previously explained methods to activate the __________________________________

circle command. __________________________________

3. For the center Point (1), click to specify the center of the circle. __________________________________

4. Drag the mouse outwards away from the center and type a radius __________________________________

value of say 400m or 400ft, depending on the units you are using __________________________________

(metric or imperial units). __________________________________

5. Then, press the Spacebar or the Enter key to finish the command. __________________________________
6. You should now be able to see the circle we have created. __________________________________
Note: __________________________________

In this practice exercise, we have created a circle using the __________________________________

basic combination of center point and radius. In the advance __________________________________

level course, we will learn about other combinations we can __________________________________

use to create a circle in AutoCAD. __________________________________

3.5 Arc Command
About Arcs __________________________________
An Arc is a section or segment of a circle. The Arc command is used
to create arcs in an AutoCAD drawing. Like circles, when the Arc
command is activated, various combinations of start point, endpoint,
center, radius, chord length, etc., can be specified to create the arc.
The most fundamental and basic combination is to draw an arc with __________________________________
the help of three points, a Start Point (1), Center Point (2), and End __________________________________
Point (3). __________________________________
Drawing Arcs
In order to draw an arc, the Arc command can be activated in the __________________________________
following two ways: __________________________________
1. The first option is to use the ribbon. From the Ribbon, activate the
Home tab ➢ Draw panel, and then click the Arc button.
2. The second option is the command line. In the command line, type __________________________________
the alias “A” or the full command “Arc” and press the Enter key, __________________________________
the Spacebar, or then right-click the mouse button. __________________________________
Practice Exercise
In this exercise, we will draw an arc by using the basic combination, __________________________________
that is, the help of three points. We will use a start Point (1), Center __________________________________
Point (2), and End Point (3). __________________________________
Let's follow a step by step procedure to draw an arc. __________________________________
1. Open the practice file ACAD1-04.Arc.dwg.
2. Use any of the two methods, previously explained, to activate the
Arc command.
3. For the start, Point (1), click on your desired start point.
4. Drag the mouse towards Point (2) and press the left mouse key
for center Point (2).
5. In a similar manner, drag the mouse towards Point (3) and click
for the last Point (3). The arc is now completed.
In this practice exercise, we have created an arc using the basic __________________________________
combination of three points. In the advance level course, we will __________________________________
learn about other combinations of creating arcs in AutoCAD. __________________________________
3.6 Erase Command
About the Erase Command __________________________________
The Erase command is used to remove an AutoCAD object in a
drawing. In order to delete an object from the drawing, we simply
need to activate the Erase command and then select the object to be
Using the Erase Command
In order to remove an object in a drawing, the Erase command can be __________________________________
activated in the following two ways: __________________________________
1. From the Ribbon, activate the Home tab. Then, from the Modify
panel, click the Erase button as highlighted.
2. The second option is to type the alias E or the full word Erase, in __________________________________
the command bar, and press enter or Spacebar key, or the __________________________________
mouse's right-click button. __________________________________
Practice Exercise
In this exercise, we will use the Erase command to remove an arc __________________________________
object, shown in red color, created in a previous practice exercise. __________________________________
Let's follow a step by step procedure to erase the arc.
1. Open the practice file ACAD1-05.Erase.dwg. __________________________________
2. Use any of the two methods, previously explained, to activate the __________________________________
Erase command. __________________________________
3. Select the arc, shown in red color, and press the Enter key or __________________________________
Spacebar to erase the arc. __________________________________
4. The screenshot of the drawing, upon the removal of arc, is shown. __________________________________
5. In a similar manner, we can erase as many drawing objects as we __________________________________
want. __________________________________
3.7 Rectangle Command
About Rectangles __________________________________
We have already learned to create a rectangle using the Line and
Polyline commands. But there is another quick way to create a
rectangle, and that is with the help of the Rectangle command.
The Rectangle command is used to create rectangular objects in __________________________________
AutoCAD. A rectangular object, created with this command, acts as a __________________________________
single polyline object. __________________________________
There are many options for creating a rectangle based on the area and
dimensions of the rectangle. The simplest and the basic method is
with the help of two points, that is, to specify the first corner and then
the opposite corner.
This figure below shows a rectangle, which is created using the two __________________________________
points method. __________________________________
Drawing Rectangles
In order to draw a rectangle, the Rectangle command can be __________________________________
activated in the following two ways: __________________________________
1. From the Ribbon, activate the Home tab.
2. In the Draw panel, click the Rectangle button.
3. In the command bar, type the alias REC or the full command __________________________________
RECTANG and press the Enter key, the Spacebar, or the mouse's __________________________________
right-click button. __________________________________
Practice Exercise
In this practice exercise, we will draw a rectangle, as shown, using the __________________________________
two-point method. __________________________________
Let's follow a step by step procedure, to draw a rectangle:

1. Open the practice file ACAD1-06.Rectangle.dwg. __________________________________

2. Use any of the two methods, previously explained, to activate the __________________________________

Rectangle command. __________________________________

3. For the first point, click on corner (1). __________________________________

4. Drag the mouse and press the left mouse key on the second Point __________________________________

(2), representing the opposite of corner (1). __________________________________

5. The command is now completed, and we have created the __________________________________

Rectangle. __________________________________
3.8 Polygon Command
About Polygons __________________________________
A polygon is a regular geometric object. It is a multi-sided (3 or more
sides) object in which all sides are of equal length.
The Polygon command is used to create a regular polygon geometric __________________________________
object. A polygon can be created using various parameters. One way is __________________________________
to specify the center point and radius of an imaginary circle, and the __________________________________
other one is by specifying a start point and end point of one of the __________________________________
polygon edges. __________________________________
Most commonly, polygons are created by specifying the center point
and radius of an imaginary circle. When we select this method, we
must choose one of two options, that is, either the “inscribed in a
circle” or “circumscribed in a circle.” The size of the polygon is
calculated, depending on the selected option, as shown in these
Drawing Polygons
In order to draw a polygon, the Polygon command can be activated __________________________________
in the following two ways: __________________________________
1. From the Ribbon, activate the Home tab.
2. In the Draw panel, click the downward arrow next to the
Rectangle button to open the panel, and then click the
Polygon button.
3. The second option is the command bar. Type in the alias POL __________________________________
or the full Polygon command. __________________________________
4. Then, press the Enter key, the Spacebar or the mouse's right- __________________________________
click button. __________________________________
Practice Exercise
In this exercise, we will draw a polygon inscribed in a circle, as shown, __________________________________
using the default method, that is, by specifying the center point and __________________________________
radius of an imaginary circle. __________________________________
Let's follow a step by step procedure, to draw a polygon:
1. Open the practice file ACAD1-07.Polygon.dwg __________________________________
2. Use any of the two methods, previously explained, to activate the __________________________________
Polygon command. __________________________________
3. Enter a value for the number of sides, say 5 in this case. __________________________________
4. For the center Point (1), click on the center point. __________________________________
5. Choose the inscribed in circle option. __________________________________
6. Drag the mouse away from the center point and enter a value for __________________________________
the radius, say 2m or 2ft, depending on your preferred units. __________________________________
7. Press the Enter key or Spacebar to finish the command. __________________________________
Note: __________________________________
Values used in this exercise are just for the sake of practice in
this guide. we may use other values for number of sides of a
polygon and radius of the polygon.

CONTROLLING OBJECTS __________________________________

4.1 Introduction __________________________________

Changing object properties is a common practice in all design __________________________________

activities. These changes may be a result of any alteration or __________________________________

adjustment in a design. Editing a drawing is something we will be __________________________________

required to do frequently during the life cycle of a project. __________________________________

In this chapter, we will not only have an understanding of all the basic __________________________________
commands that are used for altering drawing objects, but we will also __________________________________
practice the respective commands that allow us to do it. __________________________________
4.2 Moving Objects
About the Move Command __________________________________
In this section, we will learn how to change the position of an object in
an AutoCAD drawing using the Move command. Changing the
position of an object in a drawing is a common practice while editing
or creating a drawing.
The Move command allows us to change the position of an object in __________________________________
the drawing in various ways. The simplest of all available methods is __________________________________
to change the position by selecting the first Point (1) from where the __________________________________
object is, also known as the base point, to the second Point (2), where __________________________________
the object is going to be moved to. __________________________________
Using the Move Command
In order to move an object, the Move command can be activated in __________________________________
the following two ways: __________________________________
1. From the Ribbon, activate the Home tab.
2. In the Modify panel, click the Move button.
3. The second option is to use the command bar. Type the alias M or __________________________________
the full command, Move, and press the Enter key, the Spacebar, __________________________________
or the mouse's right-click button. __________________________________
Practice Exercise
In this exercise, we will move the smaller rectangle, from its current __________________________________
location, Point (1) to Point (2). __________________________________
Let's follow the step by step procedure to accomplish this goal:
1. Open the practice file ACAD1-09. Moving Objects.dwg. __________________________________
2. Use any of the two methods, previously explained, to activate the __________________________________
Move command. __________________________________
3. Select the smaller rectangle by clicking on it. __________________________________
4. Then, press the Enter key or the Spacebar to complete running __________________________________
the Move command. __________________________________
5. For the base Point (1), click on the upper left corner of the __________________________________
rectangle (1). __________________________________
6. Drag the mouse towards the left and click on the second Point (2). __________________________________
7. The Move command is now completed. __________________________________
8. This illustration shows the final position of the objects after __________________________________
completion of the Move command. __________________________________
4.3 Copying Objects
Introduction __________________________________
In this section, we will learn about creating duplicate objects in a
drawing using the Copy command. This command is quite helpful if
we want to create a number of objects having similar geometry in a
drawing. Instead of creating the same object, again and again, we can
simply use the Copy command to do this.
Just like the Move command, after running the Copy command, the __________________________________
easiest available method to copy an object is by selecting a first Point __________________________________
(1), from where the object is going to be copied, known as the base __________________________________
point, followed by the second Point (2), where the object is going to __________________________________
be created. __________________________________
Optionally, we can continue specifying multiple destination points
(second points), if we want to create multiple duplicate objects.
About the Copy Command
In order to copy an object, the Copy command can be activated in the __________________________________
following two ways: __________________________________
1. From the Ribbon, activate the Home tab.
2. Then, from the Modify panel, click the Copy button.
3. The second option is to use the command bar. From there, type the
alias C or the full Copy command.
4. Then, press the Enter key, the Spacebar or the mouse's right-
click button.
Practice Exercise
In this exercise, we will simply create multiple copies of the cross sign, __________________________________
as shown, __________________________________

Let's follow a step by step procedure to accomplish the task at hand: __________________________________
1. Open the practice file ACAD1-10.Copying Objects.dwg __________________________________
2. Make sure that Object Snap mode is on. More details of the Object __________________________________
Snap will be provided later. __________________________________
3. Use any of the two methods, previously explained, to activate the
Line command.
4. Select the cross sign and then press the Enter key or Spacebar to
complete the selection.
5. For the base Point (1), click on the upper left corner of the
6. Drag the mouse towards the right, reach the second Point (2) and
again click to paste the object to its new position. Continue to
specify as many second points (2) as we want.
7. At the end, press the Enter key or Spacebar to complete the
4.4 Rotating Objects
About Rotating Objects __________________________________
In this section, we will learn to use the Rotate command. In AutoCAD,
sometimes we need to change the direction or angle of an object, the
Rotate command comes handy for such activities.
There are various options to rotate an object using the Rotate __________________________________
command. The simplest of all is to use a combination of the base __________________________________
Point (1), reference Point (1), second point on object (2), and then the __________________________________
target Point (3), as shown in this figure. The red dotted line is __________________________________
representing the original orientation of the line, and the solid black __________________________________
line is indicating the new direction. __________________________________
Step by step procedure to rotate an object using this basic method is
explained in the practice exercise.
Using the Rotate Command
In order to rotate an object, the Rotate command can be activated in __________________________________
the following two ways: __________________________________
1. From the Ribbon, activate the Home tab.
2. Then, from the Modify panel, click on the Rotate button.
3. In the command bar, type the alias “RO” or the full Rotate
command and press the Enter key or Spacebar or the right
mouse button.
Practice Exercise
In this exercise, we will rotate a line from its original direction, 1-2, to __________________________________
a new direction, 1-3, as shown. __________________________________
Follow the step by step procedure, to rotate a line object, given below:

1. Open the AutoCAD practice file .dwg. __________________________________

2. Make sure that Object Snap is on. Details of the Object Snap are __________________________________

given in Chapter 5. __________________________________

3. Use any of the two methods, previously explained, to activate the __________________________________
Line command. __________________________________
4. Select the line and then press the Enter key or Spacebar to __________________________________
complete the selection. __________________________________
5. For the base Point (1), click at the start of the line object, then __________________________________
type “R” and again click on the same point, i.e., at the start of the __________________________________
line object. __________________________________
6. Specify the second Point (2) by simply pressing the left mouse __________________________________
button at the end of the line object. __________________________________
7. Drag the mouse upward and click on the target Point (3) to __________________________________
complete the command. __________________________________
4.5 Mirroring Objects
About mirroring objects __________________________________
As the name suggests, the Mirror command helps to create a
mirrored image of an existing AutoCAD object. With the Mirror
command, we can replicate objects by reflecting it symmetrically to a
physical or imaginary line.
In AutoCAD, sometimes, we need to create a mirrored duplicate of __________________________________
objects. That is where the Mirror command comes handy. __________________________________
Instead of creating a mirrored duplicate from scratch, we can save a
lot of time by using this command. It will assist us in creating complex
geometries in a relatively short period of time.
Once the Mirror command is activated, it will ask us to define a __________________________________
mirror reference line. The mirror line is a real or imaginary axis __________________________________
across which all the desired geometry will be mirrored. Once the __________________________________
mirror line is defined, and the object is mirrored, we have the option __________________________________
of either retaining or removing the source object. __________________________________
Using the Mirror Command
The Mirror command can be activated in the following two ways: __________________________________
1. First, from the Ribbon, activate the Home tab.
2. Then, on the Modify panel, click on the Mirror button.
3. The second option is to type the alias MI or the full Mirror
command in the command line.
4. Then, press the Enter key, the Spacebar or the mouse's right-
click button.
Practice Exercise
In this exercise, we will mirror the polyline source object across the __________________________________
mirror line 1-2, as shown. __________________________________
Let's follow a step by step procedure, to mirror the polyline object.

1. First, open the AutoCAD file ACAD1-12.Mirroring.dwg __________________________________

2. Then, make sure that Object Snap mode is on. More details on __________________________________

using the Object Snap option is given in Chapter 5 of this course. __________________________________

3. Now, use any of the two methods, previously explained, to run the __________________________________

Mirror command. __________________________________

4. Next, select the polyline and press enter or the Spacebar to __________________________________

complete the selection. __________________________________

5. When prompted to select the first Point (1) of the mirror line, __________________________________

press click on Point (1). __________________________________

6. Then, specify the second Point (2) of the mirror line by simply __________________________________

clicking on Point (2). __________________________________

7. Now, when prompted to decide whether to erase the source object __________________________________
or not, select “No” to retain it. __________________________________

8. The command is now completed, and the mirror image of the __________________________________

source object is created. __________________________________

4.6 Scaling Objects
About Scaling Objects __________________________________
In this section, we will learn how to proportionally change the size of
an AutoCAD object. Most of the time, in AutoCAD, it is much easier to
modify an existing object than creating a new one.
The Scale command is one of the commands that can help us modify __________________________________
an existing object in terms of changing their sizes uniformly. We can __________________________________
make them uniformly smaller or bigger by applying the Scale __________________________________
command. The command can be applied to a single object or an entire __________________________________
drawing. The Scale command is particularly useful when changing __________________________________
drawing units. For example, when switching a drawing from meters to __________________________________
feet, from feet to inches, or any other unit conversion. We just need to __________________________________
know the conversion factor between the two units and scale the __________________________________
drawing accordingly. __________________________________
There are various options available to us to use the Scale command.
One way is to use the combination of a base Point (1) and a scaling
factor. For example, if we want to increase the size of an object two
times, we will use a Scale Factor of 2. Another way is to use a
combination of the base Point (1), reference length (point 1 to
second point 2), and then a target length (point 1 to point 3).
In this figure, the red dotted line represents the original size of the __________________________________
square, while the solid black line represents the newly scaled square. __________________________________
Using the Scale Command
The Scale command can be activated in the following two ways: __________________________________
1. First, from the Ribbon, activate the Home tab.
2. Then, from the Modify panel, run the Scale command.
3. The second option is by using the Command Bar. Type the alias
SC or the complete Scale command.
4. Then, press the Enter key, the Spacebar or the Mouse's right-
click button.
Practice Exercise
In this exercise, we will increase the size of the square object, as __________________________________
shown, using the reference method. This method uses: __________________________________
❑ a Base Point (1),
❑ a Reference Length (point 1 to point 2); and
❑ a Final Length (Point (1) to Point (3)).
Let's practice the Scale command by using a step by step procedure:

1. First, open the practice file ACAD1-13.Scaling Objects.dwg. __________________________________

2. Next, make sure that the Object Snap option is on. Once again, __________________________________

more details on how to use object snaps are provided in Chapter __________________________________

5. __________________________________
3. Then, use any of the two methods previously explained to run the __________________________________
Scale Command. __________________________________
4. Select the square and then press the Enter key or the Spacebar to __________________________________
complete the selection. __________________________________
5. When prompted to specify the base point, click on Point (1), then __________________________________
type R. Typing R means that we are going to use a reference, __________________________________
instead of specifying a given value. With the reference option, we __________________________________
measure a distance (the reference) on the source object and __________________________________
specify the new dimension we would like for that distance. The __________________________________
new dimension can be entered manually or measured on the
6. So, let's click on the two points of the reference dimension: Point
(1) and Point (2).
7. Now, to specify the new dimension of the reference (1 to 2), drag
the mouse diagonally and click on at the target Point (3) to
complete the command. We have scaled the square by the
reference method, by making a reference distance (1 to 2) equal to
a new distance (1 to 3).

EDITING OBJECTS __________________________________

5.1 Introduction __________________________________
In AutoCAD, editing objects is another one of the most common __________________________________
activities that you will perform throughout a design process. The need __________________________________
for editing may arise as a result of any change in a design or for __________________________________
rectification of any mistake made during the design process. __________________________________
In this chapter, we will not only learn about the most commonly used __________________________________
commands for editing a drawing object but also practice the __________________________________
respective commands. __________________________________
5.2 Extend Command
About the extend command __________________________________
In any design process, you may need to adjust the length of a line or
any other AutoCAD object to meet the design requirements. In some
cases, you may need to lengthen an object, while in others, you may
require shortening the object geometry.
The Extend command is used to increase the length of a line, __________________________________
polyline, arc, or other AutoCAD elements to connect it to another __________________________________
object. The Extend command is a precision drafting tools that extend __________________________________
objects and ends them exactly at the specified boundary. __________________________________
In the following figure, if you want to extend Line (1) to Line (2), you
first need to run the Extend command, then select the boundary Line
(2) and then the line to be extended, Line (1).
Using the Extend Objects
We can run the Extend command in the following two ways: __________________________________
1. From the Ribbon, activate the Home tab.
2. Then, from the Modify panel, click the arrow next to the Trim
button to open the panel and run the Extend command.

3. The second option is to type the alias EX or the full Extend __________________________________

command in the command bar and press on the Enter key or the __________________________________
Spacebar. __________________________________
Practice Exercise
In this exercise, we will extend Line (1) to Line (2), as shown, using __________________________________
the extend command. __________________________________
Let's follow a step by step procedure to accomplish this goal:
1. Open the ACAD1-14. Extend.dwg AutoCAD file. __________________________________
2. Use any of the two methods, previously explained, to activate the __________________________________
extend command. __________________________________
3. Select Line (2), the boundary of the extension. __________________________________
4. Then, press on the Enter key or Spacebar to complete the __________________________________
selection. __________________________________
5. Now, when asked to select the object that you want to extend, __________________________________
select Line (1). __________________________________
6. Line (1) now extends to the specified boundary. __________________________________
7. Press Esc to escape and end the command. __________________________________
8. This illustration shows the final position of the objects after the __________________________________
completion of the Extend command. __________________________________
5.3 Trim Command
About the Trim command __________________________________
The Trim command is just the opposite of the Extend command. It is
used to shorten the length of an object, to end at the edges of other
intersecting objects.
When tow objects intersect, one can act as the cutting edge of the __________________________________
other one, thus removing the unwanted part of that object. __________________________________
In order to understand this command, look at this figure taken from
the practice exercise of the Extend command. If you want to create a
well-defined corner, by removing the portion of Line (2) extending
beyond Line (1), you first need to select Line (1) and then select Line
(2) to Trim the extra portion.
Using the Trim command
The Trim command can be activated in the following two ways: __________________________________
1. From the Ribbon, activate the Home tab
2. Then, from the Modify panel, run the Trim command.
3. In the command line, type the alias TR or the full Trim command
and press the Enter key, the Spacebar, or the mouse's right-click __________________________________
Practice Exercise
In this exercise, we will trim Line (2) that extends beyond Line (1), as __________________________________
shown, using the Trim command. __________________________________
Let's follow a step by step procedure to complete this practice:
1. Open the AutoCAD practice file ACAD1-15.Trim.dwg. __________________________________
2. Use any of the two previously explained methods to activate the __________________________________
Trim command. __________________________________
3. Select Line (1) and then press enter or the Spacebar to complete __________________________________
the selection. __________________________________
4. Now, when prompted to select the portion of the object that you __________________________________
want to trim, select the portion of Line (2) that extends beyond __________________________________
Line (1). __________________________________
5. Press the Enter or Esc key to complete the command. __________________________________
6. This illustration shows the final position of the objects after __________________________________
completing of the Trim command. __________________________________
5.4 Offsetting Objects
About the Offset Command __________________________________
Sometimes, we may need to create parallel objects at a specified
distance. This is needed to create geometries such as furniture edges,
mechanical parts edges, roadway features, etc. We can create parallel
objects, with the help of the Offset command. You can create parallel
lines, parallel curves, concentric circles, etc. Objects created using the
Offset command have the same shape but may or may not have the
same size.
In this figure, you can see some parallel lines and concentric circles __________________________________
created using the Offset command. The objects shown in black color __________________________________
are the source objects, and those in red are created using the Offset __________________________________
command. __________________________________
Using the Offset Command
The Offset command can be activated in the following two ways: __________________________________
1. From the Ribbon, activate the Home tab.
2. Then, from the Modify panel, run the Offset command.
3. The second option is to type the alias “O” or the full “Offset”
command in the command bar and press the Enter key, the
Spacebar, or the mouse's right-click button.
4. We should also mention that when the Offset command is __________________________________
launched, we have the option at the command line to specify a __________________________________
distance and a Through point. With the Through option, instead __________________________________
of specifying a distance, we will click on a point where the new __________________________________
offset object will pass through. __________________________________
Practice Exercise
In this exercise, we will create an offset object, as shown, by using the __________________________________
Offset command. __________________________________
Let's follow a step by step procedure to accomplish this goal:
1. Open the AutoCAD practice file ACAD1-16.Offset Objects. __________________________________
2. Create a Circle to practice this skill learned previously in section __________________________________
1.3 (circle command or use the circle already in the drawing). __________________________________
3. Use any of the two methods, previously explained, to activate the __________________________________
Offset command. __________________________________
4. After activating the Offset command, you will be prompted to __________________________________
type the offset distance. For this exercise, use a value of 1m or __________________________________
1ft. __________________________________
5. Select the object to offset (the circle) and then drag the mouse __________________________________
towards the desired side (inwards or outwards). __________________________________
6. In this exercise, drag the mouse outwards and click to create an __________________________________
offset object, shown in red. Press the Spacebar or Enter key to __________________________________
complete the command. __________________________________
5.5 Joining Objects
In an AutoCAD drawing, we usually have objects drawn as individual __________________________________
separate entities such as lines, polylines, arcs, etc. These objects are __________________________________
then combined to make a complex geometric object. This not only __________________________________
makes it difficult to manage the overall geometry of the objects, but __________________________________
also increases the file size. So, it is always recommended to join such __________________________________
objects when possible. __________________________________
The Join command is used to combine endpoints of objects such as
lines, polylines, arcs, etc. Be aware that the Join command only works
when all objects that you want to join share common endpoints and
also are at the same geometric coordinates (x, y, and z). In other
words, they have to completely touch ends.
In this figure, you can see two basic objects, a line, and an arc, which __________________________________
share a common End Point (1). If there is a gap between the __________________________________
endpoints of these two objects, we will not be able to join them. __________________________________
Using the Join Command
The Join command can be activated in the following two ways: __________________________________
1. From the Ribbon, activate the Home tab.
2. Then, from the Modify panel, click the arrow next to the Modify
button to open the panel dropdown.
3. From there, click on the Join button.
4. In the command bar, type the alias J or the full Join command. __________________________________
5. Then, press the Enter key, the Spacebar or the mouse's right-click __________________________________
button. __________________________________
Practice Exercise
In this practice, we will join two objects, an arc, and a polyline, using __________________________________
the Join command. __________________________________
Let's follow a step by step procedure to accomplish the task at hand:
1. Open the AutoCAD practice file ACAD1-17.Join Objects.dwg. __________________________________
2. Create a line and arc, as shown, using the procedure, already __________________________________
discussed to practice your skills. Alternatively, you can use the __________________________________
existing entities if you have already mastered how to create lines __________________________________
and arcs. __________________________________
3. Next, use any of the previous two methods to activate the Join __________________________________
command. __________________________________
4. After activating the command, select all the objects you want to __________________________________
join. __________________________________
5. Press the Spacebar or the Enter key to join the objects and __________________________________
complete the command. __________________________________
5.6 Breaking Objects
About the Break Command __________________________________
Cases may arise where we need to break a single AutoCAD object in
two or more separate entities. This task is accomplished by using the
Break command in AutoCAD.
The Break command works in two ways. One is to break an object at a __________________________________
point, in which case the line is broken, but the two endpoints of the __________________________________
new entities remain in contact. The second option is to break an __________________________________
object between two points, leaving a gap between the two new __________________________________
entities. We will learn how to use both options. __________________________________
Breaking an Object at a Point
In order to break an object at a point, the Break at Point command __________________________________
can be activated as follows: __________________________________
1. From the Ribbon, activate the Home tab.
2. Then, from the Modify panel, click the arrow next to the Modify
button to open the panel.
3. Next, click on the Break at Point button.
Practice Exercise
In this exercise, we will break the line, as shown, using the Break at __________________________________
Point command. __________________________________
Let's follow a step by step procedure to accomplish the task at hand:
1. Open the AutoCAD practice file ACAD1-18.Break Objects.dwg. __________________________________
2. First, let's practice some skills learned earlier. Draw a line using __________________________________
the Line command. If you are confident enough in your skills so __________________________________
far, use the existing line object. __________________________________
3. Then, use either of the previously explained methods to launch the __________________________________
Break at Point command. __________________________________
4. Select the line object that you want to break. __________________________________
5. Next, select a point on the line where you want to break it. __________________________________
6. The line is now broken into two individual entities. __________________________________
Break between Two Points
In order to break an object between two points, the Break command __________________________________
can be activated in the following two ways: __________________________________
1. From the Ribbon, activate the Home tab.
2. Then, from the Modify panel, click the arrow next to Modify to
open the dropdown panel and then click on the Break button.
3. The second option is to type the alias “BR” or the full “Break” __________________________________
command in the command bar and press the Enter key, the __________________________________
Spacebar, or the Mouse's right-click button. __________________________________
Practice Exercise
In this exercise, we will break the line, as shown, using the Break __________________________________
command. __________________________________
Let's follow a step by step procedure to accomplish the task at hand:
1. Keep working from the previous AutoCAD practice file ACAD1- __________________________________
18.Break Objects.dwg. __________________________________
2. Draw a line using the Line command. __________________________________
3. Then, use any of the two methods, previously explained, to activate __________________________________
the Break command. __________________________________
4. Click on any two points on the line to break it between those two __________________________________
points. __________________________________
5. The line is now broken with a gap between the two points. __________________________________
5.7 Creating Fillets
About Fillets __________________________________
Fillets are quite common across architecture and all engineering
disciplines. They are used to create a round or curved geometry
between any two AutoCAD objects. The Fillet command is used to
create a smooth curved transition, of a specified radius between the
two objects. You can fillet AutoCAD objects such as line, polyline, arc,
In the following illustration, you can see two lines before and after __________________________________
using the Fillet command. __________________________________
Using the Fillet Command
In order to create a fillet between two objects, the Fillet command can __________________________________
be activated in the following two ways: __________________________________
1. From the Ribbon, activate the Home tab.
2. Then, from the Modify panel, run the Fillet command.
3. In the command line, type the alias F or the command Fillet.
4. Then, press the Enter key, the Spacebar or the mouse's right-click
Practice Exercise
In this exercise, we will create a fillet between two line-objects, as __________________________________
shown, using the Fillet command. __________________________________
Let's follow a step by step procedure to accomplish the task at hand:
1. Open the AutoCAD practice file ACAD1-19. Creating Fillets.dwg. __________________________________
2. Draw two perpendicular lines, as shown using the procedure __________________________________
discussed in Chapter 1. __________________________________
3. Use any of the two methods, previously explained, to activate the __________________________________
Fillet command. __________________________________
4. Once the Fillet command is activated, type the alias R in the __________________________________
command bar and press the Spacebar or Enter key. __________________________________
5. Type a radius value, to be used to fillet the two lines, and press the __________________________________
Spacebar or Enter key. In this exercise, use a fillet radius value __________________________________
of 1m or 1ft. __________________________________
6. Select the first object (1) and then the second object (2). __________________________________
7. Upon selecting the second object (2), a fillet will be created, and __________________________________
the Fillet command will be automatically completed. __________________________________

Note: __________________________________
You can also use Fillet command if you want to connect two
objects without a curve. For that you will use a radius value of 0.

BLOCKS __________________________________
6.1 About Blocks __________________________________
When working in AutoCAD, sometimes we have to create drawings
that consist of various types of regular and sometimes irregular
shaped objects. All the information drawn in an AutoCAD drawing is
stored in the form of a database. Some of these objects are used more
frequently than others. If you would like to use these objects, it would
be much easier to group all the individual entities of that complex
geometry in a single object, which is known in AutoCAD parlance as a
Block, multiple objects combined to create a single entity. Their main
advantage is their ease of reuse in the current or future drawings. The
block is stored in the current drawing and accessible whenever the
drawing is opened. The blocks can also be imported in other drawings.
This not only helps you to work more efficiently, but also keeps your
design formats consistent across various projects. Ideally, your most
frequently used blocks should be saved in a template file. Please refer
to our upper-level courses on how to work with templates.

In this chapter, we will learn how to create blocks and use them in our __________________________________
drawings. __________________________________
6.2 Creating Blocks
As discussed earlier, using blocks will help you work more efficiently. __________________________________
In this figure, the left object is a block object, whereas the same object
on the right consists of various separate entities. Just for illustration
purposes and better understanding, the individual objects, forming a
complex geometry, are shown in different colors. You can clearly see
that this complex geometry consists of lines, polylines, and arcs. If you
have to use them at multiple locations or in multiple drawings, it
would be better to convert them into a single block object. This will
increase your work efficiency.
Using the Block Command
In order to create a block, the Block command can be activated in the __________________________________
following two ways: __________________________________
1. From the Ribbon, activate the Insert tab.
2. Then, in the Block Definition panel, run the Create Block button.
3. The second option is to through the Command Bar. You can type
in the alias B or the command Block, then press the Enter, the
Spacebar key, or the mouse's right-click button.
Practice Exercise
In this exercise, we will create a block by grouping basic AutoCAD __________________________________
objects, as shown. We will use the Create Block command. __________________________________
Let's follow the step by step procedure, to create the block, as shown: __________________________________
1. Open the practice AutoCAD file ACAD1-20. Creating Blocks.dwg.
2. Use any of the two methods, previously explained, to activate the
Create Block command.
3. Once the command is run, the Block Definition window opens.
4. Type in the name of the block, Dining Table, for example. __________________________________
5. Then, click on Select Objects to select the object to be included in __________________________________
the block. __________________________________
6. In this case, select the objects forming the dining table in the
practice drawing, using a rectangular selection.
7. Then, press the Spacebar or Enter key.
8. Click OK. This will group all the entities into one monolithic block.
If you do not specify a block Base Point, the block will
automatically be inserted at the coordinates 0, 0, 0 of a drawing by __________________________________
default. To specify an insertion point in the block, activate the
Specify on Screen option.
9. Then, click on Pick point.
10. Next, click on the point you would like to be the default insertion
point, say the lower bottom corner.
11. The insertion coordinates are now specified. Next time you insert __________________________________
this block in a drawing, this point will be matched with whichever __________________________________
point you choose on the screen. __________________________________
12. In the Object section, we have three options that we can use to __________________________________
decide what happens to the block after its creation. __________________________________
a. Retain, which retain all objects used to create the block. __________________________________
b. Convert to block, which will replace the existing individual __________________________________
objects by the newly created block. __________________________________
c. Delete, which will delete the objects used and will not
immediately insert the new block. We can, however, insert
the new block later, if we wish to.
13. Click OK to create the dining table block.
14. Repeat the previous steps to create a block called Chair. This time
select the objects constituting the chair.
15. For the base point, select the lower-left corner of the entities.

16. We now have two blocks. One for the Dining Table and a second
one for the Dining Chair. The proof you ask? Click on any object,
and you will have the whole block selected.
6.3 Editing a block
About Editing a Block __________________________________
To paraphrase a wise man named Heraclitus, the only constant, in
designing, is change. In AutoCAD, you will find yourself making a lot
of changes, most of the time, due to circumstances beyond your
control. Therefore, we need to know how to deal with these changes.
Fortunately, once a block is created, we can edit and modify it. The
best thing about editing a block is that the changes will propagate to
every instance of the block, throughout the drawing. So, let's say you
have a hotel drawing with ten floors and 300 rooms. If the owner
decides to go from king size to queen-size beds, for example, the
change will only take you a couple of minutes. Just edit the block, and
every single bed in the building will adjust to the new sizes.
How to Edit a block
In order to Edit a block, we need to use the Block Editor. It can be __________________________________
activated in the following two ways: __________________________________
1. From the Ribbon, activate the Insert tab.
2. Then, in the Block Definition panel, run the Block Editor button.
3. The second option is to through the Command Bar. You can type
in the command Blockeditor, then press the Enter, the Spacebar
key, or the mouse's right-click button.
4. In the Edit Block Definition window, select the block to edit. Let's
select the dining table and click, OK.
5. The Block Editor opens. You may not have noticed, but this is a
completely different window than our AutoCAD main drafting
window. In this window, we can edit any of the block's objects
(their sizes, shapes, dimensions, colors, etc.). Let's change the
colors to put them to By block. This means that the colors of all
objects of the block will inherit the color we set for the global
block. Their individual colors will be overwritten and replaced by
the block's color. So, let's say the lines are blue, the polylines red,
the arcs yellow, etc. None of that will matter if we put the block to
magenta. They will all obey the block color and turn magenta.
Select all the objects, right click, and select Properties.
6. In the new Properties Window, we can change several __________________________________
parameters of the block entities. One of the parameters is the __________________________________
object's color. Set it to By Block. __________________________________
7. All entities will keep showing with their original color until we set
a color for the block.
8. Close the Block Editor.
9. Click Save the changes to Dining Table.
10. Repeat the same previous steps to change the color of the block __________________________________
Chair. __________________________________
11. We now know how to Edit a block and ready to tackle any __________________________________
requested change involving a block. __________________________________
6.4 Inserting Blocks
About Inserting Blocks and Drawings __________________________________
Now that we know how to Create and Edit a block, we need to learn
how to Insert them. After all, that's how they are going to be used.
To insert blocks and files in a drawing, we need to use the Insert __________________________________
command. When a new drawing is created, it does not contain any __________________________________
block definition, unless blocks were stored in the drawing template. __________________________________
So, you either have to create new blocks or Insert blocks from other __________________________________
drawings. When a drawing file is inserted into another drawing, all __________________________________
block definitions of the inserted file will be added to the new __________________________________
drawing. __________________________________
Using the Insert Command
In order to insert a block, the Insert command can be activated in the __________________________________
following two ways. __________________________________
1. From the Ribbon, activate the Insert tab.
2. Then, in the Block panel, run the Insert command.
3. The second option is through the Command Bar. Type either the
alias “I” or the “Insert” command, then press the Enter, the
Spacebar key, or the mouse's right-click button.
Practice Exercise
In this exercise, we will insert the blocks we previously created in a __________________________________
new file. This block was created in a previous practice exercise. We __________________________________
will bring it in a different drawing with the Insert command. __________________________________
Let's follow a step by step procedure, to insert the block:
1. Open a new AutoCAD drawing by using the ribbon or typing QNew __________________________________
(Quick New) at the Command line. If you have a default template __________________________________
already set, use it. If not, choose a template from your template __________________________________
directory. __________________________________
2. Use any of the two methods, previously explained, to activate the __________________________________
Create block command. __________________________________
3. Once the command is activated, the Insert window will open. Click __________________________________
on the “Browse” button to navigate to practice drawing directory. __________________________________
In the directory, select the ACAD1-21.Inserting Blocks – __________________________________
COMPLETED.dwg file and click Open. __________________________________

4. In the Insert window, Uncheck the two options, “Scale” and
“Rotation.” Activate the Specify on Screen option.
5. Now, you can click anywhere to insert the drawing containing all
the blocks we have created, thus importing the block definition.
6. Double-click on your mouse or use the alias ZE at the command
line to Zoom the Extent of the drawing and reveal all entities in
the imported drawing.
7. Select the two blocks and hit Delete to erase them. We will see __________________________________
how to insert them with a precise Basepoint. __________________________________
8. On the Insert tab, in the Block panel, click on the arrow to roll the __________________________________
Block panel. __________________________________
9. Then, scroll all the way down to the most recent blocks and select
the Dining Table block.
10. Click anywhere on the screen to insert it. __________________________________
11. Repeat the previous steps to insert the Chair.
12. For the insertion point, click on the Table's top left corner.

13. The chair is now inserted and hooks well with the table because __________________________________
we have defined an insertion point while creating the chair block. __________________________________
14. Use the Copy command to create two additional copies of the chair __________________________________
and lay them out like this. __________________________________
15. Next, use the Mirror command to add chairs on the other side of
the table, using the horizontal centerline of the table.

Note: __________________________________
1. A new drawing file may or may not contain some basic block
definitions depending upon the drawing template file.
2. We will learn about creating a template file in the advance
level course.

OBJECT SNAPS AND ORTHOMODES __________________________________

7.1 Introduction __________________________________
In this introductory course, we learned about creating basic objects,
altering and editing those objects. We have also learned about
creating blocks, editing, and inserting them. There are some other
commands in AutoCAD, which are used in conjunction with other
basic commands to draw objects accurately.
In this chapter, we will learn about the importance of these supporting __________________________________
commands and their use. Learning these commands is very important __________________________________
to work efficiently. Two of the most important supporting commands, __________________________________
or drafting mode rather, are Object Snap and Orthomodes. They are __________________________________
not AutoCAD commands per se, but a drafting mode we put ourselves __________________________________
in, to achieve a certain desired result. __________________________________
7.2 Object Snap
About Object Snap __________________________________
All objects in AutoCAD have certain defined selectable points such as
endpoint, midpoint, center, etc.; these points can be used to position
and interact with these objects. It is very important to define these
selectable points if you want to accurately work with these objects.
There is a total of fourteen Object Snap modes available in AutoCAD. __________________________________
All available modes, with a brief description, are given below. __________________________________
❑ Endpoint: Snaps to the closest endpoint or the corner of an
❑ Midpoint: Snaps to the midpoint of an object.
❑ Center: Snaps to the center points of curved objects. __________________________________
❑ Geometric Center: Snaps to the centroid of any closed splines __________________________________
and polylines. __________________________________
❑ Node: Snaps to a point object, dimension definition point, or
dimension text origin.
❑ Quadrant: Snaps to quadrant points on curved objects. __________________________________
❑ Intersection: Snaps to the intersection of any two geometric

❑ Extension: Causes a temporary extension line to display when __________________________________
you pass the cursor over the endpoint of objects, so you can __________________________________
specify points on the extension line. __________________________________
❑ Insertion: Snaps to the insertion point of an attribute, a block,
a shape, or text.
❑ Perpendicular: Snaps to a point perpendicular to a selected __________________________________
AutoCAD object. __________________________________
❑ Tangent: Snaps to the tangent of a curved object such as circle,
arc, etc.
❑ Nearest: Snaps to the nearest point on an AutoCAD object. __________________________________
❑ Apparent Intersection: Snaps to the apparent intersection of
any two AutoCAD objects that do not intersect in 3D space but
may appear to intersect in the current view.
❑ Parallel: Restrict a line or ray object parallel to another __________________________________
existing linear object that you identify by hovering the mouse __________________________________
cursor. __________________________________
Using Object Snap Command
The Object Snap command can be activated in the following two __________________________________
ways: __________________________________
1. On the Status Bar, at the bottom of the screen, click on the Object
Snap button. A blue-colored button indicates that the command is
activated, and a white-colored button represents an inactive
2. The second option is to simply press “F3” to activate or deactivate
this command.
Object Snap Settings
The Object Snap settings window is shown. The Object Snap settings, __________________________________
in the Object Snap tab of the drafting settings window, allow you to __________________________________
select the required object snaps by checking boxes. __________________________________
If we click on the “Clear All” button, it will uncheck all the boxes,
whereas clicking “Select All” will check all the boxes. We can also
select specific desired snaps modes individually.

We can open the Object Snap Setting window in the following two __________________________________

ways: __________________________________
1. On the Status Bar, at the bottom of the screen, right-click on the __________________________________
Object Snap button or left-click the arrow next to the Object __________________________________
Snap button to open the dropdown panel. __________________________________
2. Then, click on Object Snap Settings. This will open the “Drafting
Setting” window, shown above.
3. The second option is through the Command bar. There, we can __________________________________
type the alias “OS” or the command “OSNAP,” then press the __________________________________
Enter, the Spacebar key, or the mouse's right-click button. __________________________________
7.3 Orthomode
About Orthomode __________________________________
This is a simple but very useful drafting mode in AutoCAD. The
Orthomode will help us draw lines, polylines, or other objects in a
horizontal or vertical direction. When the command is turned on, the
cursor’s movement will be restricted only in two directions, that is,
horizontal and vertical. The lines in this figure are drawn while
another command is activated.
Using Ortho
Orthomode can be activated in the following two ways: __________________________________
1. On the Status Bar, at the bottom of the screen, click on the
Orthomode button. A blue-colored button indicates that the
command is activated, and a white-colored button represents an
inactive command.
2. The second option is to simply press “F8” to activate or deactivate __________________________________
this command. __________________________________
3. Press “F8” to activate or deactivate Orthomode. __________________________________

Note: __________________________________
❑ In this chapter you have learned about two
commands, which will assist you during any
design activity by enhancing efficiency and
❑ You have also learned the use of these commands
while doing the practice exercises for “creating
basic objects”.
❑ You will learn about creating a template file in
advance level course.

PRACTICE 01: CREATING A 2D SOFA __________________________________

8.1 Introduction
In the previous lessons, we've learned how to use some AutoCAD __________________________________
commands to create basic 2D elements like lines, polylines, and __________________________________
rectangles. We also learn how to modify these elements. Once we __________________________________
understand how to use these commands, we can use our skills to create __________________________________
bigger projects such as architectural floor plans or house furniture or __________________________________
mechanical parts. __________________________________
Let's start doing that by creating a 2D sofa and practice the commands
we learned. For this small project, we will need most of the skills we've
practiced previously.
Let's start our first bigger practice project by drawing a piece of __________________________________
furniture for the house, a sofa, for example. The sofa we want to __________________________________
design will look similar to this. __________________________________
8.2 Practice
Let's get started. __________________________________
1. First, open the practice file ACAD1-22.Practice 01 - Sofa
2. Then, from the Ribbon or the command line, run the Line
3. Then, with Orthomode and Osnap (Center) activated, click on
the start point (the magenta circle in square 1). This will allow us
to click in the center of the circle and lock the cursor movement
to only the horizontal and vertical directions.
4. Slide the cursor to the right and enter 2000 in millimeters (80 __________________________________
inches). This will create the first line of the sofa. __________________________________
5. Next, slide the cursor upward and enter 700 (30in), then press __________________________________
Enter. This creates the right edge of the sofa. __________________________________

6. Now, move the cursor to the left and type 2000, then press Enter __________________________________
to create the front edge of the sofa. __________________________________
7. After that, with Osnap (End) activated, click on the start point to __________________________________
create a rectangle. __________________________________
8. Now, press Escape to exit the Line command. You may be asking
yourself, why not use the Rectangle command we just learned in
the previous lesson? Well, of course, we can do that. Instead, let's
use the Rectangle command to create the sofa's armrests.
9. Run the Rectangle command from the Ribbon or Command
10. When prompted to specify the first corner point, click on the
lower-left corner of the sofa.

11. Then, when prompted for the other corner, click on Dimension __________________________________
or enter the shortcut D at the command line. __________________________________
12. For the length, enter 150 and press Enter. __________________________________
13. For the Width, enter 500 and press Enter. __________________________________
14. Now, we are given an option to insert the rectangle in one of the __________________________________
four quadrants of an imaginary circle centered at the start __________________________________
point. Choose the top right quadrant and click. __________________________________

15. After that, with the Osnap (Midpoint) activated, use the Move __________________________________
command to move the armrest from the Midpoint of its lower __________________________________
edge to the lower-left corner of the sofa. __________________________________
16. Then click to adjust the armrest.

17. Now, let's see how to use the grips of AutoCAD objects. It is
intuitive that we can select almost any object and move a grip by
selecting it and manually moving it. Furthermore, this applies also
to segments. Suppose that we want to make the armrest 75mm
(3in) closer to the front edge of the sofa.
18. Select the armrest then click on the midpoint of the top edge.
19. Then, move it upward and type 75mm (3in) at the command line. __________________________________
The armrest now extends closer to the front of the segment. __________________________________

20. Now, let's create the headrest. To do that, we can either copy the __________________________________
bottom edge and move it, say 200mm (8in), or create an offset. __________________________________
Let's use the Offset option to create a copy of the bottom edge of __________________________________
the headrest. __________________________________

21. Subsequently, with the Osnap (Intersection) activated and __________________________________
Orthomode deactivated, run a Line from the lower-left corner of __________________________________
the armrest to the intersection of the top of the headrest and the __________________________________
right of the armrest lines. __________________________________

22. Now, let's practice the Trim command. Run it from the Ribbon or __________________________________
the command line. __________________________________

23. Then, make a rectangular selection to select all the objects of the __________________________________
sofa. __________________________________
24. When prompted to TRIM, click to trim the following object: the
top part of the middle vertical line of the armrest, the bottom part
of the right line of the armrest, and the left part of the top headrest
25. The sofa should look like this after trimming the unnecessary
26. After that, we need to delete the part of the lower line of the __________________________________
armrest extending past the vertical middle line. __________________________________

27. We can't use the Erase command because the armrest is one __________________________________
entity (we used a rectangle to create it). Deleting one part will __________________________________
delete the whole thing. So, we have a couple of options. __________________________________
❑ The first option would be to Explode the rectangle and Delete
the extra line. To do this, run the Explode command from the
Ribbon or at the command line (alias X).
❑ The second option to Remove the extra line is by deleting the
vertex. To do this, we would select the armrest, then put the
cursor on the last vertex of the line to be deleted and choose
Remove Vertex.
28. However, removing the vertex will delete the whole segment of
the polyline. So, let's just grab the last vertex and move it to the
start point of the sofa (center of the circle).
29. The sofa should look like this when we are done. __________________________________

30. Now, we need to Mirror the left armrest to the right. First, we need __________________________________
an axis for the mirror. Draw a line or polyline from the middle of __________________________________
the top line of the sofa to the bottom line of the headrest. Make __________________________________
sure the Osnap (Perpendicular) option is activated. __________________________________
31. Then, Trim and delete all the right parts of the Mirror axis. __________________________________
32. Next, run the Mirror command and select all the parts to the right __________________________________
with a rectangular selection and press Enter. __________________________________

33. For the first point, click on the lower or upper end of the mirror
34. For the second point, click on the other end.
35. For the option to Erase the source objects, press Enter to choose __________________________________
No. The mirror image is now created. __________________________________
36. Next, Erase the mirror axis by selecting it and running the Erase
command or hitting the Delete key

37. Subsequently, we need to join the horizontal lines of the sofa. This
step is not really required, but let's use this opportunity to
practice the Join command. If you click on individual lines, you
will notice that the top line of the sofa is made up of two
independent polylines.
38. Run the Join command. __________________________________
39. Now, assume that our sofa is required to have three seats of
700mm (30in). Therefore, we need a total length of 2100mm
(90in). Since we have created a sofa that is 2000mm (80in), we
need to extend it. One easy way to do that is to use the Scale
40. After running the Scale command, make a rectangular selection __________________________________
to select all objects. __________________________________
41. After that, press Enter. __________________________________
42. For the base point, click on the Start point of the sofa (center of __________________________________
the circle). __________________________________
43. When prompted for a scale factor, you can do the math and divide
2100 by 2000 (90 by 80) and enter the result. Or, you can spare
yourself the math headache and choose the Reference option. If
you choose that option, then simply click on Reference at the
command line or type the shortcut R.

44. Subsequently, when prompted for the reference length, measure
the width of the sofa by clicking on one extremity of the top
horizontal line.
45. Then, on the opposite side one.
46. When prompted for the New Length, type 2100 (90) and press __________________________________
Enter. The sofa is now scaled. __________________________________
47. Now, let's create the outlines of the seat. Select one of the top __________________________________
vertical lines and offset it 700mm (30mm). __________________________________


48. The new line should look like this. __________________________________

49. Now use the Extend command to extend it down to the top of the
50. The left seat limit is now created.

51. After that, let's offset the seat limit line to the right 700mm __________________________________
52. Subsequently, delete the two reference circles.
53. Finally, let's create a block of our sofa so that we can insert it on
multiple floors, in a basement or any other room as required. Run
the Block command from the Ribbon or the command line.
54. In the Block Definition dialog box, enter Sofa Full for the Name.
Click on the Pick point icon to select a Basepoint for the __________________________________
block. __________________________________
55. Next, click on the lower-left corner of the sofa.
56. Then, for Object, click Select Objects.

57. Make a rectangular selection to select all objects.
58. Press Enter to return to the Block Definition dialog box. __________________________________
59. Then, for the block conversion option, choose to Convert to __________________________________
Block. We've already seen what the different options mean in the __________________________________
Block section of the course. __________________________________
60. Finally, click OK to create the block. __________________________________

61. The block is now created and can be inserted anywhere in the
drawing from the insert tab.
62. This concludes this first exercise where we've practiced how to
use commands such as Line, Polyline, Circle, Rectangle, Copy,
Mirror, Scale, Erase, Extend, Trim, Block, etc.
63. The next step of our journey to learn AutoCAD is more practice to
learn new features and keep strengthening our skills.

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