Final NSTP Portfolio

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Successful Community Engagement Initiatives:
Barangay Gayas Bundle of Joy Distribution
(December 10, 2023) and Barangay Taft Clean
Up Drive (January 6, 2024)

Kirk Cedric M. Latras


Shane Abeguel T. Eviota

Chapters Page

Introduction 2
Documentation with captions 3
● Evaluation of Place and Families
● Packing of Goods
● Distribution of Good
● Clean Up Drive
Narrative Report 10
Overall Reflection Paper 12
Acknowledgement 14


Seeds of Service, Blossoming into Change

This portfolio isn't simply a collection of projects; it's a chronicle of

transformation. Within these pages, you'll witness a journey from the classroom to
the community, where theory gave way to practice and individual ambitions
merged into a collective force for good. It's the story of the National Service
Training Program (NSTP) becoming a catalyst for self-discovery, environmental
awareness, and the unshakeable conviction that even the smallest act of service
can ignite ripples of positive change.

The pages that follow unveil two distinct yet intricately connected initiatives. One
whispers of holiday cheer and the simple joy of giving amidst the humble homes
of Barangay Gayas. The other echoes with the collective clang of trash cans and
the determined march of volunteers who embarked on a mission to reclaim the
streets of Barangay Taft. Though seemingly disparate, these projects were united
by a single, unwavering thread: the spirit of service.

In Barangay Gayas, we weren't merely distributing pre-packaged groceries; we

were weaving bonds of compassion, one carefully assembled food bundle at a
time. The smiles reflected in grateful eyes weren't just fleeting glimpses of
appreciation; they were testaments to the immense power of empathy and the
profound impact of genuine human connection.

But our NSTP journey wasn't solely about sharing material things. In Barangay
Taft, we donned the armor of environmental stewardship, armed with gloves and
trash bags, and waged a united war against pollution. As we cleared littered
streets and transformed neglected corners, we weren't just beautifying a
landscape; we were planting seeds of responsibility and igniting a passion for
collective action within the hearts of ourselves and the community.

The experiences captured within this portfolio transcend labels and statistics.
They speak of shared laughter and sweat, of challenges overcome, and of lessons
learned. They whisper of the profound personal growth that blossomed as we
stepped outside our comfort zones and embraced the transformative power of

So, turn the page and embark on this journey with me. Witness the evolution of
students into changemakers, of theory into action, and of individual seeds of
service blossoming into a collective force for good. This is our NSTP story, and
it's just beginning.

Documentation with Captions
Evaluation of Place and Family (December 8, 2023)

Packing of Goods (December 9, 2023)

Distribution of Goods (December 10, 2023)

Clean Up Drive

Narrative Report: Community Extension Service in
Barangay Gayas and Taft

In fulfillment of the Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) component of the

National Service Training Program (NSTP), students of STI College Surigao
embarked on a meaningful journey of community service. This report chronicles
two impactful initiatives undertaken in December 2023 and January 2024,
bringing both festive cheer and environmental awareness to two deserving

Bringing Bundle of Joy: Barangay Gayas, December 10, 2023

Guided by a spirit of giving and compassion, our team set out for Barangay Gayas
on December 8th. Armed with questionnaires, we conducted a thorough
evaluation to assess the needs and preferences of the local families. This vital step
ensured the relevance and appropriateness of our planned "Bundle of Joy" giving

Excitement filled the air on December 9th as we transformed our classrooms into
packing stations. Laughter and camaraderie mingled with the hustle and bustle as
students carefully assembled 150 food packs, each one overflowing with essential
groceries and a touch of holiday cheer.

On December 10th, anticipation blossomed into joy as we arrived in Barangay

Gayas. The smiles on the faces of the 150 families receiving the food packs were
truly heartwarming. It was a moment of connection where our efforts translated
into immediate impact and brought a ray of hope and gratitude to the community.

Cleaning Up for a Brighter Future: Barangay Taft, January 6, 2024

Shifting gears from festive cheer to environmental consciousness, our NSTP

journey continued in Barangay Taft on January 6th. Armed with gloves and trash
bags, students, teachers, and local residents united for a clean-up drive.

The spirit of collaboration was palpable as we scoured the streets and parks,
collecting discarded waste and beautifying the landscape. From overflowing bins
to hidden corners, no garbage escaped our determined efforts. By the end of the
day, Barangay Taft was visibly cleaner, and a sense of accomplishment radiated
among all participants.

Impact and Beyond:

These two initiatives were more than just temporary interventions. The "Bundle
of Joy" offering provided immediate relief to families in need, while the clean-up
drive instilled a sense of environmental responsibility and community pride.
Through these projects, our NSTP program instilled in students the values of
empathy, civic duty, and environmental stewardship.

As we move forward, the lessons learned and the bonds forged during these
community service projects will stay with us. We will continue to seek
opportunities to make a positive impact on the world around us, carrying the spirit
of NSTP and reminding ourselves that even the smallest act of service can create
a ripple effect of positive change.


The NSTP community extension service in Barangay Gayas and Taft stands as a
testament to the power of collective action and the transformative potential of
service. We, the students and the faculty of STI College Surigao, along with other
civic organizations, are proud to have contributed to these communities and will
continue to seek ways to make a difference, one volunteer project at a time.

Overall Reflection: A Journey of Service and

My participation in the NSTP community extension service offered a profound

learning experience that extends far beyond the confines of fulfilling a
requirement. Engaging in the "Bundle of Joy" giving in Barangay Gayas and the
clean-up drive in Barangay Taft wasn't simply about checking boxes; it was a
transformative journey of service, connection, and self-discovery.

From Planning to Impact:

The meticulous preparation preceding each project instilled a sense of

responsibility and ownership. The needs assessment in Barangay Gayas revealed
the faces and stories behind statistics, transforming them from abstract numbers
into real people with tangible needs. Packing the food bundles was a physical
manifestation of our collective effort, with each carefully placed item symbolizing
compassion and care. Seeing the joy on the faces of recipients in Gayas on that
December day wasn't just a reward; it was a powerful validation of our purpose.

Shifting Gears, Strengthening Values:

Moving from festive cheer to environmental awareness in Barangay Taft, the

clean-up drive presented a different form of impact. Bending down to pick up a
discarded plastic bottle wasn't just about cleaning a street; it was a silent pledge to
protect the environment and foster a sense of community responsibility.
Witnessing the collaborative spirit between students, teachers, and residents
solidified the idea that change is best achieved through collective action.

Beyond the Projects:

The impact of these projects transcended the immediate benefits. It was a journey
of self-discovery. We stepped outside our comfort zones, interacted with diverse
individuals, and faced challenges head-on. We learned the significance of
teamwork, empathy, and environmental awareness. We encountered stories of
resilience and gratitude, reminding us of the immense need for service and the
transformative power of even the smallest act of kindness.

Carrying the torch:

As we conclude this chapter, the lessons learned and the experiences shared leave
an indelible mark. We carry the torch of service, forever mindful of the
communities we touched and the values we strengthened. Moving forward, we are
not just students who fulfilled an NSTP requirement; we are agents of change,
empowered to seek out opportunities to make a difference in the world, one
project, one act of kindness at a time.

This reflection paper is just a starting point. Feel free to personalize it by adding
specific details about your personal experiences, emotions, and takeaways from
the community service projects. You can also expand on specific learnings that
resonated with you or challenges you faced and how you overcame them.
Remember, this is your opportunity to document your journey and make your
reflection truly your own.


The success of our community service initiatives in Barangays Gayas and Taft
would not have been possible without the dedication and support of several
individuals and organizations.

First and foremost, I express my deepest gratitude to the vibrant community of

STI Surigao College. The generous donations from both students and faculty were
the backbone of our "Bundle of Joy" project, bringing festive cheer and essential
supplies to 150 families in Barangay Gayas. Their tireless energy and unwavering
commitment during the packing and distribution process were truly humbling.
Witnessing their compassion and willingness to go the extra mile was a testament
to the spirit of service that defines our institution.

The clean-up drive in Barangay Taft also brought together an exceptional team of
volunteers. Students and faculty members joined hands with local residents and
civic organizations to reclaim the beauty of their streets. Their collaborative
efforts, fueled by environmental awareness and a shared sense of responsibility,
transformed the landscape and instilled a lasting sense of pride in the community.

A special note of appreciation goes to our invaluable civic organization partners,

who walked alongside us every step of the way. Their expertise, guidance, and
unwavering support were instrumental in the smooth execution of both projects.
We are grateful for their commitment to improving the lives of those in need and
for setting an exemplary precedent for collaborative action.

Finally, I acknowledge the countless unseen hands that contributed to the success
of these initiatives. From those who spread the word to those who offered a
helping hand on the ground, your silent contributions are deeply appreciated.

Together, through collective effort and unwavering dedication, we were able to

make a positive impact on the lives of others. Your generosity, passion, and
commitment will forever be etched in the memories of those we served.

Thank you.


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