Cadence of Dreams A Poet's Melody

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Cadence of Dreams: A Poet's Melody

In the quiet hush of dawn's embrace, a dream takes flight,

A pen in hand, a soul alight, I weave words into the light.

In the tapestry of verses, a calling I've found,

To pursue my passion, on life's poetic ground.

Through stanzas that dance with the rhythm of my heart,

I navigate the realms of words, a journey to impart.

Each syllable a step, in the path I tread with grace,

Ink-stained aspirations, a poet's destined place.

For in the cadence of my verses, a career unfurls,

A symphony of language, where inspiration whirls.

To sculpt a world from phrases, to shape the unseen,

In the realm of poetry, my purpose keen.

So, let the verses be my compass, the lines, my guide,

In the pursuit of my passion, where dreams coincide.

For in the ink-drenched pages, and the tales I sow,

A poet's career, in the rhythmic words, will grow.

By- Swra Mehta

8th B

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