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Sr Management EHS Walk Through

Name of the Project : Date of Visit:
Safety concern areas Yes No Method of Check Remarks
1. Visibility of Safety: Visual.
a. Are safety signage’s displayed throughout the site, are they both
cautionary & informative and displayed in English and Hindi
(local Language if applicable)?
b. Are Life Saving Rules displayed?
c. Is the site plan displayed including assembly points?
2. Induction facility: Visual - Inspection of Induction
a. Is it fit for purpose with adequate seating / heating facilities? facility.
b. Is a computer / TV/ Projector available? Check the implementation of
c. Is posters, updated EHS policy, emergency contact no displayed? the induction process: Talk with
d. Are all workers 100% inducted, have you had a visitors induction? the workmen.

3. Housekeeping and culture to maintain cleanliness: Visual – carry out an inspection

a. Are the pathways, accesses and common areas clear of of the site.
b. Are proper arrangements for collection of debris and other Interact with the supervisors
wastes provided? and workmen.
c. Are there any dedicated teams for maintaining housekeeping
carried out weekly or as directed?
4. Material & waste management: Visual – carry out an inspection
a. Is the scrap segregated and stored in dedicated areas? of the site.
b. Is there any quantification done for the generated waste?
c. Are all the materials stored and stacked safely?

5. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) condition & use: Visual – carry out an inspection
a. Are Helmets, Safety Shoes, reflective jackets being used? of the site.
b. Is task specific PPE been used i.e. safety goggles if required?
c. Is there a system of weekly or monthly maintenance of PPEs?

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C2 - Confidential

Sr Management EHS Walk Through

6. Fall protection: Close observation of height
a. Is a proper work permit obtained for working at height? work.
b. Scaffolding: Are inspection scaffolding tags prominently
displayed? Interaction with the workmen.
c. Are fall protection Safety nets and Personal Fall Arrest System
(full body harness + Lanyard) provided & being used?
d. Are there exclusion zones below the working areas?
7. Workers accommodation camp: Visual - Inspection of the worker
a. Is the camp maintained in a clean and hygienic condition with accommodation Camp?
amenities (drinking water, lavatory, canteenetc.)?
b. Is there sufficient ventilation in the rooms?
c. Is there a camp boss who looks after the workers camp?
8. Occupational Health Centre: Visual Inspection& records?
a. Is there a doctor and First Aider available in the OHC?
b. Is a Pre and periodic medical check-up carried out?
c. Is the Height Pass test conducted?
d. Is an ambulance and stretcher available or a local tie up?

9. Equipment condition & use: Visual Inspection& records

a. Are all equipment’s having an inspection green/ red tag?
b. Is the third party certificate & Safe working load of the lifting
equipment displayed?
c. Is all plant and machinery inspected and maintained?
d. Are all machine operators competent and licensed?
10. Environment pollution control: Visual Inspection& records
a. Is the Dust generation controlled by sprinkling water?
b. Are the noise levels within the permissible limits?
c. Is there any natural water body around the work area which may
get affected due to the activity?
11. Behaviour Based safety (BBS): Interacting with workers Names of the workmen-

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Sr Management EHS Walk Through

To implement the 6 step Safety Observation & Feedback process- engaged in at Risk behaviour. 1)
Identify the At Risk Behaviour; stop and comment about the safe
practices first & then the At Risk Behaviour; discuss about the hazard Safety observation Report. 2)
and its consequence; agreement by the Observer to follow the safety
rules; any other safety concerns; Thank you.
12. Regional and Project leadership/ Safety Culture: Interact with staff/ PH/ DPH/
a. Does the CHP, RHE carry out a monthly EHS walk?
b. Does the PH carry out a fortnightly EHS walk?
c. Has safety ownership percolated down to other levels of
supervision: Use of stop work card?
13. Any other observation / opportunity for improvement:

Members Name
Signature: Designation: Date:

Members Name
(2) Signature: Designation: Date:
(In case of join visit)

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