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Professional Track


- This includes trainings provided by CPD providers accredited by PRC.

✓ Resource Speaker

Trainer/Demonstration Teacher



You can earn much more if you are assigned by CPD Council to monitor the conduct of an approved CPD

2. Academic Track


✓ Completion of a Master's degree

✓ Completion of candidacy to the doctorate program

✓ Completion of doctorate program

✓ Completion of a post-doctoral diploma

✔ And being a recipient of a professional chair grant, and/or fellowship grant.

Note: Only Completion of the Master's degree is given full credit units of 45.

3. Self-directed Track


- This includes trainings offered by non-accredited CPD providers.

✔ Online Training

Local/international seminars/nondegree courses

✓ Institution/Company-sponsored training programs and the like which did not undergo CPD
accreditation but maybe applied for and awarded CPD units by the respective CPD Councils.

4. Productive Scholarship


- This means that the professional teacher has developed program/training module, curriculum guide or
any other resource material.

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