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Warm-Ups & Fillers

Questions (Random)
What is love?

Do you like school?

How has Google changed the world?

What’s your favourite junk food?

Are our oceans in danger?

Are you a saver or a spender?

Why do we pay taxes?

What makes you happy?

How’s the weather today?

What is your favourite sport to watch?

How many times a week do you exercise?

What’s your favourite movie?

Do you prefer to drive or take public transportation?

If you found a wallet with $100 and ID in it, would you keep the money?

What are some pros and cons of your country’s legal system?

What interesting scientific discoveries have been made in the last century?

What is your favourite custom in your culture?

What is one thing many people don’t know about you?

Are today’s homes too big?

Do you celebrate Valentine’s Day?

What does the classroom of the future look like?

Is social media making us less social?

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Conversation Questions (Random)
Warm-Ups & Fillers

What’s your favourite healthy food?

Should plastic bags be banned?

Should schools teach money management?

Do we need more female world leaders?

How do you feel today? What is the reason for that feeling?

What was the weather like yesterday?

Which sports are boring to watch?

What types of healthy food do you eat?

How often do you go to the movies?

Where was your last vacation? How did you get there?

Do you think it’s okay to tell a white lie if the truth would hurt someone?

In your opinion, does your country have any unjust laws? What are they?

Do you think there will ever be a cure for cancer?

What is a well-known custom in your culture?

What word would your best friend use to describe you?

Do you prefer to live in an apartment or a house?

What is your best personality trait?

Why do so many marriages end in divorce?

Is preschool a good idea for children under the age of 5?

What is the most important human invention?

What do you like to eat for lunch?

Should we try to bring the woolly mammoth back to life?

What are the pros and cons of second-hand stores?

You have to be at least 35 years old to become the US president. Is this fair?

When was the last time you felt really tired?

What’s the forecast for the weekend?

Are professional athletes’ salaries too high?

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Conversation Questions (Random)
Warm-Ups & Fillers

How often do you go to the doctor?

What kind of music do you like?

Are you afraid of flying?

If you saw your best friend cheating on a test, what would you do?

Is there ever a circumstance when it is okay for someone to break the law? If so, give an example.

Can you briefly explain what biology is?

What is a lesser-known custom in your culture?

What personality trait would you like to change about yourself?

Do you have a mentor?

Why do some people live on the streets?

What is the best way to show love to a child?

What is the most important thing a teacher can teach a student?

Is voice calling dying out?

What’s your favourite food for dinner?

What are the positive and negative aspects of zoos?

Do you prefer shopping online or in stores?

Is mandatory voting a good idea?

Describe a time when you felt sad.

Do you like rainy days? Why or why not?

Has someone ever let you down? What happened?

What is the ideal age to get married?

How are teachers like parents?

Why is text messaging such a popular form of communication?

What’s your favourite food?

Should plastic straws be banned?

Is price matching worth the time and effort?

Should elementary school students learn about politics?

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Conversation Questions (Random)
Warm-Ups & Fillers

Have you felt disappointed lately? Why?

What do you like to do on sunny days?

Should college athletes get paid?

When was the last time you were sick?

How often do you watch TV?

Have you ever taken a train? Where did you go?

Have you ever lied and said you were busy to avoid going somewhere?

What happens to people who break the law in your country?

Can you briefly explain what chemistry is?

What is an interesting custom from another culture that you like?

Are you a stubborn or a patient person?

What makes an ideal roommate?

Describe your perfect day.

How do you feel about online dating?

Do you think homeschooling is a good idea?

What will cars be like in 2050?

What is the most important meal of the day?

Do humans need to cut back on air travel?

Do you ever shop at or hold your own garage sales?

What happens when a country only has two main political parties?

When do you feel enthusiastic?

Do you prefer warm or cool weather?

What separates Olympic athletes from other athletes?

Have you ever spent the night in the hospital?

Do you use streaming services such as Netflix?

If you could take a cruise, where would you want to go?

If you came across a family member’s diary, would you read it?

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Conversation Questions (Random)
Warm-Ups & Fillers

Who should get to make the laws of a country?

Can you briefly explain what physics is?

What are some holiday customs that are unique to your culture?

What are you thankful for today?

Why do so many households have so many things in storage?

Which celebrity are you most like?

Why are dating apps so popular?

What is an ideal class size, and why?

What will air travel be like in 2050?

What do you like to eat for breakfast?

Is space exploration bad for the environment?

What is your favourite retail store for clothing, and why?

Why is it important for youth to vote?

How do you feel on Mondays?

What are some fun things to do when it snows?

Would you want to be a professional athlete?

What’s the secret to living a long life?

Do you like going to live concerts?

When did you learn how to ride a bike?

Have you ever copied another writer’s words for an assignment?

What are some laws that your country doesn’t have, but should?

In what ways has science made the world a better place?

Do you like learning about different cultures? Why or why not?

What is one thing you do every day that many others don’t do?

What are basements used for?

What’s your earliest memory?

How do you feel about arranged marriages?

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Conversation Questions (Random)
Warm-Ups & Fillers

Which do you prefer, learning online or in a classroom?

What jobs have robots already replaced?

What’s your favourite cuisine?

Are you concerned about the Great Barrier Reef?

Why do immigrants often send money home?

Should the voting age be younger than 18?

How do you feel on Fridays?

Have you ever been caught outside when it hailed?

Which sport is your home country known for, and why do you think this is?

Is it difficult to get an appointment with a family doctor in your area?

Which would you prefer to see, a ballet or a comedy show?

Do you have a driver’s licence?

Is there equal pay for men and women in your country?

What environmental laws should all countries have in place nowadays?

Who discovered electricity? How did he do it?

When people share their culture with others, do you think it makes the world a better place? In what way?

What’s your favourite childhood memory?

What’s one thing you wish you could change about your past?

Do you believe in hiring cleaners or do you think it’s important to care for your own home?

What is the secret to a long-lasting marriage?

Should post-secondary tuition be free?

What jobs will robots replace by 2050?

What’s your favourite fast-food restaurant?

What’s the easiest thing you can do to reduce your carbon footprint?

Can money buy happiness?

Why are people outside of the US interested in American politics?

How often do you get sick?

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Conversation Questions (Random)
Warm-Ups & Fillers

How do you feel when there’s a storm outside?

Should female athletes be allowed to play on any male team?

Which do you prefer, walk-in clinics or family doctor offices?

What’s your favourite band?

What types of public transportation are available in your hometown?

Should college athletes get paid?

What are the gun laws in your country, and how do they compare to the laws in other countries?

Who discovered gravity? How did he do it?

Who are the indigenous people in your country?

What’s your biggest pet peeve?

Which do you prefer, a clean home or a tidy home?

What has been your favourite age so far in life?

Do you wear a watch? Why or why not?

Are weddings worth the expense?

What’s your favourite school subject, and why?

Which do you prefer, paper books or e-books?

Do you usually dine alone or with friends or family?

How does climate change affect the wealthy vs. the poor?

Do you have any plans for retirement?

What are the benefits and drawbacks of electronic voting?

What’s the worst illness or injury you’ve experienced?

Have you ever driven during a blizzard?

Is it fair that professional male athletes get paid more than females in the same sport?

How can emergency rooms be improved?

What genre of music do you dislike?

Have you ever ridden on a subway?

Is gay marriage legal in your country?

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Conversation Questions (Random)
Warm-Ups & Fillers

How do you feel about jury duty?

Have you heard of Marie Curie? Can you name any other female scientists?

What holidays does your country celebrate?

How much time do you spend looking at your mobile device on a daily basis?

What are some examples of homes for animals?

Do you like your name?

Why do some people have difficulty saying “I love you”?

Do you think students should have two months off in the summer?

Would you like to have a personal robot?

Why is food waste a global problem?

Should the term “climate crisis” be used instead of “climate change”?

Should kids get an allowance for doing chores?

What causes you to feel stressed out?

What’s your favourite season? Why?

Are tickets to sporting events too expensive for the average person?

Who works harder, a doctor or a nurse?

Who is your favourite actor?

Have you ever ridden a horse?

How do you feel about assisted suicide?

What is the driving age in your country, and is this a fair age?

What interesting experiments have you conducted in science class?

Does your country have a harvest festival?

How will your life be different in five years?

Describe the best home you’ve lived in.

How has your life changed in the past five years?

Why do pet owners fall so deeply in love with their animals?

Should students be divided by age or ability?

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Conversation Questions (Random)
Warm-Ups & Fillers

Are you concerned about online privacy?

What food allergies do you or your friends or family have?

What do you know about the Paris Agreement?

How much is a fair weekly allowance for a child?

Who is the best world leader right now?

Do you get nervous talking to someone you don’t know?

Which do you prefer, summer or winter? Why?

Who is your favourite athlete?

What is universal health care?

Do you like playing video games?

What’s your favourite brand of car?

What age is too young to leave a child alone?

Should terminally ill people have the right to die?

Do you think we’re alone in the universe?

How many languages do people in your country typically speak or understand?

Do you have a dream that reoccurs regularly?

Describe the worst home you’ve lived in.

Do you get nightmares?

What does it feel like to fall out of love?

What are the benefits to digital learning?

Do you usually eat healthy food?

How can youth demonstrate their environmental concerns?

What do you never waste money on?

What are the benefits of having a government job?

Would you feel anxious during a job interview?

What do you like to do in the summer?

What types of sports are good for older people?

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Conversation Questions (Random)
Warm-Ups & Fillers

How would your describe your overall health?

Which apps do you use the most often?

Which do you prefer—cars, SUVs, or trucks?

Would you donate a kidney to a stranger?

How do laws get changed in your country?

What do you know about black holes?

Why is it useful to be bilingual or even multi-lingual?

What’s the biggest mistake you have ever made?

How do you feel about your hometown?

If you could be any animal, what would it be?

What does the phrase “love is blind” mean to you?

Would robots make good teachers?

Have you ever been on a diet? Which one?

What can you do to reduce plastic use in your home?

What do you often waste money on?

Does your home country’s government have too much power?

When was the last time you felt stressed?

What do you like to do in the winter?

Where is the best place to buy sporting equipment?

Do you wear sunscreen?

Do you like watching movies with subtitles?

What does the future of transportation look like?

Should blood donation be mandatory for all citizens who can donate?

What is one law you would like to change?

Why do we need trees?

Does your country have any traditional clothing that people wear on special occasions?

What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?

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Conversation Questions (Random)
Warm-Ups & Fillers

How do you feel about gardening?

What word do you say too much?

Should a country’s capital city be the most populated city?

What is one bad habit you want to kick?

Do you have trouble sleeping when you’re anxious?

If you could go back in time, what year would you make it?

Have you ever been on a blind date?

Do you ever look at the nutritional labels on food packaging?

What would others say you waste money on?

What does the word “democracy” mean to you?

What advice do you have for someone who is feeling stressed out?

What do you like best about spring?

What brand of running shoes do you prefer, and why?

What illnesses or diseases run in your family?

Have you ever been to a film festival?

Do you think people who are born today will learn how to drive cars?

Should every country have a military?

Do men and women have equality under the law in your country?

Have you ever experienced a natural disaster (e.g., tornado, hurricane, earthquake)?

What’s your favourite English word?

Describe what you would do on a week-long staycation.

What word from your native language is difficult to translate into English?

Why do most stories feature a love story?

Do you like to cook?

What does the word “communism” mean to you?

When was the last time you felt excited? What was the reason for your excitement?

What are some things you like about the fall?

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Conversation Questions (Random)
Warm-Ups & Fillers

Which Olympic events are you interested in?

Do you have any allergies?

What do you notice more during a play, the costumes or the set decorations?

What is the last book you read?

What is an ideal age to learn how to drive?

Should citizens have the right to own guns?

Do you think time travel will be possible in the future?

Does your country have any traditional dances or songs?

Have you had a near-death experience?

Should people share their relationship status online?

Are you interested in politics? Why or why not?

Have you felt lonely lately? What do you do when you feel lonely?

What law would you like to change?

How do people fall out of love?

Do you like to bake?

What is the political system like in your country? Describe it briefly.

What are you scared of?

What are some typical summer activities?

Which do you prefer watching, the Winter Olympics or the Summer Olympics? Why?

What’s more important to you, good eyesight or good mobility?

What fashion trend do you dislike?

What crayon colour best matches your personality?

Should married people stay together because of their vows? How about for their children?

What’s the best meal you’ve ever made?

What are some pros about the political system in your country?

Describe a time when you felt frightened.

What are some common winter activities?

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Conversation Questions (Random)
Warm-Ups & Fillers

Why do people become vegetarian?

What’s your favourite item of clothing?

Why do some people travel in helicopters?

Should flu shots be mandatory?

Are you registered to be an organ donor?

What national symbols does your country have?

What was your favourite outdoor game as a child?

How has the concept of love changed over the past few generations?

What kinds of snacks do you like to eat?

What are some cons about the political system in your country?

Do you often feel jealous? What situations make you jealous?

What’s the weather like in summer in your hometown?

Which do you prefer, swimming or jogging?

What does it mean to be selfless?

What’s your favourite board game or card game?

Why do some people choose to stay single?

How often do you eat snacks?

Is political corruption an issue in your country? In what ways does it affect citizens?

Talk about a time when you felt relieved.

What’s the weather like in winter in your hometown?

What do you know about diabetes?

Is there anything wrong with being patriotic?

How do you feel about gambling?

What’s the strangest food you’ve ever tried?

Do you side with a particular political party in your country? Why or why not?

What makes you angry?

Do you know anyone who suffers from ADHD?

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Conversation Questions (Random)
Warm-Ups & Fillers

What accessory can you not live without?

What is a white lie?

What has been the most important news story of the year so far?

Do you prefer to swim in pools or lakes?

Do you think everyone over a certain age should have the right to vote?

What makes you cry?

Do you like to host special events?

At what age do people have the right to vote in your country?

How comfortable are you with speaking in public?

What makes you laugh?

Which treats do you prefer, sweet or savory?

Have you ever been on a memorable road trip?

Do you think voting is important? Why or why not?

Are you a homebody?

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

What are you afraid of?

Do you prefer to wear shoes or go barefoot?

What do you do to relax when you’re anxious?

What is the drinking age in your country, and is this a fair age?

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